The Democrats frequently inform us that evil corporations are not people, just faceless entities who deserve to be looted since they exploited the citizenry for profits.
Recently, I wrote checks out of my corporations accounts to pay federal and state unemployment tax, along with the regular and increasing taxes due either quarterly or annually. Last time I looked, I am a person.
Meanwhile, President Obama is proposing budgets that increase the debt exponentially, and if implemented, could very well collapse our country, Cloward and Piven style. As utterly insulting as Obama's budget is, at least he produced one, unlike the Senate, who under Harry Reid, D:NV, have failed in their legal and fiduciary responsibility to submit one.
Question for you. If you have an annual debt the size of your total assets, would you not think it prudent to put together a budget in an effort to identify and rein in cost cutting opportunities? Yeah, me too.
In the mail this past week came notice that, because the state of Florida had to borrow from the federal government to pay unemployment benefits, an additional unemployment tax must be paid by each of my corporations to cover the cost of the interest. Lovely, incompetence in fiscal management by the government requires additional tax payments by corporations, hence, individuals. Idiots at large.
Senator Jim DeMint, R:SC, sat down with Larry Kudlow to discuss his Wall Street Journal editorial piece and how the financial malfeasance of Obama and his Progressive Senatorial cohorts threatens the sovereignty of our nation. Take a listen:
Beyond the absurd fantasy of the President's budget, the administration is now floating the idea of a global minimum tax. Can you imagine? We are nothing but broke and now we want to tax our citizenry to expand the transfer of wealth masquerading as funding global initiatives. This is insanity, unless you are tyring to bring America down to the level of third world nations. It was President Obama who said America was no more special than any other nation. So in the name of fairness, Obama will implement plans to have America share her wealth.
It was Margaret Thatcher that said socialism is fine until you run out of other peoples money, and at that time, bad things happen. See Greece. As Ronald Reagan said, the more the planners plan, the more the planners fail. While elitest government officials think they can better plan your life than you can, it was our founding fathers who based our economy on free market principles who were correct, as free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity.
Freidrich Hayek' outstanding chronicle The Road To Serfdom thoroughly explains the path our government is leading us on, a path that leads to the destruction of society. Glenn Beck covers this masterpiece thoroughly HERE, HERE, and HERE, but this video is short and stout. Take a look:
Several components are in play now. The media is a giant propaganda machine, and a future dictator finds it most helpful. Early steps of the dictator is to inflame the majority in common cause against some scapegoat minority, the investors and bankers. The least educated, led by firery oratory, form a party or occupy in protest. The formation of a civil army is being formed, with many a propaganda arm.
America must stop the insanity, recognize the lies (unemployment rate as an example) and change course quickly, before it is too late. We have run out of everyone else's money.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Out With The Bathwater
Last year, FOX Business Network ended their 5 PM show "Happy Hour", for a new show with Gerri Willis, who came over from CNN. The new show is not bad, but I find it much inferior to Happy Hour. Then again, who could compete with Glenn Beck over at FOX?
Now comes word that the entire primetime lineup at FOX Business will get the axe. Not a good move in my estimation.
Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano was a very good show. Now, it should be noted this show was in competition with The O'Reilly Factor over on FOX, the top rated cable news show by far. Freedom Watch did need some tweaking, and I was getting very tired of the Judge promoting Ron Paul for President. Overall, however, Napolitano asked intriguing questions of top guests from the political and financial world. This show will be missed, at least by me.
David Asman is very professional and at the top of his game. His current show Power and Money, which evolved from America's Nightly Scoreboard, was very good and often dove into off the mainstream topics, with Agenda 21 being an example. Hannity, over on the flagship FOX, is king of 9PM, but this show worked well and I will miss it as well.
