If you get your news from the local stations, the big three networks, the newspaper of failing to record or General EcKletics PMSNBC, you have no clue about the pulse of our country. Please see the following story recently presented on FOX News for an example:
This would be quite a hoot if it were not so serious. Has the media become nothing but propaganda or is it even worse. Unfortunately, I am increasingly concluding that several media outlets are in fact promoting their agendas rather than simply forwarding an accurate description of who, what, where and when. Why may be a matter of opinion, and that can be discussed at the proper time.
When Obama spoke at his inaugural, there were several million stellar citizens who came to witness the speech. See this diagram presented stellar blog GATEWAY PUNDIT about the crowd size and the the march on 9-12 happened a few weeks back, some 40,000 uptight racists converged on DC to spout hate.
I remember a caller to the Glenn Beck radio program a few years back spoke of being at a Neil Boortz Fair Tax rally in Atlanta, where it was estimated about ten thousand attended. He came home and turned on CNN and found himself shown in video attending a anti-war rally, which was indeed taking place adjacent to the fair tax rally but only drawing about 1/20th of the crowd. The gentlemen was incensed that he was identified at being at the wrong rally. Media distortion or an error? No error, I can assure you. Beck further commented that the historical record may be in danger of being deliberately distorted by media powers. I fear Beck is yet again, correct.
Don't be led down a road of untruths. Seek out the truth and be informed. We can disagree about policy items until the cows come home, but lets not let the facts become erased from the record. We owe our children to preserve history, good and bad.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Florida 4-0, 1
2. Texas 4-0, 2
3. LSU 4-0, 3
4. Alabama 4-0, 5
5. Boise State 4-0, 8
6. Virginia Tech 3-1, 10
7. Cincinnati 4-0, 14
8. Texas Christian 4-0, 11
9. Houston 3-0, 17
10. Oklahoma 3-1, 15
11. USC 3-1, 12
12. Ohio State 3-1, 13
13. Oklahoma State 3-1, 18
14. Georgia 3-1, 24
15. Kansas 4-0, 23
16. Miami 3-1, 9
17. Oregon 3-1, NR
18. Iowa 4-0, NR
19. Nebraska 3-1, 25
20. Mississippi 2-1, 4
21. South Florida 3-0, NR
22. Penn State 3-1, 6
23. Missouri 4-0, 22
24. Michigan 4-0, 22
25. Brigham Young 3-1, 20
OUT: Florida State (19), North Carolina (16), California (7)
VOTES: Georgia Tech, Florida State, Auburn, Utah, California, UCLA, South Carolina, Notre Dame, Wisconsin,
That was some hit absorbed, kinda, by Tim Tebow as Florida plowed Kentucky. Glad to see Tebow will live to torch up some more defenses. It looked bad!
California was living the high life with a lofty ranking until getting hammered, and I mean hammered, by the Quack Attack in the old uniforms......We noted in last weeks commentary that losses were coming for Penn State and North Carolina, but we did not know it would be this weekend......Ole Miss got shut down by South Carolina, home of OLB Eric Norwood, a pre-season All America, who is a force and should contend with Tennessee's Eric Berry for SEC defensive player of the year. South Carolina winning with defense is quite funny I think.....Miami got blasted by Virginia Tech, which lead to us to many questions we cannot yet answer.....Southern Cal is the most talented team ranked outside the top ten in many a moon, but they lack killer instinct in games in which they are heavily favored and have QB issues, for the time being.....Georgia has played a very tough schedule so far and has come through it with only one loss.....TCU won at Clemson, which is a big deal for them...It looks like both the ACC and Big Ten are conferences with a boatload of mediocre teams....Hats off to Houston, who is on the way to the BCS if this keeps up.
In a most unfortunate situation, Baylor has lost all world signal caller and world class hurdler Robert Griffin III to a season ending knee injury. This kid is a phenominal player and I sincerely hope he can return at 100%. Get well soon Robert!

South Florida came into Doak Campbell and manhandled the Seminoles. They out hit, out played, out held on to the ball, out drank, out entusiasmed (I know this is not a word) and most significantly, out coached FSU. How FSU could let this happen is unfortunately telling. Stupid penalties, three times inside USF's 10 yard line resulted in being stopped at the goal line and two turnovers. Fumbles, up the middle on third and 14, look out blocks galore, you name it. Also, in a shocking development, a field goal was missed wide right. Even the zebras took away a safety from us! I got a news flash for Coach Bowden, Jimbo and Oakley decked out Amato: Teams, and the officials for that matter, got us on their radar and are foaming at the mouth. I suggest we physically go kick someones ass. If this coaching staff and the players don't have the stomach for it, the desire to win, to persevere, then step aside for those that do. Coach Andrews said Greg Reid needed to learn plays before being thrown out there. Well, he can burnt with the best of them, but at least he brings one back the for the good guys every now and then. What I witnessed Saturday I deem unacceptable, so somebody up there better get with the program quick. Should this effort continue, I am not quite sure who to fire first, but it may just be everyone if this keeps up.
Congratulations to Nebraska on the 300th consecutive sellout. It was a great evening, and it was good to see some familiar faces like Larry the Cable Guy and Touchdown Tommie Frazier. Note in the picture at the top left we do represent Central Florida up there at Memorial Stadium on gameday.
