Go Big Red!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Capital One Bowl Cornhusker Fanfare
Go Big Red!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Seminole Uprising

As the bowl matchups were announced, Florida State got selected to play in the Champs Bowl, here in Orlando, against the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. Instant sellout. If you are not in the BCS, it does not get much better than this.
In preparation for the matchup, here is some fanfare from last seasons Chick-fil-a Bowl by the world renowned Florida State University Marching Chiefs. Go 'Noles!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Crony Corruption Could Collapse America
That was before MF Global, the commodities boutique Corzine was CEO of went bankrupt and is missing 1.2 billion of customer funds.
Oh, the company that you keep.
Corzine failed miserably as Governor of New Jersey, blowing a hole the size of the Meadowlands in the Garden State checkbook. Residents there, who gathered their senses and elected Chris Christie to clean things up, are witnessing a telling turn around.
But it is Corzine's latest failure that will ultimately have a ripple effect that will engage each of our tax paying citizens. Ann Barnhardt, CEO of Barnhardt Capital Management, Inc., a small independent introducing brokerage, has been some kind of spot in analysis of this case, and recently shut down her operations due to a lack of trust in the commodities futures market. MF Global has exposed what many had feared; that the rule of law in our capital markets can be absent at any given time, and a lawless entanglement with uncertainty is toxic for any investor.

As Ms. Barnhardt points out, customer money is gone and the MF Global "trustee" has begun seizing customer assets who traded in precious metals and housed the investment collateral through contracts brokered by MF Gobal.
A form of retracing through the chain of investors, bankrupt or not, to recover losses can be referred to as part of hypothecation. Zero Hedge has been covering the recent emergence of this action like Deion Sanders covering a hobbled tight end. The term was originally making the rounds with respect to a potential collapse of the Euro, but it plays with any loss of collateral where re-pledging has occurred. Sadly, it creates the opportunity for investors on the outside to suffer huge losses, with little legal recourse.
David Buckner got with Glenn Beck to attempt to provided an example of how this could impact the economic system, and it could make your ears bleed. Take a listen:
Fast and Furious, Solyndra and the Chevy Volt are many of the scandals of the Obama administration, but the The MF Global collapse is a canary in the coal mine, and the scandal is much deeper than you know. The MF Global players are part of the crony capitalism set up by the Obama administration. While JP Morgan Chase and George Soros are snapping up the fallout at handsome profits, it seems more likely every day investors will not get their money back.
It has been stolen, by a cast of crony capitalist thieves, with full backing of the corrupt leaders in Washington. More is sure to follow in this case, and the lack of trust in the capital markets Ms. Barnhardt spoke of is growing. Technocrats, in many cases, are in control, operating against the will of the people and the rule of law.
Should a catastrophic economic collapse hit our shores, will your assets be protected from hypothecation from government owned banks? I have often been cited as a master of stating the obvious, but the time to keep your investments on a short lease is staring you in the face.
The Howling Winds

At the end of the day, it appears none of the GOP challengers can overtake Romney. Mitt has a long list of endorsers, including Bob Dole, Dan Quayle, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and most notably, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Newt Gingrich has a few endorsements of his own, including former OU quarterback and Oklahoma Congressman J. C. Watts and Thomas Sowell, of the Hoover Institution, who I admire greatly.
While all these endorsements are wonderful, Romney does not represent the Conservative most Republicans are clamoring for. Romneycare is an albatross, and his belief of man to be participatory in the greatest hoax of all time known as global warming signals big government inclinations all over the place.
Kathleen Parker, a fellow graduate of Florida State University who I rarely agree with, wrote recently in her Washington Post Column that if the GOP does not support Mitt Romney, it is a death wish.
There is a lot to like about Romney, and he likely is the best chance among those currently running to defeat Obama, or so the pundits say. But looking the best among this group is not a life changing experience, and many in the GOP have doubts and are looking over their backs, which is why the winds are howling.
