Enjoy Santa's ride into Manhattan to Radio City Music Hall for the performance for the world famous Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
In The Blessing of His Words
Our nation is one week removed from the unspeakable tragedies which took place in the lovely community of Newtown, Connecticut, just north of Long Island Sound. Along with a conflicted Mother and five our heroes, twenty little student angels we lost, and the pain continues to be felt across our fruited plain. On this day, the final victims of the massacre will be laid to rest.
In Washington, the effort to utilize this tragedy to attack the Second Amendment, a longtime opponent of the left, began almost immediately. Progressives in New York could not allow time for grieving before implementing political action. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, flanked by armed security, called for President Obama to go after the guns and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, an aspiring dictator, announced he will outline a gun proposal, where in contrast to the Constitution, "confiscation could be an option."
One would have hoped our elected officials would seek answers to the issues surrounding this type of violence by engaging in a comprehensive examination of the multitude of issues which may or may not be at play. No such luck.
The National Rifle Association, of which I am not a member, held a news conference on Friday to in large measure defend themselves from the onslaught of vicious and ignorant attacks they have been hit with. NRA President Wayne LaPierre spoke candidly, and sensibly, calling for much higher security at perhaps the most important places in America; our schools.
Since the NRA, and the Second Amendment, are targets of the left, all the reasonable comments and ideas put forth by Lapierre was met with skepticism at best by most of Washington, and mocked by the media elite.
If we were engaged in a conversation about what issues lead people to plan and perpetrate these senseless attacks, one topic would be how God has been pushed out of our public discourse, and in particular, the schools. Becky Kowalski, whose adorable son Chase was killerd in the massacre, has set up The Chase Kowalski Scholarship Fund to among other things, advocate to "bring God back to America."
With the assault, pun intended, on The Second Amendment on the fast track, we must step aside and recognize that government is not the solution to our problems; in many ways, government is the problem. With the assistance of a complicit media, they continue to use areas of crisis to gain political ground in promotion of ideas limiting freedom and increasing of government control.
A poem written by Darrell Scott, whose lovely daughter Rachel was killed at Columbine in 1999, which he presented to a House Committee, rings loud and true today.
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
The memory of Rachel Joy Scott lives on through Rachel's Challenge, a foundation that among other things, creates safer learning environments and does outstanding work.
We will not find the answers we seek in Washington. We must look amongst ourselves, and there is hope. In fact, a message of hope was presented last Sunday by Dr. David Swanson of First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. Please take a listen:
Amongst a national tragedy, America seeks answers and help in understanding how we overcome this darkness. Help has come, as Our Savior is born. We must seek counsel, not from an oppressive government, but in individual freedom and the teachings of Christ Our Lord. Good news has come, in the blessings of His words.
In Washington, the effort to utilize this tragedy to attack the Second Amendment, a longtime opponent of the left, began almost immediately. Progressives in New York could not allow time for grieving before implementing political action. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, flanked by armed security, called for President Obama to go after the guns and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, an aspiring dictator, announced he will outline a gun proposal, where in contrast to the Constitution, "confiscation could be an option."
One would have hoped our elected officials would seek answers to the issues surrounding this type of violence by engaging in a comprehensive examination of the multitude of issues which may or may not be at play. No such luck.
The National Rifle Association, of which I am not a member, held a news conference on Friday to in large measure defend themselves from the onslaught of vicious and ignorant attacks they have been hit with. NRA President Wayne LaPierre spoke candidly, and sensibly, calling for much higher security at perhaps the most important places in America; our schools.
Since the NRA, and the Second Amendment, are targets of the left, all the reasonable comments and ideas put forth by Lapierre was met with skepticism at best by most of Washington, and mocked by the media elite.
If we were engaged in a conversation about what issues lead people to plan and perpetrate these senseless attacks, one topic would be how God has been pushed out of our public discourse, and in particular, the schools. Becky Kowalski, whose adorable son Chase was killerd in the massacre, has set up The Chase Kowalski Scholarship Fund to among other things, advocate to "bring God back to America."
With the assault, pun intended, on The Second Amendment on the fast track, we must step aside and recognize that government is not the solution to our problems; in many ways, government is the problem. With the assistance of a complicit media, they continue to use areas of crisis to gain political ground in promotion of ideas limiting freedom and increasing of government control.
A poem written by Darrell Scott, whose lovely daughter Rachel was killed at Columbine in 1999, which he presented to a House Committee, rings loud and true today.
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
The memory of Rachel Joy Scott lives on through Rachel's Challenge, a foundation that among other things, creates safer learning environments and does outstanding work.
We will not find the answers we seek in Washington. We must look amongst ourselves, and there is hope. In fact, a message of hope was presented last Sunday by Dr. David Swanson of First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. Please take a listen:
Amongst a national tragedy, America seeks answers and help in understanding how we overcome this darkness. Help has come, as Our Savior is born. We must seek counsel, not from an oppressive government, but in individual freedom and the teachings of Christ Our Lord. Good news has come, in the blessings of His words.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Evil Transcends Weaponry

As my brother correctly stated on Friday evening, this attack on these innocent and helpless children carries a greater emotional pain for our citizens than the horrific events of September 11, 2001. To imagine the Christmas gifts that will not be opened is beyond heartbreaking.
As a Dad, and a proud American, I know my family joins millions around the world in praying for comfort for those who were directly affected by this unspeakable attack. A true act of evil.
Newtown looks like such a lovely place, and in the aftermath of the tragedy we learn of the heroic efforts of the staff at the school in their attempts to protect those little angels of students. The brave first responders also demonstrated an incredible level of professionalism. God Bless You All!
One thing I am quite clear on is that President Obama loves his two beautiful daughters, and he feels the pain of this tragedy like most all parents. It was an act of faith in many ways for parents across America to send our kids off to school this morning. "We can't tolerate this anymore," Obama said. Rarely am I in agreement with President Obama, but I concur that carnage of our citizens at soft targets around the country strongly suggests that America has some questions to answer.
Obama excels as Consoler and Chief, and his opening and closing comments at the service in Newtown last evening were surely heartfelt and meaningful as our nation weeps.
However, in the middle of the speech Obama went on offense conveying how he will use the power of his office to regulate change, and I find it concerning. Will his effort bring out the post partisan leadership many who supported him have longed for, or will he utilize a crisis to obtain political victories only possible during times of tragedy.
