The American economy is extremely fragile, in large measure to seemingly wreckless actions taken by the Obama administration and the FED. Far beyond that, with tentacles any Octopus would be proud of, Uncle Sam and all our liberties are under full scale attack from within, a sinister series of actions by extremely well funded socialists masking as environmentalists, economists, clergy, higher education, health care and governmental officials, seizing your individual rights under the mask of political correctness for the benefit of the collective.
Ten years ago, I would have found myself guilty of hanging upside down in the crazy tree considering these items. But as I take note of the events currently taking place, which have been underway for decades but have accelerated under President Obama, I find our world is what is upside down and common sense has caught the last train to Clarksville.
This is the first on a series examining how particular aspects of our governance is expanding and abusing governmental authority beyond the framework of our Constitution. You may find, unknowingly, you have been cheering on the loss of your own freedom.
The focus of the first of several installments deals with an evil implementation of social justice, Agenda 21.
Developed by The United Nations, at the UN Rio Earth Summit in 1992 Agenda 21 was presented for endorsement by UN member nations "as a global plan of action for sustainable development," which aims to implement social justice through managing community development, industry, cultural and individual behavior. At the summit, President George H. W. Bush, who I voted for, signed on to Agenda 21. In 1993, President Bill Clinton, who I did not support, formed the Council For Sustained Development to Implement Agenda 21. Hence, regrettably, both parties are involved.
Although it is detailed, essentially, Agenda 21 efforts to contain the spread of development across the globe, leaving as much land as possible pristine. Further, through regulation by bureaucrats at the UN, "unsustainable" environments, development which fails to meet certain criteria, must be reversed for the global good. Four aspects of Agenda 21 are economic, natural resources, institutional and social. There is a large contingency of individuals, corporations, governmental agencies and organizations on board, and many may not recognize the nefarious ambitions at the heart of the effort. Among those behind it are George Soros, Al Gore and the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), which interacts with local governments to implement policies. You would be shocked at how successful the have been, as some 600 cities have signed on to implement policies outlined by Agenda 21.
Federal legislation under Cap and Trade was a product of Agenda 21, with Fannie Mae, reaching far outside the real estate finance arena, purchasing a trading exchange to house the system. Financing was thought to be provided by Shore Bank, a Chicago based bank which reportedly met its demise once Cap and Trade failed. Unfortunately, as President Obama typically does, the Congress was bypassed by the Obama appointed Czars, who are unaccountable to the the people, and extensive climate change regulations were implemented with the EPA utilized as the enforcing mechanism.
A recent example of the natural resource segment (toxic chemicals) of Agenda 21 would be the new extensive lead based paint regulations put forth by the EPA should property owners with homes built before 1976 wish to update your home in an effort to further the formation of a green economy. Beyond lead based paint, new expensive regulations regarding air conditioning systems, roofing, windows and doors must adhere to standards put in place to curb global warming, which of course, is a vehicle for the global transfer of wealth.
Former Washington Redskin tight end Clint Diddier, now a farmer in retirement, recently spoke with FOX News David Asman, and he is not happy about regulations on farmers in his home state, nor should he be:
Glenn Beck presented Agenda 21 to his FOX audience last summer:
Tentacles of government intrusion under Agenda 21 focus on restricting energy usage, health care opportunities, population growth and private property rights, the latter being a central cog in the formation of our country. Better stated, individual freedom is being confiscated.
Freedom Advocates houses a top notch website which thoroughly encompasses the enormity of Agenda 21, and fortunately, they are not blinded by political correctness and have a keen understanding of the evil end game, which is the loss in American sovereignty and individual rights as we join a global structure. Please check it out.
Our Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves to think Uncle Sam is legislating away our sovereignty over a hoax conceived to advance a governance based on the collective. Opposition to this agenda is growing, and a big recent victory came with the Republican National Committee passing an Anti-Agenda 21 resolution. But the fight is far from over.
I should have paid much more attention when George H. W. Bush discussed a new world order. At least I am awake now, and hopefully you are too. Our opponents are the same cast of characters you have come to know over the past few years, and they must be defeated. Please join the fight against those who wish to take our individual freedom and the sovereignty of our nation under the false premise of global warming, a move to the collective under a massive transfer of wealth.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sunday Night Song
Celebrating the 100th Velvet Sessions at The Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando last Thursday presented another outstanding performance by Cy Curnin and The FIXX.
Congratulations to Steve O and the staff over there, as they always put on first class evening of entertainment with a wide variety of musical acts. The sights are top notch as well, and it is a target rich environment to be sure.
For this weeks Sunday Night Song, take a listen to the opening song of the set, as The FIXX performs Stand or Fall, off the album Shuttered Room. Enjoy!
Congratulations to Steve O and the staff over there, as they always put on first class evening of entertainment with a wide variety of musical acts. The sights are top notch as well, and it is a target rich environment to be sure.
For this weeks Sunday Night Song, take a listen to the opening song of the set, as The FIXX performs Stand or Fall, off the album Shuttered Room. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Slow Creep of Socialized Medicine
In the past, way back, like a year ago, both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, were supporters of a mandate to force the purchase of individual health care. Pam Bondi, Attorney General of Florida, expresses how Mitt Romney will implement a state run system of mandated health care. Take a listen:
While many claim to be Reaganites, especially Gingrich, back in the early 60's Reagan stood firm against the slow creep of socialism through individual health care mandates. Take a listen:
Romney does not claim any association with Reagan, problematic to be sure. Gingrich did carry buckets of water during Reagan's presidency, but unfortunately, he has been for the health care mandate for over 20 years.
Free market capitalism is in favor of the private sector providing such health care options. Where there is demand, there will be supply, with risk appropriately measured and priced into the yield curve.
AP reports Rick Santorum is tired and back in Pennsylvania for the Florida primary. Too bad, since he has been outspoken against the implementation of socialized medicine.
Florida voters, it is time to send a big message. Join me in doing so!
While many claim to be Reaganites, especially Gingrich, back in the early 60's Reagan stood firm against the slow creep of socialism through individual health care mandates. Take a listen:
Romney does not claim any association with Reagan, problematic to be sure. Gingrich did carry buckets of water during Reagan's presidency, but unfortunately, he has been for the health care mandate for over 20 years.
