Monday, March 5, 2012

The Will of the People

Back when I was in college, before cable networks had a 24 hours news cycle, ABC's World News Tonight was my preferred source on national news matters. Man, have times changed.

Washington Post opinion writer and ABC's George Will has some advice for Republicans as the 2012 presidential election draws near. With the likely nominee for the GOP being Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum, Will thinks both would lose to Obama, so he thinks the GOP should go with Plan B.

"If so, there would come a point when, taking stock of reality, conservatives turn their energies to a goal much more attainable than, and not much less important than, electing Romney or Santorum president. It is the goal of retaining control of the House and winning control of the Senate."

"Several possible Supreme Court nominations and the staffing of the regulatory state are among the important reasons conservatives should try to elect whomever the GOP nominates. But conservatives this year should have as their primary goal making sure Republicans wield all the gavels in Congress in 2013."

Will is among the most respected mainstream media pundits who lean right. That respect is held by many Americans who have not come around to recognizing who slanted the big three news organizations are. In the absence of this knowledge, these folks continue to respect the major network evening news programs, and this includes editorial commentator George Will.

Will is far off the mark on this line of thinking, and Americans had better come to know it and recognize the narrative being presented.

Barack Obama cannot be re-elected. Better stated, our country as we have known it all our lives will cease to exist should Obama win re-election.

The goals Will sets forth are only a part of what needs to occur to prevent our our freedoms from becoming significantly constricted. The goal is much larger than Will visualizes, and it must be, for a myriad of reasons. Sadly, Will obviously has no clue of the many reasons why, with sovereignty at the top of the lengthy list.

The most important action that must take place is to control the next Supreme Court Justice nominees. Presently, we are one Supreme Court justice from game over. This cannot be understated. If Obama were to place perhaps the next two justices, the balance of the court would tilt to a radical left court which would serve the interests of unions, anti-capitalist, entitlement friendly anti government loyalists. Freedom would then be lost to darkness.

While gaining control of the Senate, and keeping control of the House, is critical, that would only minimally prohibit Obama from harmful action. An Obama victory against a GOP Congress will damage his ability to win legislation, but he will just continue to operate outside the Congress through executive order, as he has been doing for some time. In an ongoing example, the inability to get cap and trade going legislatively only resulted in increasing burdensome regulatory actions being handed out by the EPA.

Sadly, there are Progressives in both parties. Many in the GOP unfortunately do not grasp the grave economic position Uncle Sam is in, and think it is just a normal political year where they may gain control the purse strings for their pet projects. Instead, all the purse strings need to be violently yanked back.

For Will to provide the false narrative in the mainstream media that it would be acceptable for Obama to win the presidency if the GOP could control the Congress is slap in the face to Americans out of work, a brake applied to economic growth, energy independence, and entrepreneurship across the fruited plain.

If members of the mainstream media presented the truth to the American people about how dreadful the Obama tenure has been, a ham sandwich could defeat him. Most folks are working their fingers to the bone to keep afloat, and spend time with their families when they get home. They do not have time to search alternative media outlets seeking the truth the mainstream media does not provide them. Therefore, these false narratives create far more harm than imagined.

If they knew, they would shout from the roof tops in support of whoever Obama's opponent is, Foghorn Leghorn included. No one could care about which companies or academic institutions offer birth control when the very existence of the country hangs in the balance.

Will should well know that. I suspect he does, and given that, he is no longer to be considered an honest broker. Patrick J. Buchanan thinks Will should have his pundit's license suspended. I quite agree.

Will will be at play in November. The will of the American people, that is.

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