BAHL Revere will be casting a ballot on March 15 in Florida for Senator Ted Cruz of Texas for President of the United States of America.
To take a step back, the wide field for the GOP was a collection of outstanding individuals for consideration, with each and every one of them far superior to anyone the Democrats have running or thinking of running.
While a couple of them had no hope, some had stellar backgrounds and compelling visions for the future of America.
Rick Perry and Scott Walker were very accomplished men who for whatever reason were eliminated early on. Both were outstanding, conservative governors.
Bobby Jindal has always impressed, but although he came out swinging, he never got any hits.
Sen. Rand Paul we hold in very high regard, but he got off kilter in many of the debates and did not in our estimation adequately address the terror issue, which sadly became a top discussion point in the aftermath of terrorist activity.
Carly Fiorina was tremendous, calling out folks and speaking with eloquent and intellectual precision, but she never could keep hold of gains she would make. If it were up to me, I would find something for her to do in the next administration.
The time has passed for Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, although Santorum does have keen insight on the Islamic situation, which could benefit the next president.
Chris Christie is a very smart guy and quite capable. But over time, we have learned of his progressive leanings and we cannot get past his embrace, seemingly for political purposes, of President Obama in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Brokeback Boardwalk we found appalling.
As governor of Florida, we had absolutely no complaints with the performance of Jeb Bush. But Bush is now an open border man, spearheaded common core and thinks we need to move away from the Reagan years. He must have lost his ever loving mind. Thanks, but no thanks.
We have never really embraced John Kasich, who we consider a conservative Democrat. Had he switched parties, he may well be our next President. He is a fan of Common Core and thinks government can pick winners and losers, which I abhor.
Dr. Ben Carson is a brilliant mind and a wonderful person, and would be dealing with healthcare issues in the next administration if it were up to me. But we never saw him as "the man" this go around.
That leaves Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
Marco Rubio got our vote for Senate in Florida, where he campaigned as a Tea Party guy. We elected him to go stop Obama. Next thing we know, Rubio has team with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R:SC) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D:NY) to craft an immigration policy which allows forms of amnesty. In addition, Rubio cast the sixtieth vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which we consider an attack on American sovereignty. Therefore, of the remaining three, he gets our bronze.
Donald Trump is an individual I have always liked over the years, and love his book "The Art of the Deal." In 2011, we asked Trump to run as a Democrat to derail Hillary, as Trump himself said he has always thought of himself as more of a Democrat. Trump is scoring big on the issue of the border, and is also against the TPP, which no doubt helped him get the endorsement of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R:AL), one of our favorites.
We have been very disappointed with the demeanor carried by Trump during the campaign. Trump does not take criticism lightly and appears to have an enemies list of those who he considers an opponent, which we do not condone. Trump appears to not have a deep understanding of the Constitution, and seems uninterested with the constraints of placed on government within the document. He recently said he supports the healthcare mandate, which we deem unconstitutional.
The list of people who despise the candidacy of Trump includes many of our favorite folks, inclusive of Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Sen. Ben Sasse (R:NE), Dana Loesch, Andrew McCarthy, Dr. Thomas Sowell and David Barton to name a few.
Other folks we like are backing Trump, inclusive of Sen. Sessions, are Sarah Palin, Michael Savage, Eric Bolling and Steve Forbes.
Trump will get things done, and we consider him perhaps the Grey Champion described in work of Strauss and Howe in their "The Fourth Turning" book. As described by Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform, the Grey Champion "doesn't necessarily have to be a good person, but they must lead and display tremendous confidence in their cause and path." As America enters the period of a Fourth Turning, the arrival of a Grey Champion is a must, and he will come. Is he here?
While Trump is intriguing, a breath of fresh air and someone ready to place a well deserved kick in the ass to not only the GOP establishment but the entire ruling class, he exhibits too many liabilities to garner my support in the primary.
That leaves Sen. Ted Cruz.
In the last several weeks, the Cruz campaign has lapsed, having been taken off message and blindsided by some decisions made by staff members. Cruz is in the weeds trading insults with Rubio and Trump and the news media. Just this Sunday on FOX News, Cruz appropriately called out Chris Wallace, but when given the opportunity to knock him out with truth, failed to do so.
Cruz needs to get back to his original message, which empowers the individual, limits government, forces financial sanity and returns our nation the the friendly confines of the Constitution.
