Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cruz Control

Sen. Ted Cruz R:TX
On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz, a republican from Texas, announced he will seek the GOP nomination for president in 2016.  Cruz was first of many who are expected to enter the race.

Sadly, as expected, his entrance sparked explosive commentary from the entire spectrum of political discourse.

You will not find a more glaring example of hypocrisy among all the smiling faces of many of your favorite left wing lunatics and politicians (actually one in the same) than their reaction to the entry of Sen. Cruz. Many left wing pundits seemed stunned, which is bull crap as those wagering the field had very high odds on Cruz getting in.

Then came the comparisons to Obama, and these are nothing short of pure comedy.

When Obama ran as a first term Senator, one who voted present most often, he was viewed as fresh, with bold new ideas.  Cruz, who has challenged the broken Washington machine on numerous occasions, has been labeled inexperienced, not ready for the vigor associated with our highest office.  This "inexperience" had no bearing on the left in 2000, as we elected a president with no executive experience of any kind.

Then came questions about the birthplace of Cruz, and if he is eligible to be president.  Cruz was born in Canada and is a natural born citizen and has produced any and all necessary paperwork to close the issue, unlike Obama.  Although it has not been a focus on this blog, Obama has skirted producing paperwork to close up his issue in this arena.  Those on the right who have questioned Obama's birthplace have been ridiculed and deemed racist, but that is not the case for those questioning Cruz.

Due to his entry in the race, Cruz's wife Heidi, took a leave of absence from her position at Goldman Sachs, and with that, Cruz had to seek health insurance.  Therefore, he enrolled in Obamacare, which since Cruz has vowed to repeal every word of Obamacare, seems beyond entertaining to the left.  Sadly, Obamacare is the law of the land, and Cruz is simply following the law.  This, of course, is a foreign concept to Obama and his Obamabots nationwide.

The mainstream media, who watch and cheer while Obama violates the Constitution seemingly on a daily basis, has joined in lockstep with all the talking points, bashing Cruz at every turn on anything and everything.

Why should he left have all the fun?

You just knew those on the progressive right would jump in with the Democrats and hit Cruz.  Karl Rove, who backs Jeb Bush, immediately came forward in an attempt to discredit Cruz.  I could have initiated a countdown waiting for Rep. Peter King of New York to come out swinging.  The former boxer must have had his head hit too much, for he is clueless on Cruz, his record and his chance to win.  King, who sits on numerous committess enabling the decline of America, has also gone after Sen Rand Paul.

I must admit I was surprised to see some folks I respect hit Cruz, inclusive of Greg Gutfeld and Eric Boling of "The Five" and DW Ulsterman.  Gutfeld thinks Cruz lacks vision for country, but has plenty for himself, which I totally disagree with. The position Ulsterman takes, along with Boling, is that, although he thinks very highly of Cruz, he deems him not ready at this time.  Among the hosts on "The Five", Breitbart reports that Kimberly Guilfoyle, perhaps the most beautiful woman on news television, was the most receptive to the candidacy of Cruz.

It is way too early to handicap the field for me, but I would list Tex Cruz at or very near the top of my list. What I do know is that those attempting to discredit Cruz are speaking very loudly about something they do not want you to hear.

Progressive opponents of freedom and liberty; those who aspire for big government and crony capitalism, will ridicule and distort the facts, screaming loudly about opponents they fear the most.  Are you listening?


Monday, March 23, 2015

Attacking Allies, Foreign and Domestic

On Tuesday, ISIS slaughtered 22 Tunisian tourists in yet another striking act of mind boggling violent terrorism. They are hacking heads with reckless abandon. One would think our Commander in Chief would be very concerned about such repeated action by these agents of evil.

But what have we found? While finding time to join ESPN to announce his NCAA basketball tournament selections, Obama has struck out in attack. Not against ISIS mind you, but against Israel and re-elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

With our tax dollars, the Obama administration sent operatives over to try to help Netanyahu's opponent win office.  While many point to the arrogance associated with Obama, and his juvenile and petulant attitude toward those who dare challenge him, the fact of the matter is far more troubling and dangerous.

Obama is dead set on a two state solution between the Palestinians and the Israelis, which is something Netanyahu could support if he were dealing in legitimate negotiation with a party trusted to adhere to the terms. This simply is not close to reality; therefore, Netanyahu and Israel will not be party to a charade.