While Obama engages America in welcomed rhetoric standing above, for the most part, engaging in the politics of this tragedy, his surrogates are on high octane offense.
Former Obama COS Rahm Emanuel has called for a nationwide assault weapons ban, he of the "never let a crisis go to waste" gameplan. Over at CNN, Soledad Obrien, who can hardly contain her emotional support of Obama, has urged Obama to track people and firearms. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who literally wants to govern your life, has called for an enforceable assault weapons ban. Over at MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, who claims to be the "resident" conservative, said Friday changed everything and has reversed course in the aftermath of the events and has changed his long held position on gun laws.
I am not a gun owner, although I have been considering taking the initial steps of becoming one. It is my right as an American. But taking in these comments, I can only conclude the left is obviously going after the guns; and those who own them, period. Sadly, as the administration has changed the conversation by muddling the definitions of so many words, we must adequately define what would be considered an "assault" weapon prior to having an honest dialogue.
Perhaps some styles of military style weapons and "cop killer" ammunition are not reasonable for the citizens to own. However, if this were to be recognized in a common sense debate would it be met as moving the Overton Window and taken as a step in winning political positions for the Democrats? I suspect so, therefore any willingness to give any ground on the issue exhibiting common sense will not be given.
I am hopeful President Obama will step back and examine the entirety of these complex issues, which contrary to his surrogates calling for immediate action in strengthening gun control, is about far more than attacking the Second Amendment. After a touching speech after Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot, Obama failed miserably to corral the divisive rhetoric he found inappropriate In fact, Obama stoked the fire on numerous occasions. Often, the rhetoric of Obama offers optimism, but pessimism underlay his actions.
However, I am skeptical he will do so, as I do not find President Obama and his surrogates as honest brokers. Just last week, actor Jamie Foxx, a big Obama supporter and friend, spoke of gleefully "killing all the white people" in his new movie. About that rhetoric Mr. President?
While I am not a fan of commissions, a recommendation I heard last night to perhaps have retiring Senator Joe Lieberman (I:CT) to lead such an investigation seems to hold merit. Many aspects need to be reviewed, inclusive of but not limited to mental illness, youngsters who place zero value on life, political correctness limiting God in our public discourse, child abuse, Hollywood and video games, which desensitize killing.
However, we must note that the individual who committed the crime is responsible for his actions, and those of us law abiding citizens should not be punished with a loss of liberty due to his reprehensible actions.
Freedom is not without high costs; however, if we are unable to adequately protect our children, we must examine the factors at play which prohibit that from happening and promptly address them.
President Obama has an opportunity here to lead in a meaningful way as our President. Should Obama join his surrogates already in effort to seize the day in attacking the Second Amendment
implemented so our citizenry may be armed to thwart an oppressive and tyrannical government, I will join those is stiff opposition.
The Obama administration is among the most power grabbing administrations in history, closely resembling in many ways the FDR years in moving the Overton Window from liberty towards tyranny. Evidence does not suggest they have a deep concern for constitutional rights, as Obama has proclaimed it an imperfect document.
Perhaps it would be wise to, once again, receive guidance during these times from Ronald Reagan:
Evil is always opportunistic, no matter what weapon. However, the power of God will rule the day. Our hearts bleed for those affected in Newtown, but evil will ultimately be defeated. We must all do our part to make it so.
We will continue to mourn with those in Newtown, and will forever remember those God has called home much too early. God Bless those little angels lost, the brave school administrators who lost their lives, extended families and friends, the fine folks of Newtown and the United States of America.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
2012 All America Team
2012 All America Team
WR Maquis Lee, Southern California
6'0", 195, SO, Ingelwood, CA (Serra)
WR Terrance Williams, Baylor
6'2", 195, SR, Dallas, TX (White)
WR Stedman Bailey, West Virginia
5'10", 195, JR, Mirimar, FL (Mirimar)
TE Tyler Eifert, Notre Dame
6'6", 251 SR, Fort Wayne, IN (Bishop Dwenger)
OL Luke Joeckel, Texas A&M
6'6" 310, JR, Arlington TX (Arlington)
OL Jonathan Cooper, North Carolina
6'3" 295, SR, Wilmington, NC (Hoggard)
OL Barrett Jones, Alabama
6'5, 311 JR, Germantown, TN (Evangelical Christian)
OL David Yankey, Stanford
6'5", 301, JR, Roswell, GA, (Centennial)
OL Taylor Lewan, Michigan
6'8", 309, JR, Scottsdale, AZ (Chaparral)
QB Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M
6'0", 195, FR, Kerrville, TX (Tivy)
RB Jonathan Franklin, UCLA
5'11", 195, SR, Los Angeles, CA (Dorsey)
RB Giovani Bernard, North Carolina
5'10", 205, SO, Boca Raton, FL (St. Thomas Aquinas)
RB Montee Ball, Wisconsin
5'11, 210 JR, Wentzville, MO (Timberland)
DE Jadeveon Clowney, South Carolina
6'6", 256, SO, Rock Hill, SC (South Pointe)
DT Will Sutton, Arizona State
6'1, 267, JR, Corona, CA, (Corona)
DT Star Lofulelei, Utah
6'4", 320, SR, South Jordan, UT (Bingham)
DT Stephen Truitt, Notre Dame
6'3", 310, JR, Huber Heights, OH (Wayne)
DE Bjoern Werner, Florida State
6'4", 255, JR, Salisbury, CT (Salisbury)
OLB Jarvis Jones, Georgia
6'3", 241, JR, Columbus, GA (Carver)
ILB Manti Te'o, Notre Dame
6'2, 255, SR, Laie, HI, (Punahou)
ILB Arthur Brown, Kansas State
6'1, 231 SR, Wichita, KN (East)
ILB Mike Mauti, Penn State
6'2" 232, SR, Mandeville, LA (Mandeville)
OLB Damontre Moore, Texas A&M
6'4", 250 JR, Rowlett, TX (Rowlett)
DB Jonathan Banks, Mississippi State
6'2" 185, SR, Maben, MS (Maben)
DB Jordan Poyer, Oregon State
6'0", 190, SR, Astoria, OR (Astoria)
DB Matt Elam, Florida