Top 25
1. Florida 4-0, 1
2. Texas 4-0, 2
3. LSU 4-0, 3
4. Alabama 4-0, 5
5. Boise State 4-0, 8
6. Virginia Tech 3-1, 10
7. Cincinnati 4-0, 14
8. Texas Christian 4-0, 11
9. Houston 3-0, 17
10. Oklahoma 3-1, 15
11. USC 3-1, 12
12. Ohio State 3-1, 13
13. Oklahoma State 3-1, 18
14. Georgia 3-1, 24
15. Kansas 4-0, 23
16. Miami 3-1, 9
17. Oregon 3-1, NR
18. Iowa 4-0, NR
19. Nebraska 3-1, 25
20. Mississippi 2-1, 4
21. South Florida 3-0, NR
22. Penn State 3-1, 6
23. Missouri 4-0, 22
24. Michigan 4-0, 22
25. Brigham Young 3-1, 20
OUT: Florida State (19), North Carolina (16), California (7)
VOTES: Georgia Tech, Florida State, Auburn, Utah, California, UCLA, South Carolina, Notre Dame, Wisconsin,
That was some hit absorbed, kinda, by Tim Tebow as Florida plowed Kentucky. Glad to see Tebow will live to torch up some more defenses. It looked bad!
California was living the high life with a lofty ranking until getting hammered, and I mean hammered, by the Quack Attack in the old uniforms......We noted in last weeks commentary that losses were coming for Penn State and North Carolina, but we did not know it would be this weekend......Ole Miss got shut down by South Carolina, home of OLB Eric Norwood, a pre-season All America, who is a force and should contend with Tennessee's Eric Berry for SEC defensive player of the year. South Carolina winning with defense is quite funny I think.....Miami got blasted by Virginia Tech, which lead to us to many questions we cannot yet answer.....Southern Cal is the most talented team ranked outside the top ten in many a moon, but they lack killer instinct in games in which they are heavily favored and have QB issues, for the time being.....Georgia has played a very tough schedule so far and has come through it with only one loss.....TCU won at Clemson, which is a big deal for them...It looks like both the ACC and Big Ten are conferences with a boatload of mediocre teams....Hats off to Houston, who is on the way to the BCS if this keeps up.
In a most unfortunate situation, Baylor has lost all world signal caller and world class hurdler Robert Griffin III to a season ending knee injury. This kid is a phenominal player and I sincerely hope he can return at 100%. Get well soon Robert!

South Florida came into Doak Campbell and manhandled the Seminoles. They out hit, out played, out held on to the ball, out drank, out entusiasmed (I know this is not a word) and most significantly, out coached FSU. How FSU could let this happen is unfortunately telling. Stupid penalties, three times inside USF's 10 yard line resulted in being stopped at the goal line and two turnovers. Fumbles, up the middle on third and 14, look out blocks galore, you name it. Also, in a shocking development, a field goal was missed wide right. Even the zebras took away a safety from us! I got a news flash for Coach Bowden, Jimbo and Oakley decked out Amato: Teams, and the officials for that matter, got us on their radar and are foaming at the mouth. I suggest we physically go kick someones ass. If this coaching staff and the players don't have the stomach for it, the desire to win, to persevere, then step aside for those that do. Coach Andrews said Greg Reid needed to learn plays before being thrown out there. Well, he can burnt with the best of them, but at least he brings one back the for the good guys every now and then. What I witnessed Saturday I deem unacceptable, so somebody up there better get with the program quick. Should this effort continue, I am not quite sure who to fire first, but it may just be everyone if this keeps up.
Congratulations to Nebraska on the 300th consecutive sellout. It was a great evening, and it was good to see some familiar faces like Larry the Cable Guy and Touchdown Tommie Frazier. Note in the picture at the top left we do represent Central Florida up there at Memorial Stadium on gameday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Difference Matters
Florida Governor Charlie Crist showed up on the morning shows today and made some commentary that prompts discussion. Here is Crist on CNN:
Speaking of President Barack Obama and what I will refer to as his transformation of America, Crist offers the following: "What change we got may not necessarily be the change that America wants," Crist continued. "What I mean by that is that every day you get up and the government has taken over some other industry, auto industry or banks or whatever it might be. I think that the change that's coming about is a little too fast, little too furious."
I know it is, and Crist is nothing but accurate in his statement. However, way back about 6 months ago it was Crist with Obama in support of the spendulous plan, which as a Crist supporter I found appalling. This was horrendous economic policy and anyone daring to masquerade as a conservative would have been in strong opposition.

The change that has come and is coming in the Obama administration is not too fast and too furious, it is the wrong policy and should be thwarted and stopped, not slowed down.
This is a prime example of where Crist loses me, and why I will put my support behind Marco Rubio for the US Senate here in Florida. Sorry Charlie, but you don't get it!
Speaking of President Barack Obama and what I will refer to as his transformation of America, Crist offers the following: "What change we got may not necessarily be the change that America wants," Crist continued. "What I mean by that is that every day you get up and the government has taken over some other industry, auto industry or banks or whatever it might be. I think that the change that's coming about is a little too fast, little too furious."
I know it is, and Crist is nothing but accurate in his statement. However, way back about 6 months ago it was Crist with Obama in support of the spendulous plan, which as a Crist supporter I found appalling. This was horrendous economic policy and anyone daring to masquerade as a conservative would have been in strong opposition.

