Thursday, April 29, 2010

In Praise of Glenn Beck

Time Magazine, who has really lost all credibility as far a news magazine, annually compiles the Top 100 and has released the The 2010 Time 100.

For each person selected, someone else is asked to write a passage about that person.

This year, Glenn Beck has been selected as one of the The 2010 Time 100.

Sarah Palin wrote the passage about Glenn, and knocked it out of the park!

Who'd have thought a history buff with a quirky sense of humor and a chalkboard could make for such riveting television? Glenn's like the high school government teacher so many wish they'd had, charting and connecting ideas with chalk-dusted fingers — kicking it old school — instead of becoming just another talking-heads show host. Self-taught, he's become America's professor of common sense, sharing earnestly sought knowledge with an audience hungry for truth. Glenn, 46, tackles topics other news shows would regard as arcane. Consider his desire to teach Americans about the history of the progressive movement: he's doing to progressive what Ronald Reagan did to liberal — explaining that it's a damaged brand.

His love of the Founding Fathers inspires others to learn and respect our nation's history. Best of all, Glenn delights in driving the self-proclaimed powers-that-be crazy. (The whole country awaits the red phone ringing!) Even his critics (whom he annihilates in ratings) have to admire his amazing ability to galvanize everyday Americans to better themselves and peacefully engage their government. Though he sometimes dismisses himself as an aw-shucks guy or just a "rodeo clown," he's really an inspiring patriot who was once at the bottom but now makes a much needed difference from the very, very top.

I am an admirer of both Beck and Palin, and recognize the sacrifices Beck has made over the last several years in bringing the truth to America. I was a radio listener and appreciated the talents of Beck before the politics got heated up, but like Palin says, I now find him an inspiring patriot and a great American.

Thank you to Sarah Palin (see Ted Nugent's summary on Palin) for putting forth such an excellent summary, and as I was Tweeted earlier today, if America should come out of this hijacking (or transformation), Glenn Beck will be owed a great debt of gratitude.

Indeed! Stay safe Glenn and keep up the good work. Like many Patriots out there, I am with you brother!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Palin Pounds Obama Policy

Everyday I wake up and the Obama administration is finding a new way to torpedo small business owners with taxation and regulation, and I have had quite enough of it.

I am glad someone with a bigger paltform shares my displeasure; Sarah Palin.

Fundamental Transformation: Evil Looms

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's response to the question of addressing Fannie and Freddie by Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe caught my ear. Roll the tape:

Exactly how is the Obama administration going take a look at the entire housing market? How will they change the system completely? What regulatory steps will be taken to make the market more affordable and stable?

Clearly, Geithner is speaking of governmental intervention instead of allowing free markets to dictate, which is the action that should be taken. In case your are new to the issue of the housing crisis, government intervention is the central culprit in the problem.

I wondered if the government was going to take aim at limiting risk. Risk is an essential, and measurable, component in markets. Risk measures the variation in anticipated outcomes. Most home buyers in the last decade had never seen housing prices extend past a standard level of deviation, much less seen home values crash. Therefore, they anticipated that the risk of such an event were close to zero, even though as prices extended above measurable moving averages, risk increased.

Through Fannie and Freddie, the government controls almost 70% of residential home mortgages. The biggest player, and in most cases, the only player in town, these GSE's can dictate terms for lending, and through this mechanism, control risk.

Enter Glenn Beck, who in all seriousness these days is Inspector Clouseau and Woodward and Bernstein wrapped into one, and the evil plans of our government are exposed. Beck outlined a series of coincidences, that are actually not coincidences, that are extremely alarming. Please listen carefully to the following segment of The Glenn Beck Program from this past Tuesday:

The Examiner has more on this startling report at

The administration has stated they never want to see a crisis go to waste. As I see it, the housing crisis, created in large measure by the government, appears to be a vehicle through which the government will implement cap and trade policies through regulatory actions on residential housing through the mortgage holder Fannie & Freddie. Remember the article recently in The American Thinker? Politico has more and this has been looming for some time.