On the heels of a wonderful column by Jeb Bush in the Wall Street Journal today, our friend and WSJ Editorial Board member Steve Moore is out championing a potential entrance of Jeb into the race. While I do not view Jeb as a conservative, he was a very good Governor for eight years here in Florida, and as my friend Van Bo points out, the I-4 corridor will once again be pivotal in deciding Florida, and thus, the nation. With musings about Condi Rice as a VP candidate, a Bush-Rice ticket could do quite well.
Sarah Palin said last night it is not too late to jump in, leaving many to question whether she is reconsidering her status. I am all for it, but not sure she can get enough in the middle to defeat Obama due to the merciless beating she has taken from the biased media. Then again, few thought Reagan could defeat Carter in 1979 at this point in the process.
Is there another candidate rethinking the issue? Paul Ryan? Donald Trump? Mike Huckabee? Who knows.
Should upstart Texas Congressman Ron Paul, who is quite sound on economic issues but as naive as they come on foreign policy, win Iowa, those winds could turn into a hurricane.
There is a long way to go, and not one vote has been cast. Untold events could be on the horizon.
Not withstanding today's strong rally on Wall Street, the Euro crisis is not fixed and could negatively pressure the markets in a lengthy ten minutes. In fact, with the S&P 500 recently breaking its 50 day moving average to the downside, some technical analysts fear the trend is negative. Bank of America's Mary Ann Bartels sees a potential level as low as 935 on the S&P, some 30% below current levels. Throw in a Euro collapse, and free fall comes to mind.
Turmoil in the middle east is another major issue, as is the uncertainty surround the North Korea government in the aftermath of Kim Jug Ill's death.
Certainly, the situation is fluid, and regardless of what the pundits say, Iowa is still wide open. One can only hope a Conservative with firm footing in the first principles finishes strong. If not, those winds will really start howling.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday Night Song
Hodgson last played with Supertramp in 1983. While Supertramp continues to exist without him, Hodgson is on the road solo, performing all the old tunes.
Tonight, for Sunday Night Song, Hodgson performs his favorite Supertramp song, and one I hold in most high regard as well, the ballad "Lord, Is It Mine." Enjoy!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Information Misrepresentation: Obama
President Obama, who one would suspect is extremely busy in efforts to solve the myriad of significant issues our country is presented with, most notably the highest sustained level of unemployment since the Great Depression, continues to find time to display mind boggling levels of arrogance on a variety of media outlets. Last week, in an interview with 60 Minutes, Obama not only mangled the truth in description of the performance of his administration, but stretched his high altitude narcissism to incredulous levels. See the piece below:
In response to 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Kroft asking about Obama's accomplishments, the President offered the following:
Well, we're not done yet. I've got five more years of stuff to do. But not only saving this country from a great depression. Not only saving the auto industry. But putting in place a system in which we're gonna start lowering health care costs and you're never gonna go bankrupt because you get sick or somebody in your family gets sick. Making sure that we have reformed the financial system, so we never again have taxpayer-funded bailouts, and the system is more stable and secure. Making sure that we've got millions of kids out here who are able to go to college because we've expanded student loans and made college more affordable. Ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Decimating al Qaeda, including Bin Laden being taken off the field. Restoring America's respect around the world.
This paragraph presents by itself contains a gold mine of delusional comments. If he has all these things to do, which he apparently was unable to accomplish with both house of Congress in Democratic control, one has to wonder with the country in economic peril why he is not working with a sense of urgency.
Obama did not save the country from a Great Depression. Obama has operated from the playbook of FDR, who sought massive government stimulus and implemented the forceful expansion of federal regulations and confiscatory taxation, his intimidation of "the rich," encouragement of labor strikes, and half-baked policy experiments discouraged employers from hiring workers and provided strong disincentives to new business investment, as Amity Shlaes outlined in her book "The Forgotten Man".
The auto industry is not saved. For Uncle Sam to made whole, GM needs about another $20 per share in stock price, and with the debacle otherwise know as the Chevy Volt, the loss of the iconic and sporty Pontiac brand and lagging new auto sales due to economic fear, prospects for a robust, profitable GM look bleak.
Health Care costs are not declining, and endless other slow creep taxation nuggets found within the Health Care bill increase taxes on the consumer, thus handicapping economic growth. With much of the behemoth legislation to come in 2013, fear of increased costs and taxation are significantly hindering business development and expansion, and of course, we could certainly use those jobs.