Much is made that Cruz is not well liked, but we view that as a positive. My vote is not sending him to Washington to get along with and do deals with progressives and socialist whose objective is to transform, if not ruin, the country as founded.
I know which politicians have been fighting Obama every step of the way, and Cruz leads that brigade. Cruz is a principled man with great respect for our founding who is country first, recognizing the expansive opportunities available in an America which champions liberty and freedom.
A major divide in the GOP is forming, and good people are getting in unnecessary scraps. All of the blame can be placed on the GOP establishment, who have become one with the ruling class and have rejected the will of the governed.
While my ballot will be cast for Cruz, I fear it is too late with the Trump train having already left the station and I am quite certain Trump will win Florida easily.
Should Trump become the eventual nominee, while I have reservations beyond those documented above, I will support him against Hillary Clinton, who could never secure my vote, Micheal Bloomberg, who could never secure my vote, or a GOP establishment candidate (Mitt Romney?)should the GOP start playing games down the road.
America is over with the games, and that is why, in large measure, Trump is on his way to a landslide win, not only in the primary, but in November as well.
I think the Grey Champion is here.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Please Present The Evidence
Of all people to pull a Harry Reid, we find Mitt Romney this afternoon with Neil Cavuto.
Reid's false accusations against Mitt Romney regarding taxes were accurately deemed despicable behavior in 2012, and an attack on Donald Trump with respect to this topic is seemingly, no, it is, beneath Mitt Romney now.
We asked for, and never received, evidence from the low life Reid, who was lying.
Hey Mitt, present your evidence? Your diminishing credibility is at stake.
Or are you compromising principles playing establishment politics, which would be an example of why Trump is well on his way to the nomination.
Reid's false accusations against Mitt Romney regarding taxes were accurately deemed despicable behavior in 2012, and an attack on Donald Trump with respect to this topic is seemingly, no, it is, beneath Mitt Romney now.
We asked for, and never received, evidence from the low life Reid, who was lying.
Hey Mitt, present your evidence? Your diminishing credibility is at stake.
Or are you compromising principles playing establishment politics, which would be an example of why Trump is well on his way to the nomination.
Donald Trump,
GOP Establishment,
Harry Reid,
Mitt Romney,
Neil Cavuto,
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Don't Eat The Apple
The government fight against Apple (AAPL:NASDAQ) regarding the San Bernardino terrorist case is much more significant than a quick glance would indicate.
In fact, "The San Bernardino fight didn’t come out of nowhere. The government thought it could use a terrorism case to set a precedent to get whatever it wants going forward.
Fortunately, Tim Cook said enough is enough and very publicly took his case to the people." Our government is flat out of control. I am not an Apple user and do not generally agree with Apple CEO Tim Cook on political and social issues, but I stand in firm support of Cook and Apple in this case. This case is not about catching terrorists, it is using terror as a mechanism to gain further control of the America people.
If Apple loses here, American privacy and liberties will be lost as well.
As the Apple vs. FBI Debate Rages, Congress Plots to Mandate Encryption Backdoors by Micahel Krieger
In fact, "The San Bernardino fight didn’t come out of nowhere. The government thought it could use a terrorism case to set a precedent to get whatever it wants going forward.
Fortunately, Tim Cook said enough is enough and very publicly took his case to the people." Our government is flat out of control. I am not an Apple user and do not generally agree with Apple CEO Tim Cook on political and social issues, but I stand in firm support of Cook and Apple in this case. This case is not about catching terrorists, it is using terror as a mechanism to gain further control of the America people.
If Apple loses here, American privacy and liberties will be lost as well.
As the Apple vs. FBI Debate Rages, Congress Plots to Mandate Encryption Backdoors by Micahel Krieger
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Ominous Banking Event Taking Place
Over at The Wall Street Journal, they have discovered an ominous event taking place; identifying a "NIRP (negative interest rate policy) "Doom Loop" that threatens to wipeout banks and the global economy".
Europe has just passed #8 while the US just passed #5. Once an "event" takes place, hypothecation reigns supreme and the loop begins to swirl at exponential speed. As the WSJ noted, "the consequences are deeply worrying" and Zero Hedge is correct in advising to "buckle up".
As painful as it will no doubt be, the correct course of action would be to allow a crash and reset rather than extending quantitative easing with bailouts, or God forbid, a new idea of bailing IN.