The change that has come and is coming in the Obama administration is not too fast and too furious, it is the wrong policy and should be thwarted and stopped, not slowed down.
This is a prime example of where Crist loses me, and why I will put my support behind Marco Rubio for the US Senate here in Florida. Sorry Charlie, but you don't get it!
A Predictable Economic Event
Wall Street Journal senior economic writer Editorial Board member Steve Moore, whose face time seemed to explode since I visited with him last fall, discusses how the recent raise in the minimum wage has been a major contributor to the steep rise in the unemployment rate for our young workers. Take a listen:
Certainly, in what seemingly is the most significant financial downdraft in our lifetimes, the unemployment rate of all potential workers would rise to difficult levels. But the Congress, in yet another this sounds good when you say it fast move, raised the minimum wage which has had unintended consequences.
Think if you owned a pizza parlor and had five high schoolers working the dining room working for minimum wage, which for discussion is $6/hour. Your budget for dining room employees was $32 per hour. Increased traffic at the pizza parlor for eat in customers could increase your overall revenue, therefore allowing you hire an additional dining room worker. But for the time being, you have 2 cents per hour left in your budget per hour.
In the midst of a growing recession and a rising unemployment rate, Congress decides to raise the minimum wage to $7/hour. Suddenly, should the business owner retain the current staff and hold the hourly schedule, the business owner is now running a budgetary deficit with respect to payroll of 3 cents per hour. With dining room traffic decreasing due to the economic issues, this does not paint a pretty picture.
Additionally, your other staff members, who did not get a raise dictated by the government, are now in a less favorable position versus the hourly workers as the action seems to disregard the merit raises these staff members have achieved over their tenure, potentially leading to a decline in morale.
Since it would be unwise to operate this portion of your business at a deficit, you have some choices to make. How about rising prices? This would be foolish given the current environment. Reduce staff? This is the sensible thing to do, since the remaining workers, happy to be employed and with little alternative due to the economic conditions, will eagerly pick up the slack.
So, the business owner who operated within his budget spending $30 per hour originally, does not go to the government ordered $35 per hour, which exceeds his budget. The business owner drops the dining staff to 4 workers, which would fall within his budget at $28 per hour. Although the business owner has a hard working staff, service suffers with one less worker.
Additionally, the decrease in dining room traffic, coupled with the higher cost of hiring staff, causes the business owner to reduce the budgetary item for dining room workers, which leads the business to be operating with less employees in a contracting environment.
The higher minimum wage acts essentially as a tax on business operations during declining revenues. Recall, when you tax something, you get less of it. In this case, you get less service and most importantly, less jobs, which was the one thing Congress was trying to increase.
Boggles the mind!
Certainly, in what seemingly is the most significant financial downdraft in our lifetimes, the unemployment rate of all potential workers would rise to difficult levels. But the Congress, in yet another this sounds good when you say it fast move, raised the minimum wage which has had unintended consequences.
Think if you owned a pizza parlor and had five high schoolers working the dining room working for minimum wage, which for discussion is $6/hour. Your budget for dining room employees was $32 per hour. Increased traffic at the pizza parlor for eat in customers could increase your overall revenue, therefore allowing you hire an additional dining room worker. But for the time being, you have 2 cents per hour left in your budget per hour.
In the midst of a growing recession and a rising unemployment rate, Congress decides to raise the minimum wage to $7/hour. Suddenly, should the business owner retain the current staff and hold the hourly schedule, the business owner is now running a budgetary deficit with respect to payroll of 3 cents per hour. With dining room traffic decreasing due to the economic issues, this does not paint a pretty picture.
Additionally, your other staff members, who did not get a raise dictated by the government, are now in a less favorable position versus the hourly workers as the action seems to disregard the merit raises these staff members have achieved over their tenure, potentially leading to a decline in morale.
Since it would be unwise to operate this portion of your business at a deficit, you have some choices to make. How about rising prices? This would be foolish given the current environment. Reduce staff? This is the sensible thing to do, since the remaining workers, happy to be employed and with little alternative due to the economic conditions, will eagerly pick up the slack.
So, the business owner who operated within his budget spending $30 per hour originally, does not go to the government ordered $35 per hour, which exceeds his budget. The business owner drops the dining staff to 4 workers, which would fall within his budget at $28 per hour. Although the business owner has a hard working staff, service suffers with one less worker.
Additionally, the decrease in dining room traffic, coupled with the higher cost of hiring staff, causes the business owner to reduce the budgetary item for dining room workers, which leads the business to be operating with less employees in a contracting environment.
The higher minimum wage acts essentially as a tax on business operations during declining revenues. Recall, when you tax something, you get less of it. In this case, you get less service and most importantly, less jobs, which was the one thing Congress was trying to increase.
Boggles the mind!
