Sen. Ted Cruz R:TX |
Sadly, as expected, his entrance sparked explosive commentary from the entire spectrum of political discourse.
You will not find a more glaring example of hypocrisy among all the smiling faces of many of your favorite left wing lunatics and politicians (actually one in the same) than their reaction to the entry of Sen. Cruz. Many left wing pundits seemed stunned, which is bull crap as those wagering the field had very high odds on Cruz getting in.
Then came the comparisons to Obama, and these are nothing short of pure comedy.
When Obama ran as a first term Senator, one who voted present most often, he was viewed as fresh, with bold new ideas. Cruz, who has challenged the broken Washington machine on numerous occasions, has been labeled inexperienced, not ready for the vigor associated with our highest office. This "inexperience" had no bearing on the left in 2000, as we elected a president with no executive experience of any kind.
Then came questions about the birthplace of Cruz, and if he is eligible to be president. Cruz was born in Canada and is a natural born citizen and has produced any and all necessary paperwork to close the issue, unlike Obama. Although it has not been a focus on this blog, Obama has skirted producing paperwork to close up his issue in this arena. Those on the right who have questioned Obama's birthplace have been ridiculed and deemed racist, but that is not the case for those questioning Cruz.
Due to his entry in the race, Cruz's wife Heidi, took a leave of absence from her position at Goldman Sachs, and with that, Cruz had to seek health insurance. Therefore, he enrolled in Obamacare, which since Cruz has vowed to repeal every word of Obamacare, seems beyond entertaining to the left. Sadly, Obamacare is the law of the land, and Cruz is simply following the law. This, of course, is a foreign concept to Obama and his Obamabots nationwide.
The mainstream media, who watch and cheer while Obama violates the Constitution seemingly on a daily basis, has joined in lockstep with all the talking points, bashing Cruz at every turn on anything and everything.
Why should he left have all the fun?
You just knew those on the progressive right would jump in with the Democrats and hit Cruz. Karl Rove, who backs Jeb Bush, immediately came forward in an attempt to discredit Cruz. I could have initiated a countdown waiting for Rep. Peter King of New York to come out swinging. The former boxer must have had his head hit too much, for he is clueless on Cruz, his record and his chance to win. King, who sits on numerous committess enabling the decline of America, has also gone after Sen Rand Paul.
I must admit I was surprised to see some folks I respect hit Cruz, inclusive of Greg Gutfeld and Eric Boling of "The Five" and DW Ulsterman. Gutfeld thinks Cruz lacks vision for country, but has plenty for himself, which I totally disagree with. The position Ulsterman takes, along with Boling, is that, although he thinks very highly of Cruz, he deems him not ready at this time. Among the hosts on "The Five", Breitbart reports that Kimberly Guilfoyle, perhaps the most beautiful woman on news television, was the most receptive to the candidacy of Cruz.
It is way too early to handicap the field for me, but I would list Tex Cruz at or very near the top of my list. What I do know is that those attempting to discredit Cruz are speaking very loudly about something they do not want you to hear.
Progressive opponents of freedom and liberty; those who aspire for big government and crony capitalism, will ridicule and distort the facts, screaming loudly about opponents they fear the most. Are you listening?