Eric Bolling is outstanding, and his show Follow The Money, had a real chance to overtake On The Record with Greta Van Susteren over on the Flagship. FTM had the big screen here at my humble abode, but the show could have used some tweaking as well. The decisions by the FOX brass to include wacko socialists as nightly panelists on FTM, like the newly hired Sally Kohn and Jehmu Green, hurt. Nobody with a brain has any care about the opinions of these Obama apologists. Anyhow, Bolling is a star and this news is most disappointing. At least Bolling falls back to focusing on The Five over on FOX, a real hit.
Melissa Francis, who jumped off the sinking ship at CNBC to come over to FBN, is slated for a 5PM show, while Gerry Willis will move to 8PM. While Francis is talented, I hope the executives at FBM are not counting on a ratings increase, because it will not be forthcoming with these moves.

Lori Rothman and Charles Payne
If FBN, is going a different direction, they should immediately launch a financial show hosted by grossly under utilized Charles Payne, and a crossover show with the lovely Kimberly Guilfoyle. Business babes Tracy Byrnes and Lori Rothman are also under utilized, but what do I know?
I know I will miss each of these programs and do not have any excitement about the changes.
Now comes word that the entire primetime lineup at FOX Business will get the axe. Not a good move in my estimation.
Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano was a very good show. Now, it should be noted this show was in competition with The O'Reilly Factor over on FOX, the top rated cable news show by far. Freedom Watch did need some tweaking, and I was getting very tired of the Judge promoting Ron Paul for President. Overall, however, Napolitano asked intriguing questions of top guests from the political and financial world. This show will be missed, at least by me.
David Asman is very professional and at the top of his game. His current show Power and Money, which evolved from America's Nightly Scoreboard, was very good and often dove into off the mainstream topics, with Agenda 21 being an example. Hannity, over on the flagship FOX, is king of 9PM, but this show worked well and I will miss it as well.

Melissa Francis, who jumped off the sinking ship at CNBC to come over to FBN, is slated for a 5PM show, while Gerry Willis will move to 8PM. While Francis is talented, I hope the executives at FBM are not counting on a ratings increase, because it will not be forthcoming with these moves.

Lori Rothman and Charles Payne
If FBN, is going a different direction, they should immediately launch a financial show hosted by grossly under utilized Charles Payne, and a crossover show with the lovely Kimberly Guilfoyle. Business babes Tracy Byrnes and Lori Rothman are also under utilized, but what do I know?
I know I will miss each of these programs and do not have any excitement about the changes.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Good and Evil on Display at Grammys
For the first time in about 30 years, apparently like everyone else, I tuned in for the 54th Grammy Awards from the Staples Center in Los Angeles. I am sure many Americans enjoyed every minute of it.
No doubt I am getting old, but for me, while I found much of it entertaining and inspiring, I thought many of the entertainers were awful and can't imagine why they are popular.
Certainly, the evening got off to a depressing start as the recent death of Whitney Houston, a terribly sad commentary on drug use, was felt by everyone. At one time, she had the most beautiful voice and the future was hers. Unfortunately, she made some horrible choices along the way.
On the down side, I have no idea what the Foo Fighters were up to. While they had all the goings on surrounding a performance, I thought they were awful. I cannot imagine why Chris Brown is popular, for I saw nothing impressive about him. Katy Perry, nice looking but an average artist, joined many others who for some reason need 45+ dancers behind them, which only showcases their lack of talent. At least Bruno Mars, who I had never heard of previously, had a resemblance of a routine.
A gentleman I have never heard of, with great honor, introduced another female performer I have never heard of, Nicki Minaj, who preceded to mock the Catholic Church by performing an exorcism during her song Roman Holiday. I found her, and the performance, offensive.
British singer Adele, pictured with Paul McCartney, walked away with a bulk of Grammys, and rightfully so. She has quite the voice, is a breath of fresh air, and her performance of her well written song "Rolling In The Deep" was spectacular. Many young aspiring singers are big fans.
I did think LL Cool J did a fine job as the emcee, and he was respectful to all the performers. Jennifer Hudson was stellar in her tribute to Whitney Houston. Bruce Springsteen is a top notch performer, and delivered on the open. Taylor Swift is wonderful, and it was great to see Sir Paul McCartney team up with Uncle Joe Walsh for a new ballad.