The regulatory actions placed on residential housing will likely be a carbon tax based on the energy efficiency score placed on your residence. Interest rates, through the GSE's, if you can get them, will likely be based on your score as well. Keep in mind regulations that already exist for mortgaged properties, such as certain levels of property insurance. The slope is getting real slippery.

Forget that global warming is a hoax whose real purpose is provide a vehicle for the global transformation of wealth. Under this false premise, regulatory action on residential housing, enforced by the EPA, will tax residential property owners to fund this transformation.

While if voted in with corrupt measures like the Health Care bill was, it likely won't be illegal, but the actions of former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama transition team consultant Franklin Raines may well be. At any rate, this nonsense has simply got to stop, as our country is being run into the ground on purpose by Progressive global warming moonbats.

Obama proclaimed he is going to transform the Untied States of America. Into what, I am not sure, but into something our founding fathers would strongly resist. Wake your neighbors up before it is too late!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Supply Side Fuels Economic Growth

The transformation of The United States of America is in full scale operation, from passing legislation our elected officials have limited knowledge of the contents of to shifting language that skirts the truth and evades transparency while implementing legislation our founding fathers would fight against. It is appalling.

Remember no family will making over $250k annually will see their taxes go up? Lie or deception? Obama claims the worst of the economic downturn is behind us due to his administrations activities. Don't bet on it.

Taxes are going up substantially, which curbs economic growth. With that being said, two economic titans recently visited with CNBC's Larry Kudlow to discuss tax rates and their impact on our economy going forward.

The economic activity of the Obama administration is going to prolong the economic crisis we are in (not behind us) and the aftermath will be painful if things are not overturned in November.

Credit markets are not in good shape, and yesterday we saw a big spike in the VIX, a measure of volatility. Pigs don't fly, and the financial stability in Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain remains in critical condition. Canary if the coal mine for the US six months from now? How far will the dominoes fall? Will California follow suit?

In the end, while the stock market is up after companies have beaten dramatically reduced earnings estimates and reduced inventories have been restocked, I remain convinced another downturn is coming. With our irresponsibly expanding and unsustainable debt, we a high fastball to face from real trouble, but then again, that may be the emergency the administration is looking for to further transform our once great economic system and country.

As always in this Obama era, watch the other hand.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Enemies from within are in full scale organized assault on free market capitalists and limiting the ability of each of us to engage in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the blueprint our Founding Fathers laid out for us.

HT/Patriots For America

Take a few moments to think about what has been taking place. Corruption is rampant, transparency is non existent, regulation is expanding and our leaders are not even reading, or writing, legislation. It is easy to see how out of control this is. Why is every sizable legislation now a rush or emergency? The administration wants to act quickly before you recognize what is taking place and rise up in opposition. Well, they ain't seen nothing yet!

Unfortunately, the time is immediately upon us to become participatory in the fight against tyranny that is right in front of us through the use of non-violent and legal activities.

It is a time for choosing! Let freedom ring!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big Day Looming For Big Suh

Former Nebraska All America defensive tackle Ndamuknong Suh, who won every college football award he was eligible for except The Heisman Trophy, stops by the FOX Business studios to visit Varney & Co. Host Stuart Varney, Charles Payne and Tracey Byrnes discuss the financial pitfalls many athletes face and a new contract for Suh with Subway Restaurants.

At the Nebaraska spring game last Saturday, Ndamukong Suh announced a donation of 2.6 million dollars to the University of Nebraska.

All Cornhuskers across the country are very proud of Ndamuknong Suh and his accomplishments and wish him the very best. While the St. Louis Rams may need a quarterback with the first pick in this weekends NFL draft, the best player in college football last fall was you know who; Ndamukong Suh.

