Monday, March 12, 2012

A Lack of Civility

The pressure is building and the intensity is increasing in the war room these days.

No, I am not referring to the draft headquarters of the members of the National Football League in preparation for next months draft. Rather, the imploding presidency of Barack Obama.

By almost any measure, for most Americans, the first term of Obama has been abysmal. Just part of the miserable tale would be escorting the violation of contract law, the significant increasing of the national debt, smothering regulatory actions, divisive rhetoric, crony capitalism, seedy associations, wealth transformation; all accompanied by a staggering level of arrogance.

Obama is however leading by example in the fight to keep political rhetoric on a civil level.

In the aftermath of the most unfortunate shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, President Obama spoke at a service for those killed and injured. Obama spoke of curbing the rhetoric on the political front, hoping to establish a more civil political arena.

It was his friends on the left who were at the forefront of the vitriol. Within hours of the shooting, Sarah Palin was being blamed. Palin had issued a Facebook post targeting districts ripe for the taking by the GOP putting them in the cross hairs. For the left, this was inexcusable. Forget that Democrat operative Bob Beckel "invented" the targeting of districts decades back.

The Tea Party are labeled terrorists, not by some dimwit blogging in his underpants in his grandmothers basement, but by VP Joe Biden, who threw this out. Hard to recall a Vice President calling our citizens terrorists. Instances of this type of non sensible and divisive rhetoric on the left are endless. Recently, Rep. Maxine Waters (D:CA) said she wanted Tea Party members to "go straight to hell'. Lovely.

After attacking the Catholic Church and promoting a false argument about the GOP attacking women and decreasing their ability to obtain contraceptive tools, it seems the poll numbers for Obama have taken a significant hit. After all, contraception for women is readily available with very reasonable costs associated with obtaining it, and contrary to the Progressive narrative, nobody, and I mean nobody, is seeking to make any changes in this regard.

The first move of this campaign ploy was when George Stephanopoulos asked, out of left field, a question about contraception in an earlier GOP debate. The left is calculating, you have to give them that. In fact, these moves were well coordinated, with the help of former Obama communications director and self described Chairman Mao admirer Anita Dunn.

Given the poll numbers, the move has failed miserably. Good.

Prior to launching this failed strike, perhaps in anticipation of a presidential run by Sarah Palin, the movie Game Change was being produced. The movie script has ventured far from the book, in an effort discredit Palin and re-present yet another false narrative that she is an idiot. Furthermore, these efforts were in fact coordinated, in part with former Obama communications director and self described Chairman Mao fan Anita Dunn.

Civil discourse be damned when up against plummeting poll numbers. Obama, under his campaign arm, has issued a new attack to coincide with the release of Game Change with the following attack ad against Sarah Palin, who most unfortunately, is not running for office.

For the record, every comment made by Palin in the video is accurate. In fact, she is going easy on Obama. Sadly, many Americans are not ready to digest the degree of the truth.

Entertainer Bill Maher, a top left wing cheerleader, has unleashed countless attacks on Conservative women, most specifically Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. I am still puzzled as to why he is popular, but at any rate, any sensible individual would find his comments disgusting and not fit for discourse by responsible adults. Perhaps, like me, you may wonder what folks in the audience find laughable.

Maher has recently donated 1 million dollars to Obama's PAC. Therefore, Obama must not have issue with Maher and his cruel and
juvenile rhetoric. Get a load of Maher below.

In response to Obama's attack ad, Palin has asked that we discuss the issues of the day, the ones that are really concerning to our citizens. Record high unemployment would come to mind.

As the political process continues, I hope that any readers on the fence would step back from the issues from time to time and take notice of which group operates with an acceptable level of discourse and which demonstrates a lack of civility.

Conservatives can win on the playing field of ideas, and resorting to gimmicks and disrespecting those searching for answers is not part of the game plan. It is the left that could use a game change.

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