Free market capitalism is in favor of the private sector providing such health care options. Where there is demand, there will be supply, with risk appropriately measured and priced into the yield curve.
AP reports Rick Santorum is tired and back in Pennsylvania for the Florida primary. Too bad, since he has been outspoken against the implementation of socialized medicine.
Florida voters, it is time to send a big message. Join me in doing so!
Friday, January 27, 2012
A Sleeping Lion

Among the four left, I find the choice to be clear, selecting a conservative with fiscal discipline and a comprehensive command of the global war on terror, and that choice is Rick Santorum.
Unlike Gingrich or Romney, Santorum is not a supporter of national health care and global warming, the two main vehicles for the transformation of wealth. Implementing policy regarding these two items will further lead our country to socialism.
Santorum is the limited government candidate and has a superior understanding of the grave dangers we face in the middle east to that of the other candidates.
I can think of many preferable candidates to Santorum, but they are not on my ballot. But among those on the ballot, my choice is the Nittany Lion from Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Debt, Despair & Dishonesty
Tonight, President Obama gives what God willing is his final State of the Union address.
Early reports suggests the speech will attack the Republican "obstructionists", even though America voted in a historic mid term election to stop him from causing further destruction.
Somewhat shockingly, FOX & Friends this morning aired the following report card on the real State of the Union:
Numbers can sometimes tell different stories, but the facts are overwhelming that the Obama administration has been a catastrophic failure for those who seek free market capitalism and honor our Constitution. Under his regime, appropriately titled as his team of Czars operate outside of voter accountability, the term has been filled with unemployment, underemployment, crony capitalism, disappointment, debt, despair, and sadly, dishonesty.
Only an insane electorate could potentially re-elect Obama and his Marxist regime, who are hell bent on managing our historical decline, and road to socialism, from the golf course.
Early reports suggests the speech will attack the Republican "obstructionists", even though America voted in a historic mid term election to stop him from causing further destruction.
Somewhat shockingly, FOX & Friends this morning aired the following report card on the real State of the Union:
Numbers can sometimes tell different stories, but the facts are overwhelming that the Obama administration has been a catastrophic failure for those who seek free market capitalism and honor our Constitution. Under his regime, appropriately titled as his team of Czars operate outside of voter accountability, the term has been filled with unemployment, underemployment, crony capitalism, disappointment, debt, despair, and sadly, dishonesty.
Only an insane electorate could potentially re-elect Obama and his Marxist regime, who are hell bent on managing our historical decline, and road to socialism, from the golf course.
Technocratic Foul
Although an untold number of pundits and the mainstream media have echoed in song the European crisis is behind us, nothing could be further from the truth. Just yesterday, while three big French banks were being downgraded, a deal reached by the Greek Government and its private creditors has been rejected by Eurozone finance ministers. Today, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde called for a larger bailout fund for the European Central bank to work with to prohibit "disastrous implications for systemic stability.”
As distressing as it is that foreign markets have deteriorated to such levels, more troubling is the idea that all this has been orchestrated. Orchestrated to collapse monetary systems into a global structure, perhaps headed by the IMF.
Sound far fetched?
Romano Prodi, former Goldman Sachs consultant, creator of the Euro and former EU Commission President, offered the following comment in December of 2001.
"I am sure the Euro will oblige us to introduce a new set of economic policy instruments. It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created.”
Europe is in full financial crisis as we speak, and those in control of the purse strings make demands of member nations, which at best decreases their sovereignty. Nigel Farage has been calling out these folks for a few years now, and he was at it again last November.
Should a new economic system come to fruition and a new structure take over, it will be based on the collective, or Communism. Unfortunately, as the must read blog Zero Hedge reports, this may be beginning in Italy, who is on the verge of collapse. Glenn Beck has more:
Although the media is complicit in the events of the day, you likely do not come across the very strange stories taking place on a daily basis. Technocrats are running the show, but not only in Europe. In the form of Obama's cast of Czars, we have technocrats orchestrating policy here in America as we speak, led by Cass Sunstein.
For some examples, recall the shafting of the auto maker bond holders, and more recently, the investors left holding the bag at MF Global. Central to this is the Federal Reserve, who as First Principles Capital Management CEO Doug Dachille contends, has taken over the casino. In short, wealth is being transferred, without your consent.
Those in favor of globalization, and President Barack Obama has long been associated with these folks, are working hard to destabilize and collapse the economic system of America, Cloward and Piven style. Who with any sanity would manage increasing debt levels of north of 15 trillion? That more than defines unsustainable.
Kevin Freeman, CEO of the Freeman Global Investment Counsel and author of the new bestseller "Secret Weapon," recently spoke with Glenn Beck about his contention of how the 2008 crash came to pass. Please take time to listen to this compelling information:
Each of the players are still quite active, and Freeman points out we are in the midst of the third and final stage. The re-election of President Obama would allow him to escalate the collapse where a European style structure will be waiting to take over. Through his actions and grand thoughts of himself, it is obvious Obama would love to be Dictator in Chief. Even is he is defeated, the job of reversing the direction will be very tough, as players on both sides are participatory in this effort.
Should a major crisis occur, most will be longing for government assistance, assistance the government will be all to willing to give, free market capitalism will pay a heavy price. The price to paid is a monumental loss of individual liberty and freedom, something those preaching the collective, such as shared sacrifice, are aiming to restrict if not eliminate.
The salvation of the state is the watchfulness in its citizen, provided the citizen has the power granted by our Founding Fathers and the US Constitution. Don't let the technocrats take it away. Should it happen, no technocrats will call a technical foul. The game, the grand experiment, our Gift, will be over.
As distressing as it is that foreign markets have deteriorated to such levels, more troubling is the idea that all this has been orchestrated. Orchestrated to collapse monetary systems into a global structure, perhaps headed by the IMF.
Sound far fetched?
Romano Prodi, former Goldman Sachs consultant, creator of the Euro and former EU Commission President, offered the following comment in December of 2001.
