Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cabalistic Commander in Chief

During the 2008 presidential election, the media failed to adequately vet Sen. Barack Obama, and thus, with many seeking a change from the Bush administration, place a bet on an inexperienced well spoken black man with soaring rhetoric full of promise.

For those of us who did the homework, we found it easy to recognize that this was not your parents customary Democrat. This was a narcissistic ideologue who did not see America as exceptional, but rather as an oppressor.

Dinesh D'Souza describes Obama, accurately in my view, as an anti-Colonialist in his book title The Roots of Obama's Rage. D'Souza points out Obama aims to use his fathers dreams as a blueprint for action, and these dreams call for America to be brought down for supposedly oppressing others along the way.

D'Souza recently spoke at CPAC, and offered a glimpse of a new movie coming this summer, which will forecast what America might look like in 2016 if Obama should win another term. Take a listen:

By almost any statistical measure, the Obama presidency has been abysmal. However, if you understand the mindset of Obama and how he sees our country and her place in the world, he would get high grades for the work he has done in transforming America.

Unfortunately, most Americans do regard America as exceptional and have been appalled at the actions of Obama. It is imperative he not get a second term, where unchecked and not accountable, irreversible damage would likely occur in the form of freedom lost and an economy overwhelmed by entitlements and governed from the top down in oppressive fashion.

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