Monday, July 29, 2013

Live The Liberal Dream

After initially informing the American people he was disturbed by the actions and would get to the bottom of each of these scandals, President Obama has hit the campaign trail.  Yes, I know, or at least I think, he is not running for future office and has no need to campaign.
In a stunning exhibit of arrogance, speaking in front of low information voters sprinkled with handfuls of political hacks, President Obama is now calling each of the major scandals engulfing his administration "phony scandals".
To say this rhetoric from the man voted in as the leader of all Americans, not just his progressive Obamabots, is not becoming his office is a dramatic understatement.  As usual, his comments are divisive, incorrect, arrogant and disrespectful to those he should be honored to govern.  These comments highlight characteristics in an individual exhibiting a lack of common decency and void of leadership qualities, and thus his presiding over our decline should not come as a surprise. 
Michael Ramirez, Investors Business Daily
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.--George Orwell

Truth has left the building, and the administration is on the attack against the few who dare to challenge. But with the mainstream media nothing more than a propaganda machine for Obama, although Peggy Noonan suggests America is no longer listening to Obama, few are engaged enough to decipher the misrepresentations of the truth presented the citizenry.

Each of the scandals President Obama references are beyond significant.  Fast and Furious, Benghazi, AP, NSA and the IRS scandals are despicable. Provided adequate hearings take place, of which I am sadly doubtful, a handful seem impeachable offenses.  In fact, the IRS scandal violates the Fourth Amendment, and for that reason among a hundred, we have called for the resignation of President Obama.

But while Obama dismisses the above mentioned scandals with  a smirk, he informs us that Washington has taken its eye of the economy, and he intends to force them back on this troubling issue. Yes, the horrendous economy caused in large measure, by design, by the very policies implemented by the Obama administration and their ship of fools.  Infuriating.

Obama, once again, informs the public he will focus "like a laser" on the economy, and they think change is on the brink.  For those who have paid any attention, the speech lines are retreads from past speeches and unless there are major policy changes, and none are forthcoming, the economy will continue to under perform at best while America continues to decline into a structure of socialism, in violation of the founding principles of our nation.

It is claimed the unemployment rate has began to fall with America getting back to work, but the fact is the labor participation rate for full time employment is at its lowest rate since 1980, prior to the Reagan Revolution.  It can be argued more jobs are being filled, but those are pat time jobs as workers have had hour reduced due to the implementation of Obamacare and now hold two positions to bring home the income one job used to.  On side note, remember when the left yelled at George W. Bush, saying the jobs he created were McDonalds (MCD:NYSE) jobs?  Some should be so lucky these days, but all is quiet at those broadcasting companies.

More individuals are receiving government entitlements than ever before, and it is no due to population shifts.  Few have their unemployment benefits expire, but for those that have, disability relief is the next step.  Everyone has some sort of issue, right.  Aren't you a victim of this or that.  I wish you would get over it, but Obama does not feel, but welcomes your pain so he can control yet another poor soul who has lost the ability to succeed on their own.  Julia has arrived.

In fact, as the Associated Press reported today, Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dreamForget Obama and his parade of bullcrap.  Forget the GOP, the Democrats and Washington DC.  Think of mainstreet, and how utterly unnecessarily sad this statistic is for our fellow man.  Four of Five!  80%!

If you step back, you quickly realize this is not a sound road for our economy to be traveling, although Obama thinks it is.  Why is he not alarmed about the peril of our citizens? Obama is quick to blame the GOP, but until Scott Brown got elected in the aftermath of the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy, the GOP could have golfed everyday with no consequence as the Democrats held a super majority.  Even after Brown was elected, the GOP was nothing more than a speed bump, with only the roar to the Tea Party scaring anyone.  Even, today, progressive republicans like John McCain, Kelly Ayotte and Lindsay Graham, and even the leadership of Boehner and Cantor, rarely fight Obama with vigor.  You would think the entire Congress would be up in arms that 80% of our citizens are struggling so mightily, but I don't hear them.