Greta Van Susteren,
Minimum Wage,
Stephen Moore,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
300 Consecutive Sellouts
Monday, September 21, 2009
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Florida 3-0, 1
2. Texas 3-0, 2
3. LSU 3-0, 4
4. Ole Miss 2-0, 5
5. Alabama 3-0, 6
6. Penn State 3-0, 7
7. California 3-0, 8
8. Boise State 3-0, 9
9. Miami 2-0, 19
10. Virginia Tech 2-1, 15
11. Texas Christian 2-0, 13
12. Southern Cal 2-1, 3
13. Ohio State 2-1, 11
14. Cincinnati 3-0, 21
15. Oklahoma 2-1, 16
16. North Carolina 3-0, 14
17. Houston 2-0, 18
18. Oklahoma State 2-1, 20
19. Florida State 2-1, NR
20. Brigham Young 2-1, 10
21. Missouri 3-0, 22
22. Michigan 3-0, 24
23. Kansas 3-0, 23
24. Georgia 2-1, 25
25. Nebraska 2-1, 17
VOTES: Georgia Tech (12), Pittsburgh, Utah, Oregon, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Washington, Oregon State, UCLA, Kentucky, Oregon State.
It certainly appears Miami is back as they detroyed Georgia Tech, a team which manhandled the Hurricanes a year ago and brought back 18 starters.....Notre Dame held off Michigan State, which may have saved the job for Charlie Weis....Cincinnati won on the road out at Oregon State, which I label a strong road win.....Ole Miss and Alabama are on collision course.......Nebraska played the prevent defense like a fiddle and prevented themselves from a victory at Blacksburg after dominating the Hokies all day. Pelini should have known better.....Tennessee did not get killed at Florida which may or may not be telling......As usual, Southern Cal drops one to an inferior conference foe, something we warned about in our pre-season comments. They need a quarterback, as do many other teams......It is all there for LSU if they are as good as I think they may be......And How bout them 'Noles!!!! Greg Reid, who we identified in our FSU preview, sealed BYU's Fate:
It was the first complete game for the Seminoles in quite some time.....Still not sure about Penn State after the lightweights they are playing and will play, but I'll say they are not top ten quality.....UNC seems lethargic this season so far.....October 10 will be a big weekend with many colossal collisions, including LSU and Florida.....Sorry to hear about the season ending injury for USF QB Matt Grothe. I have been following him for years and he is very talented. Hope he heals up strong for NFL consideration....Georgia and Arkansas had quite a barn burner as they left the defenses at the team hotel.
Top 25
1. Florida 3-0, 1
2. Texas 3-0, 2
3. LSU 3-0, 4
4. Ole Miss 2-0, 5
5. Alabama 3-0, 6
6. Penn State 3-0, 7
7. California 3-0, 8
8. Boise State 3-0, 9
9. Miami 2-0, 19
10. Virginia Tech 2-1, 15
11. Texas Christian 2-0, 13
12. Southern Cal 2-1, 3
13. Ohio State 2-1, 11
14. Cincinnati 3-0, 21
15. Oklahoma 2-1, 16
16. North Carolina 3-0, 14
17. Houston 2-0, 18
18. Oklahoma State 2-1, 20
19. Florida State 2-1, NR
20. Brigham Young 2-1, 10
21. Missouri 3-0, 22
22. Michigan 3-0, 24
23. Kansas 3-0, 23
24. Georgia 2-1, 25
25. Nebraska 2-1, 17
VOTES: Georgia Tech (12), Pittsburgh, Utah, Oregon, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Washington, Oregon State, UCLA, Kentucky, Oregon State.
It certainly appears Miami is back as they detroyed Georgia Tech, a team which manhandled the Hurricanes a year ago and brought back 18 starters.....Notre Dame held off Michigan State, which may have saved the job for Charlie Weis....Cincinnati won on the road out at Oregon State, which I label a strong road win.....Ole Miss and Alabama are on collision course.......Nebraska played the prevent defense like a fiddle and prevented themselves from a victory at Blacksburg after dominating the Hokies all day. Pelini should have known better.....Tennessee did not get killed at Florida which may or may not be telling......As usual, Southern Cal drops one to an inferior conference foe, something we warned about in our pre-season comments. They need a quarterback, as do many other teams......It is all there for LSU if they are as good as I think they may be......And How bout them 'Noles!!!! Greg Reid, who we identified in our FSU preview, sealed BYU's Fate:
It was the first complete game for the Seminoles in quite some time.....Still not sure about Penn State after the lightweights they are playing and will play, but I'll say they are not top ten quality.....UNC seems lethargic this season so far.....October 10 will be a big weekend with many colossal collisions, including LSU and Florida.....Sorry to hear about the season ending injury for USF QB Matt Grothe. I have been following him for years and he is very talented. Hope he heals up strong for NFL consideration....Georgia and Arkansas had quite a barn burner as they left the defenses at the team hotel.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Exposing of ACORN Exposes Media
Thankfully, behind Glenn Beck, Andrew Breibart and the new Woodward and Bernstein, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, ACORN has blown up. I have previously blasted ACORN on this blog on numerous occasions, labeling them as the criminal enterprise portal they are.
It seems hard to believe anyone with a lick of common sense could have not recognized the significant problems with ACORN, but leave it to our media. It is far time to call them out, and Bill O'Reilly does just that.
What on earth is ABC News pointman Charlie Gibson thinking? Remember, Gibson hammered Sarah Palin about being not well read, and he has not a clue about ACORN? In his own words! Oh good heavens! I had occasion to meet Mr. Gibson at GMA, and he could not have been kinder. But, he should retire to sailing and leave the journalism part to people who take the responsibility seriously. And, if Sarah Palin has failed to be up to speed on current events, and she has not, what would we be left to conclude for someone charged to be engaged in the news of the day to be so uninformed? Media bias?
