Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hidden Costs

The Supreme Court is hearing the case of Obamacare this week, and everyone is trying to read the tea leaves. For me, and I am not a lawyer, there is no doubt the law is unconstitutional and I cannot imagine how the SCOTUS could see it any other way.

Beyond that, you recall that Nancy Pelosi and the gang, without reading the bill, were set to resort to deeming it passed if they could not pole vault over the fence against the will of the American people to get it done. The arrogance was beyond appalling.

Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, we were lied to about the costs. One may argue the costs were not known with any sort of accuracy, a problem in itself, but cost estimates were put forth as factual when everyone knew all along they were misrepresented and understated. One representative sounding the alarm was House Budget Chairman, Paul Ryan, (R:WI).

Ryan is the smartest guy in the room on these budgetary items, and he joined Larry Kudlow to inform the electorate once again about the extremely serious financial situation Uncle Sam find himself in, and how Obamacare will not help, but will ratchet debt up exponentially culminating in a crash of the system. Ryan describes it as the most forecast able crisis in history, and we are morally bound to take measurable steps to prohibit it from occurring. Kudlow issues his spot on take, and then Ryan weighs in. Take a listen:

No sane individual operates a budgetary balance sheet in this irresponsible manner, unless you are otherwise motivated to bring about significant economic harm to the prosperity of the United States.

The government running health care is socialized medicine, which gives government the key to the doorway of abandoning freedom for its citizenry. Ronald Reagan warned us about this 50 years ago.

One can only hope the Supreme Court puts our arrogant government of central planners in their place and keeps the power in hands of the people, as our Founding Fathers wanted.

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