The massive financial regulations put forth under Obama, most notably the Dodd-Frank Bill, has been a job killer, and is also a continued failure as evidenced by the goings on of Democrat Jon Corzine, the former Governor and Senator from New Jersey, who as director of now bankrupt MF Global is under federal investigation due to 1.2 million dollars of customer accounts that are missing, or stolen, whichever your prefer.
Higher education is not a right, but a privilege, for those who choose to take that path. It is not for everybody, and is affordable if you find the investment to be a worthy endeavor.
While the Obama administration deserves recognition for continuing the assault on al Qaeda and for killing Osama Bin Laden, our foreign policy is abysmal. To the contrary from Obama's opinion, we are less respected around the world. Pretty please asking Iran for our lost drone back tells the tale, but beyond that we have radical Muslim influence expanding, have alienated our great friend in Israel and have left Iraq open for the Iranians for political expediency.
Obama really enjoys lying by omission to the citizens, and the following comment is a great example:
"And we ended up asking the wealthiest Americans to do a little bit more in terms of taxes. Going back to rates that would still be lower than they were under Ronald Reagan, our deficit problems would be solved. And I could not get Republicans to go ahead and say, "You're right. We're gonna put country ahead of party."
The legislative branch could possibly be welcome to consider tax rates back to where they were under Ronald Reagan if our country were not 15 trillion deeper in debt (5 trillion and counting under Obama's watch) and bordering a depression with our economic engine stagflating at best. In oppostion to Obama's America, Uncle Sam after three years of Reagan was beaming with optimism as we embarked on a 25 year bull market which Reagan let fire on.
Obama is masterful at making straw man arguments, the following is another great example:
"A balanced approach means exactly what it says. It means it's balanced." I would love to see tax reform. And if we can get a commitment from the Republicans that they want to work on a serious tax reform package that makes sure that the wealthiest Americans are paying their fair share, that is simplifying the tax code, that is lowering rates, but by broadening the base, that's something I'm all for. It's part of my plan. But what we haven't seen is any serious movement on the other side."
Not only did the Simpson-Bowles Commission, a bipartisan committed formed by Obama to offer productive recommendations, have their findings ignored by Obama, several Republican offerings, most notably the plan put forth by Rep. Paul Ryan, R:WI, have been put forth for consideration. Obama does not find them "serious", which means he does not favor them, and therefore he acts as if nothing has been offered. Translation: Liar.
"I mean, the interesting thing is the majority of Republicans actually think we should have a balanced approach to deficit reduction, including tax increases for the wealthy."
am sure that may sound good to much of the 60 Minutes viewership, but if is false. Outside of a handful of RHINO's in the Senate, Republicans are strongly against a balanced approach (raising of taxes) to deficit reduction.
Although I could write 10,000 words tearing this interview apart, in closing comes a staggering comment of arrogance and elitism.
"I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president -- with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln -- just in terms of what we've gotten done in modern history."
Passing health care legislation was monumental, however on the destructive side in my view rather the constructive side as Obama sees it. Given the accomplishment, Obama sat the legislation out, turning over the construction of the framework to Nancy Pelosi and the Tides Foundation. Backhanded deal making and payoffs helped push it over the edge late, even though polls, now up to almost 65%, oppose it.
George W. Bush, when asked, said he would let history 30 years down the road grade his contribution as President. Obama, presiding over unquestionable decline, finds himself perhaps equal FDR, whose New Deal along with LBJ's Great Society are bankrupting the country, is arrogant to be sure, but he may have a point. We may not recover from Obama's destructive socialistic policies.
But for Obama to think he resides in the same thought as Abraham Lincoln, there is no doubt we have a delusional, narcissistic individual who feels welcome to state incorrect opinion as fact leading our country into deep and lasting decline.
Pony Up

In preparation for a potential run, James has founded Texas for a Better America, which focuses on the ideals of free markets, entrepreneurial spirit, protecting the Constitution and American Exceptionalism. James seems like a great guy, and with a platform like that he could be the type of representative we are searching for.