Therefore, Obama and his team will flex muscle and attack Netanyahu and Israel for being "uncooperative". Obama Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said today that "an occupation that has lasted more than 50 years must end".  With apologies to Obama and McDonough, it is not an "occupation" and for Obama and his team to move toward forcing Israel into such an agreement would be governance against the will of the American people, who overwhelmingly support Israel in this matter.

President Obama and his administration have made effort to make our longstanding allies enemies and our enemies, from those deemed political all the way to those who have initiated and seek out harm to our nation and our people, our friends.  Imagine that?

Although few do, I know what I am dealing with President Obama.  As we have established in numerous posts, we deem him an anti-colonialist with little regard or appreciation of the traditions and history of this nation.  Obama is seeking the rise of the caliphate, the rising of a Muslim nation along the lines of the old Ottoman Empire, which would rival if not totally eclipse Israel in the region.

The conclusions I have drawn might seem extremist when compared to the carefully placed rhetoric presented the American people, but a closer examination of the actions reasonably confirm the findings.

The negotiations Obama has entered into with Iran are a deadly example.  Iran, through their militant armies in Hezbollah and Hamas, have been fighting against our troops for decades, and this includes supplying the weaponry used against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Additionally, Iran has not come close to demonstrating the necessary responsibility and trustworthiness to be a sensible player at the negotiating table.

For President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, to be working a deal with our enemy to allow their ability to gain command of a nuclear weapon, one they profess will be utilized to eliminate Israel, is treasonous in my view.

Do the Democrat members of Congress realize what these two opponents of America are engaged in? Do the American citizens, who voted for these men, have any working knowledge of the serious and dangerous shift in policy being embarked upon.  Have they not seen the wreckage that has engulfed the middle east with Obama and his cast of characters in orchestration?

A few weeks back we wondered with others if Barack Obama is the worst American president ever or the first anti-American president?  We answered both, and sadly, it is becoming crystal clear for anyone opening their eyes we were correct.

When you place the treatment of Israel, which is without question related to the Iranian negotiations and the efforts at establishing the caliphate with the orchestrated demise of our economy complete with suffocating regulation and taxation, class warfare, political correctness, the degrading of our military and police, the instigation of internal hostilities inclusive of race relations, the adversion to the truth, the takeover of health and education and the attack on Christianity within America, you have all the makings of an administration seeking to take down a country from within.

“The United States will never stop working for a two-state solution and a lasting peace that Israelis and Palestinians so richly deserve,” said McDonough.  The Palestinians, led by Iranian proxy fighters Hezbollah and Hamas, deserve no such agreement, as they have in the past and continue as we speak to fight against our armed forces in the region.  Those attempting to assist them should be considered as aiding and abetting our enemy, which last I knew, was defined as treason.

#WakeUpAmerica #ImagineAPresidentWhoSupportsIsrael

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Gore Fits Obama's Controlling System

The anointing of Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democratic nominee for president has ran into some quick sand, due to her failing to adhere to best practices she forced her staff to follow and violating the law by withholding correspondence and documents during her destructive tenure as Secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton, as we have previously noted on numerous occasions, is not worthy of holding higher office in our government.  Beyond being a socialist disciple of Saul Alinsky, she has no service of merit, had a disastrous tenure as Secretary of State with debacles with a Russia "reset" and oversaw the horrendous events of Benghazi.  She is an elitist member of the ruling class, and a liar.

Who knew long shot GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina would have the line of the month, noting that all the flying Ms. Clinton fancies as accomplishment is actually nothing more than an activity. BAM!

There will be those that will continue to love her no matter what; the ready for Hillary crowd.  These people are brainwashed idiots; our liberal friends who know so much that is not so.

The pundits backing Clinton are blaming the GOP for stirring up this trouble, part of the "right wing conspiracy" she claimed has been after her and her husband for decades.  If only it were true.

The GOP leadership is feckless, and would not know how to knock Ms. Clinton off her game if they had the playbook.  Sadly, as evidenced by the lack of measurable resistance to Obama, many must agree with policies she advances.

Famed author Ed Klein has it right.  It is Obama, and more specifically his henchwoman Valerie Jarrett, who is going after Hillary.  Obama and his backers are not supporting Clinton, thinking she is not leftist enough to continue the Obama policies, and are the ones who are attacking her campaign.

Jarrett has reportedly been in talks with both Elizabeth Warren and Martin O'Malley to step in as the preferred candidate after Clinton is disposed of.  But, there is one individual who, in his arrogance, would love to step in; Al Gore.

Gore is a complete buffoon to most, but to those progressive elitists who champion control over the people, the work Gore has put in in the arena of climate change is most appreciated. Should Gore ride in, it would immediately prompt America to debate global warming, which I deem among the greatest hoaxes of all time.

