Mike Huckabee stepped in it with comments about the Iran deal, and the left is game on trying to eliminate him from the national stage.
As reported by Breitbart News, “This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history. It is so naive that he would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven. This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal. It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people. I read the whole deal. We gave away the whole store. It’s got to be stopped.”
Huckabee is not high on our list of favorite GOP candidates, far from it. However, while the comments were harsh and certainly could have been made in much more civilized and effective manner, they are not far off the mark.
Iran has publicly stated, repeatedly, that they wish to eliminate the little and great Satan from the earth, and for those marking their scorecard, that refers to Israel and the United States of America.
President Obama claims 99% percent of folks are for his negotiated (or lack thereof) deal. Of course, Obama lies once again, as 99% percent of the folks don't know what color green is, or what a Chevrolet is.
Obama, and imbecile Secretary of State John Kerry, should both be charged with treason for this deal, which they incidentally ran around from the possible constraints of congressional debate and approval and against the will of the people. Those seeking freedom around the world have been placed in heightened danger due to this legitimization of the terror king nation.
With this horrendous nuclear deal having been struck, a deal which Iran has already stated they will not adhere to, who do you think the left is upset with? Obama and Kerry, who is very disturbed Iran broke their word, or those of us who accurately noted Iran for the lead financier of the global war on terror?
Well, meet MSNBC's Mike Brzeinski.
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski is visibly upset over ill advised Iran deal comments by 2016 GOP candidate Mike Huckabee but has no problems with Obama, who made the treasonous deal with Iran, who is openly hostile toward Israel and offers rhetoric seemingly on a weekly basis of their intent to destroy Israel and the US.
Imagine that; cool to make a deal with an evil opponent who trashes human rights but don't dare make poorly crafted comments about it.
That should tell you everything you need to know about her; and her anti-American globalist companions who seek the demise of America as founded.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
The "Hands Up Don't Shoot" movement is an orchestrated movement to raise the status of those deemed victims of oppression in this nation, transfer wealth and set the platform for civil unrest, which would allow the federal government to expand control over the citizenry.
The individuals involved in "Hands Up Don't Shoot" are being played as the intellectually challenged fools they are.
It is so ridiculous that Martin O'Malley, former governor of Maryland and a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, got hammered in a a forum for claiming that not only do #BlackLivesMatter, but all lives matter.
O'Malley, who was former mayor of Baltimore prior to becoming governor of Maryland, oversaw the destruction of this once proud city, which to any sound thinking individual, would eliminate him from consideration for higher office.
It is worth noting, that not only is O'Malley ineffective as a leader, he has the spine of piece of balsa wood. O'Malley back tracked and apologized in prompt fashion, unable to stand up to left wing morons who claim all lives do not matter.
In addition, O'Malley is an intellectual lightweight, who astonishingly blamed the rise of ISIS on, of all things, global climate change. With a guy like this in charge, the earth will be as hot as ever when our head gets chopped off by ISIS terrorist running roughshod on America's streets.
Meanwhile, while the media falls all over themselves over the #BlackLivesMatter campaign as they have been directed to do so, videos show Planned Parenthood executives describing the sale of fetal body parts at the organization’s affiliates.
No matter where you fall on the debate of abortion, I hope we can agree this despicable action is sickening and horrifying.
It is noted Hillary Clinton admires PPH founder Margaret Sanger "enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision", which was an evil eugenic vision centered on racism.
I wonder if we can take a moment to think that the current leadership in America, and their complicit media partners, are FAR more concerned with a false, orchestrated premise of oppression over our black inner city citizens than they are of organizations violating federal law by selling body parts of murdered children.
By the way, if late term abortions are tissue rather than living children, what in fact is being sold?
Wake Up America!!!!!!
The individuals involved in "Hands Up Don't Shoot" are being played as the intellectually challenged fools they are.
It is so ridiculous that Martin O'Malley, former governor of Maryland and a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, got hammered in a a forum for claiming that not only do #BlackLivesMatter, but all lives matter.