This Is The NIRP "Doom Loop" That Threatens To Wipeout Banks And The Global Economy--Zero Hedge
Europe has just passed #8 while the US just passed #5. Once an "event" takes place, hypothecation reigns supreme and the loop begins to swirl at exponential speed. As the WSJ noted, "the consequences are deeply worrying" and Zero Hedge is correct in advising to "buckle up".
As painful as it will no doubt be, the correct course of action would be to allow a crash and reset rather than extending quantitative easing with bailouts, or God forbid, a new idea of bailing IN.
This Is The NIRP "Doom Loop" That Threatens To Wipeout Banks And The Global Economy--Zero Hedge
Doom Loop,
Interest Rates,
Wall Street Journal
Monday, February 15, 2016
The Candidates Debate
It sure was an interesting GOP debate the other evening in South Carolina.
After an initial coming together to express condolences over the tragic passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (perhaps the worst day for freedom loving Americans since Obamacare was passed), things got rather dicey quickly.
This was to be expected, as South Carolina has in recent cycles been where the gloves come off, and winners and loser are separated.
However, it was particularly ugly on Saturday night, with the majority of the altercations coming, not from those initially attacking front runner Donald Trump, but Trump attacking & his challengers.
Trump labeled Cruz nasty and "the single biggest liar, a real nasty guy who does not get along with any of his colleagues. In a news conference today, Trump essentially went scorched earth on Cruz.
"Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much".
Trump is feeling heat from Cruz, and unleashed a major attack, however, the Donald was sadly incorrect in his assertions.
I am not seeking a candidate who gets along with Congressional members who are complicit in the destruction of our nation. Cruz called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor, and Cruz was correct in doing so in my opinion.
Given what CNN reported publicly, Cruz is also correct in the dispute with Ben Carson Trump references. CNN is not a sound news organization, which Cruz's team should have known, but with the information out, it was not only appropriate, but a responsible and smart course of action to inform voters. If anyone is to blame, it is Ben Carson for not making his plans known to his supporters to prevent any misconceptions.
And for the record, Cruz is also correct in his ongoing spat with Marco Rubio on immigration.
Then Trump really got going.
First, Jeb Bush has a much more favorable assessment of his family than most do. Most folks think the Bush family are good people, and I certainly do.
As a Floridian, it is my opinion Jeb Bush, whom I voted for, did a great job as governor of the Sunshine State. I gleefully voted for Bush 41 in 1988 but found his performance weak, but supported him again in 1992 against Bill Clinton. I enthusiastically supported Bush 43 in 2000 and in 2004, and while I still consider his presidency successful and know he was far superior to his Democrat challengers, the more time went on the more disappointed I became with his administration. However, my disagreements with 43 are minimal and my admiration for him (particularly as a man of class and honor) is strong. It would be difficult for anyone to no consider the Bush family as a great principled family who care deeply for the United States of America.
But Trump got loose, calling not only the war with Iraq a mistake, but called George W. Bush a liar, commenting that Bush and his team had lied about weapons of mass destruction while saying under 43 "we were not safe".
After being attacked on 9-11, George W. Bush did in fact keep us safe. Many can question the steps he took to make that happen, but we were not attacked again on our soil during his administration, unlike the Obama administration. Argue about the Patriot Act if you please, and I will join you, but to say that Bush did not succeed in keeping America safe while prosecuting a global war on terror war is false.
As far as concluding Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq, I vehemently challenge that statement as false. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and they were moved to Syria and are there as we speak. As I noted in a post in December of 2012:
"No longer politically expedient to admonish George W. Bush for going to war with Iraq on false assumptions of the existence of these weapons, it should come as no surprise that stories shining light on the weapons transfer from Iraq to Syria are emerging in frequency. While many reports are discussing recently discovered pathways of weapon movement from Iraq to Syria, hidden behind the discussion is the transfer during the postponement of the invasion of Iraq that France President Jacque Chirac, a dishonest broker who worked against US interests, bought. The second to none editorial page of Investors Business Daily leads the way as usual in presenting and detailing the truth. IBD, in an editorial yesterday, continues to present the facts even if few Americans are willing to absorb it".
I have always personally liked Donald Trump and admired much of his business accomplishment and while he is not my first choice for the GOP nomination, unlike many, I had felt comfortable in supporting him should he win the nomination.
I am now questioning that assessment.