5'10", 202, JR, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (Dwyer)
DB Phillip Tomas, Fresno State
6'1". 215, SR, Bakersfield, CA (Bakersfield)
DB Dee Milliner, Alabama
6'1" 199, JR, Millbrook, AL (Stanhope Elmore)
KR Tyler Lockett, Kansas State
5'11" 175, SO, Tulsa, OK (Booker T Washington)
P Ryan Allen, Louisiana Tech
6'2", 215, SR, Salem, OR (West Salem)
PK Dustin Hopkins, Florida State
6'2", 190, SR, Houston, TX, (Clear Lake)
NC Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M
6'0", 195, FR, Kerrville, TX (Tivy)
1. Johnny Manziel, QB, Texas A&M
2. Manti Te'o, LB, Notre Dame
3. Collin Klein, QB Kansas State
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Johnny Manziel |
WR Maquis Lee, Southern California
6'0", 195, SO, Ingelwood, CA (Serra)
WR Terrance Williams, Baylor
6'2", 195, SR, Dallas, TX (White)
WR Stedman Bailey, West Virginia
5'10", 195, JR, Mirimar, FL (Mirimar)
TE Tyler Eifert, Notre Dame
6'6", 251 SR, Fort Wayne, IN (Bishop Dwenger)
OL Luke Joeckel, Texas A&M
6'6" 310, JR, Arlington TX (Arlington)
OL Jonathan Cooper, North Carolina
6'3" 295, SR, Wilmington, NC (Hoggard)
OL Barrett Jones, Alabama
6'5, 311 JR, Germantown, TN (Evangelical Christian)
OL David Yankey, Stanford
6'5", 301, JR, Roswell, GA, (Centennial)
OL Taylor Lewan, Michigan
6'8", 309, JR, Scottsdale, AZ (Chaparral)
QB Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M
6'0", 195, FR, Kerrville, TX (Tivy)
RB Jonathan Franklin, UCLA
5'11", 195, SR, Los Angeles, CA (Dorsey)
RB Giovani Bernard, North Carolina
5'10", 205, SO, Boca Raton, FL (St. Thomas Aquinas)
RB Montee Ball, Wisconsin
5'11, 210 JR, Wentzville, MO (Timberland)
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Manti Te'o |
DE Jadeveon Clowney, South Carolina
6'6", 256, SO, Rock Hill, SC (South Pointe)
DT Will Sutton, Arizona State
6'1, 267, JR, Corona, CA, (Corona)
DT Star Lofulelei, Utah
6'4", 320, SR, South Jordan, UT (Bingham)
DT Stephen Truitt, Notre Dame
6'3", 310, JR, Huber Heights, OH (Wayne)
DE Bjoern Werner, Florida State
6'4", 255, JR, Salisbury, CT (Salisbury)
OLB Jarvis Jones, Georgia
6'3", 241, JR, Columbus, GA (Carver)
ILB Manti Te'o, Notre Dame
6'2, 255, SR, Laie, HI, (Punahou)
ILB Arthur Brown, Kansas State
6'1, 231 SR, Wichita, KN (East)
ILB Mike Mauti, Penn State
6'2" 232, SR, Mandeville, LA (Mandeville)
OLB Damontre Moore, Texas A&M
6'4", 250 JR, Rowlett, TX (Rowlett)
DB Jonathan Banks, Mississippi State
6'2" 185, SR, Maben, MS (Maben)
DB Jordan Poyer, Oregon State
6'0", 190, SR, Astoria, OR (Astoria)
DB Matt Elam, Florida
5'10", 202, JR, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (Dwyer)
DB Phillip Tomas, Fresno State
6'1". 215, SR, Bakersfield, CA (Bakersfield)
DB Dee Milliner, Alabama
6'1" 199, JR, Millbrook, AL (Stanhope Elmore)
KR Tyler Lockett, Kansas State
5'11" 175, SO, Tulsa, OK (Booker T Washington)
P Ryan Allen, Louisiana Tech
6'2", 215, SR, Salem, OR (West Salem)
PK Dustin Hopkins, Florida State
6'2", 190, SR, Houston, TX, (Clear Lake)
NC Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M
6'0", 195, FR, Kerrville, TX (Tivy)
1. Johnny Manziel, QB, Texas A&M
2. Manti Te'o, LB, Notre Dame
3. Collin Klein, QB Kansas State
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Fire Breathes Out of Overton Window
Word on the street is that one of the conservative Supreme Court Judges is considering retirement.
Now, as a conservative, thinking of my country, my fellow man and my children and grandchildren, under zero circumstance would I consider retirement with the current administration in office if I had the honor of being a member of The Supreme Court.
Are you familiar with the Overton Window theory? If not, please immediately familiarize yourself with the theory, as it will be a central tenant surrounding most if not all forthcoming actions by the Obama administration. The theory was highlighted in a recent editorial in The Wall Street Journal when the Chick-fil-a debate uproar was on the front pages.
With the media in criminally complicit concert with the current administration, alternative blog sites have become central to obtaining vital information. Among the top notch blogs I monitor is The Ulsterman Report . A unique and riveting highlight of the site has been an ongoing conversation between the host, Ulsterman, and secret operatives known as The White House Insider, The Military Insider and The Wall Street Insider.
At first review, I thought this may have been fiction, but as time went along I drew the conclusion the intriguing dialogues were very real; with topics and information alarming and dangerous. Information discussed in the interviews frequently became mainstream news weeks later.
In the aftermath of the election, Ulsterman has been introduced to an operative given the moniker of Republican Insider. The conversations remain must reads for Americans seeking the truth.
In the latest conversation with RI, The Ulsterman Report reports that Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama, has indicated The White House intends to nominate an openly gay individual for appointment to the Supreme Court. RI reports operatives "are testing these waters". Therefore, it is concluded Jarrett and staff are aiming to implement the Overton Window; having the president propose something far outside the majority of the American people only to retreat to an area they regard as a winning position.
The potential appointment of an openly homosexual individual is certain to create a fiery debate. The GOP will be weak as usual, not wanting to potentially alienate any potential supporters. Citizens will be pitted against one another in another chapter of class warfare, and the debate will expand beyond the appointment to gay marriage, which was profound religious effect, to racism and minority rights which could lead to civil unrest. A perfect mess of chaos, which the administration objective.
However, as indicated by RI, while Americans engage in the "Trojan Horse" gay debate and the GOP defends false accusations of being the party of hate, the aforementioned Overton Window position is that administration seeks is to nominate the most radical supreme court justice in the history of the United States.
The administration does not care about the homosexual community in any way other than to use them as a vehicle to promote individuals who share the radical ideas of the administration in their effort to transform the United States of America; moulding it to their hearts desire.