Go Big Red!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Left Aims to Incite Violence

Geraldo Rivera joined most of the other media outlets in an attempt to smear the tea party patriots across this great land on his program Geraldo at Large on Saturday night, and in a follow up interview, Tea Party Express Chairman Mark Williams let him have it. Take a listen:

Rivera acted like he had no idea what Williams was speaking of. Geraldo is therefore either an idiot or is lying about the piece he presented. Did you guess both?

The story in question, which I heard live in its entirety, was for sure a hit piece. Geraldo's brother Craig held an interview with the some chap from the Southern Poverty Law Center in an effort to conflate (ADD MOMENT: don't you just love the new popularity of this word) radical militia groups with the tea partiers and label the tea party participants as angry white racists. Why? For the Obama administration, and progressives in Congress, the tea party is an unexpected problem, and a huge one at that. Therefore, even though they represent middle America and have exhibited zero violence in the thousands of rallies they have held over the past year, they must be discredited.

Certainly, the usual suspects are marching in lock step in the effort to plant the negative narrative about the tea party patriots. Did you hear former President Bill Clinton, as we honor victims on the weekend of the fifteenth anniversary of the Oklahoma city bombing, sound off? How about the deplorable efforts by NBC News. FOX & Friends filed a decent report:

H/T HotAirPundit

NBC News Chris Matthews provided an outlet for Kathleen Parker, a fellow FSU graduate who should really be ashamed of herself, and Time Magazine's Joe Klein to weigh in. Not be left out, CBS News got a late start.

Geraldo came back with further insults to the tea party on his Sunday evening show, interupting a report by the lovely Kimberly Guilfoyle.

video via Gateway Pundit

Understand what is taking place. The Tea Party movement has those in power petrified and fierce and overwhelming steps must be taken to discredit the movement, including putting forth a narrative that paints the movement as radical, even if it is only the good, hard working taxpayers of America. This is despicable behavior by our leaders and the mainstream media, as it appears from their actions they are trying to incite violence.

Martin Luther King, JR would be appalled! So is middle America, and so am I!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

USA Should Continue to Carry Big Stick

Get a load of this inexplicable commentary from our President, Barack Obama:

"Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower." You damn right we are and , not withstanding your efforts, remain a superpower, and we quite like it! And all those tyrants around the world you bow to had better not forget it.

Sarah Palin made commentary on the subject on her Facebook page, and I am still wondering when she may be incorrect in analysis of this administration.

As is often the case these days, I am reminded of the words of Ronald Reagan. "Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong"-- Ronald Reagan

It would certainly seem that President Obama, on his march to socialism and the global collective, does not support America's position as a leader, either economically or militarily. Through his transformative efforts, he seems partial to the redistribution of not only the personal wealth of Americans, but the wealth of America to other nations he deems were at a competitive disadvantage due to the American capitalistic system. He is grossly in error, and seemingly is lost on American exceptionalism.

The progressive steps that Obama is taking place our country in great peril, with respect to both national security and the economic playing field. In both instances, these are most dangerous times, and unfortunately, it appears Obama is on the wrong side of another Reagan thought: We win you lose!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Let BHO Tell You How It Will Be

Bararck Obama said he would not raise taxes on anyone making over $250K annually. You Lie!

I do not make over $250K annually but with the passage of the health care bill few if any legislators read, my taxes are going up.

After inheriting the deficits from prior administration's, this administration has reacted to a bubble bursting by making all the wrong moves and exponentially escalating the debt in an immoral fashion. How will this be paid for? Not only will our children and grandchildren be saddled with it, so will we. Our taxes are going up!

Once America wakes up and sends this Marxist leader we have to the Center for American Progress, it will likely take America moving to the Fair Tax or a straight flat tax of say 15% to get us back on track.

Don't get me started on the some 47% who do not pay taxes and get handouts from the government.