James would be joining an already crowded field. One of his potential GOP opponents, Ted Cruz, who I am unfamiliar with but who has the endorsements of David Barton, Jim DeMint and Rand Paul, each of whom I respect and support, has a great video hammering Obama. Check out The ghost of Obama's Future:
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Guard Against Gingrich As Gatekeeper
The fallout from what seems like 40 previous debates has only eliminated two candidates, Herman Cain and Tim Pawlenty. Beginning with Michele Bachmann and most recently with Newt Gingrich, each candidate has enjoyed time at the top of the polls at some point, except of course for Jon Hunstman, who may not be aware of the fact he is a Scoop Jackson Democrat.
Gingrich is an interesting fellow, who generally speaking, I appreciate. Gingrich gets it on many issues Obama has no clue on, including free trade, Occupy Wall Street, the hatred facing Israel and the threat of Islamic terrorists. Descriptions of Newt as an idea factory are seemingly reasonable, and he is top of the class from a historical perspective, with the latter being where he and I will part company.
However, if someone who to ask me who I considered the greatest President of the 20th century, without spending a nano-second of thought, I would proudly announce Ronald Reagan as my easy choice. This is somewhat surprisingly not the case for Newt. Take a listen:
Oh my. But, it gets worse. Gingrich is also a big fan of Woodrow Wilson:
Forget that Gingrich, a self described Teddy Roosevelt disciple, was at odds with the Tea Party in supporting a big government candidate recently in NY23, jumped in opposition against Rep; Paul Ryan and his Roadmap for America, and is on the wrong side of global warming, his admiration of these Progressive Presidents is a real deal breaker.
In fact, global warming is the vehicle for the largest big government expansion in history through regulatory control on pollution, energy usage and development, food consumption and human behavior. It does not get any more big government than that.
Certainly, one would have thought we learned what not to do through economic governance in he aftermath of the Great Depression as appropriately highlighted this week in Investors Business Daily. Refraining from expansive government intervention, taxation and regulation would be central to the lessons learned, so electing a big government "Teddy Roosevelt" Republican Progressive in the form of Newt Gingrich, who speaks in admiration of Woodrow Wilson and FDR, following the abysmal Obama administration, is not a direction I favor to say the very least.
On the other hand, if it comes down to Obama versus Newt, mark me down for Gingrich.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Information Misrepresentation: Appraisals
Since distressed properties make up approximately 65% of the market here in Florida, it would be highly inappropriate to fail to consider these as potential comparable sales, provided the gross living area, age, amenities, and, of course, condition, were reasonably similar.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
2011 All America Team

6'1, 220 JR, Ardmore, OK (Plainview)
6'1", 180, SO, Carson, CA (Serra)
6'4", 255 JR, Fayetteville, NC (Terry Sanford)
6'5, 311 JR, Germantown, TN (Evangelical Christian)
OL David DeCastro, Stanford
6'5", 310, JR, Bellevue, WA (Bellevue)
OL David Molk, Michigan
OL Levy Adcock, Oklahoma State
6'6", 322, SR, Claremore, OK (Sequoyah)
OL Matt Kalil, Southern California
6'7", 295 JR, Corona, CA (Servite)
QB Robert Griffith III, Baylor
6'2, 220 JR, Copperas Grove, TX (Copperas Grove)
RB Trent Richardson, Alabama
5'11, 204 SR, Pensacola, FL (Escambia)
RB LaMichael James, Oregon
5'9, 195 JR, Texarkana, TX (Liberty-Eylau)
RB Montee Ball, Wisconsin
5'11, 210 JR, Wentzville, MO (Timberland)
DE Courtney Upshaw, Alabama
6'2", 265, SR, Eufaula, AL (Eufaula)
DT Devon Still, Penn State
6'5, 310, SR, Wilmington, DE (Howard)
DT Whitney Mercilus, Illinois
6'4", 265, JR, Akron, OH (Garfield)
DT Jerel Worthy, Michigan State
6'3", 310, JR, Huber Heights, OH (Wayne)
DE Andre Branch, Clemson
6'5", 260, SR, Richmond, VA (Varina)
OLB Jarvis Jones, Georgia
6'3", 241, SO, Columbus, GA (Carver)
ILB Luke Kuechly, Boston College
6'3, 237 JR, Cincinnati, OH (Xavier)
ILB Lavonte David, Nebraska
6'1, 225 SR, Miami, FL (Northwestern)
ILB Dont'a Hightower, Alabama
6'4", 260, JR, Lewisburg, TN (Marshall County)