"I am sure the Euro will oblige us to introduce a new set of economic policy instruments. It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created.”
Europe is in full financial crisis as we speak, and those in control of the purse strings make demands of member nations, which at best decreases their sovereignty. Nigel Farage has been calling out these folks for a few years now, and he was at it again last November.
Should a new economic system come to fruition and a new structure take over, it will be based on the collective, or Communism. Unfortunately, as the must read blog Zero Hedge reports, this may be beginning in Italy, who is on the verge of collapse. Glenn Beck has more:
Although the media is complicit in the events of the day, you likely do not come across the very strange stories taking place on a daily basis. Technocrats are running the show, but not only in Europe. In the form of Obama's cast of Czars, we have technocrats orchestrating policy here in America as we speak, led by Cass Sunstein.
For some examples, recall the shafting of the auto maker bond holders, and more recently, the investors left holding the bag at MF Global. Central to this is the Federal Reserve, who as First Principles Capital Management CEO Doug Dachille contends, has taken over the casino. In short, wealth is being transferred, without your consent.
Those in favor of globalization, and President Barack Obama has long been associated with these folks, are working hard to destabilize and collapse the economic system of America, Cloward and Piven style. Who with any sanity would manage increasing debt levels of north of 15 trillion? That more than defines unsustainable.
Kevin Freeman, CEO of the Freeman Global Investment Counsel and author of the new bestseller "Secret Weapon," recently spoke with Glenn Beck about his contention of how the 2008 crash came to pass. Please take time to listen to this compelling information:
Each of the players are still quite active, and Freeman points out we are in the midst of the third and final stage. The re-election of President Obama would allow him to escalate the collapse where a European style structure will be waiting to take over. Through his actions and grand thoughts of himself, it is obvious Obama would love to be Dictator in Chief. Even is he is defeated, the job of reversing the direction will be very tough, as players on both sides are participatory in this effort.
Should a major crisis occur, most will be longing for government assistance, assistance the government will be all to willing to give, free market capitalism will pay a heavy price. The price to paid is a monumental loss of individual liberty and freedom, something those preaching the collective, such as shared sacrifice, are aiming to restrict if not eliminate.
The salvation of the state is the watchfulness in its citizen, provided the citizen has the power granted by our Founding Fathers and the US Constitution. Don't let the technocrats take it away. Should it happen, no technocrats will call a technical foul. The game, the grand experiment, our Gift, will be over.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
If Only

Similar to Bear Bryant, who died within a month after retiring in 1983, it seemed obvious that the toll of the scandal, combined with his age and failing health, Paterno would not live much longer. The iconic coach had his reputation damaged significantly, and he was forced to exit the game he loved with his beloved university under extreme duress. One would have to conclude he died broken hearted over how these tragic events have destroyed lives and severely tainted Penn State University.
An immeasurable tragedy which continues to claim victims. If only those who had a chance, including Paterno, would have taken action. If only.
Bear Bryant,
College Football,
Jerry Sandusky,
Joe Paterno,
Penn State
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Traders Handcuffed By Regulators
Governmental regulation, much of it coming from the horrendous Dodd-Frank bill, is an unwelcome participant in the marketplace, making it much harder for investors and traders to make money.
Forecast are increasingly difficult, as random governmental interaction and artificial interference curtails investment opportunities. Risk is central to an efficient market, and regulations to eliminate risk cause inefficiencies and reduce potential profits for those who can accurately measure risk.
Doug Dachille, CEO of First Principles Capital Management, was the guest host on Squawk Box last week and explains the difficulty traders are facing:
Forecast are increasingly difficult, as random governmental interaction and artificial interference curtails investment opportunities. Risk is central to an efficient market, and regulations to eliminate risk cause inefficiencies and reduce potential profits for those who can accurately measure risk.
Doug Dachille, CEO of First Principles Capital Management, was the guest host on Squawk Box last week and explains the difficulty traders are facing:
Credit Analysis,
Doug Dachille,
Squawk Box,
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
SOPA and PIPA Internet Cloaking Device

Under the premise of protecting America's copyrighted material from being stolen, two bills are now before Congress that would give the government the ability to censor prospective violators. The bills, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, as they are presented, seem innocent enough as everyone wants intellectual property protected.
GOP South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, one of the good guys, is in opposition. “I support intellectual property rights, but I oppose SOPA & PIPA,” DeMint wrote in a tweet. “They’re misguided bills that will cause more harm than good.”
I fear DeMint may not be aware of the ultimate intent of these measures, which will seize a large chunk of our freedom. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has always said he will not invest in any company where he does not understand their business model. I understand the business model, and it is nefarious, as is most governmental interaction in regulating the citizenry.
One of the many Czars appointed by President of Obama, who operate outside of congressional oversight, is Marc Lloyd. Lloyd, a disciple of Saul Alinsky, is The FCC Diversity in Chief, and he believes that State control over the media is a necessary vehicle for the social change, or transformation of America, that President Obama seeks. In this video, made before Obama was elected, Lloyd discusses his admiration for "the incredible "Democratic" revolution in Venezuela" under Hugo Chavez where media reform helped implement social change. Social change in the form of a dictatorship. Take a listen, and if you are unfamiliar with Lloyd, sit down first:
With countless examples, this administration is operating outside of our system of checks and balances, seemingly in an effort to match Venezuela in the formation of a Dictatorship. It is clear an imperial presidency is being formed:
This administration should not be trusted, and a line in the sand needs to be drawn on all future regulatory actions put forth for your supposed benefit. Obama will not let any crisis go to waste. In the case of an emergency, when those in charge step forward for your benefit, act in opposition.
Regulations are being implemented as seemingly common sense initiatives that are stealing your freedom. A structure is being built, and when you recognize it, America as you know it will a distant memory, and it will be too late to stop the "Democratic Revolution" Lloyd spoke of.
Join us in calling your Representatives and demanding the government cease the proposed invasive regulations on the free speech of the citizenry via the Internet.
Barack Obama,
Jim DeMint,
Ken Blackwell,
Marc Lloyd,
Saul Alinsky,
Sean Hannity,
Warren Buffett
Monday, January 16, 2012
Future Financial Mayhem
You may not recognize it, but you are being lied to.