Donald Trump is not an idiot, so I am sure his attacks are based on some level of methodology. However, defeating opponents on merit and on the battlefield of ideas has often been superior to berating with opponents with name calling, lies and threats.
America is some kind of pissed at the establishment of both parties, and Trump has a very unique opportunity before him. However, while I may be wrong, his scorched earth ramblings in recent days may not only burn up his opponents, it may engulf his candidacy as well.
Disagree with their policies as you wish, but I conclude neither Ted Cruz nor George W. Bush (and I note that Bush is no fan of Cruz) are liars. Trump; however, is starting to look as though he may be.
Or maybe this is just South Carolina as usual.
After an initial coming together to express condolences over the tragic passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (perhaps the worst day for freedom loving Americans since Obamacare was passed), things got rather dicey quickly.
This was to be expected, as South Carolina has in recent cycles been where the gloves come off, and winners and loser are separated.
However, it was particularly ugly on Saturday night, with the majority of the altercations coming, not from those initially attacking front runner Donald Trump, but Trump attacking & his challengers.
Trump labeled Cruz nasty and "the single biggest liar, a real nasty guy who does not get along with any of his colleagues. In a news conference today, Trump essentially went scorched earth on Cruz.
"Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous. It is hard to believe a person who proclaims to be a Christian could be so dishonest and lie so much".
Trump is feeling heat from Cruz, and unleashed a major attack, however, the Donald was sadly incorrect in his assertions.
I am not seeking a candidate who gets along with Congressional members who are complicit in the destruction of our nation. Cruz called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor, and Cruz was correct in doing so in my opinion.
Given what CNN reported publicly, Cruz is also correct in the dispute with Ben Carson Trump references. CNN is not a sound news organization, which Cruz's team should have known, but with the information out, it was not only appropriate, but a responsible and smart course of action to inform voters. If anyone is to blame, it is Ben Carson for not making his plans known to his supporters to prevent any misconceptions.
And for the record, Cruz is also correct in his ongoing spat with Marco Rubio on immigration.
Then Trump really got going.
First, Jeb Bush has a much more favorable assessment of his family than most do. Most folks think the Bush family are good people, and I certainly do.
As a Floridian, it is my opinion Jeb Bush, whom I voted for, did a great job as governor of the Sunshine State. I gleefully voted for Bush 41 in 1988 but found his performance weak, but supported him again in 1992 against Bill Clinton. I enthusiastically supported Bush 43 in 2000 and in 2004, and while I still consider his presidency successful and know he was far superior to his Democrat challengers, the more time went on the more disappointed I became with his administration. However, my disagreements with 43 are minimal and my admiration for him (particularly as a man of class and honor) is strong. It would be difficult for anyone to no consider the Bush family as a great principled family who care deeply for the United States of America.
But Trump got loose, calling not only the war with Iraq a mistake, but called George W. Bush a liar, commenting that Bush and his team had lied about weapons of mass destruction while saying under 43 "we were not safe".
After being attacked on 9-11, George W. Bush did in fact keep us safe. Many can question the steps he took to make that happen, but we were not attacked again on our soil during his administration, unlike the Obama administration. Argue about the Patriot Act if you please, and I will join you, but to say that Bush did not succeed in keeping America safe while prosecuting a global war on terror war is false.
As far as concluding Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq, I vehemently challenge that statement as false. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and they were moved to Syria and are there as we speak. As I noted in a post in December of 2012:
"No longer politically expedient to admonish George W. Bush for going to war with Iraq on false assumptions of the existence of these weapons, it should come as no surprise that stories shining light on the weapons transfer from Iraq to Syria are emerging in frequency. While many reports are discussing recently discovered pathways of weapon movement from Iraq to Syria, hidden behind the discussion is the transfer during the postponement of the invasion of Iraq that France President Jacque Chirac, a dishonest broker who worked against US interests, bought. The second to none editorial page of Investors Business Daily leads the way as usual in presenting and detailing the truth. IBD, in an editorial yesterday, continues to present the facts even if few Americans are willing to absorb it".
I have always personally liked Donald Trump and admired much of his business accomplishment and while he is not my first choice for the GOP nomination, unlike many, I had felt comfortable in supporting him should he win the nomination.
I am now questioning that assessment.
Donald Trump is not an idiot, so I am sure his attacks are based on some level of methodology. However, defeating opponents on merit and on the battlefield of ideas has often been superior to berating with opponents with name calling, lies and threats.