Although the similarities are substantial, this aspirations of this administration far exceed the socialist objectives of Franklin Roosevelt and America is in deep peril. To whomever the Justice is supposedly considering retirement, for the love of God and Man, that decision must be postponed as long as this administration, or those with similar objectives, are in charge.
Freedom may depend on it.
Now, as a conservative, thinking of my country, my fellow man and my children and grandchildren, under zero circumstance would I consider retirement with the current administration in office if I had the honor of being a member of The Supreme Court.
Are you familiar with the Overton Window theory? If not, please immediately familiarize yourself with the theory, as it will be a central tenant surrounding most if not all forthcoming actions by the Obama administration. The theory was highlighted in a recent editorial in The Wall Street Journal when the Chick-fil-a debate uproar was on the front pages.
With the media in criminally complicit concert with the current administration, alternative blog sites have become central to obtaining vital information. Among the top notch blogs I monitor is The Ulsterman Report . A unique and riveting highlight of the site has been an ongoing conversation between the host, Ulsterman, and secret operatives known as The White House Insider, The Military Insider and The Wall Street Insider.
At first review, I thought this may have been fiction, but as time went along I drew the conclusion the intriguing dialogues were very real; with topics and information alarming and dangerous. Information discussed in the interviews frequently became mainstream news weeks later.
In the aftermath of the election, Ulsterman has been introduced to an operative given the moniker of Republican Insider. The conversations remain must reads for Americans seeking the truth.
In the latest conversation with RI, The Ulsterman Report reports that Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama, has indicated The White House intends to nominate an openly gay individual for appointment to the Supreme Court. RI reports operatives "are testing these waters". Therefore, it is concluded Jarrett and staff are aiming to implement the Overton Window; having the president propose something far outside the majority of the American people only to retreat to an area they regard as a winning position.
The potential appointment of an openly homosexual individual is certain to create a fiery debate. The GOP will be weak as usual, not wanting to potentially alienate any potential supporters. Citizens will be pitted against one another in another chapter of class warfare, and the debate will expand beyond the appointment to gay marriage, which was profound religious effect, to racism and minority rights which could lead to civil unrest. A perfect mess of chaos, which the administration objective.
However, as indicated by RI, while Americans engage in the "Trojan Horse" gay debate and the GOP defends false accusations of being the party of hate, the aforementioned Overton Window position is that administration seeks is to nominate the most radical supreme court justice in the history of the United States.
The administration does not care about the homosexual community in any way other than to use them as a vehicle to promote individuals who share the radical ideas of the administration in their effort to transform the United States of America; moulding it to their hearts desire.
Although the similarities are substantial, this aspirations of this administration far exceed the socialist objectives of Franklin Roosevelt and America is in deep peril. To whomever the Justice is supposedly considering retirement, for the love of God and Man, that decision must be postponed as long as this administration, or those with similar objectives, are in charge.
Freedom may depend on it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Middle East Web of Weaponry
At this moment, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says signs point to Syria using weapons of mass destruction, in this case chemical weapons, on their own people. The uprising in Syria, in large measure, has been regrettably aided by The United States in levels extending beyond appeasement.
Larry Kudlow of CNBC chats with John Batchelor on the Syrian crisis.
Starting with speeches around the world proclaiming the transgressions of America, President Obama set out to right these perceived wrongs. As part of this effort, Obama implemented uprisings in the middle east, toppling enemies we knew for those unknown, as least by most. Although Obama spoke publicly about the enhanced chances for democracy and freedom, Obama privately knew those positioned to fill the vacuum, the Muslim Brotherhood, would advocate, or install by force, Shari-ah Law, as is currently the case in Egypt.
But let us regress. Although Syria has a weapons program, are the majority of the weapons of mass destruction currently possessed by Syria the same weapons we never found in Iraq?
Indeed they are.
No longer politically expedient to admonish George W. Bush for going to war with Iraq on false assumptions of the existence of these weapons, it should come as no surprise that stories shining light on the weapons transfer from Iraq to Syria are emerging in frequency. While many reports are discussing recently discovered pathways of weapon movement from Iraq to Syria, hidden behind the discussion is the transfer during the postponement of the invasion of Iraq that France President Jacque Chirac, a dishonest broker who worked against US interests, bought.
The second to none editorial page of Investors Business Daily leads the way as usual in presenting and detailing the truth. IBD, in an editorial yesterday, continues to present the facts even if few Americans are willing to absorb it.
Although I remain incensed regarding the antics used by the opponents of President Bush, most notably regarding the propaganda regrading the weapons, the discussion pales in comparison to what is happening now.
Benghazi, who most Americans think is some folk singer, should have been a story that would detonate and destroy the Obama administration. There was supposed to be a presser by a handful of Republicans, however, these GOP members snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as they did not want to seem as playing politics and not caring for the victims as super storm Sandy slapped the northeast.
However, the events in Benghazi supersede politics. Four Americans, including our Ambassador to Egypt and two NAVY Seals, were murdered. The Ambassador, and the Seals, requested help on various occasions but were turned down. Although many have called out Obama on this horrendous act of war against the Untied States, perhaps the commentary by Jeanine Piro on FOX News Channel hit him the hardest, and appropriately so.
As previously noted on the blog, Ambassador Stevens, who inexplicably was meeting with a Turkish contact in a dangerous area outside of our embassy, is thought to have been working to secure weapons. The weapons Stephens is thought to have been attempting to corral are weapons the United States, under Obama, had been supplying rebels in Egypt and Libya.
Recent reports, including from The New York Times, give confirmation of the central theme of the story, which is gun running by the Obama administration. Although not an optimal source, some strong information on this subject can be found over at blog site Lame Cherry. Regrettably, these weapons have gotten loose and have fallen into hands of those who aim America harm. Imagine that.
Although the issues surrounding Benghazi, in which a US Ambassador was murdered for the first time in over 30 years and an administration appears to be running guns seemingly without Congressional approval, seems to be a story which would dwarf Watergate, apparently no journalists are interested in winning a Pulitzer Prize.
On the heels of winning the election, the Obama administration is embolden by a new found sense of arrogance. With a complicit media in their hip pocket, why should they worry? What could happen with some weapons, perhaps some of mass destruction, loose in the hands of Al-Queda, Hamas or other groups or countries who wish us harm?