For an example, which is a full assault on your wallet, look no further than the monetization of the debt, which Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said would not happen. Well, Investors Business Daily reports that the FED is readying for more stimulus. Perplexing for sure, given the failed results of previous quantitative easing, QE1 and QE2. Printing money decreases asset value, which surely will not be of assistance the millions of homeowners underwater.
Media outlets report that the economy is growing and jobs are being created, as evidenced by the unemployment number presented by the federal government. If that is true, it would not be necessary for the FED to engage in QE3.
Speaking of the FED, something has gone terribly wrong over the last few years. The FED is the lender of last resort and is charged with conducting monetary policy. Historically, Presidents have had little power over the FED, with the FED operating outside of executive branch influence, the exception being appointments to the boards and appointing the Charmian, if necessary.
Although the FED is by far the most powerful governmental agency, there is little regulatory oversight over its activities. Somewhere recently, particularly under President Obama, The FED seems to be carrying water for the administration and assisting in the implementation of policy. This is very troubling, particularly when the leader of the executive branch is not a free market capitalist.
Recent actions by the FED, seeming to begin with TARP, have broken tendencies and are raising concerns on both sides of the aisle. The creation of the conditions that allowed MF Global to take place is a recent example of the now problematic status of the FED, and how you are being lied to.
For a brilliant explanation, please see First Principles Capital Management CEO Doug Dachille at the Yale School of Management last December:
The government, using the FED through regulatory influence and intervention, is now choosing winners and losers. Although Fannie and Freddie are still in operation, it is the FED behind the curtain who is crowding banks out of the mortgage origination market and setting unreasonable credit requirements. As Dachille points, out, life insurance companies are being squeezed, and Sallie Mae has been taken over and private lending has been crowded out.
With MF Global, customer accounts were not protected. They were stolen to pay major players. Again, as Dachille discusses, with the suffocating Dodd-Frank bill, you might think customer accounts might be protected. If the regulators are charged with one thing, it would be to protect the integrity of the system, the trust that customer accounts not participating in risk taking activity are not hypothecated and can be made whole in a timely fashion.
This did not happen at MF Global, and due to the lack of trust in the markets sure to emerge because of this, bad things are on the horizon. If this can happen at MF Global, it can happen at any firm housing investments. A customer obviously has no control over hypothecation by these firms and therefore cannot be guaranteed a return of the investment should the firm be severely compromised or fail.
Beginning with the shafting of the bondholders of the automakers, the rule of law and trust of the marketplace, integral for the survival of a free market capitalist system, has been violated. You are being lied when government officials and the media inform you that everything is fine.
Until the rule of law is reestablished, the government becomes a bystander and the FED resumes normal open market operations, the market place is compromised and for you to be participatory in it, Caveat Emptor.
For an example, which is a full assault on your wallet, look no further than the monetization of the debt, which Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said would not happen. Well, Investors Business Daily reports that the FED is readying for more stimulus. Perplexing for sure, given the failed results of previous quantitative easing, QE1 and QE2. Printing money decreases asset value, which surely will not be of assistance the millions of homeowners underwater.
Media outlets report that the economy is growing and jobs are being created, as evidenced by the unemployment number presented by the federal government. If that is true, it would not be necessary for the FED to engage in QE3.
Speaking of the FED, something has gone terribly wrong over the last few years. The FED is the lender of last resort and is charged with conducting monetary policy. Historically, Presidents have had little power over the FED, with the FED operating outside of executive branch influence, the exception being appointments to the boards and appointing the Charmian, if necessary.
Although the FED is by far the most powerful governmental agency, there is little regulatory oversight over its activities. Somewhere recently, particularly under President Obama, The FED seems to be carrying water for the administration and assisting in the implementation of policy. This is very troubling, particularly when the leader of the executive branch is not a free market capitalist.
Recent actions by the FED, seeming to begin with TARP, have broken tendencies and are raising concerns on both sides of the aisle. The creation of the conditions that allowed MF Global to take place is a recent example of the now problematic status of the FED, and how you are being lied to.
For a brilliant explanation, please see First Principles Capital Management CEO Doug Dachille at the Yale School of Management last December:
The government, using the FED through regulatory influence and intervention, is now choosing winners and losers. Although Fannie and Freddie are still in operation, it is the FED behind the curtain who is crowding banks out of the mortgage origination market and setting unreasonable credit requirements. As Dachille points, out, life insurance companies are being squeezed, and Sallie Mae has been taken over and private lending has been crowded out.
With MF Global, customer accounts were not protected. They were stolen to pay major players. Again, as Dachille discusses, with the suffocating Dodd-Frank bill, you might think customer accounts might be protected. If the regulators are charged with one thing, it would be to protect the integrity of the system, the trust that customer accounts not participating in risk taking activity are not hypothecated and can be made whole in a timely fashion.
This did not happen at MF Global, and due to the lack of trust in the markets sure to emerge because of this, bad things are on the horizon. If this can happen at MF Global, it can happen at any firm housing investments. A customer obviously has no control over hypothecation by these firms and therefore cannot be guaranteed a return of the investment should the firm be severely compromised or fail.
Beginning with the shafting of the bondholders of the automakers, the rule of law and trust of the marketplace, integral for the survival of a free market capitalist system, has been violated. You are being lied when government officials and the media inform you that everything is fine.
Until the rule of law is reestablished, the government becomes a bystander and the FED resumes normal open market operations, the market place is compromised and for you to be participatory in it, Caveat Emptor.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
What The Hell Are You Doing?
Obtaining absorption of the weekly news cycle is nothing short of head scratching these days, with all the absolute non sense taking place across the fruited plain. However, it is particularly distressing when it includes folks have been thought to be operating from a common sense perspective. This week, we had three big eye brow raisers, and in response, we quote America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani; What The Hell Are You Doing?

Hey Newt Gingrich, what the hell are you doing?