Recent events, such as the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman shooting in Sanford, Florida, the abysmal record of deaths among young black teens in Obama's backyard in Chicago and the bankruptcy of Detroit have placed a spotlight on the black youth community.  Under President Obama, black youth have not had it this bad in several decades if ever, and he has suggested zero in the form of legislation, unless you consider his efforts to undermine the Second amendment, to assist in solving the problem.  We discussed the how solving this problem, although it would hurt the income streams of the race hustlers, would extend prosperity for all.

Sen. Mike Lee (R:UT) is attempting to defund Obamacare, a law polls show America dislikes, but few republicans in the senate are joining his fight.  As Rush Limbaugh pointed out, many republicans are big government types the really are not all that broken up about Obamacare as it represents expanded control over Americans like you and me.  Obamacare is a significantly destructive force against economic growth and freedom.

Yes, the stock market is at record highs, fueled by to many dollars chasing too few assets.  Home prices are inching up due in part to a restricted inventory.  Manipulated markets.  Nothing to see here.

Everything is not fixed.  In fact, although seemingly somewhat stable, the economy is much worse than thought.  The administration policies of entitlements, handouts and bailouts, coupled with expansive taxation and regulation from within the EPA to Common Core in the public school system, the citizenry are being placed in a box.  As AP correctly pointed out, due to these policies the American dream will be much harder to achieve, and economic insecurity among those who fail to exit the box will continue to grow.

This is not the America we grew up in, handicapped by a governor placed on the citizens by an oppressive government which, although with rhetoric to the contrary, is seeking to collapse the system leaving the citizenry clamoring for help in the form of entitlements.  As history and traditions are given less importance, and work ethic, the standard of living decreases, the GDP embraces contraction, our superpower status evaporates and the majority of the citizens are left under the control of the government.

Robbing folks of their identity and destroying personal incentives fosters financial calamities and is destructive to the family leaving a country in despair.

Don't worry.  Due to Obamacare, as the secretary determines, those death panels Sarah Palin warned you about are real, and provided you no longer can justify your existence and present no benefit to society, they will be happy to assist you.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

An Avenue For Prosperity For All

America is being taken down from within.  Quickly, and by design.

One the tools being utilized by those in power to accomplish this feat is by pitting groups, classes and races of our citizenry against one another.  With the help of the ministry of propaganda, the mainstream media, the efforts have been most successful.

Race has been a particularly useful tool by the Obama administration, from the cops acting stupidly in Boston to failing to prosecute voter intimidation in Philadelphia. 

Individuals who question the policies of Obama are considered racist. Groups who offer opposition are labeled terrorists. Vice President Joe Biden called Tea Party Members terrorists, and many of the low information voters lack the necessary acumen to decipher how incorrect this is. If you think these were actions of the past, just yesterday college republicans were turned away after attempting to attend a speech by President Obama at the University of Central Missouri.  They were prevented from attending "for the presidents protection".

There are many other examples, but a shooting in Sanford, Florida provided the optimal platform for those in power to stoke the fires. Even though this event involved a Hispanic and a black, seemingly at the direction of the administration, the media, with particular help from NBC, the case morphed into a major race dividing case.

With local news boiling over in the immediate aftermath of the, I drew some conclusions based upon the information I had gathered.  As the case has settled, with George Zimmerman having been found not guilty by a jury of his peers, after hearing the evidence, I note that some of my initial thoughts were off the mark.

Evidence to suggest Zimmerman was in any way a racist was completely absent.  In fact, evidence suggests the contrary, most specifically noted by media reports that he mentored a couple of young black children.  Also, evidence says Zimmerman did attempt to go back to his vehicle after being directed by the 911 operator, but was met and subsequently attacked by Trayvon Martin. We have learned Martin was a young man traveling down the wrong path having made several recent mistakes in judgement. The state overcharged he case, and based on the evidence, the only verdict that could be reached was innocent as charged.

It is noted that both parties could have prevented the event from happening, but tragically, that did not happen.

Although the state of Florida did not bring the Stand Your Ground Law into the case, leftist progressives have seized the opportunity to rail against the law and are seeking to have it eliminated. I am sure they are unaware the Obama, while in the Illinois state Senate, co-sponsored a bill to strengthen the law in Illinois. Hypocrite?