Well, take a listen to Dennis Kucinich (D:OH), of all people, who is asking some very alarming questions and not getting any answers:
This was a debate needed at the time in 2011, and one critically needed right now. Kucinich rhetorically asked who should be held accountable, and the answer is President Obama.
Unfortunately, the media is criminally negligent in coverage of the Obama administration. The Democrats are in support of the actions of Obama, as are the Progressives in both parties, who have been working toward reducing the superpower status of the US for quite some time. The GOP members in strong opposition are few in numbers and fearful of being labeled an extremist. See Rep. Allen West, (R:FL).
It is far time for someone to step forward, and take on those in power.
This type of thing used to be a big deal, for I recall missing General Hospital for days on end while a Congressional panel hammered Col. Oliver North. However, while America wonders who is on the next Dancing With The Stars cast and enjoying the ever expanding entitlements coming their way, lies are being presented as truth, unrecognizable to the "low information voters" who re-elected Obama.
I hope and pray America, and the media, wake up before a catastrophic tragedy occurs. While the likelihood of such en event favors a financial issue, that may be welcomed against the possibility of a weapon of mass destruction altering life in America forever.
Should such an event occur, while Kucinich wonders whose fault it would be, I would have no doubt who to hold to accountability.
Larry Kudlow of CNBC chats with John Batchelor on the Syrian crisis.
Starting with speeches around the world proclaiming the transgressions of America, President Obama set out to right these perceived wrongs. As part of this effort, Obama implemented uprisings in the middle east, toppling enemies we knew for those unknown, as least by most. Although Obama spoke publicly about the enhanced chances for democracy and freedom, Obama privately knew those positioned to fill the vacuum, the Muslim Brotherhood, would advocate, or install by force, Shari-ah Law, as is currently the case in Egypt.
But let us regress. Although Syria has a weapons program, are the majority of the weapons of mass destruction currently possessed by Syria the same weapons we never found in Iraq?
Indeed they are.
No longer politically expedient to admonish George W. Bush for going to war with Iraq on false assumptions of the existence of these weapons, it should come as no surprise that stories shining light on the weapons transfer from Iraq to Syria are emerging in frequency. While many reports are discussing recently discovered pathways of weapon movement from Iraq to Syria, hidden behind the discussion is the transfer during the postponement of the invasion of Iraq that France President Jacque Chirac, a dishonest broker who worked against US interests, bought.
The second to none editorial page of Investors Business Daily leads the way as usual in presenting and detailing the truth. IBD, in an editorial yesterday, continues to present the facts even if few Americans are willing to absorb it.
Although I remain incensed regarding the antics used by the opponents of President Bush, most notably regarding the propaganda regrading the weapons, the discussion pales in comparison to what is happening now.
Benghazi, who most Americans think is some folk singer, should have been a story that would detonate and destroy the Obama administration. There was supposed to be a presser by a handful of Republicans, however, these GOP members snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as they did not want to seem as playing politics and not caring for the victims as super storm Sandy slapped the northeast.
However, the events in Benghazi supersede politics. Four Americans, including our Ambassador to Egypt and two NAVY Seals, were murdered. The Ambassador, and the Seals, requested help on various occasions but were turned down. Although many have called out Obama on this horrendous act of war against the Untied States, perhaps the commentary by Jeanine Piro on FOX News Channel hit him the hardest, and appropriately so.
As previously noted on the blog, Ambassador Stevens, who inexplicably was meeting with a Turkish contact in a dangerous area outside of our embassy, is thought to have been working to secure weapons. The weapons Stephens is thought to have been attempting to corral are weapons the United States, under Obama, had been supplying rebels in Egypt and Libya.
Recent reports, including from The New York Times, give confirmation of the central theme of the story, which is gun running by the Obama administration. Although not an optimal source, some strong information on this subject can be found over at blog site Lame Cherry. Regrettably, these weapons have gotten loose and have fallen into hands of those who aim America harm. Imagine that.
Although the issues surrounding Benghazi, in which a US Ambassador was murdered for the first time in over 30 years and an administration appears to be running guns seemingly without Congressional approval, seems to be a story which would dwarf Watergate, apparently no journalists are interested in winning a Pulitzer Prize.
On the heels of winning the election, the Obama administration is embolden by a new found sense of arrogance. With a complicit media in their hip pocket, why should they worry? What could happen with some weapons, perhaps some of mass destruction, loose in the hands of Al-Queda, Hamas or other groups or countries who wish us harm?
Well, take a listen to Dennis Kucinich (D:OH), of all people, who is asking some very alarming questions and not getting any answers:
This was a debate needed at the time in 2011, and one critically needed right now. Kucinich rhetorically asked who should be held accountable, and the answer is President Obama.
Unfortunately, the media is criminally negligent in coverage of the Obama administration. The Democrats are in support of the actions of Obama, as are the Progressives in both parties, who have been working toward reducing the superpower status of the US for quite some time. The GOP members in strong opposition are few in numbers and fearful of being labeled an extremist. See Rep. Allen West, (R:FL).
It is far time for someone to step forward, and take on those in power.
This type of thing used to be a big deal, for I recall missing General Hospital for days on end while a Congressional panel hammered Col. Oliver North. However, while America wonders who is on the next Dancing With The Stars cast and enjoying the ever expanding entitlements coming their way, lies are being presented as truth, unrecognizable to the "low information voters" who re-elected Obama.
I hope and pray America, and the media, wake up before a catastrophic tragedy occurs. While the likelihood of such en event favors a financial issue, that may be welcomed against the possibility of a weapon of mass destruction altering life in America forever.
Should such an event occur, while Kucinich wonders whose fault it would be, I would have no doubt who to hold to accountability.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sovereignty Under Attack
There has been an alarming amount of proposed treaties with the United Nations the United States has been considering recently, and although right out of the progressives playbook, they are significantly detrimental to our sovereignty.
With Glenn Beck's Agenda 21 hot off the presses, word comes of yet another stealth treaty with very troublesome undertones. Time constraints prohibit thorough analysis at this time, but as usual, Beck gives you an overview of what is afoot with the U.N. Treaty: Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Please take a listen:
We will have more on this topic, Agenda 21 and those who seek to limit the sovereignty of the United States with and without partnership of the United Nations in the upcoming days and weeks.