Mitt Romney seems to be increasing his foothold on securing the GOP nomination after victories in Iowa and New Hampshire, so in seeming desperate acts, Newt Gingrich unleashed a barrage of attacks on Romney and the action of the firm he helped found, Bain & Company, a venture capitalist firm. While there are several legitimate avenues of attack on Mitt, Gingrich choose to hit Bain and the business practices of venture capitalist firms as evil, job killers and something Americans despise.
Rudy Giuliani, joining Steve Doocy, Alisyn Camerota and Eric Boling on Fox & Friends, is far from amused. Take a listen:
As sad as that is, particularly from "the smartest guy in the room", Texas Governor Rick Perry felt compelled to join in, calling Bain a "vulture" capitalist firm. Come again?
Hey Rick Perry, what the hell are you doing?
Venture capitalist firms like Bain are integral to our capitalist system and free market enterprise. For mid sized firms that are losing their way, venture capitalist firms, typically invited in by shareholders, provide guidance, operational expertise, asset management and capital, generally for a piece of the company in an effort to help the company survive and thrive.
It is a risky venture, with marginal success rates. However, when successful, payoffs can be huge. Not just for the venture capital firm, but for the company, the employees, shareholders and in most cases, the communities which house the business operations. For Bain, companies like Staples, Clear Channel and The Sports Authority are three Bain Capital success stories.
Within 20 miles of my office, these three companies alone employ an estimated 500 people, who need places to live, work and play, which is most beneficial to the economy here in Orlando.
Bain Capital and similar firms should be appreciated for playing a vital role in helping assist in the expansion of commerce, which is vital for a capitalist system to bear fruit. Gingrich and Perry should be well aware of this, and should be called out for taking the approach of the socialist Democrats in railing against capitalism and free markets. I just did.
Hey Mitt Romney, what the hell are you doing?
In the aftermath a big victory in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney gave an outstanding victory speech, hitting all the chords conservatives are longing to hear. If we could trust this is what we would get with a Romney presidency, I think everyone would be on board. We cannot, as the very next day, Romney offered the following:
In the general election I’ll be pointing out that the president took the reins at General Motors and Chrysler – closed factories, closed dealerships laid off thousands and thousands of workers – he did it to try to save the business.
Obama violated countless free market principles in "saving" General Motors and Chrysler, most notably in the shafting the bondholders and closing down of dealerships with ties to the Republican party. The interference in the marketplace by Obama, exhibiting crony capitalism by picking winners and using tax payer funds to benefit friends and campaign supporters, are actions to be strongly condemned, not celebrated. Rush Limbaugh appropriately hammered Romney on his remarks.
Hey Haley Barbour, what the hell are you doing?
I do not know where the "tradition" of pardoning folks after a term in office came from, but I do not find a compelling reason to continue it. Certainly, there would be cases where such an action is warranted, and that is fine. One of the most celebrated cases came with Bill Clinton pardoning Marc Rich, which I find an error.
Unfortunately, this practice is not confined to Democrats. Enter Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour. Barbour has done a very good job as Governor of Mississippi, and was considered a potential GOP presidential candidate. As he concluded his term, he pardons several individuals that need to remain behind bars.
Media outlets have outlined the cases of a handful of these folks, and a Judge has blocked the release of those still incarcerated.
Although Barbour is "very comfortable" in his decision, I am very comfortable in finding him in gross error and condemning his action. Based upon actions such as this, the practice of knee jerk pardoning bus loads of criminals should cease. If these folks cannot do the time, they should not have committed the crime.
Perhaps common sense will re-assert itself this week, but I doubt it.

Hey Newt Gingrich, what the hell are you doing?
Mitt Romney seems to be increasing his foothold on securing the GOP nomination after victories in Iowa and New Hampshire, so in seeming desperate acts, Newt Gingrich unleashed a barrage of attacks on Romney and the action of the firm he helped found, Bain & Company, a venture capitalist firm. While there are several legitimate avenues of attack on Mitt, Gingrich choose to hit Bain and the business practices of venture capitalist firms as evil, job killers and something Americans despise.
Rudy Giuliani, joining Steve Doocy, Alisyn Camerota and Eric Boling on Fox & Friends, is far from amused. Take a listen:
As sad as that is, particularly from "the smartest guy in the room", Texas Governor Rick Perry felt compelled to join in, calling Bain a "vulture" capitalist firm. Come again?
Hey Rick Perry, what the hell are you doing?
Venture capitalist firms like Bain are integral to our capitalist system and free market enterprise. For mid sized firms that are losing their way, venture capitalist firms, typically invited in by shareholders, provide guidance, operational expertise, asset management and capital, generally for a piece of the company in an effort to help the company survive and thrive.
It is a risky venture, with marginal success rates. However, when successful, payoffs can be huge. Not just for the venture capital firm, but for the company, the employees, shareholders and in most cases, the communities which house the business operations. For Bain, companies like Staples, Clear Channel and The Sports Authority are three Bain Capital success stories.
Within 20 miles of my office, these three companies alone employ an estimated 500 people, who need places to live, work and play, which is most beneficial to the economy here in Orlando.
Bain Capital and similar firms should be appreciated for playing a vital role in helping assist in the expansion of commerce, which is vital for a capitalist system to bear fruit. Gingrich and Perry should be well aware of this, and should be called out for taking the approach of the socialist Democrats in railing against capitalism and free markets. I just did.

In the aftermath a big victory in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney gave an outstanding victory speech, hitting all the chords conservatives are longing to hear. If we could trust this is what we would get with a Romney presidency, I think everyone would be on board. We cannot, as the very next day, Romney offered the following:
In the general election I’ll be pointing out that the president took the reins at General Motors and Chrysler – closed factories, closed dealerships laid off thousands and thousands of workers – he did it to try to save the business.
Obama violated countless free market principles in "saving" General Motors and Chrysler, most notably in the shafting the bondholders and closing down of dealerships with ties to the Republican party. The interference in the marketplace by Obama, exhibiting crony capitalism by picking winners and using tax payer funds to benefit friends and campaign supporters, are actions to be strongly condemned, not celebrated. Rush Limbaugh appropriately hammered Romney on his remarks.

