Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Governmental Behavior Bump

With Congress increasingly irrelevant, the Obama administration is gaining control of our lives in a frantic and terrifying pace; and you may not know hardly anything about it.

Probably the most widely known example of this would center around regulations on energy imposed through a series of executive order. For example, Cap and Trade was shut down by Congress but elements of the proposed legislation are being enacted through regulation by the EPA.

The regime is not actually taking property over per se, but controlling without ownership by imposing high regulation and taxation. Limits on permitting unless stringent environmental standards are met, with HVAC and lead based paint being two examples, nudge, or force your compliance.

If you are not familiar with Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs under President Obama, you better get yourself acquainted promptly. As Obama sets to transform America, it is Sunstein, author of the book Nudge, who is "nudging" you to make decisions the regime finds favorable.

While our media is complicit in the production of propaganda in support of Obama, an eleven year old girl from Scholastic America had to call Michelle Obama on the carpet. In response to the exchange, over on the wonderful GBTV, Glenn Beck cover in alarming detail the answer provided by our First Lady and the actions taking place now that are efforting, fairly successfully, to modify your behavior by nudging you into making choices the administration prefers.

Remember; they know better than you about how you should live your life. As such, your freedom is being taken from you right before your eyes. Before you know it, the removal of choices will knock you right on the head. You better get yourself together on this or pretty soon, or you will be asking, as John Lennon put it, What in the world were you thinking of?

Before we wonder how we lost our freedoms, lets get ourselves together now and stop this unlawful encroachment. Time is running out.

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