OLB Melvin Ingram, South Carolina
6'2", 276 SR, Hamlet, NC (Richmond County)
DB Tyrann Mathieu, Louisiana State
5'9" 175, SO, New Orleans, LA (St. Augustine)
DB David Amerson, North Carolina State
6'3", 194, SO, Greenboro, NC (Dudley)
DB Markelle Martin, Oklahoma State
6'1", 198, SR, Wichita Falls, TX (Rider)
DB Mark Barron, Alabama
6'2" 218, SR, Mobile, AL (St. Pauls)
DB Morris Claiborne, Louisiana State
6'0" 185, JR, Shreveport, LA (Fair Park)
P Shawn Powell, Florida State
6'4, 235 SR, Rome, GA (Darlington Prep)
PK Brett Maher, Nebraska
6'0" 185 JR, Kearney, NE (Kearney)
NC Sammy Watkins, Clemson
6'1", 200, FR, Fort Meyers, FL (North Fort Meyers)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Crashing Dreams Nationwide
If your eyes aren't welling up after watching this report, you may want to have some pre-Whoville cocktails with the Grinch.
Sadly, this story could be told gazillions of times all across the country. This report is from my own community, and as a residential appraiser, I see several views of the damage on a daily basis.
Certainly, everyone had to be impressed with the Metzger children, and we all felt for the family who saw the abyss before reaching a life line. Local news reports suggest things have turned up for both families. Reportedly, Stetson University has offered the Metzger children scholarships and the family is now residing in a newly furnished condo, which now with Dad gaining employment as a Seminole County sanitation worker, they have a chance to make rental payments moving forward. We all wish them the best.
60 Minutes did a wonderful job chronicling the staggering level of homelessness on both these reports, except for one glaring omission. Biased no doubt, 60 Minutes failed to associate the reason for widespread homelessness; Uncle Sam's anemic job creation under our President, who has led a balanced and sustained attack on free markets small business job creators.
The Obama administration has hurled every program they can think of to stem foreclosures and protect families from losing their homes. A black hole of financial costs continue to saddle taxpayers, tying a ball and chain to families across America. Yes, Obama inherited a significant housing problem, but instead of employing free market principles to correct the problem, he did not let a crisis go to waste and expanded government, public sector employment, entitlements and our national debt to unsustainable levels. The byproduct of this is the crashing of our system, leaving government as the solution, which crashes dreams nationwide.
What has not been attempted, and I want to emphasize, by choice, would dramatically improve each of these major issues in a matter of a pair of years. The creation of private sector jobs.
Instead of promoting socialism, and yes we are quickly running out of everyone else's money, and attacking wealthy job creators and venture capitalists, an environment needs to be nurtured by the government that deletes unnecessary regulation, limits burdensome taxation, rewards risk takers and unleashes the entrepreneurial spirit of our nation.
A fully employed citizenry, with efficient markets, will balance out supply and demand and generate a healthy, growing economy that offers those who aspire to succeed the world at their fingertips. In addition, an employed workforce will continue to reach for higher levels of housing options, which will cure the housing market as inventories decline.
Free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity, and we need politicians who subscribe to that in office. Barack Obama is the antithesis of a subscriber of free markets and capitalism, so if you wish for these problems to get corrected, you must vote him, and his supporters, out of office.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Manufacturing Malaise
While the comparisons are striking, as the economically idiotic similarities appropriately pointed out, unfortunately, our current status is far more troubling. For those who have yet to recognize it, the coordinated series of actions taken by the Obama administration are part of a process to fundamentally transform the United States of America. Obama as much as said so just days before he was elected.
Evidence of these actions have been well chronicled over time here on the blog, but the centerpiece of plan is the Cloward and Piven strategy, which I strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with.