I do not know where the "tradition" of pardoning folks after a term in office came from, but I do not find a compelling reason to continue it. Certainly, there would be cases where such an action is warranted, and that is fine. One of the most celebrated cases came with Bill Clinton pardoning Marc Rich, which I find an error.
Unfortunately, this practice is not confined to Democrats. Enter Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour. Barbour has done a very good job as Governor of Mississippi, and was considered a potential GOP presidential candidate. As he concluded his term, he pardons several individuals that need to remain behind bars.
Media outlets have outlined the cases of a handful of these folks, and a Judge has blocked the release of those still incarcerated.
Although Barbour is "very comfortable" in his decision, I am very comfortable in finding him in gross error and condemning his action. Based upon actions such as this, the practice of knee jerk pardoning bus loads of criminals should cease. If these folks cannot do the time, they should not have committed the crime.
Perhaps common sense will re-assert itself this week, but I doubt it.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
2012 Final Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Alabama, 12-1, 3
2. Louisiana State, 13-1, 1
3. Oklahoma State, 12-1, 2
4. Arkansas, 11-2, 4
5. Stanford, 11-2, 5
6. Southern Cal, 10-2, 7
7. Oregon, 11-2, 9
8. South Carolina, 11-2, 10
9. Wisconsin, 11-3, 6
10. Michigan State, 11-3, 11
11. Boise State, 12-1, 12
12. Kansas State, 10-3, 8
13. Michigan, 11-2, 13
14. Texas Christian, 11-2, 15
15. Baylor, 10-3, 16
16. Oklahoma, 10-3, 17
17. Houston, 13-1, 24
18. West Virginia, 10-3, NR
19. Georgia, 10-4, 20
20. Virginia Tech, 11-3, 19
21. Florida State, 9-4, 23
22. Nebraska, 9-4, 18
23. Southern Miss, 12-2, 22
24. Clemson, 10-4, 14
25. Notre Dame, 8-5, 21
OUT: Penn State (25)
VOTES: Missouri, Auburn, Virginia, Cincinnati, Texas, Texas A&M, Rutgers, Penn State, Washington, Mississippi State, Florida and BYU.
Mark Barron and the Crimson Tide defense suffocated Jordan Jefferson and the Tiger offense all night en route to a 21-0 National Title victory at the Lousiana Mercedes Benz Superdome.
PHOTO:Dave Martin/AP
I have always been a fan of Les Miles, but outcoached would be putting it nicely for the performance put in by LSU last night in getting dominated by Alabama. The Bengal Tiger defense was stout almost all night, but LSU had no answer for the swarming Tide defensive unit. Jordan Jefferson was horrendous, very primative in running the option as ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit accurately pointed out. He could not hit open receivers, had no command of the pocket and semmingly yelled at teammates after making mistakes. Jarrett Lee anyone? Miles should have played Lee in the first half no matter what, then without question should have given him the ball in the third. Contraty to many, I love these defensive struggles, but it became clear fairly early LSU was dead in the water on offense. In the end, another title for Sweet Home Alabama. RTR!
With all the talent on hand and with Larry Fedora taking over as head coach (a good hire by the way), you would think the players at UNC would show up for the bowl game to show off their talents to the new coach. You would be wrong....As if the annual embarrassment for the ACC is not enough, Clemson went out and gave up 70 to West Virginia, as the Mountaineers broke a slew of records, including Tavon Austin tying JR Superstar's (Johnny Rodgers) record for total individual touchdowns. Clemson DC Kevin Steele is a good man and a good coach, so who knows what happened here, but you simply have no business giving up, did I mention 70, in the Orange Bowl....Several great bowl games, including Baylor beating Washington 67-56 as Heisman winner RGIII showcased, Michigan dumping VT in overtime and Okie State beating Stanford in OT....The Gators found ways to score, and dumped Ohio State in the Urban Decay versus Urban Renewal bowl...Arizona State hired Todd Graham from Pitt, which does not look like a good move. Graham has Mayflower Van Lines on speed dial,but then again, who would not want to run from Steve Pederson, the debacle of an AD who ruined Nebraska and is now trashing Pitt. Pittsburgh area sports writers are not amused, and SMU spanked them......Auburn destroyed Virginia, and although the Tigers lost both coordinators, they may be back on the rise quick. DC Ted Roof went to UCF(?) while Gus Malzahn, who turned down 3 million at Vanderbilt a year ago, is at Arkansas State for $850,000 a year. I am scratching my head, how about you? Could the ramblings of Malzans wife have played a role. Not sure, but she should not speaking publicly......Georgia squandered a 16-0 lead and fell to Michigan State as their kicking game failed them... Oregon and Wisconsin played a great Rose Bowl with the Quack Attack winning.....Penn State hired a no name Coach from outside program, torquing many Lion faithful. They needed to go outside the program I think, but I doubt this guy is the answer as this is no quick fix. Meanwhile, Houston pummeled the Lions puching a ticket in the Ticket City Bowl....Arkansas flexed some muscle, controlling a good K-State team. If only they did not face LSU and Alabama.
Top 25
1. Alabama, 12-1, 3
2. Louisiana State, 13-1, 1
3. Oklahoma State, 12-1, 2
4. Arkansas, 11-2, 4
5. Stanford, 11-2, 5
6. Southern Cal, 10-2, 7
7. Oregon, 11-2, 9
8. South Carolina, 11-2, 10
9. Wisconsin, 11-3, 6
10. Michigan State, 11-3, 11
11. Boise State, 12-1, 12
12. Kansas State, 10-3, 8
13. Michigan, 11-2, 13
14. Texas Christian, 11-2, 15
15. Baylor, 10-3, 16
16. Oklahoma, 10-3, 17
17. Houston, 13-1, 24
18. West Virginia, 10-3, NR
19. Georgia, 10-4, 20
20. Virginia Tech, 11-3, 19
21. Florida State, 9-4, 23
22. Nebraska, 9-4, 18
23. Southern Miss, 12-2, 22
24. Clemson, 10-4, 14
25. Notre Dame, 8-5, 21
OUT: Penn State (25)
VOTES: Missouri, Auburn, Virginia, Cincinnati, Texas, Texas A&M, Rutgers, Penn State, Washington, Mississippi State, Florida and BYU.