Glenn Beck finally broke down and called the media complicit in using the news divisions as arms of the current administration. Beck, as usual, is correct. I always thought the news media, or essentially the network news divisons and the major daily newspapers, had a repsonsibility to the citizenry to provide checks and balances of our elected government. Just the facts.
If those days ever existed, they are gone. Hannah and James for the next Pulitzer!
It seems hard to believe anyone with a lick of common sense could have not recognized the significant problems with ACORN, but leave it to our media. It is far time to call them out, and Bill O'Reilly does just that.
What on earth is ABC News pointman Charlie Gibson thinking? Remember, Gibson hammered Sarah Palin about being not well read, and he has not a clue about ACORN? In his own words! Oh good heavens! I had occasion to meet Mr. Gibson at GMA, and he could not have been kinder. But, he should retire to sailing and leave the journalism part to people who take the responsibility seriously. And, if Sarah Palin has failed to be up to speed on current events, and she has not, what would we be left to conclude for someone charged to be engaged in the news of the day to be so uninformed? Media bias?
Glenn Beck finally broke down and called the media complicit in using the news divisions as arms of the current administration. Beck, as usual, is correct. I always thought the news media, or essentially the network news divisons and the major daily newspapers, had a repsonsibility to the citizenry to provide checks and balances of our elected government. Just the facts.
If those days ever existed, they are gone. Hannah and James for the next Pulitzer!
ABC News,
Andrew Breibart,
Bill O'Reilly,
Charlie Gibson,
Glenn Beck,
Media Bias,
Sarah Palin
Monday, September 14, 2009
Market Neophyte Scolds The Street

I am so glad we are fortunate enough to have such a keen mind to inform us on how things will be done going forward to save the union. In the end, it was nothing beyond a dog and pony show.
Obama lectured the street players that there is an urgent need for tighter regulation, which is laughable. There were numerous agencies and mechanisms to thwart such irresponsibility, and here are two examples. The SEC, under Bush appointee Christopher Cox, who by most accounts is a decent guy, was asleep at the switch at a minimum, failing to investigate Bernard Madoff after numerous warnings. Government was in charge of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, who are perhaps the top culprits in the housing crisis, which is the catalyst bringing the whole system to where we are now. As Investors Business Daily reports, so much for the regulation. Have you met Barney Frank?
While banks are still not lending in normal fashion, the government under Obama has already inserted itself into the marketplace. "It is neither right nor responsible after you've recovered with the help of your government to shirk your obligation to the goal of wider recovery, a more stable system, and a more broadly shared prosperity,"quipped the President.
Interestingly enough, many of the money center banks are prepared to return the borrowed monies, but have been prohibited by the administration from doing so. Meanwhile, Obama's potential creation of a more stable system with a more broadly shared responsibility goes against free market capitalism, where risk takers are rewarded or pay the price of failure. This is capitalism. Shared responsibility with shared reward resembles the failed policies of our eastern block neighbors.
If Obama really wanted to get at the heart of the financial crisis, and he does not since he is using the crisis to further his big government platform, he would do well to investigate the credit agencies, who time after time issued AAA rankings to the firms on the street with mortgage backed securities that imploded.
Speaking of our neighbors, Investors Business Daily reports Obama on Friday placed a 35% tariff on Chinese tires imported into the United States, instigating the protectionist efforts that in fact deepened The Great Depression. Investigating the move, it seems that there is little to be gained, and much to be lost, from raising this tariff other than appeasing the United Steelworkers Union. Is placing the economic trade status of the US worth rewarding campaign contributors? I think not.
We began the weekend with President Obama violating basic economic principles with respect to free trade and placing our economy at great risk given the amount of US treasuries the Chinese hold to a Monday morning lecture on how the inept government will implement new governance and regulation sure to impede risk and investment, therefore restraining economic growth.
Economic growth, not government interaction and regulation, is what will bring this economy back. Invest accordingly.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Top 25
Top 25
1. Florida 2-0, 1
2. Texas 2-0, 2
3. Southern Cal 2-0, 3
4. Louisiana State 2-0, 4
5. Ole Miss 1-0, 6
6. Alabama 2-0, 7
7. Penn State 2-0, 8
8. California 2-0, 19
9. Boise State 2-0, 11
10. Brigham Young 2-0, 14
11. Ohio State 1-1, 9
12. Georgia Tech 2-0, 13
13. Texas Christian 2-0, 16
14. North Carolina 2-0, 12
15. Virginia Tech 1-1, 15
16. Oklahoma 1-1, 17
17. Nebraska 2-0, 19
18. Houston 2-0, NR
19. Miami 1-0, 18
20. Oklahoma State 1-1, 5
22. Cincinnati 2-0, 23
22. Missouri 2-0, 21
23. Kansas 2-0, 24
24. Michigan 2-0 NR
25. Georgia 1-1, 22
VOTES: Utah, Oregon, Florida State, Oregon State, Pittsburgh, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Central Michigan, UCLA, Kentucky, Iowa and Baylor.