O'Malley, who was former mayor of Baltimore prior to becoming governor of Maryland, oversaw the destruction of this once proud city, which to any sound thinking individual, would eliminate him from consideration for higher office.
It is worth noting, that not only is O'Malley ineffective as a leader, he has the spine of piece of balsa wood. O'Malley back tracked and apologized in prompt fashion, unable to stand up to left wing morons who claim all lives do not matter.
In addition, O'Malley is an intellectual lightweight, who astonishingly blamed the rise of ISIS on, of all things, global climate change. With a guy like this in charge, the earth will be as hot as ever when our head gets chopped off by ISIS terrorist running roughshod on America's streets.
Meanwhile, while the media falls all over themselves over the #BlackLivesMatter campaign as they have been directed to do so, videos show Planned Parenthood executives describing the sale of fetal body parts at the organization’s affiliates.
No matter where you fall on the debate of abortion, I hope we can agree this despicable action is sickening and horrifying.
It is noted Hillary Clinton admires PPH founder Margaret Sanger "enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision", which was an evil eugenic vision centered on racism.
I wonder if we can take a moment to think that the current leadership in America, and their complicit media partners, are FAR more concerned with a false, orchestrated premise of oppression over our black inner city citizens than they are of organizations violating federal law by selling body parts of murdered children.
By the way, if late term abortions are tissue rather than living children, what in fact is being sold?
Monday, July 20, 2015
"Not one day – not twenty-four hours after the Chattanooga jihad mass murder – the symbol of American individualism, capitalism, and the capital of the world, the Empire State Building, one of the foremost symbols of American freedom, celebrated the Muslim 'holiday' of Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan." --Pamela Gellar
What has become of us?
Are we so apathetic and intoxicated on irrelevance that we do not appreciate this great country. Are we at a point where we surrender our liberties and freedom without a fight?
It sure looks that way.
What has become of us?
Are we so apathetic and intoxicated on irrelevance that we do not appreciate this great country. Are we at a point where we surrender our liberties and freedom without a fight?
It sure looks that way.
Global War on Terror,
Pamela Geller,
Radical Islam
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Deal of the Century
Utilizing the brilliance of the editorial cartoons of Investors Business Daily's Michael Ramirez, a summarization of the Iran nuclear deal is presented in far greater eloquence and brevity than I could muster.

Obviously, I cannot stand President Obama, finding him an arrogant, bitter, spiteful and racist individual; down right evil at times and an opponent of America as founded. But make no mistake, Obama is not an idiot nor does he not know what he is doing.
Rather, he is an intelligent ideologue who fields off what limited questions of relevancy he receives as illegitimate, supported by a complicit and propagandist mainstream media who move the subject away with swiftness, discrediting opponents in orchestration. That is great work if you can get it, and astonishingly, he's got it.
However, if the synopsis presented by Martin Armstrong has merit, it would explain quite a bit. As Armstrong accurately states, "Whenever there is some political deal, it is NEVER what they present to the public with such magnanimous fanfare. There is always a hidden agenda".
No doubt!
However, to consider that Obama has turned the middle east upside down and reached out to both Cuba and Iran to squeeze Russia, drawing Russia closer to China is quite a reach. If it is what is at play, it is a enormously dangerous gamble, one with a loss that could catapult the United States to the "ash heap of history" Reagan described.
It is noted, however, that according to billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer says China is collapsing, noting their upcoming crash as "way bigger than subprime". Russia is also under duress, with reports of coup d'état activities in recent months.
Caliphate is the real objective. Obama does not hold America in high regard, and wishes to establish a caliphate in the middle east, a Greater Syria if you will, similar to the old Ottoman Empire. It would appear Obama seeks Iran to be host country, as a Muslim nation rises to superpower status while America is weakened from within in orchestrated fashion by a president gone rogue.
ISIS is doing the dirty work of cleansing, and out enemy within is now assisting in the development of a nuclear weapon for Iran and financing through Iran terrorist groups like HAMAS and Hezbollah.
The United States was placed in great peril with this deal, and future citizens will die due to this utterly despicable and irresponsible act by a brazen president acting outside or historical avenues of legislation. The Congress, which has allowed his reckless behavior, should also bear responsibility.