With the usual race hustlers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson leading the way, the case has driven a wedge in between normally sensible folks.  Rather than recognizing an individual is legally entitled to protect themselves from being mortally wounded, since Martin was black, the law seems to be readily discarded.  It seems, as Pastor Ken Hutcherson says, many blacks have put their blackness ahead of everything, including God.  This is not healthy.

President Obama, who self proclaims himself as in company with our great presidents, had a once in a lifetime opportunity to be Lincolnite and use his position to strongly enhance race relations, with malice toward none and charity to all.  No such luck.

Obama has been divisive, attacking religion and tradition and encouraging entitlements, which tramples the incentive and spirit of many a man.  In fact, a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal submit that race relations have plummeted since Obama took office.

Obama is crushing the economy through his policies, and the unemployment levels among young black men are at historical highs. Without the economic means to improve their lives, many young men in the inner cites have had their opportunities greatly diminished.  Obama also cut significantly the voucher program, virtually eliminating another important vehicle for youngsters to better their educational opportunities.

In Obama's hometown of Chicago, black on black murders of young men is at a tragic and embarrassing rate. Although the bankruptcy of Detroit had been coming at us for quite some time, many of the problems that led to the demise of the Motor City center around the problems associated in the inner city black community. The demise of the traditional family in these communities is beyond alarming, and a central factor in the problems.

Obama has done nothing to assist the situation.  In fact, in attacking the churches, many of which operate schools, vehicles of escape such as education outside the public school system and spiritual opportunities in the inner cities, have been greatly diminished.

Bill O'Reilly has had enough, and blasted all those in charge in a tremendous "Talking Points".

The problems in the inner cities, particularly in the black community, are seemingly out of control.  Race relations are weakening among many, with Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder encouraging the negative discourse.  Obama has wasted a golden opportunity, and unlike Lincoln, finds malice with many and exhibits charity toward elites only.

I do not have the answers to these problems. I think economic enterprise zones as championed by the late Jack Kemp could be helpful given crime can be controlled.  Those in these communities could learn plenty and set solid foundations by embracing faith, reading the writings of Frederick Douglass and implementing the non-violent leadership by example, with respect of the law exhibiting class and dignity of someone they all claim to admire; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

If America could get this corrected and headed in the right directions, imagine the prosperity for all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Real Rotten Core

Early in June, The Central Florida Education Summit, hosted by the Central Florida Partnership and sponsored by the Orlando Regional REALTOR Association, took place at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport focusing on the implementation of Common Core State Standards in Florida's K-12 Education System. 

The Central Florida Partnership, an organization backed by heavy political and business leaders in greater Orlando from both sides of the political aisle, join an astonishing number of their counterparts across the country in seemingly blinded support of this rather deceiving and cruel initiative.

Nationally, the Common Core Standards, which have been adopted by 45 states, are supported by The Obama administration, former Florida Governor and potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush, the National Parent Teacher Association, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Mike Huckabee and the National Education Association, who have previously informed us their goals center around their power and NOT the children.

While Common Core is a brainchild of the Progressive movement, many Conservative individuals and groups have backed the initiative.  The National Review came out in favor of Common Core, and in an educational presentation of the evidence, Glenn Beck of The Blaze offered a rebuttal of note.

Companies including Microsoft, General Electric, Intel, Boeing, Aetna and State Farm Insurance are on board in full support.  Exxon-Mobil, who run a petroleum company under harsh scrutiny from the Obama administration, are proud supporters who felt compelled to venture outside of their corporate initiatives entering in educational advocacy and through purchasing expensive ad time for a thirty second national ad, which you can see HERE.

Although the Common Core Standards are not federally mandated, the federal government strongly encourages participation.  For those states that refrain from participation, the federal government will offer financially layered incentives and support in effort to provide entitlements masking as assistance. Ultimately, the federal government can and will withhold financial grants, aid and program assistance should a state opt out of the initiative.  We have seen the same tactics manifest themselves with regard to Obamacare.

The advertised goal from the implementation of the Common Core Standards centers around placing common standards aiming to make curriculum standards consistent across the nation aligning the standards and measuring student achievement while measuring and holding accountable teachers and schools.  Well, that does not sound so bad.  After all, we want our students nationally to excel.