But I was watching to see Glen Campbell get the lifetime achievement award. The Band Perry joined with Blake Shelton for a montage of Campbell songs before The Rhinestone Cowboy himself, came out after walking these streets so long to perform his classic hit song.
Campbell, who recently announced he has Alzheimer's, is now touring with a few of his children. Most enjoyed his performance, with Paul McCartney and Uncle Joe Walsh dancing.
While there were some horrendous performers, it was worth my time to take a snapshot of America culture and see Glen Campbell most appropriately recognized. To top the evening off, Paul McCartney closed the evening performing Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight and The End. It would be a hard days night to top that!
No doubt I am getting old, but for me, while I found much of it entertaining and inspiring, I thought many of the entertainers were awful and can't imagine why they are popular.
Certainly, the evening got off to a depressing start as the recent death of Whitney Houston, a terribly sad commentary on drug use, was felt by everyone. At one time, she had the most beautiful voice and the future was hers. Unfortunately, she made some horrible choices along the way.
On the down side, I have no idea what the Foo Fighters were up to. While they had all the goings on surrounding a performance, I thought they were awful. I cannot imagine why Chris Brown is popular, for I saw nothing impressive about him. Katy Perry, nice looking but an average artist, joined many others who for some reason need 45+ dancers behind them, which only showcases their lack of talent. At least Bruno Mars, who I had never heard of previously, had a resemblance of a routine.
A gentleman I have never heard of, with great honor, introduced another female performer I have never heard of, Nicki Minaj, who preceded to mock the Catholic Church by performing an exorcism during her song Roman Holiday. I found her, and the performance, offensive.

I did think LL Cool J did a fine job as the emcee, and he was respectful to all the performers. Jennifer Hudson was stellar in her tribute to Whitney Houston. Bruce Springsteen is a top notch performer, and delivered on the open. Taylor Swift is wonderful, and it was great to see Sir Paul McCartney team up with Uncle Joe Walsh for a new ballad.

Campbell, who recently announced he has Alzheimer's, is now touring with a few of his children. Most enjoyed his performance, with Paul McCartney and Uncle Joe Walsh dancing.
While there were some horrendous performers, it was worth my time to take a snapshot of America culture and see Glen Campbell most appropriately recognized. To top the evening off, Paul McCartney closed the evening performing Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight and The End. It would be a hard days night to top that!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Sunday Night Song
It is one of the greatest tunes of all time, one that has been parked in my personal all time top 25 for decades. I own the album, and give it an American thumbs up! It is American Pie, by Don McLean.
Like many, I thought the this song was about the death of Buddy Holly; the day the music died. While that may be part of it, Glenn Beck had a most interesting discussion about what the lyrics really talk about. I found the conversation stirring. Take a listen:
America is eight miles high and falling fast, and until hearing from Don McLean on the subject, I conclude the assessment made by Beck is on the mark as there are way to many associations made for it to be accidental. It makes the song all the more brilliant.
Tonight, for Sunday Night Song, it is Don McLean and American Pie
Are events along this line happening all over again? Over at Noisy Room, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton correctly makes the case they are, and you need to know it.
Like many, I thought the this song was about the death of Buddy Holly; the day the music died. While that may be part of it, Glenn Beck had a most interesting discussion about what the lyrics really talk about. I found the conversation stirring. Take a listen:
America is eight miles high and falling fast, and until hearing from Don McLean on the subject, I conclude the assessment made by Beck is on the mark as there are way to many associations made for it to be accidental. It makes the song all the more brilliant.
Tonight, for Sunday Night Song, it is Don McLean and American Pie
Are events along this line happening all over again? Over at Noisy Room, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton correctly makes the case they are, and you need to know it.
Five Forgotten

Even so, this week I was following five stories, or in the case of Rick Santorum's sweep, variations of, that The Five did not cover. As good as this show is, and as good as FOX is, many very important stories do not get proper coverage, if they get covered at all.