With Glenn Beck's Agenda 21 hot off the presses, word comes of yet another stealth treaty with very troublesome undertones. Time constraints prohibit thorough analysis at this time, but as usual, Beck gives you an overview of what is afoot with the U.N. Treaty: Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Please take a listen:
We will have more on this topic, Agenda 21 and those who seek to limit the sovereignty of the United States with and without partnership of the United Nations in the upcoming days and weeks.
Agenda 21,
Glenn Beck,
United Nations
No Participation In System Crash
The top story in the political arena this week is commonly referred to as the fiscal cliff; a collection of negative economic realities encroaching upon America that time cannot stop.
While these realities are incredibly harsh, the issues are sadly, but not unexpectedly, being used as political fisticuffs. You see, progressives on both sides are arguing about where the money should be spent, rather than responding with fiduciary responsibility in an effort to prohibit Uncle Sam from suffering catastrophic financial injury.
Most of America thinks our elected officials are working diligently in an effort to curb the affects of the approaching storm, enacting policy changes to mitigate the damage and prohibit future economic disasters. Outside of a handful of conservatives, they are sadly mistaken.
Our old friend Larry Kudlow suggests President Obama does not want to see America regress into another recession. We rarely part company with Kudlow, but since the president has been eagerly implementing policies that punish success while creating a culture of dependency, Obama not only does not care about a second recession during his watch, he is actively enabling it.
In fact, the Democrats, giddy over the election results, are seeking political gain at the expense of the American public. Any and every opportunity to spend more money in effort to collapse the system into a new socialistic structure is being pursued, and scapegoats in the form of non compliant Republicans are being targeted.
On cue from the Obama administration, the media has once again brought Americans For Tax Reform President Grover Norquist forward as the boogie man, creating a straw man argument. We thoroughly covered the shenanigans in the targeting of Norquist back in June of 2011. Norquist gathered signatures of most of the elected republicans to pledge to not raise taxes under any circumstances.
Norquist is under fire, and is not taking the attacks lying down. Sadly, some republicans have announced they will break their pledge, hoping to save their political future. From my perspective, republicans who raise my taxes have no political future.
Contrary to the media, the fiscal cliff is not about Norquist. Without question, President Bush spent way too much money, but Obama, with control of the House of Representatives and the Senate, ran up the tab exponentially with little to zero return on or of investment. By design.
Obama has a mindset that America stole from other countries to accumulate its wealth, and that wrong must be righted with the vehicle for correction being the transfer of wealth. Domestically, Obama holds the same "you didn't build that" philosophy and aims to transfer wealth from those who have it those who do not.
Don't look now, but Obama and his progressive cohorts have been quite effective thus far. Although Dodd-Frank was quite significant, Obamacare is the central legislative act for wealth transformation.
Given our amount of debt, we are already over the fiscal cliff and arguments to the contrary are mind games. In fact, without government intervention, we are and have been in recession.
The course of action for republicans, and America, is to call Obama on the table. After Uncle Sam has run up to the max limit every credit card in sight, rather than continue to allow the government to steal our money, they need to walk back all their negative return investments and excessive entitlements. The GOP should not be party to joining in any balanced objectives, otherwise known as tax increases.
Unfortunately, Obama and the progressives do not share the same objectives sound economic thinkers possess. Under their direction, we will be driven to bankruptcy as our system collapses into a socialistic big government nanny state with controlling mechanisms keeping the citizenry under thumb; robbed of incentive, dignity and hope.
Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity, inclusive of limited government.
While these realities are incredibly harsh, the issues are sadly, but not unexpectedly, being used as political fisticuffs. You see, progressives on both sides are arguing about where the money should be spent, rather than responding with fiduciary responsibility in an effort to prohibit Uncle Sam from suffering catastrophic financial injury.
Most of America thinks our elected officials are working diligently in an effort to curb the affects of the approaching storm, enacting policy changes to mitigate the damage and prohibit future economic disasters. Outside of a handful of conservatives, they are sadly mistaken.
Our old friend Larry Kudlow suggests President Obama does not want to see America regress into another recession. We rarely part company with Kudlow, but since the president has been eagerly implementing policies that punish success while creating a culture of dependency, Obama not only does not care about a second recession during his watch, he is actively enabling it.
In fact, the Democrats, giddy over the election results, are seeking political gain at the expense of the American public. Any and every opportunity to spend more money in effort to collapse the system into a new socialistic structure is being pursued, and scapegoats in the form of non compliant Republicans are being targeted.
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Grover Norquist/Photo/AP |
Norquist is under fire, and is not taking the attacks lying down. Sadly, some republicans have announced they will break their pledge, hoping to save their political future. From my perspective, republicans who raise my taxes have no political future.
Contrary to the media, the fiscal cliff is not about Norquist. Without question, President Bush spent way too much money, but Obama, with control of the House of Representatives and the Senate, ran up the tab exponentially with little to zero return on or of investment. By design.
Obama has a mindset that America stole from other countries to accumulate its wealth, and that wrong must be righted with the vehicle for correction being the transfer of wealth. Domestically, Obama holds the same "you didn't build that" philosophy and aims to transfer wealth from those who have it those who do not.
Don't look now, but Obama and his progressive cohorts have been quite effective thus far. Although Dodd-Frank was quite significant, Obamacare is the central legislative act for wealth transformation.
Given our amount of debt, we are already over the fiscal cliff and arguments to the contrary are mind games. In fact, without government intervention, we are and have been in recession.
The course of action for republicans, and America, is to call Obama on the table. After Uncle Sam has run up to the max limit every credit card in sight, rather than continue to allow the government to steal our money, they need to walk back all their negative return investments and excessive entitlements. The GOP should not be party to joining in any balanced objectives, otherwise known as tax increases.
Unfortunately, Obama and the progressives do not share the same objectives sound economic thinkers possess. Under their direction, we will be driven to bankruptcy as our system collapses into a socialistic big government nanny state with controlling mechanisms keeping the citizenry under thumb; robbed of incentive, dignity and hope.
Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity, inclusive of limited government.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Notre Dame, 12-0, 1
2. Alabama, 12-1, 2
3. Florida, 11-1, 5
4. Oregon, 11-1, 4
5. Georgia, 11-2, 3
6. Ohio State, 12-0, 6
7. Texas A&M, 10-2, 7
8. Kansas State, 11-1, 8
9. Stanford, 11-2, 9
10. Louisiana State, 10-2, 10
11. South Carolina, 10-2, 11
12. Oklahoma, 10-2, 12
13. Florida State, 11-2, 14
14. Clemson, 10-2, 14
15. Oregon State, 9-3, 16
16. UCLA, 9-4, 17
17. Michigan, 9-3, 18
18. Northwestern, 9-3, 19
19. Wisconsin, 8-5, NR
20. Northern Illinois, 12-1, 19
21. Vanderbilt, 8-4, 23
22. Utah State, 10-2, 25
23. Nebraska, 10-3, 13
24. Louisville, 10-2, NR
25. Southern Cal, 7-5, NR
OUT: Oklahoma State, (21), Texas Christian (22) and Texas (24).