Certain states have been documented as routinely failing to meet the standards demanded by the citizenry as noted by The Fordham Institute, who has received sizable grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the implementation of the Common Core Standards will likely force improvement in these states.  However, will states currently highly achieving is this arena experience regression to the mean and have their accomplishments decrease?

 As noted in an article in the Tallahassee Democrat, Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett said the 2013-14 school year will be “the year of Common Core” in Florida public schools, as the new standards make their way into classrooms at every grade level.

An article in the Tallahassee Democrat outlined differences in the currently implemented standards versus those of Common Core, which you can reference HERE.

I found the high school example particularly illustrative, which is reprinted below:

High School Math:

Common Core: Recognize and explain the concepts of conditional probability and independence in everyday language and everyday situations. For example, compare the chance of having lung cancer if you are a smoker with the chance of being a smoker if you have lung cancer.

Sunshine State: Determine probabilities of independent events. Understand and use the concept of conditional probability, including: understanding how conditioning affects the probability of events and finding conditional probabilities from a two-way frequency table.

The Common Core example astutely recognizes the statistical probabilities that exist and draw conclusions from the data sample that hold sizable merit and would be noted as reasonably correct.  The Sunshine State example also examines those same statistical inferences and recognizes the findings as reasonably accurate.  However, the Sunshine State is not limited in scope by inference that the probabilities outlined in the data are mutually inclusive.  The Sunshine State allows for critical thinking, where opportunities to examine less probable chances and outcomes are possible.  Independent events, not necessarily tied together, occur, as evidenced by the number of citizens who have been diagnosed with lung cancer who have never smoked.  The chances of finding a cure will be strongly enhanced by the educational opportunities that exist in the Sunshine State example rather than the reasonably correct interpretations found from the boxed in and limited Common Core example.

It can argued Common Core Standards provide a sound educational platform from which to operate, one that will assist lower performances to reach higher levels.  That sounds good when you say it fast, but in a brilliant piece presented last week, the impact of the Common Core Standards being implemented in The National Football League is examined.  It is not good.

While the academic side of the Common Core Standards is concerning, a much more troubling aspect has been discovered centering around data mining.  This is big in the news right now, with the NSA spying on American Citizens through phone, cable and internet properties seemingly in violation of privacy rights of the citizenry.

If you are just learning of Common Core during this read, please be advised you are way behind the eight ball in your educational efforts.  Michelle Malkin has written extensively on Common Core, and has presented very troubling information regarding data mining.  Glenn Beck also covered the topic in great detail.

However, a real world example of how far along the government is in the implementation of Common Core is noted in the following news story.  In Polk County Florida, which nestled between the Tampa and Orlando markets, without parental notification, local school officials conducted illegal iris scans on students.  This program, labeled eyeswipe-nano, is a clear violation of the privacy rights of the children and their parents as outlined in the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. 

It should be noted the lawmakers currently in charge do not respect the Constitution, the rights of the citizenry and the law of the land.  Therefore, we must conclude they are dishonest brokers who cannot be held in a position of trust, particularly when it comes to the education of our children.

A link to a governmental site outlining the data mining techniques to be utilized, inclusive of arm bracelets, iris scans and seating able to measure body heat and movement, has been taken down. However, I did read it in its entirety and can completely understand why it was taken down, as you would join me in being beyond alarmed if you read it.  Thankfully, Glenn Beck to the rescue.  Beck has an entire program dedicated to Common Core, where he actually shows you the pages which outline this material.  See the following:

The Common Core Standards place the curriculum in a box, curtailing efforts to advance beyond the scope of the designed curriculum.  By the way, who is setting the curriculum?  Perhaps those old members of the blame America first crowd?  An example of the curriculum in the literary arts is rather than classic literature an examination of executive orders, including one regarding strengthening federal environmental energy and transportation management, indoctrination right our of the UN Agenda 21 doctrine progressives seek to implement.  Sticking with the UN theme, Common Core emphasizes globalism, eliminating Americanism by removing value language.  Free market capitalism and entrepreneurship shifts to social justice, respect and fairness.  When learning of influential people in American history are children taught about Barack Obama, George Bernard Shaw, Margaret Sanger, and Doleres Huerta or Barry Goldwater, George Patton, Arnold Palmer, Billy Graham and Vince Lombardi?