Florida State escaped a mind bobbling loss, which may have led to everyone getting fired. Someone better wake up in a hurry up there but the 'Noles cannot be as bad as they have looked. It was a rain soaked early evening with a jacked up opponent which FSU had a short week to prepare for after the devastating loss to Miami. Even so, we do expect better from everyone involved. A cross country trip to play a very strong BYU looks daunting, but it also provides an opportunity, the type the Seminoles used to relish.
About all we know after two weeks is that Florida is by far the best team.....Ohio State could not take down So Cal with the Trojans freshman quarterback as both teams are not real good at this point....Oklahoma State blew the best opportunity they have ever had to win something.....Although it seems Dan Hawkins is a neat guy, it is very obvious there needs to be a change at Colorado, where the once proud Buffs got blasted by Toledo.....Michigan State had a chance to step up, but got knocked out by Central Michigan, who has beaten them before....Quite a few teams struggled mightily, a list that included Missouri, Oregon State and North Carolina, who barely won...Tennessee heads to Florida next week, and this will not be pretty, but plenty fun to watch....Bill Snyder, recently hired to rekindle the magic at Kansas State and surprisingly given a contract extensions this week, lost to Louisiana Lafayette....The Big XII appears to be staggering, while the ACC and Big Ten look horrible thus far.....So much for Notre Dame, getting dumped at Michigan....So far so good for Nebraska, but we will find out everything we need to know as the 'Huskers travel to Virginia Tech on Saturday.
Top 25
1. Florida 2-0, 1
2. Texas 2-0, 2
3. Southern Cal 2-0, 3
4. Louisiana State 2-0, 4
5. Ole Miss 1-0, 6
6. Alabama 2-0, 7
7. Penn State 2-0, 8
8. California 2-0, 19
9. Boise State 2-0, 11
10. Brigham Young 2-0, 14
11. Ohio State 1-1, 9
12. Georgia Tech 2-0, 13
13. Texas Christian 2-0, 16
14. North Carolina 2-0, 12
15. Virginia Tech 1-1, 15
16. Oklahoma 1-1, 17
17. Nebraska 2-0, 19
18. Houston 2-0, NR
19. Miami 1-0, 18
20. Oklahoma State 1-1, 5
22. Cincinnati 2-0, 23
22. Missouri 2-0, 21
23. Kansas 2-0, 24
24. Michigan 2-0 NR
25. Georgia 1-1, 22
VOTES: Utah, Oregon, Florida State, Oregon State, Pittsburgh, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Central Michigan, UCLA, Kentucky, Iowa and Baylor.

About all we know after two weeks is that Florida is by far the best team.....Ohio State could not take down So Cal with the Trojans freshman quarterback as both teams are not real good at this point....Oklahoma State blew the best opportunity they have ever had to win something.....Although it seems Dan Hawkins is a neat guy, it is very obvious there needs to be a change at Colorado, where the once proud Buffs got blasted by Toledo.....Michigan State had a chance to step up, but got knocked out by Central Michigan, who has beaten them before....Quite a few teams struggled mightily, a list that included Missouri, Oregon State and North Carolina, who barely won...Tennessee heads to Florida next week, and this will not be pretty, but plenty fun to watch....Bill Snyder, recently hired to rekindle the magic at Kansas State and surprisingly given a contract extensions this week, lost to Louisiana Lafayette....The Big XII appears to be staggering, while the ACC and Big Ten look horrible thus far.....So much for Notre Dame, getting dumped at Michigan....So far so good for Nebraska, but we will find out everything we need to know as the 'Huskers travel to Virginia Tech on Saturday.
The Inconvenience of Truth
Astonishingly, with our President leading the charge, the Congress is set to attempt to push through a very expensive cap and trade energy bill which is primarily based on the acceptance of man made global warming, or climate change, or whatever politically expedient label they now place on it.
Former Vice President Al Gore, who has made millions of dollars spreading this propaganda, has declared the debate over and even degrades those with a differing opinion. But, that fact is, the debate is far from over.
There are well qualified spokesman on both sides. Recently, Bill O'Reilly had an interview with someone in the field I respect, and that is AccuWeather's Joe Bastrdi from Penn State University.
It seems obvious to me, no doubt far from the meteor logical expert Mr. Gore is, that very limited funding, if any, from our bankrupt government should be expended on budgetary items based on 50% probabilities. This is not prudent, but then again, the history of our government shows they have no problem spending the taxpayers money on all sorts of unnecessary avenues.
Hence, the march on Washington yesterday.
Former Vice President Al Gore, who has made millions of dollars spreading this propaganda, has declared the debate over and even degrades those with a differing opinion. But, that fact is, the debate is far from over.
There are well qualified spokesman on both sides. Recently, Bill O'Reilly had an interview with someone in the field I respect, and that is AccuWeather's Joe Bastrdi from Penn State University.
It seems obvious to me, no doubt far from the meteor logical expert Mr. Gore is, that very limited funding, if any, from our bankrupt government should be expended on budgetary items based on 50% probabilities. This is not prudent, but then again, the history of our government shows they have no problem spending the taxpayers money on all sorts of unnecessary avenues.
Hence, the march on Washington yesterday.
Al Gore,
Bill O'Reilly,
Cap and Trade,
Global Warming,
Joe Bastardi
Saturday, September 12, 2009
We The People
A march on Washington DC takes place today as We The People continue to take steps to remind our elected representatives who they work for.