Below are five that I focused on this week, and I wonder is any of the readers knew about these stories. They are important, so have a look
I was over at Zero Hedge and found an alarming story on high frequency trading. On the day Uncle Sam was downgraded back in August, a staggering increase in high frequency trading ensued and has continued since. Check out the story and the chart over on Zero Hedge HERE.
It seems to be that algorithmic trading between computers is taking place at a highly increased level, and while there is a place for such trading, this type of activity is dangerous. You got any ideas about what is happening?
Rick Santorum had a big night this week, winning Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado. They picked Rick! Although the pundits discussed the momentum perhaps gained by Santorum, and the problems perhaps exposed by his opponents, I focused on his outstanding victory speech.
Santorum spoke truths about the Obama administration, that they seek to rule over the people rather than listen to them, that they wish to rule over them and run their lives with a lengthy list of central planning programs because they think they know better than you.
Obama really does look down on the people, with soaring rhetoric about helping the people while actively reducing the freedom of the people. Santorum has the right message, and it would do America well to hear him!
On GBTV, Glenn Beck presented an incredibly alarming program on the activities taking place on the border. Although there are a handful of Americans who have some level of understanding about the high level of national security issues taking place along the border, most have no clue how serious this problem is. Unfortunately, the problem is worse than ever, and our government, on both sides, is for the most part sitting it out. Why, I do not know.
Although I could not get elected dog catcher in my community, if I were President, with a thorough understanding of the severity of the problem, I would have the US Military seize the day immediately, using any force necessary.
Hearing the facts presented is a depressing indictment of the failures of our government, but unfortunately, something you must become knowledgeable about. The video is not for the faint of heart, so viewer discretion is advised. However; knowledge is power, so have a look on Glenn Beck HERE and HERE.
Stupid is as stupid does. President Obama has yet another plan to punish banks and reward bad behavior in an effort to boost the housing market. Jimmy Petholoukis leaked that Obama was ready to release the plan, hitting banks with punitive punishment and forcing them to refinance some home owners. Should the banks fail to comply, a newly appointed Czar will seek them out for punishment. Of course, costs force upon the banks will be passed on to the consumers. This will raise the cost of capital, reduce the amount of mortgage activity and prolong the crisis.
Obvious to just about everyone not involved with wealth redistribution, this program will only hamper any recovery in the housing market. As we have repeatedly said, for the housing market to improve, a growing job market must be in place allowing free market principles, free from government interaction, to form an efficient market where buyers compete with sellers in arms length transactions. Under such a market, price will be established a normal market can resume.
Obama will not allow this to take place, as his principles center around wealth redistribution directed by a government who picks winners and losers. This creates an inefficient market, is not free market capitalism, and will restrict the pace of any recovery.
On Wednesday, the S&P cut the CME Group Inc.'s credit rating in the aftermath of the debacle involving the collapse of MF Global. The has been under fire since MF files for bankruptcy. Under normal market conditions, this news would some kind of spook the markets.
Be advised there is much more here than meets the eye, and the fallout could be mind boggling. Customer funds were stolen, and with this type of activity taking place, the integrity of the market is zero. Ann Barnhardt, of Barnhardt Capital Management, has been leading the way in covering the real story going on here from a birds eye view.
Palin Pounds Pompous President
This week, Sarah Palin spoke at CPAC 2012, and she let President Obama have it. For 37 minutes of truth, take a listen:
Palin appropriately points out that Uncle Sam is in grave danger, and time is running out to change course. For reasons that remain unclear to me, Palin decided to sit out seeking the GOP nomination in 2012. She would be filing the conservative void many in the GOP are searching for.
She will be fighting with the rest of us. As Ronald Reagan said, If not now, when? If not you, who? Time to get of the couch America!
Palin appropriately points out that Uncle Sam is in grave danger, and time is running out to change course. For reasons that remain unclear to me, Palin decided to sit out seeking the GOP nomination in 2012. She would be filing the conservative void many in the GOP are searching for.