While many are useful idiots who remain unaware of the evil nature of these standards, many supporters know exactly what the real reasons behind the effort are.  At the aforementioned summit, Orlando Regional REALTOR Association Chairman Steve Merchant offered "School quality is a powerful driver of property values, so anyone who owns property — or is considering purchasing property — in a community should have a strong economic interest in having good schools,” said Merchant. "Studies have consistently shown that properties near schools with higher ratings are far more likely to have higher values than those near schools with lower ratings often.”  Higher rated schools do positively impact property values, but under Common Core, the goal would be for all schools to score equally, thereby negating those higher values and eliminating incentives for under performing school districts to make effort to improve.  I will go with useful idiot on this one.

Similar to Obamacare, Common Core is much more about control of the citizenry that building a more productive public school system. It is the federal takeover of the education system, providing the basis for indoctrination of our youngsters. While robbing children of their free agency, it boxes them in and is prohibitive to critical thinking. 

It is the same as the federal takeover of the health care industry, similar to the deep governmental intervention and control of the financial markets and environmental standards, which in short can be defined as the best practices of socialism.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Patriots Eye On Boston

Sadly, against a myriad of scandals within the Obama administration, the efforts aiming to craft and pass a bipartisan immigration bill, an odd plane crash and the return of political investment emerging from an unnecessarily racially charged trail in the culmination of the case against George Zimmerman, led by the mainstream media the American public, the Boston bombing has been placed in the dust bin of history.

It should not be.

Although we are only reporting here on BAHL Revere our opinion based on having consumed the outstanding work of many other media outlets, bloggers and concerned citizens, it is far from difficult to come to the realization something is very, very wrong.  The issues surrounding the act of terrorism played out on the streets of Boston are not being adequately reported by the mainstream media, and therefore, most of our citizenry has no idea about the many outstanding questions that remain unanswered.

Recently, we presented a piece trying to present what we know in somewhat of a chronological manner, and although efforts were made to be concise, there is plenty of material to consume.  The unanswered questions raised within the essay are extremely significant and raise most troubling concerns.

Please see the previous post HERE, but the bubble list is as follows:
  • The older Tsarnaev brother is linked to a 2011 an unsolved triple homicide in Boston.
  • There were trial runs within the metro Boston market in day prior to event.
  • Pictures posted within days if not hours of the bombing show several potential suspects, one in particular, who have not bee brought to the attention of the public.
  • A Saudi man enters the hospital with wounds consistent with setting a bomb and is presented to the public by CNN, only to have veteran reporters retract the initial reports.
  • Michelle Obama visited the Saudi national in the hospital.
  • The Saudi national is noted as someone classified by our government as a dangerous individual with terroristic ties and is noted to be set for deportation.
  • FBI agents kill a friend of the Tzarnaev brothers in Orlando with disputed deatails
  • A group of trespassers, described as foreign engineering students, are caught at the Boston Quabbin Reservoir.  No issues say government officials.
  • Three padlocks were found to have been cut at the Boston aqueduct.
Further information regarding all of these issues has not materialized, and all is seemingly forgotten. Nothing to see here.  Move along.

But thankfully, those pesky alternative media folks still have their eyes wide open, and on Wednesday The Blaze broke a story that is significantly troubling given what we know.  The Blaze reported some rather odd guests who attended The White House Fourth of July party.

As it turns out, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national and person of interest in the Boston bombing, attended the party with his father and brother.  The Blaze has photos, including up close shots with the President and First Lady.

Ali Al-Salimi Al-Harbi/Photo/The Blaze
Although highly unlikely based upon the credibility of the sources, perhaps the conclusions we draw about Ali Alharbi are off base.  If so, we would encourage the proper agency representatives to clear the air as he and his family are obviously of some importance to the administration.  However, it is not likely they have the ability to do so.

Therefore, we must conclude based upon our current evidence that our President is associating with unsavory at best characters who may present a danger to our country.  Are the interests of the United States being adequately served in this instance?

As the salvation of the state is watchfulness in the citizen, we must seek answers to the troubling questions which have arisen in the aftermath of the Boston bombing. The list of questions is long, and sadly, growing, but thankfully pesky investigative journalists riding with Scooby Doo in the Mystery Machine remain on this case and many more.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Road Closed

Last week, an important victory for freedom loving Americans was recorded.