I will be with those marching in spirit. There is no free lunch and free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity!
I will be with those marching in spirit. There is no free lunch and free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity!
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Day of Mourning
It is another anniversary of the horrifying events of September 11, 2001, which took down the majestic Twin Towers and killed some 3000 of our citizens.

The eighth anniversary of September 11 finds this country involved in much internal turmoil, mostly caused by an errant election due to a financial crisis that in many ways can be laid at the doorstep of horrifying actions of that day.
Unfortunately, the current administration is more interested in investigating those who kept us safe in the aftermath of 9-11 rather than seeking justice to those who did us harm. In addition, the mindset now is to sit down with these terrorists to forge some form of appeasement from us, since the thinking is the United States is the root of the evil. This was evident in the apology tour that took place almost immediately upon this administration taking office. I completely reject this thought process!

This group either fails to recognize the threat or has forgotten what evils can encroach upon us if we let our guard down. Have they forgotten?
Even if those in power now wish to diminish the lessons taught that day, I have not forgotten and will keep up the fight! NEVER FORGET! God Bless America!

Unfortunately, the current administration is more interested in investigating those who kept us safe in the aftermath of 9-11 rather than seeking justice to those who did us harm. In addition, the mindset now is to sit down with these terrorists to forge some form of appeasement from us, since the thinking is the United States is the root of the evil. This was evident in the apology tour that took place almost immediately upon this administration taking office. I completely reject this thought process!
This group either fails to recognize the threat or has forgotten what evils can encroach upon us if we let our guard down. Have they forgotten?
Even if those in power now wish to diminish the lessons taught that day, I have not forgotten and will keep up the fight! NEVER FORGET! God Bless America!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Top 25
Top 25
1. Florida 1-0, 1
2. Texas 1-0, 2
3. Southern Cal 1-0, 4
4. Louisiana State 1-0, 5
5. Oklahoma State 1-0, 6
6. Ole Miss 1-0, 7
7. Alabama 1-0, 11
8. Penn State 1-0, 13
9. Ohio State 1-0, 9
10. California 1-0, 14
11. Boise State 1-0, 18
12. North Carolina 1-0, 15
13. Georgia Tech 1-0, 16
14. Brigham Young 1-0, 21
15. Virginia Tech 0-1, 8
16. Texas Christian 0-0, 17
17. Oklahoma 0-1, 4
18. Miami 1-0, NR
19. Nebraska 1-0, 20
20. Notre Dame 1-0, 25
21. Missouri 1-0, NR
22. Georgia 0-1, 19
23. Cincinnati 1-0, NR
24. Kansas 1-0, 23
25. Michigan State 1-0, 24
VOTES: Florida State (18), Oregon (10), Utah, Oregon State, Pittsburgh, Baylor, Clemson, Kentucky, Michigan, Iowa, UCLA and South Carolina.
While much of country was bashing the ACC, with both Duke and Virginia getting beat by 1-A teams, I was in awe of the Big Ten. Iowa had perhaps the most narrow escape ever, blocking two consecutive field goal efforts, Ohio State somehow beat Navy, while Illinois got punked by Missouri, who lost almost their entire offense. Ohio State better find something before Saturday, when USC comes calling.....Florida State once again lost to Miami in dramatic fashion, catapulting the 'Canes to second in the state. Will the Seminoles rebound and join Miami in the march back to national prominence? BYU in two weeks, and......speaking of the Cougars, even with Sam Bradford going down, they were hanging in toe to toe with Oklahoma. Not only were they impressive on offense, but showed some defensive teeth as well.....Boise State spanked Oregon, and then came some very disturbing behavior, leading to the end of the road for Ducks running back Legarrette Blount. It was not pretty......
Outside of the painful loss, it was a great night in Tallahassee to kick off the college football season. Here is a pic of the stadium in pregame:
Top 25
1. Florida 1-0, 1
2. Texas 1-0, 2
3. Southern Cal 1-0, 4
4. Louisiana State 1-0, 5
5. Oklahoma State 1-0, 6
6. Ole Miss 1-0, 7
7. Alabama 1-0, 11
8. Penn State 1-0, 13
9. Ohio State 1-0, 9
10. California 1-0, 14
11. Boise State 1-0, 18
12. North Carolina 1-0, 15
13. Georgia Tech 1-0, 16
14. Brigham Young 1-0, 21
15. Virginia Tech 0-1, 8
16. Texas Christian 0-0, 17
17. Oklahoma 0-1, 4
18. Miami 1-0, NR
19. Nebraska 1-0, 20
20. Notre Dame 1-0, 25
21. Missouri 1-0, NR
22. Georgia 0-1, 19
23. Cincinnati 1-0, NR
24. Kansas 1-0, 23
25. Michigan State 1-0, 24
VOTES: Florida State (18), Oregon (10), Utah, Oregon State, Pittsburgh, Baylor, Clemson, Kentucky, Michigan, Iowa, UCLA and South Carolina.