She will be fighting with the rest of us. As Ronald Reagan said, If not now, when? If not you, who? Time to get of the couch America!
Barack Obama,
Free Market Capitalism,
Ronald Reagan,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Structure of Collapse
If you are among those believing an orchestrated series of actions are being taken to crash our economic system, and hence, our system of government, then it would be logical to conclude those parties are in process or have completed the formation of a alternate system of government and structure to manage the stabilization of society.
Under such a dire scenario in a time of confusion and pain, many would be eager to turn to such an alternative versus the fear associated with what would appear to be lawlessness, having no idea that freedom as they once knew it would be relinquished. How many would take 50 cents on the dollar from Mr. Potter under fear?
For the Progressives, who are among those who think rights are given to the people from government and not our Creator, a crash offers a generational opportunity to seize power. From you, the people. Remember Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel giddy over never letting a crisis go to waste?
Efforts in this regard have been underway for quite sometime, long before Barack Obama held political office, and unfortunately, both parties have been at play, as both house Progressives.
Among the first from my knowledge to provide evidence regarding the players in the construct were the authors of The Shadow Party, David Horowitz and Richard Poe. The book highlights the activities of George Soros, a central architect of the movement who saw a co-founder of the Center for American Progress, Hillary Clinton, as potentially leading the effort from the top political office in American, the Presidency.
Who could have envisioned she would be defeated by an inexperienced smooth talking big stage neophyte. Previously, we discussed how with an angry electorate, the Progressive arm of the Democratic Party could part company with Obama for Hillary, hoping Americans could be fooled again. Don't think for a moment Hillary is finished as an integral player, for the VP spot may be opening up, which would be of great benefit to Soros and the Progressives, of which she is one.
Soros is notorious for collapsing the economies of several countries through his currency plays, and is often referred to as the Man who broke the Bank of England. With Europe on the doorstep of a collapse, and America with spaghetti legs, massive global collapse could be imminent. For a frank discussion on how Soros may be orchestrating such a collapse, through groups such as his Open Society Foundations, Glenn Beck (who else?) spoke with Richard Poe on two occasions over the last few weeks to help us navigate the playing field. Please take a listen to these reports from Beck via his GBTV:
The structure is being formulated through the Obama administration, with Cass Sunstein overseeing a full compliment of Czars who are operating outside of Congressional scrutiny, save Darrell Issa, and who operate through established agencies such as the EPA and HHS implementing all kinds of nonsensical policy and regulations. President Obama recently thwarting the Keytsone Pipeline would be an example, as one has to wonder why a plan which would help energy independence and create thousands of sorely needed jobs would given the green light.
One can look no further than the ideologies of Cloward and Piven, who seek to crash the system through overwhelming it with entitlements the state cannot handle, which ultimately will lead to chaos with civil unrest. It has been happening in Europe, and is heading our way. Have you wondered why our government seems to continuously intercept avenues of capitalistic advance?
The Occupy Wall Street folks, useful idiots indeed and totally oblivious to who is using them, made a trial late last year. They will be back in spades about the time the political conventions take place, make no mistake. It will not be spontaneous, but rather an orchestrated event, in large measure, sponsored by Soros. There will be an effort to re-create '68.
Europe is a time bomb ticking away. The cancer in their system is overwhelming entitlements, and it is metastasizing here in America. Global Warming, and the global social justice movements associated with it, is the vehicle about to crash our system economically.
Typically, before Soros makes big moves through his hedge fund preceding a collapse, he makes public statements forecasting events associated with such an event, and recently he has been quite forthcoming, as reported by The Blaze. Soros has been discussing civil unrest, which we have seen through the Occupy everything but a job groups, who unlike the Tea Party, are violent, without coherent grievances and supported by President Obama.
Although we are a compassionate society, we are individually free, and are not a communist country where government officials and appointed technocrats dictate our affairs through controlling societal mechanisms. Many, including our President, are seeking to transform our representative republic into such a place.