VOTES: Penn State, Cincinnati, Baylor, Rutgers, Oklahoma State, San Jose State, Texas Christian, Boise State, Michigan State, Kent State, Texas, Ole Miss, Fresno State, Mississippi State, West Virginia, Tulsa, North Carolina and Arkansas State.
Florida State, behind very average quarterback play and inept play calling, failed to mash the gas after jumping to a very early 14-0 lead versus Georgia Tech in The ACC Championship game and then had to hold on to defeat an inspired but very average Yellow Jacket team 21-15. The game had a very familiar, but unwelcome feel to it. FSU jumps out early, plays not to lose running a vanilla offense and then rolls the dice on a late collapse. A home loss late in 2011 to Virgina, the inexcusable loss at NC State and a last second escape at Va.Tech this fall appears to have had little or no impact on the coaching staff. Thankfully, FSU won this game, for a loss would have resulted in a significant financial hit for the Seminoles, and the Orange Bowl, The defense played well, no doubt wanting to send DC Mark Stoops, who has taken the job at Kentucky, off with a great effort. Job well done. This is the first championship for FSU since 2005, so the win is very meaningful and a notable step in returning the Seminoles to greatness. However, issues remain. Fisher needs an offensive coordinator to help expand the utilization of the playbook and top level athletes the Seminoles have offensively. In addition, the quarterback play, which has been an issue for over a decade, must improve. FSU is off to the Orange Bowl, perhaps to meet Louisville, and should be heavily favored. A great precursor for 2013 would be to exceed expectations with a high octane performance. Time will tell. Off the field, hopefully the FSU brass recognize the ACC is totally unstable. I expect the Big Ten to raid another team or two from the ACC, so FSU officials need to be preemptive and make a move to increase stability and financial opportunity. Remaining in the ACC with Big East castoffs waters down significantly the value of the University, so rather than lose value, FSU should seek to increase the brand and platform. Again, time will tell the level of leadership.
Sadly, Maj. Billy Smith, the Florida State Highway Patrolman who served as Coach Bobby Bowden's escort for some four decades, passed away last weekend. Smith was a mainstay for the Seminoles, a good man whose service to our country and the Seminoles is greatly appreciated. The Tallahassee Democrat reported on the death of Smith. RIP Billy Smith.
In perhaps the worst performance of a Nebraska football team in my 48 years of existence, the Cornhuskers got freight trained in The Big Ten Championship game by a Wisconsin team fortunate to be in the game. Nebraska gave up 42 first half points, and a quick check of the record book shows from 1956 to 2001, the Cornhuskers did not give up more than 42 points in a game! Yes, you read that correctly.
Wisconsin trampled Nebraska 70-31, and it was not that close.
Under Bill Callahan, Nebraska lost 70-10 at Texas Tech, but that was not on a conference championship stage. In addition, Pelini, a defensive guru, was hired primarily to fix the defensive woes under the Callahan regime, and they were substantial.
Tom Shatel of The Omaha World Herald has it right. "Nebraska looked ill-prepared, lackluster and like it had no business being on a championship field. This, in the fifth year of Pelini's tenure, with his guys, his seniors, his way of football". Shatel was not finished.
Top 25
1. Notre Dame, 12-0, 1
2. Alabama, 12-1, 2
3. Florida, 11-1, 5
4. Oregon, 11-1, 4
5. Georgia, 11-2, 3
6. Ohio State, 12-0, 6
7. Texas A&M, 10-2, 7
8. Kansas State, 11-1, 8
9. Stanford, 11-2, 9
10. Louisiana State, 10-2, 10
11. South Carolina, 10-2, 11
12. Oklahoma, 10-2, 12
13. Florida State, 11-2, 14
14. Clemson, 10-2, 14
15. Oregon State, 9-3, 16
16. UCLA, 9-4, 17
17. Michigan, 9-3, 18
18. Northwestern, 9-3, 19
19. Wisconsin, 8-5, NR
20. Northern Illinois, 12-1, 19
21. Vanderbilt, 8-4, 23
22. Utah State, 10-2, 25
23. Nebraska, 10-3, 13
24. Louisville, 10-2, NR
25. Southern Cal, 7-5, NR
OUT: Oklahoma State, (21), Texas Christian (22) and Texas (24).
VOTES: Penn State, Cincinnati, Baylor, Rutgers, Oklahoma State, San Jose State, Texas Christian, Boise State, Michigan State, Kent State, Texas, Ole Miss, Fresno State, Mississippi State, West Virginia, Tulsa, North Carolina and Arkansas State.
Florida State, behind very average quarterback play and inept play calling, failed to mash the gas after jumping to a very early 14-0 lead versus Georgia Tech in The ACC Championship game and then had to hold on to defeat an inspired but very average Yellow Jacket team 21-15. The game had a very familiar, but unwelcome feel to it. FSU jumps out early, plays not to lose running a vanilla offense and then rolls the dice on a late collapse. A home loss late in 2011 to Virgina, the inexcusable loss at NC State and a last second escape at Va.Tech this fall appears to have had little or no impact on the coaching staff. Thankfully, FSU won this game, for a loss would have resulted in a significant financial hit for the Seminoles, and the Orange Bowl, The defense played well, no doubt wanting to send DC Mark Stoops, who has taken the job at Kentucky, off with a great effort. Job well done. This is the first championship for FSU since 2005, so the win is very meaningful and a notable step in returning the Seminoles to greatness. However, issues remain. Fisher needs an offensive coordinator to help expand the utilization of the playbook and top level athletes the Seminoles have offensively. In addition, the quarterback play, which has been an issue for over a decade, must improve. FSU is off to the Orange Bowl, perhaps to meet Louisville, and should be heavily favored. A great precursor for 2013 would be to exceed expectations with a high octane performance. Time will tell. Off the field, hopefully the FSU brass recognize the ACC is totally unstable. I expect the Big Ten to raid another team or two from the ACC, so FSU officials need to be preemptive and make a move to increase stability and financial opportunity. Remaining in the ACC with Big East castoffs waters down significantly the value of the University, so rather than lose value, FSU should seek to increase the brand and platform. Again, time will tell the level of leadership.