America is some kind of pissed at the establishment of both parties, and Trump has a very unique opportunity before him. However, while I may be wrong, his scorched earth ramblings in recent days may not only burn up his opponents, it may engulf his candidacy as well.
Disagree with their policies as you wish, but I conclude neither Ted Cruz nor George W. Bush (and I note that Bush is no fan of Cruz) are liars. Trump; however, is starting to look as though he may be.
Or maybe this is just South Carolina as usual.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Obama Now Embraces Constitution
The death of Justice Antonin Scalia has kit the fuse on what will become a raging fire throughout the remainder of the 2016 election as the President ponders a replacement.
Seeing an huge opportunity for political gain, now Obama wants to follow the Constitution.
"I plan to fulfill my constitutional responsibilities to nominate a successor in due time. These are responsibilities that I take seriously, as should everyone. They’re bigger than any one party. They are about our democracy. They’re about the institution to which Justice Scalia dedicated his professional life, and making sure it continues to function as the beacon of justice that our Founders envisioned".
Although Obama, with his hand placed on the Quran, took an oath pledging "to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", he has spent his presidency trying to discredit and diminish the cornerstone document of our founding.
From Obamacare to EPA legislation encompassing a wide landscape, Obama and his team have taken creative and expansive action to operate outside what they deem as constraints within the Constitution and in many instances against the will of the American people.
In fact, as was known prior to his first election, Obama considers the Constitution an imperfect document encrypted with racism, viewing it with utter disdain.
"It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf" said Obama.
To think America was compelled to elect this anti-American individual president TWICE is mind boggling.
Obama is an opponent of our nation as founded, and, as he said he would, will take any and every opportunity presented him to right his incorrectly perceived wrongs and punitively punish is those who stand in opposition.
Seeing an huge opportunity for political gain, now Obama wants to follow the Constitution.
"I plan to fulfill my constitutional responsibilities to nominate a successor in due time. These are responsibilities that I take seriously, as should everyone. They’re bigger than any one party. They are about our democracy. They’re about the institution to which Justice Scalia dedicated his professional life, and making sure it continues to function as the beacon of justice that our Founders envisioned".
Although Obama, with his hand placed on the Quran, took an oath pledging "to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", he has spent his presidency trying to discredit and diminish the cornerstone document of our founding.
From Obamacare to EPA legislation encompassing a wide landscape, Obama and his team have taken creative and expansive action to operate outside what they deem as constraints within the Constitution and in many instances against the will of the American people.
In fact, as was known prior to his first election, Obama considers the Constitution an imperfect document encrypted with racism, viewing it with utter disdain.
"It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf" said Obama.
To think America was compelled to elect this anti-American individual president TWICE is mind boggling.
Obama is an opponent of our nation as founded, and, as he said he would, will take any and every opportunity presented him to right his incorrectly perceived wrongs and punitively punish is those who stand in opposition.
Barack Obama,
Founding Fathers,
Justice Antonin Scalia,
A Devastating Death
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, dead at 79 |
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away early Saturday morning while on a hunting trip in Texas apparently from natural causes.
Scalia was 79.
“This is a devastating loss for people who love this country. It’s a devastating loss for those of us who love the Constitution,” said radio talk show host and Constitutional scholar Mark Levin.
Devastating indeed.
Scalia, appointed to the bench by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, was perhaps one of the greatest supreme court justices has seen in a century.
An individual with extreme intellect, Scalia's writings, often in dissent, were often laced with wit and sharply directed commentary at liberal ideologies which were a pleasure to dissect.
Unlike some of his colleagues, and what seems to be a position gaining support across the nation, Scalia appropriately advocating the interpreting the Constitution by its original intent and wording, not viewing the cornerstone document of our founding as something to be tinkered with by intellectual elites who think they know best.
“It’s an absolute disaster. Let me put it this way, Scalia is kind of the Churchill, the Thatcher, and the Reagan of the Supreme Court. He wasn’t even Chief Justice and yet his impact has been massive as an originalist,” Levin went on. “The point is, he moved the Court in ways that the Court would never have moved before, even though we have these disastrous opinions coming from the Court, the brilliance of his decisions … he was able to cobble together often four justices, sometimes five justices. He was energetic, he was intellectually bracing. He was by far the leader of that Court, and there are great Justices on that Court,” added Levin.