In the meantime, for your listening pleasure, George Harrison performs his Beatles composition from the Revolver album along with Eric Clapton:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tea Party Patriots Fight Tyranny

Although patriots across the fruited plain have been sending messages in every way short of Morse code for our elected officials to stop the march to socialism, they are not listening to the people and on top of that, they are giving us the business about it.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson

We must make a stand where possible, and a tea party represents such an opportunity. Therefore, even with threats of protesters (progressives) "crashing the party", a great time was had by all at the We The People Tea Party at Orlando City Hall. Hosted by 540 WFLA's Bud Hedinger, among our guest speakers were House Minority Leader John Boehner (R:OH) and Representative Steve King (R:IA), who is one of my favorites.

Obviously, the tea party Patriots across this nation are making the progressives in Washington quite nervous, and I like that. These people are wrecking our great country and I am going to do everything legally possible to thwart their attempted advances. Reagan was right; we have a rendezvous with history!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Voight Speaks The Unfortunate Truth

On FNC's Mike Huckabee program, Actor Jon Voight read a personal letter regarding the first year of the Obama administration and how disastrous it is to America.

Nicolas Sarcozy of France thinks Obama is insane says European Union Times

Familiarize yourself with the Cloward & Piven Strategy, which is socialist in nature and aims to crash the capitalistic system by overloading it with bureaucracy. This strategy, clearly, is currently being implemented by the Obama administration.

Take a few moments to get a handle on Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, who many Democrats label a hero, including MSNBC host Chris Matthews.

Alinsky tactics were practiced all throughout the 2008 campaign and continue as we speak. The narrative being put out regarding the tea party patriots is a solid example. With thousands of tea parties all across the fruited plain over the past year, there has been no violence committed by tea party participants.

There has been violence from those against the tea partiers, including this example of SEIU thugs in action. With many tea parties scheduled as we approach tax day, the word has been put out for leftist Alinskyites to use civil disobedience, made famous by ACORN, to try to create a disturbance. Nancy Pelosi led by example walking through protesters on way to voting on the health care bill in an effort to create a disturbance, and when one did not occur, made one up. This was an effort to set up the tea partiers, with the media complicit in compliance.

It is most unfortunate we are at this place in American history, and I whole heartily share the concern and conclusions expressed by Mr. Voight. I will be in attendance at the Orlando Tea Party this week with eyes, and video, wide open. For as Thomas Jefferson said, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
HT/Gateway Pundit

Dangers to Prosperity Lurk in Cap & Trade

On his radio program Friday afternoon, Rush Limbaugh referenced an article from The American Thinker blog regarding the Cap & Trade legislation, and the untold hidden land mines associated with it.

The cap and trade legislation is being pushed as a vehicle for America to curb emissions as part of the fight against global warming, which is the greatest hoax of all time.

While is is always an excellent, cost effective idea for individuals and corporations to refrain from polluting, further costly regulatory legislation is arena unnecessary. Until the global warming hoax is completely exposed, and given our main stream media this could take some time, it acts a tax on business which is passed on to the consumer and prohibits economic growth and prosperity. And with a multitude of recent reports questioning the validity of global warming evidence, it becomes apparent that global warming is more about governmental control than climate change and represents a vehicle for the global transfer of wealth.

Trying to ascertain what is what in a 1400 page bill is daunting, particularly when it refers back to other bills. Have at it! However, it appears that under the Waxman-Markey bill, which recently passed the House, the costs of real estate transactions, ownership and new construction will go up.

Essentially, an administrator (czar) of The Environmental Protection Agency, appointed by the President, will develop a national set of enforceable building codes which all new construction must adhere to which mandates increases in energy efficiency by approximately 30%.

Each home, new and existing, will be investigated to determine a "final score" on energy efficiency and labeled. While there is much confusion as to whether homes must meet certain requirements prior to a sale, a few things come to mind which are not clearly spelled out in the bill.

The bill makes a distinction between public housing and assisted housing, but does not define the parameters of such. So, I am wondering, are homes whose loans have been recently modified with government money "assisted housing"?