As it unfolds, we must adhere to our founding principles. After all, we are the country of George Washington, not George Soros.
Under such a dire scenario in a time of confusion and pain, many would be eager to turn to such an alternative versus the fear associated with what would appear to be lawlessness, having no idea that freedom as they once knew it would be relinquished. How many would take 50 cents on the dollar from Mr. Potter under fear?
For the Progressives, who are among those who think rights are given to the people from government and not our Creator, a crash offers a generational opportunity to seize power. From you, the people. Remember Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel giddy over never letting a crisis go to waste?
Efforts in this regard have been underway for quite sometime, long before Barack Obama held political office, and unfortunately, both parties have been at play, as both house Progressives.

Who could have envisioned she would be defeated by an inexperienced smooth talking big stage neophyte. Previously, we discussed how with an angry electorate, the Progressive arm of the Democratic Party could part company with Obama for Hillary, hoping Americans could be fooled again. Don't think for a moment Hillary is finished as an integral player, for the VP spot may be opening up, which would be of great benefit to Soros and the Progressives, of which she is one.
Soros is notorious for collapsing the economies of several countries through his currency plays, and is often referred to as the Man who broke the Bank of England. With Europe on the doorstep of a collapse, and America with spaghetti legs, massive global collapse could be imminent. For a frank discussion on how Soros may be orchestrating such a collapse, through groups such as his Open Society Foundations, Glenn Beck (who else?) spoke with Richard Poe on two occasions over the last few weeks to help us navigate the playing field. Please take a listen to these reports from Beck via his GBTV:
The structure is being formulated through the Obama administration, with Cass Sunstein overseeing a full compliment of Czars who are operating outside of Congressional scrutiny, save Darrell Issa, and who operate through established agencies such as the EPA and HHS implementing all kinds of nonsensical policy and regulations. President Obama recently thwarting the Keytsone Pipeline would be an example, as one has to wonder why a plan which would help energy independence and create thousands of sorely needed jobs would given the green light.
One can look no further than the ideologies of Cloward and Piven, who seek to crash the system through overwhelming it with entitlements the state cannot handle, which ultimately will lead to chaos with civil unrest. It has been happening in Europe, and is heading our way. Have you wondered why our government seems to continuously intercept avenues of capitalistic advance?
The Occupy Wall Street folks, useful idiots indeed and totally oblivious to who is using them, made a trial late last year. They will be back in spades about the time the political conventions take place, make no mistake. It will not be spontaneous, but rather an orchestrated event, in large measure, sponsored by Soros. There will be an effort to re-create '68.
Europe is a time bomb ticking away. The cancer in their system is overwhelming entitlements, and it is metastasizing here in America. Global Warming, and the global social justice movements associated with it, is the vehicle about to crash our system economically.
Typically, before Soros makes big moves through his hedge fund preceding a collapse, he makes public statements forecasting events associated with such an event, and recently he has been quite forthcoming, as reported by The Blaze. Soros has been discussing civil unrest, which we have seen through the Occupy everything but a job groups, who unlike the Tea Party, are violent, without coherent grievances and supported by President Obama.
Although we are a compassionate society, we are individually free, and are not a communist country where government officials and appointed technocrats dictate our affairs through controlling societal mechanisms. Many, including our President, are seeking to transform our representative republic into such a place.
As it unfolds, we must adhere to our founding principles. After all, we are the country of George Washington, not George Soros.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Right On Ronnie
Happy Birthday Mr. President.
Americans For Prosperity releases the following video contrasting the arrogant, Marxist narcissist in Barack Obama against a legendary inspirational free market capitalist leader who puts God, Family and Country ahead of himself in Ronald Reagan:
God Bless Ronald Reagan, who would have been 101 today.
Americans For Prosperity releases the following video contrasting the arrogant, Marxist narcissist in Barack Obama against a legendary inspirational free market capitalist leader who puts God, Family and Country ahead of himself in Ronald Reagan:
God Bless Ronald Reagan, who would have been 101 today.
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