Judge Scalia will leave a huge void, one that could have negative ramifications on this nation for eternity. In fact, it occurred to me upon learning of Scalia's passing we may have just lost the country.
Scalia was a faithful defender of the Constitution. To Scalia, the Constitution was not a living and breathing document; it was dead, dead, dead.
America will suffer without his protection on the court, and if republicans in the senate do not step up fiercely within the fire, our country as we have known her may have perished on this Saturday along with beloved Justice Scalia.
“God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools ... and he has not been disappointed,” Scalia said. “If I have brought any message today, it is this: Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity,” he added. “Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.” --Justice Antonin Scalia
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Risk Opportunity Lost Under Dependency
Most Americans are on the road to serfdom, and they don't even know it.
The young folks who think the system is screwing them are turning in large measure to Bernie Sanders, but his brand of socialism is sure to box them in, squelching the opportunity to risk, or bet on themselves, effectively ending their dreams, if they have them, of becoming independently wealthy and free.
The ramifications of the progressive march over the past decade, with orchestrated efforts to discredit churches, private companies, agencies and organizations while creating divisions between classes through race, gender and economic status, has resulted in the Millennials embracing of big government rather than free market capitalism.
Therefore, sadly, the position taken by the Millennials would certainly be considered reasonable. It is all they know. The economic systems are in large measure broken, full of manipulation and corruption, but the answer is not expansive government or a kingmaker.
The answer is free market capitalism, the best path to prosperity, liberty and freedom.

Why The Masses Remain Poor by
The ramifications of the progressive march over the past decade, with orchestrated efforts to discredit churches, private companies, agencies and organizations while creating divisions between classes through race, gender and economic status, has resulted in the Millennials embracing of big government rather than free market capitalism.
Therefore, sadly, the position taken by the Millennials would certainly be considered reasonable. It is all they know. The economic systems are in large measure broken, full of manipulation and corruption, but the answer is not expansive government or a kingmaker.
The answer is free market capitalism, the best path to prosperity, liberty and freedom.
Why The Masses Remain Poor by
Monday, February 8, 2016
Rubio Right On Obama
Marco Rubio is getting rocked for being "robotic" and having canned commentary. The news media, even FOX News, the establishment and other candidates are trashing Rubio. Fine, but it is Senator Rubio who is correct; Obama is gleefully orchestrating the destruction of America as founded.
Nobody seems willing to attack Obama, but there is little problem going after Rubio.
An intellectual elite with a big time chip on his shoulder, through his successful efforts, President Obama is bringing his ideas on wealth transformation, open borders and social justice while diminishing America, who he deems an oppressor, down to the level of the rest of the world.
Upon completion of his term, we conclude he will seek the position of UN Secretary General, because his talents cannot be only limited to the shores of our fruited plain. He will effort, in his mind boggling arrogance, seek to rule the world.
He is achieving many of his goals here in America. It is most distressful to note that, like we are reading from the pages of George Orwell's Animal Farm, it appears we are actually living on the Animal Farm. We continuously send representatives to Washington with one simple task; stop Obama.
They fail, miserably, over and over again.
Note comments made by Rush Limbaugh noting a quote he learned of from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. "The Senate Majority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, has just said there will be no stopping Obama's agenda, because to criticize Obama makes us look bad. What the hell is this campaign gonna be about if not that?"
With folks like this slime ball McConnell in the GOP, is it any wonder our nation is in such disrepair.
GOP front runner Donald Trump has often labeled Obama incompetent, but that is naive and stupid; also quite incorrect. But why are Rubio, and Sen. Ted Cruz, the only candidates that will accurately portray Obama for the anti-American president he so arrogantly is?
Rush Limbaugh, The Truth Detector, knows.
Rush Limbaugh accurately stated “Rubio’s point is that “Obama’s not incompetent, he’s not inexperienced, he’s doing exactly what he wants to do and none of these Republican moderates will go there. You want to know why? You want to know why? You want to know why they cannot agree that Obama is doing this on purpose? It’s very simple. They cannot agree that Obama is doing it on purpose, they do not dare say that Obama is doing it on purpose, because they have all worked with Barack Obama.”
BAM! Take it to the bank, or in this case, the voting booth!!!
The Real Question: Why Won't Anyone But Rubio and Cruz Say Obama Is Destroying the Country on Purpose?
Nobody seems willing to attack Obama, but there is little problem going after Rubio.