Certainly, given the majority of the mainstream media has fallen to nothing short of a propaganda arm for the Obama administration, few are likely aware of a significant win of a central tenant to the founding of this nation; private property rights.

A slow creep against property rights, perhaps from back as far as ideas expressed by Stuart Chase in "The Road We Are Traveling", hit a major road block as The Supreme Court ruled in favor for the good guys in a property rights case from Orange County, Florida, which is the greater Orlando market.

We chronicled the case in a blog post earlier this year, noting the results of the case, defended by The Pacific Legal Foundation, would have significant ramifications.

The Pacific Legal Foundation gives an overview of this meaningful victory and its relation to the rights of private property owners across the fruited plain. Take a listen:

Through excessive taxation and regulation, including environmental fees, the government, while not wishing to own your property outright, increasingly controls what you can do with your property with respect to improvements. 

A recent study by the American Legislative Exchange Council reported that that the EPA has imposed “at least $13 billion in annual regulatory costs” through the “sue-and-settle” methodAs reported by The Washington Times, That approach involves environmental groups suing the EPA  for failing to meet deadlines for actions related to the Clean Air or Clean Water act, and the agency negotiating settlements on how to address the issues. The technique effectively removes states and other stakeholders from any involvement in federal environmental policy.

As we noted in a previous essay, if an ever increasing oppressive government, who already has tremendous power through code enforcement and the permitting process, can shakedown owners seeking permits to develop their owned property through imposing arbitrary fees, penalties and or taxes as a condition of obtaining permits is an extension of extraction that is unethical and unconstitutional.

A violation of the Constitution indeed!

Sadly, however, the rule of law is not always enough.  Recently, the EPA, bypassing legislation by Congress relying on executive orders, has implemented plans to increase the already unprecedented power of the scandalous agency.

While the greater majority of these actions are presented as needed effort to limit man made damage to Global Climate Change, the reality is it is a vehicle for the transfer of wealth and control over the citizenry, with particular emphasis on energy and envormnental protection, both of which affect property owners.  These are tenants involved in Agenda 21, as we previously noted.

In his writings, Stuart Chase never engaged global warming, but did discuss transforming the free enterprise system into something referred to as "X", joining the Fabian socialists into molding a society to their hearts content in the aftermath of a collapsed free market economy Cloward and Piven style.

The decision in favor of limiting the tentacles of an oppressive government from encroaching upon private property rights places a significant road block on the road the progressives are traveling.  That, of course, assumes the rule of law if adhered to, which sadly is a reach these days.

We will take any victory we can, and thanks to the strong work of The Pacific Legal Foundation, we have reason to celebrate.  Oppressionists never sleep, so tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Smiling Seminoles

As reported by, Former Florida State University head coach  Bobby Bowden and Seminole Boosters, Inc. have agreed to a marketing and promotions agreement to raise money for Florida State Athletics.

This is more than wonderful news.

The departure of Coach Bowden was handled very poorly, and without questions feelings were hurt on both sides, leaving an adoring fan base sitting on the sidelines.  At the time this occurred, we wrote an essay both on our deep affection for the man and our thoughts on the turmoil leading to his departure. 

In fact, Coach Bowden is an inaugural member of The Hall of BAHL.

The greater majority of the Florida State faithful are thankful to have Jimbo Fisher as our head football coach, and the team is gaining in performance annually.  The future is sunlight bright.

But, there is only one Bobby Bowden, and we are absolutely thrilled to welcome the patriarch back to the family.  Coach Bowden discusses what his role with Seminole Boosters will partially entail.

This is without question a very welcomed move and one that will pay big dividends, not only from the sought after goal of fundraising, but in healing a relationship that should have never been wounded in the first place.  A win win for everyone involved.

Andy Miller, President of Seminole Boosters, pointed out the obvious: “Coach Bowden has always been a great ambassador for the University and will be invaluable in our efforts to fund a highly successful Athletics program.”

As a former president of one of those Seminole Booster clubs, I look very forward to visiting with Coach Bowden once again and hearing once again some of those old stories only he can tell. 

Welcome back Coach Bowden.