The bill does spell out that if you rent property to assisted renters or provide public housing and receive monetary incentives to retrofit your property you cannot pass any costs on to the renter by way of rental rate increases, even though you have seemingly improved the property.

Over the past year, approximately 75% of new mortgage loans have been FHA loans, so I wonder if since the government holds the note they can mandate the retrofit. In fact, with Fannie and Freddie's loan portfolio and the Obama administration owning large positions in many major banks, will those properties be subject to the retrofit legislation? Will new FHA loan interest rates be based upon the energy rating of the improvement?

The bill does give the administrator the ability to adjust annually the energy requirements, so they will start out low in an effort to enhance the probability of the bill passing only to be adjusted without legislation going forward, no doubt a bad idea. This legislation, if it becomes law, will be an assault on property rights, seizure of yet another portion of our freedom and a new level of taxation to help in the fight against the speculative global warming. Quite obviously, building codes should be set by local governing bodies and a federal mandate in this arena, similar to the recently passed health care bill, is likely unconstitutional.

At any rate, if passed into law, the legislation will increase costs of home ownership, increase the difficulty of selling improved properties and limit choice for property owners. The new law would make the administrator one of the most powerful players in our government and would be asking the public to trust the governing adjustments going forward. Has this administration earned our trust? To the contrary, they appear to be running a thugocracy full of deceit and corruption.

It looks like through excessive regulatory legislation in an effort to combat the speculative global warming issues, the government is going to put a governor on the appreciation of home values, which in istelf is an attack on free market capitalism.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Idiots at Large

On April 1, 2010, we got word, and video, The United States hit a new low, demonstrating quite effectively that idiots are running this country right into the ground. Please see the following commentary by Congressman Hank Johnson (D:GA) directed at Admiral Robert Willard during an Armed Services Committee hearing.

Are you trying to kid me? No, this was not an April fools joke; you can't make this stuff up. What a complete idiot!

Johnson, a member of the progressive caucus, should immediately resign his office due to stupidity. In addition to being a moron, Johnson is also a hypocrite. Johnson responded to the State of the Union address by President George W. Bush in 2007 by saying "This war has proven to be one of the gravest missteps in the recent history of our country. It is time for President Bush to face the music and respond to the urgent demands of a frustrated country."

With Tea Party participants far outnumbering anti Iraq war protesters, has anyone heard Congressman Johnson ask President Obama to "face the music and respond to the urgent demands of a frustrated country"? I did not think so.

Johnson replaced Cynthia McKinney, who is perhaps the all time moonbat queen in Congressional history.

Our country is being run, in large measure, by a bunch of absolute idiots. Although we get the governing we deserve by electing these folks, there is something that should be done immediately to help set up a road block on the avenue of electing idiots.

We need to reverse the gerrymandered congressional districts, going back to a collection of neighboring zip codes. While some of the districts make no sense and are almost comical, they also are putting the country at risk. President Bush offered commentary on the subject in 2008, noting that these types of districts polarize the Congress and foster incumbency.

By continuing along with the gerrymandered districts, without term limits, we will continue to have less than stellar, and downright embarrassing, representation among our elected officials. Look no further than Congressman Johnson, and his predecessor, Ms. McKinney, idiots at large, for the devastating evidence.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Making Footprints

On Saturday, I attended the funeral of the father of a dear friend and fraternity brother. During the service, the outstanding poem Footprints in the Sand was read:

One night I had a dream--

I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord

Across the sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints,
one belonged to me and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that many times along the path of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in my life.

This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you would walk with me all the way,
but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life
there is only one set of footprints.
"I don't understand why in times when I needed you most,
you should leave me."

The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
I love you and I would never, never leave you
during your times of trial and suffering.
"When you saw only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

Although these are troublesome times indeed, The Lord is with us.

He is Risen! Happy Easter!