An intellectual elite with a big time chip on his shoulder, through his successful efforts, President Obama is bringing his ideas on wealth transformation, open borders and social justice while diminishing America, who he deems an oppressor, down to the level of the rest of the world.
Upon completion of his term, we conclude he will seek the position of UN Secretary General, because his talents cannot be only limited to the shores of our fruited plain. He will effort, in his mind boggling arrogance, seek to rule the world.
He is achieving many of his goals here in America. It is most distressful to note that, like we are reading from the pages of George Orwell's Animal Farm, it appears we are actually living on the Animal Farm. We continuously send representatives to Washington with one simple task; stop Obama.
They fail, miserably, over and over again.
Note comments made by Rush Limbaugh noting a quote he learned of from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. "The Senate Majority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, has just said there will be no stopping Obama's agenda, because to criticize Obama makes us look bad. What the hell is this campaign gonna be about if not that?"
With folks like this slime ball McConnell in the GOP, is it any wonder our nation is in such disrepair.
GOP front runner Donald Trump has often labeled Obama incompetent, but that is naive and stupid; also quite incorrect. But why are Rubio, and Sen. Ted Cruz, the only candidates that will accurately portray Obama for the anti-American president he so arrogantly is?
Rush Limbaugh, The Truth Detector, knows.
Rush Limbaugh accurately stated “Rubio’s point is that “Obama’s not incompetent, he’s not inexperienced, he’s doing exactly what he wants to do and none of these Republican moderates will go there. You want to know why? You want to know why? You want to know why they cannot agree that Obama is doing this on purpose? It’s very simple. They cannot agree that Obama is doing it on purpose, they do not dare say that Obama is doing it on purpose, because they have all worked with Barack Obama.”
BAM! Take it to the bank, or in this case, the voting booth!!!
Rush Limbaugh, The Truth Detector |
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Assualt on Private Property Ownership Lurks In The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule
Private property ownership is under direct assault from the tyrannical Obama administration as part of their efforts of transforming America and engaging in the transfer of wealth.
Property rights are without question central to the freedoms of our nation, and must be protected at all legally permissible costs. "Private property ownership is the path to building wealth and eliminating poverty".
"America became the wealthiest nation on earth in a very short time precisely because of the ability of every American to own and control their own property. Ownership produces equity – that is a process to build wealth".
It is noted HUD Secretary Julian Castro, who is high on the Democrat VP list, is a major player in these efforts and someone who places little value on property rights and individual freedom.
Private Property Ownership – the First American Right To Die Under Barack Obama’s Tyranny
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Propaganda Gloat Signals Theater of the Abdurd
When we have our President taking a victory lap over propaganda, in this case the inaccurate unemployment numbers and the portrayal of a sound economy, we truly have reached the theater of the absurd.
Obama gloats over the "fake" unemployment rate of 4.9%, but is the real story being leaked out? Major layoffs have been announced, and the BLS is crying foul.
The Economic Policy Institute claims the real rate unemployment rate is 6.6%, a whopping 34.70% higher than our gleefully arrogant President proclaimed.
But even their number is understated. indicates the actual unemployment rate is just over 10%, which we consider reasonably accurate.
There are approximately 94 million people out of work and the real unemployment rate is approximately 10.2%. If real full time jobs were available, the unemployment rate would be ticking higher as more folks would be entering the pool of those looking for work.
And we have not even entered a discussion of the staggering numbers of folks who have moved from the category of unemployed to disabled.
We are being lied to by our government on a daily basis.

What jobs? BLS says 665,000 job LOSSES
Obama gloats over the "fake" unemployment rate of 4.9%, but is the real story being leaked out? Major layoffs have been announced, and the BLS is crying foul.
The Economic Policy Institute claims the real rate unemployment rate is 6.6%, a whopping 34.70% higher than our gleefully arrogant President proclaimed.
But even their number is understated. indicates the actual unemployment rate is just over 10%, which we consider reasonably accurate.
There are approximately 94 million people out of work and the real unemployment rate is approximately 10.2%. If real full time jobs were available, the unemployment rate would be ticking higher as more folks would be entering the pool of those looking for work.
And we have not even entered a discussion of the staggering numbers of folks who have moved from the category of unemployed to disabled.
We are being lied to by our government on a daily basis.
What jobs? BLS says 665,000 job LOSSES
Barack Obama,
Economic Commentary,
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