While much of country was bashing the ACC, with both Duke and Virginia getting beat by 1-A teams, I was in awe of the Big Ten. Iowa had perhaps the most narrow escape ever, blocking two consecutive field goal efforts, Ohio State somehow beat Navy, while Illinois got punked by Missouri, who lost almost their entire offense. Ohio State better find something before Saturday, when USC comes calling.....Florida State once again lost to Miami in dramatic fashion, catapulting the 'Canes to second in the state. Will the Seminoles rebound and join Miami in the march back to national prominence? BYU in two weeks, and......speaking of the Cougars, even with Sam Bradford going down, they were hanging in toe to toe with Oklahoma. Not only were they impressive on offense, but showed some defensive teeth as well.....Boise State spanked Oregon, and then came some very disturbing behavior, leading to the end of the road for Ducks running back Legarrette Blount. It was not pretty......
Outside of the painful loss, it was a great night in Tallahassee to kick off the college football season. Here is a pic of the stadium in pregame:
Outside of football, Florida State University honored Captain Michael Scott Speicher before the game, inclusive of his family. The US Military performed a Missing Man Formation Flyover at Doak Campbell Stadium in a very moving gesture. Tomahawk Nation got the flyover recorded:
We will never forget Captain Speicher. God Bless Captain Speicher and God Bless The United States of America!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
2009 Florida State Seminoles Preview

For the first time in several seasons, the Seminoles begin the season with a firmly entrenched starter at the quarterback position in Christian Ponder.

For Florida State to emerge as a factor for the BCS in 2009, it will have to have a young defensive unit grow quickly.

The schedule is brutal, beginning with arch rival Miami on Labor Day night. FSU travels to BYU and hosts South Florida in September. The 'Noles play at UNC on a Thursday night and travel to Virginia Tech and Florida. While FSU seems to be ok with the starters on defense, the depth is untested and an injury at the wrong position could be trouble. FSU will miss kicker Graham Gano for sure, but may be better in the return game. Things will have to bounce right for FSU to re-emerge on the national championship stage, but they are setting up for 2010 where a championship is achievable.
Defensive back Greg Reid appears to be the new face Seminole fans will see, as he will certainly be the nickel DB if not starting at boundary corner. Dustin Hopkins at kicker will be another freshman who will be counted upon. Chris Thompson at running back is another name to keep an eye on.
Florida State is on the way back. While the offense could be among the nations best this season, the defensive unit appears to have too many holes for the Seminoles to challenge for the national title. The schedule is brutal, and even though the Seminoles will have the best team they have had in several seasons, the record may not show it. As the season progresses, the Seminoles will gain strength and set themselves up for a stellar campaign in 2010. Look for FSU to go 9-3 in '09 and make a statement in a bowl telegraphing things to come in 2010, which I believe will be legendary coach Bobby Bowden's final season.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
College Football Fever Hits FOX
You have to love that Ainsley Earhardt! And where is Shannon Bream when you need her? Go 'Noles
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Radical Influences Revisited
President Obama encouraged the electorate to seek out those he associates with to learn more about his character. For many, Obama's speech on race in Philadelphia put to rest all his associations with the likes of Bill Ayers, a unrepentant terrorist, and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a conveyor of hate speech. Obama was surprisingly able to convince many, but it seems now that it was a lie as we observe who he has placed positions of power.
When Obama was putting together his cabinet, it seemed he was making an effort to seek out a bipartisan team. While it seemed admirable, it was a hoax as it was not immediately apparent he would assemble a team of almost 50 Czars, answerable to only him and not the Congress. In reviewing the background of many of these folks, their ideology is quite radical signaling a major problem most of the electorate are not even aware of.
Please take a few minutes (lengthy but crucial to hear) to learn about one of the new Czars Obama has placed on his team, Van Jones. His opinions are quite scary, and miles from mainstream America.
Where is the major media on this? Apparently, few if any in Congress are concerned about these folks? Obviously, this means it is the people who will have to take control.
President Obama is being disingenuous with the public at best! Why is he assembling this team of radicals? Indeed, is he planning a transformation of America as he stated five days before the election with a crowd of morons cheering him on?
It is vitally important America wake up immediately. Please tell your neighbors.
When Obama was putting together his cabinet, it seemed he was making an effort to seek out a bipartisan team. While it seemed admirable, it was a hoax as it was not immediately apparent he would assemble a team of almost 50 Czars, answerable to only him and not the Congress. In reviewing the background of many of these folks, their ideology is quite radical signaling a major problem most of the electorate are not even aware of.
Please take a few minutes (lengthy but crucial to hear) to learn about one of the new Czars Obama has placed on his team, Van Jones. His opinions are quite scary, and miles from mainstream America.
Where is the major media on this? Apparently, few if any in Congress are concerned about these folks? Obviously, this means it is the people who will have to take control.
President Obama is being disingenuous with the public at best! Why is he assembling this team of radicals? Indeed, is he planning a transformation of America as he stated five days before the election with a crowd of morons cheering him on?
It is vitally important America wake up immediately. Please tell your neighbors.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Big Fire
Check out this very daunting photograph of the California fires approaching The Rose Bowl.

Where is Heath Barkley and the nitroglycerin when you need him?
Home games for UCLA and California could be postponed this weekend, and we certainly do not want to see any damage to the famed stadium.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the folks out there as the persevere through the crisis.

Where is Heath Barkley and the nitroglycerin when you need him?
Home games for UCLA and California could be postponed this weekend, and we certainly do not want to see any damage to the famed stadium.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the folks out there as the persevere through the crisis.
College Football,
The Big Valley,
The Rose Bowl,
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