In the early pages of Cleon Skousen's Five Thousand Year Leap, government is accurately defined as "as system of ruling or controlling".  The American Founders measured political systems in terms of the amount of coercive power or systematic control which a particular system exercises over its people, with the yardstick not political parties, but political power.

Global Climate Change is a manufactured mechanism to, under a perceived fear of the unknown, seize an element of control over the people through measured deemed reasonable to combat the propagandized threat.

Gore claims the science is settled, although nothing could be further from the truth.

Just this week, Gore claimed those who disagreed with his "settled" science should be punished punitively. For all the moonbats who think Gore would be a ideal candidate, imagine for a moment how damaging his proposal to punish punitively those who disagree with government policy is to our founding principle of freedom of speech.

Gore, like Hillary Clinton and most certainly Barack Obama, claim to be fighters for the little people, but favor and implement polices that restrict freedom for all and provide substantial road blocks to those who are aiming to seize the personal freedom and achievement this glorious nation offers.

Think about giving some fish to eat, rather than teaching how to fish and become self sufficient.  Only those powerful enough to dish out entitlements are powerful enough to take them away.

And with the restrictions and regulations being placed on our corporations and citizens by elected officials who cannot predict when it will rain next, in the the name of Global Climate Change, expenses are increased and freedoms are indeed lost. This political power exercised over the people hurts the lower income people the most, the very people these leftist liars claim to be breaking their backs to help.

What would help is less government, which showers the people with freedom and liberty.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Opponent Within

As media reports about the upcoming presidential election increase, it should be noted, Hillary Clinton, presumed to be the nominee of the Democrat party for president in 2016, has the opinion we should have empathy for our enemies.

President Obama, attempting to escape the legislative confines of the US Congress, seeks to unilaterally strike a deal, perhaps through UN action, with Iran, whose government leadership is a significant opponent of the United States and at the very best an untrustworthy player in the deadly serious arena of nuclear weaponry.

In stark contrast to decades of US foreign policy under presidents of both parties, President Obama, although speaking to the contrary, seems to be negotiating a deal which would ultimately allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.

Others are taking notice, with evidence gathered from the actions, not the rhetoric. It makes one wonder if Iran and the Obama administration are coordinating their public relations efforts as well in their quest to arm Iran with a nuclear weapon.

Our conclusion is that President Obama is in favor of a caliphate being established in the region, and Iran could well be positioned by those seeking this as the leader of the new Muslim nation, similar to the old Ottoman Empire.

The utilization of the UN is an important nugget of information, as if the UN, and Obama, would be helpful to Iran gaining this position, they may be open to Obama, who may be in charge of the UN in a decade, having significant influence of the newly empowered region.

Should you be wondering about ISIS, and why little to nothing is being done by President Obama to thwart these murderous thugs, you may entertain that they consider ISIS to be performing a sort of cleansing, and when their usefulness is exhausted, they will be dealt with swift and powerful action.

Sadly, many members of the GOP really do not seem to worried about ISIS either, and therefore, we mus conclude they are in agreement with Obama.  Maybe many of them are more warm and fuzzy with the Muslim Brotherhood than we think.

One former member of the GOP would be dealing with Iran, and ISIS, in a much different manner.

Ronald Reagan knew peace would acquired by strength, not, at best, through a path of appeasement in joint ventures with dishonest brokers who plot the demise of The United States.  The actions of Obama are so outside of reasonable thinking with regard to international relations, you have to give strong consideration he and Uncle Sam are not dressed in the same uniform.

The conclusion I have drawn is that Obama is indeed transforming American from what it has traditionally been molding it to his hearts desire, which if far from the vision of our founders.  While BHO no doubt thinks his actions are superior to the framework of the founders, I view him as an opponent within

Every legally permissible action should be exhausted to stop him, but it seems most of the GOP embraces their power and lacks the internal integrity to keep America a beacon of freedom guided by principles of faith and the rule of law.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Most Human Soul

Leonard Nimoy/Mr. Spock
Needless to say, I was very saddened to learn of the passing of Leonard Nimoy, who played the beloved Mr. Spock on the famed television series Star Trek.

Star Trek
was always among my very favorite shows, and to this day, if I should catch it flipping through the channels, if time allows, I park it right there.  I know them all well, and greatly appreciate their brilliance.

Mr. Spock has always been, and will forever be, my friend.  Live Long and Prosper as you enter the genesis of your new journey.