Thursday, March 29, 2012

Greased in Greece

Massive government entitlements have placed the nation of Greece in a very precarious position. Options for a country this far in the weeds are few, and there is no chance to avoid the comeuppance, as painful austerity measures are necessary to save the country from total collapse, and the citizens don't quite like it.

Nigel Farage was in Greece last week and offered a thorough examination of the status of the Greek economy. It would serve you well to listen to Farage, because if Uncle Sam does not change course immediately, our economic, and social, forecasts could be quite similar. Take a listen:

Greece joined the European Union, as Farage said, in the spirit of trade, friendship and cooperation, but the fine print, as you may suspect, puts the future and sovereignty of Greece, in desperate need of capital, in serious jeopardy.

In order to preserve the EU, a bailout has been extended to Greece, but at a horrendous cost. EU technocrats will determine what Greece spends, and the rules of the game for the Greek economy. With that is lost the entrepreneurial spirit, the opportunity to take on risk and the potential gains in prosperity for the citizenry.

The entitlements are overwhelming the system, and austerity measures implemented against those receiving the benefits have resulted in civil unrest. With growth opportunities smothered and a dependency on the state indoctrinated, the identity of the citizens is stolen and their spirit is broken. All in the name of wealth transformation.

Whether it be under the premise of increasing trade or the curing of non existent global warming, the objective behind the curtain is the transformation of wealth and central planning by technocrats.

In fact, did you hear Vice President Biden call for a global minimum tax yesterday?

Just who will implement and enforce that tax? Who will the revenues benefit? As money is fungible, certainly the revenues will be diverted to other well intentioned (?) projects. Just who in the hell do these people think they are, as Farage said in one of his many tirades.

These people are intellectual faculty lounge elites who seek to hold power over the decisions that are able to be made by the citizens through central planning mechanisms. At the end of the day this is the transformation of wealth, limiting the power of those who have it, to the government to allocate to those they think warrant it. A society where techocrats pick winners and losers rather than free markets dictating successes and failures.

This would be where your freedom, as an individual and as contributing member of society, is greatly diminished. For a picture of what that looks like, complete with civil unrest, see Greece.

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