PHOTO:Dave Martin/AP
I have always been a fan of Les Miles, but outcoached would be putting it nicely for the performance put in by LSU last night in getting dominated by Alabama. The Bengal Tiger defense was stout almost all night, but LSU had no answer for the swarming Tide defensive unit. Jordan Jefferson was horrendous, very primative in running the option as ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit accurately pointed out. He could not hit open receivers, had no command of the pocket and semmingly yelled at teammates after making mistakes. Jarrett Lee anyone? Miles should have played Lee in the first half no matter what, then without question should have given him the ball in the third. Contraty to many, I love these defensive struggles, but it became clear fairly early LSU was dead in the water on offense. In the end, another title for Sweet Home Alabama. RTR!
With all the talent on hand and with Larry Fedora taking over as head coach (a good hire by the way), you would think the players at UNC would show up for the bowl game to show off their talents to the new coach. You would be wrong....As if the annual embarrassment for the ACC is not enough, Clemson went out and gave up 70 to West Virginia, as the Mountaineers broke a slew of records, including Tavon Austin tying JR Superstar's (Johnny Rodgers) record for total individual touchdowns. Clemson DC Kevin Steele is a good man and a good coach, so who knows what happened here, but you simply have no business giving up, did I mention 70, in the Orange Bowl....Several great bowl games, including Baylor beating Washington 67-56 as Heisman winner RGIII showcased, Michigan dumping VT in overtime and Okie State beating Stanford in OT....The Gators found ways to score, and dumped Ohio State in the Urban Decay versus Urban Renewal bowl...Arizona State hired Todd Graham from Pitt, which does not look like a good move. Graham has Mayflower Van Lines on speed dial,but then again, who would not want to run from Steve Pederson, the debacle of an AD who ruined Nebraska and is now trashing Pitt. Pittsburgh area sports writers are not amused, and SMU spanked them......Auburn destroyed Virginia, and although the Tigers lost both coordinators, they may be back on the rise quick. DC Ted Roof went to UCF(?) while Gus Malzahn, who turned down 3 million at Vanderbilt a year ago, is at Arkansas State for $850,000 a year. I am scratching my head, how about you? Could the ramblings of Malzans wife have played a role. Not sure, but she should not speaking publicly......Georgia squandered a 16-0 lead and fell to Michigan State as their kicking game failed them... Oregon and Wisconsin played a great Rose Bowl with the Quack Attack winning.....Penn State hired a no name Coach from outside program, torquing many Lion faithful. They needed to go outside the program I think, but I doubt this guy is the answer as this is no quick fix. Meanwhile, Houston pummeled the Lions puching a ticket in the Ticket City Bowl....Arkansas flexed some muscle, controlling a good K-State team. If only they did not face LSU and Alabama.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Banking Shore Leave
For those out working every day to stay afloat, a review of the daily news put forth by the drive by media reveals an economy slowly emerging from stability, albeit with anemic growth. The worst is over. Everything is fine, nothing to see here.
But if you look closely at what is really happening, there is major economic trouble lurking about all over the place. Much of the focus has been on Europe, as they struggle to escape a collapse. A European collapse would certainly be a major problem for US financial markets, which are in real trouble.
In particular trouble are the banks. As has been noted repeatedly, banks are borrowing at next to free from The FED and can lend to customers at approximately 5%, which would command high profit levels. But little lending is taking place, as lending for the housing market is extremely difficult to command, credit lines are evaporating and small business loans are rare. In fact, now loans to small business are being called.
The Los Angeles Times details a story of a small business owner having his loan called by Bank of America. He has the option of paying it off or restructuring at a new increased rate. Fox Business Network's Gerri Willis discusses this situation.
What motivation would the banks have to alienate customers in this fashion? Well, there are much bigger issues the banks are facing, and Economist David McAlvany outlines the problems to FOX Business's David Asman. Take a listen:
Under extreme duress, at what level will the banks stop in attempting to call loans and restructure loans not called at substantially higher interest rates? Most people are barely surviving now, so restructuring of this kind will bankrupt many with the banks seizing whatever assets they can. Seems far fetched I know, but did it just happen in the MF Global saga?
Ann Barnhardt thinks so. Barnhardt joins Warren Pollock to discuss this situation and what may be coming.
While portions of the forecasting going on may be worst case scenarios, it is clear that the economic standing of Uncle Sam is not on sound footing. Contract law is being broken, as evidenced by the auto bondholders, and the transformation of wealth (theft) is taking place. Banks are attacking customers, and the raising of credit card interest rates is a small example.
It is going to be an interesting time as we move through the 2012 election, and you should take steps now to secure your financial footing if possible. Should Obama, who has demonstrated his disdain for the rules set forth by our Constitution by his eagerness to bypass Congress to implement his ideas, be re-elected, a top down governmental dictatorship may be our future.
It will be the end of America as you once knew it; no longer a nation of laws, but a nation of men.
But if you look closely at what is really happening, there is major economic trouble lurking about all over the place. Much of the focus has been on Europe, as they struggle to escape a collapse. A European collapse would certainly be a major problem for US financial markets, which are in real trouble.
In particular trouble are the banks. As has been noted repeatedly, banks are borrowing at next to free from The FED and can lend to customers at approximately 5%, which would command high profit levels. But little lending is taking place, as lending for the housing market is extremely difficult to command, credit lines are evaporating and small business loans are rare. In fact, now loans to small business are being called.
The Los Angeles Times details a story of a small business owner having his loan called by Bank of America. He has the option of paying it off or restructuring at a new increased rate. Fox Business Network's Gerri Willis discusses this situation.
What motivation would the banks have to alienate customers in this fashion? Well, there are much bigger issues the banks are facing, and Economist David McAlvany outlines the problems to FOX Business's David Asman. Take a listen:
Under extreme duress, at what level will the banks stop in attempting to call loans and restructure loans not called at substantially higher interest rates? Most people are barely surviving now, so restructuring of this kind will bankrupt many with the banks seizing whatever assets they can. Seems far fetched I know, but did it just happen in the MF Global saga?