In perhaps the worst performance of a Nebraska football team in my 48 years of existence, the Cornhuskers got freight trained in The Big Ten Championship game by a Wisconsin team fortunate to be in the game. Nebraska gave up 42 first half points, and a quick check of the record book shows from 1956 to 2001, the Cornhuskers did not give up more than 42 points in a game! Yes, you read that correctly.
Wisconsin trampled Nebraska 70-31, and it was not that close.
Under Bill Callahan, Nebraska lost 70-10 at Texas Tech, but that was not on a conference championship stage. In addition, Pelini, a defensive guru, was hired primarily to fix the defensive woes under the Callahan regime, and they were substantial.
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Issues and no answers for Pelini/Photo Brian Spurlock-US PRESSWIRE |
After significant early success in his tenure at Nebraska, given hat we witnessed last evening, the defensive issues remain far from resolved and Pelini appears to be vacant of any answers.
Nebraska defeated Wisconsin earlier in the season in a dramatic comeback 30-27 at Lincoln, after which Pelini commented "Contrary to what you guys think, I haven’t forgotten how to coach defense and how to stop the run ".
The next weekend Nebraska suffered a blowout at Ohio State in which the 'Huskers surrendered 650 yards. Nebraska responded by winning six games in row in to win the Legends division, beating some good football teams.
Then came the debacle last night. Stopping the run? Are you kidding me. The Badgers had a pedestrian at best signal caller, but ran like the wind in piling up some 539 yards rushing. "Obviously we didn't play well enough," Pelini
said. "We came unglued. I wish I had the answer, but I don't." Knowing what Wisconsin does offensively, and having no answers, is of great concern.
Tom Shatel of The Omaha World Herald has it right. "Nebraska looked ill-prepared, lackluster and like it had no business being on a championship field. This, in the fifth year of Pelini's tenure, with his guys, his seniors, his way of football". Shatel was not finished.
With a defense ranked in the top 15 in the nation, how on earth could Nebraska get clocked in such fashion. Over at The Bleacher Report, they have some analysis.
Pelini, whose hire I strongly supported, seems in quick sand. After Wisconsin burned Nebraska badly on a pair of jet sweeps, no adjustments to close the corner were made. The Blackshirts were excellent at arm tackle attempts, and the secondary was embarrassing. In fact, the whole effort was embarrassing and nobody on defense dreamed of playing well. Nobody.
Sadly, although the offense should be very good next year, Taylor Martinez cannot be counted on to bail Nebraska out on a weekly basis. There appears to be limited talent returning on the stop side; again, Pelini's supposed wheel house. Without question, this is problematic to be sure. Recruiting is not going all the well either.
I suspect Pelini will be back next fall, but performances similar to what we witnessed last night are inexcusable and if they continue, we will have to part company. Significant improvement will have to be witnessed, for the standards of excellence we demand are failing to be met.
As Shatel accurately pointed out, this one goes directly on the head coach's tab, a tab Husker Nation may soon pick up in the name of a buyout.
Something has to be done about the helmet to helmet rule. Certainly, we all recognized the issue of repeated concussions and the long term impact they can have. But football is a violent sport, one the players choose to participate in. If you are worried about being hit, stay on the couch. At least for the time being, America remains a free country.
As it currently stands the officials are very inconsistent in flagging the hits, and it is having a negative impact on games.
I would do away with the rule, perhaps adding yardage to unnecessary roughness penalties. One such penalty should have been applied to an Alabama player who targeted Georgia quarterback Aaron Murray in the SEC Championship game which went unflagged.
Then came Nebraska wideout Kenny Bell, who unleashed the frustration of an ass kicking. See the legal hit:
That was a completely legal hit and was not helmet to helmet. I am not a fan of FOX Analyst Charles Davis, but I am in agreement with him on this one. This is football, not four square. You are flagged for blocking low or hitting high. Apparently, hitting anywhere when you have a block for the ages draws a flag, which in this case, negated a Nebraska touchdown.@AFRO_THUNDER80 can ring the bell anytime! As Keith Jackson would say, that was a decleater, and a completely legal hit and one of the few things the Huskers did right on Saturday night.
Something has to be done about the helmet to helmet rule. Certainly, we all recognized the issue of repeated concussions and the long term impact they can have. But football is a violent sport, one the players choose to participate in. If you are worried about being hit, stay on the couch. At least for the time being, America remains a free country.
As it currently stands the officials are very inconsistent in flagging the hits, and it is having a negative impact on games.
I would do away with the rule, perhaps adding yardage to unnecessary roughness penalties. One such penalty should have been applied to an Alabama player who targeted Georgia quarterback Aaron Murray in the SEC Championship game which went unflagged.
Then came Nebraska wideout Kenny Bell, who unleashed the frustration of an ass kicking. See the legal hit:
That was a completely legal hit and was not helmet to helmet. I am not a fan of FOX Analyst Charles Davis, but I am in agreement with him on this one. This is football, not four square. You are flagged for blocking low or hitting high. Apparently, hitting anywhere when you have a block for the ages draws a flag, which in this case, negated a Nebraska touchdown.
Georgia play a valiant game, but came up just short in taking down Alabama in the SEC Championship game, where there were no empty seats. The Dawgs were right there, but Alabama used a powerful rushing attack, controlling the line of scrimmage, to win the game. Bama now goes on to face Notre Dame in the BCS Championship game......Tulsa dumped UCF for the CUSA championship, with Nebraska transfer Cody Green directing the attack.......OU outlasted TCU but K-State handled Texas and wins the Big XII.....Stanford held strong and defeated UCLA for the PAC 12 title....No BCS controversy, it is Notre Dame-Alabama....Colorado terminated Coach Jon Embree, a former player. Immediately, former CU Coach Bill McCartney claimed racism. Did McCartney consider Embree was 4-21, without a home victory this fall and a home loss to Sacramento State? Everything that goes wrong for a minority person is not racism. Embree seems like a nice guy, but he had never been a coordinator before and was in over his head. Results, not racism.....Pitt beat down USF, and Skip Holtz has been fired....It will be interesting to follow the coaching hires and fires, and a good place to that is HERE>
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