Ann Barnhardt thinks so. Barnhardt joins Warren Pollock to discuss this situation and what may be coming.
While portions of the forecasting going on may be worst case scenarios, it is clear that the economic standing of Uncle Sam is not on sound footing. Contract law is being broken, as evidenced by the auto bondholders, and the transformation of wealth (theft) is taking place. Banks are attacking customers, and the raising of credit card interest rates is a small example.
It is going to be an interesting time as we move through the 2012 election, and you should take steps now to secure your financial footing if possible. Should Obama, who has demonstrated his disdain for the rules set forth by our Constitution by his eagerness to bypass Congress to implement his ideas, be re-elected, a top down governmental dictatorship may be our future.
It will be the end of America as you once knew it; no longer a nation of laws, but a nation of men.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Boo Pelini
The Nebraska Cornhuskers made their first trip to Orlando for the Capital One Bowl since losing to national champion Georgia Tech 45-21 in 1990. Steve Spurrier and South Carolina from the SEC was the opponent.
Nebraska Dave and I were knee deep in pregame fanfare.

Nebraska began the game strong, scoring on the opening possession and held a 13-9 lead in the fist quarter. Although South Carolina was tough, particularly on the defensive front, the game was there for the taking.
Then came the all too familiar implosion. After fumbling at the Gamecock five heading in for a touchdown, South Carolina uncorked a bomb which resulted in a score. Then prior to the half, a Hail Mary catch made by All America receiver Alshon Jeffrey resulted in a touchdown and BOOM, the 'Huskers were down 16-13.
Nebraska moved the ball deep into Gamecock territory on each of their first four second half possessions but came away with 0 points. If you want to learn how to lose a football game, pull out this game film. Penalties, miscues, missed field goals and turnovers.
Meanwhile, with Pelini wearing out yet another poor officiating crew, South Carolina was executing their game plan. Appropriately, the Nebraska papers had some extensive commentary on this subject. So did Nebraska Dave; Boo Pelini.
The Big Red gave South Carolina every opportunity to seize control of the game, and the Gamecocks were all too happy to oblige. While the Internet was quick to throw Taylor Martinez under the bus for this loss, this is not his fault. Nebraska more than matched South Carolina in speed and there were a handful of painful drops of well placed passes, but the Cornhusker offensive line faltered down the stretch against a very strong SC defensive front which limited the offensive options. This has been an area of concern for a few years now.
The 'Huskers did not appear to be well coached for this game on either side of the ball. With the O-line getting whipped, rolling out Martinez would have been nice, as would a screen pass or three. The Blackshirts rarely applied significant pressure on an average signal caller, allowing him to hit his fleet footed receivers.
Word on the street was that Pelini was less than corrigible at the team hotel to some of those who made the trip in this horrendous economy. Combine that with performances like we saw in the Capital One Bowl, he may not be long for Lincoln.
The offense should be good in 2012, but the defense, not a bright spot in 2011, suffers heavy losses including Lavonte David, who will be impossible to replace. It is hard to imagine the 2012 Conrhuskers in the Rose Bowl, much less the national title picture.
Maybe the staff should focus on the little things, like solving on the field discipline issues, including mental collapses and penalties.
What's left in our wallet? Nothing.
Nebraska Dave and I were knee deep in pregame fanfare.
Nebraska began the game strong, scoring on the opening possession and held a 13-9 lead in the fist quarter. Although South Carolina was tough, particularly on the defensive front, the game was there for the taking.
Nebraska moved the ball deep into Gamecock territory on each of their first four second half possessions but came away with 0 points. If you want to learn how to lose a football game, pull out this game film. Penalties, miscues, missed field goals and turnovers.
Meanwhile, with Pelini wearing out yet another poor officiating crew, South Carolina was executing their game plan. Appropriately, the Nebraska papers had some extensive commentary on this subject. So did Nebraska Dave; Boo Pelini.
The Big Red gave South Carolina every opportunity to seize control of the game, and the Gamecocks were all too happy to oblige. While the Internet was quick to throw Taylor Martinez under the bus for this loss, this is not his fault. Nebraska more than matched South Carolina in speed and there were a handful of painful drops of well placed passes, but the Cornhusker offensive line faltered down the stretch against a very strong SC defensive front which limited the offensive options. This has been an area of concern for a few years now.
The 'Huskers did not appear to be well coached for this game on either side of the ball. With the O-line getting whipped, rolling out Martinez would have been nice, as would a screen pass or three. The Blackshirts rarely applied significant pressure on an average signal caller, allowing him to hit his fleet footed receivers.
Word on the street was that Pelini was less than corrigible at the team hotel to some of those who made the trip in this horrendous economy. Combine that with performances like we saw in the Capital One Bowl, he may not be long for Lincoln.
The offense should be good in 2012, but the defense, not a bright spot in 2011, suffers heavy losses including Lavonte David, who will be impossible to replace. It is hard to imagine the 2012 Conrhuskers in the Rose Bowl, much less the national title picture.
Maybe the staff should focus on the little things, like solving on the field discipline issues, including mental collapses and penalties.
What's left in our wallet? Nothing.
Irish Tomahawked
It was a sold out Champs Bowl as the Florida State Seminoles took on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish on a beautiful evening in downtown Orlando.
For three quarters, the Seminoles played downright offensive offensive football, picking up right where they left off against Florida. Fumbling immediately out of the gate for a Notre Dame touchdown, the Seminoles had to come from behind.
But the Seminoles hung in defensively, and as the fourth quarter began started generating some offense and won the game 18-14. A few passes to Rahsad Greene led the way.
Florida State needed this game, and this win over a quality opponent in Notre Dame gives the team confidence for the 2012 season. The Seminoles will have a veteran team, and if issues on the offensive line can be corrected, anything short of a top ten finish would be a major disappointment.
Florida State needed this game, and this win over a quality opponent in Notre Dame gives the team confidence for the 2012 season. The Seminoles will have a veteran team, and if issues on the offensive line can be corrected, anything short of a top ten finish would be a major disappointment.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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