Elections have consequences, and with the presidential election of 2012, those consequences will be deadly for future generations, In fact, this could unravel so quickly, it might by you and I fully engaged before the next generation gets the chance.
With this action of aiding and abetting the enemy, coupled with the endangerment of the American people, treason is charged and once again, I call for the immediate impeachment of President Obama.
Obviously, I cannot stand President Obama, finding him an arrogant, bitter, spiteful and racist individual; down right evil at times and an opponent of America as founded. But make no mistake, Obama is not an idiot nor does he not know what he is doing.
Rather, he is an intelligent ideologue who fields off what limited questions of relevancy he receives as illegitimate, supported by a complicit and propagandist mainstream media who move the subject away with swiftness, discrediting opponents in orchestration. That is great work if you can get it, and astonishingly, he's got it.
However, if the synopsis presented by Martin Armstrong has merit, it would explain quite a bit. As Armstrong accurately states, "Whenever there is some political deal, it is NEVER what they present to the public with such magnanimous fanfare. There is always a hidden agenda".
No doubt!
However, to consider that Obama has turned the middle east upside down and reached out to both Cuba and Iran to squeeze Russia, drawing Russia closer to China is quite a reach. If it is what is at play, it is a enormously dangerous gamble, one with a loss that could catapult the United States to the "ash heap of history" Reagan described.
It is noted, however, that according to billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer says China is collapsing, noting their upcoming crash as "way bigger than subprime". Russia is also under duress, with reports of coup d'état activities in recent months.
Caliphate is the real objective. Obama does not hold America in high regard, and wishes to establish a caliphate in the middle east, a Greater Syria if you will, similar to the old Ottoman Empire. It would appear Obama seeks Iran to be host country, as a Muslim nation rises to superpower status while America is weakened from within in orchestrated fashion by a president gone rogue.
ISIS is doing the dirty work of cleansing, and out enemy within is now assisting in the development of a nuclear weapon for Iran and financing through Iran terrorist groups like HAMAS and Hezbollah.
The United States was placed in great peril with this deal, and future citizens will die due to this utterly despicable and irresponsible act by a brazen president acting outside or historical avenues of legislation. The Congress, which has allowed his reckless behavior, should also bear responsibility.
Elections have consequences, and with the presidential election of 2012, those consequences will be deadly for future generations, In fact, this could unravel so quickly, it might by you and I fully engaged before the next generation gets the chance.
With this action of aiding and abetting the enemy, coupled with the endangerment of the American people, treason is charged and once again, I call for the immediate impeachment of President Obama.
The United States of America REMAINS under attack from radical Islamic terrorists worldwide.
Today, AGAIN, we are hit on our own shores as reportedly four US Marines were assassinated in Chattanooga, TN.
An attack on the US Military is an attack on America!
Sadly, our leadership not only appears to have little concern over these all too familiar attacks, they appear to be facilitating them.
President Obama and his team have embolden the terrorists and have done little to nothing to stop ISIS. In fact, with the recent agreement with Iran, the top nation sponsor of global terrorism, it can be said that Obama is assisting in financing the terrorists.
For crying out loud, President Obama still refuses to recognize who our enemy is.
America is under attack. It is time for those who normally do not engage in the political process to reduce the guilty pleasures of whatever program Ryan Seacrest is hosting on any given night and recognize the grim reality Uncle Sam is facing.
Time is short, and enemies are not only foreign, but domestic, hiding in plain sight. Open Your Eyes!
You are WARNED!
Today, AGAIN, we are hit on our own shores as reportedly four US Marines were assassinated in Chattanooga, TN.
An attack on the US Military is an attack on America!
Sadly, our leadership not only appears to have little concern over these all too familiar attacks, they appear to be facilitating them.
President Obama and his team have embolden the terrorists and have done little to nothing to stop ISIS. In fact, with the recent agreement with Iran, the top nation sponsor of global terrorism, it can be said that Obama is assisting in financing the terrorists.
Iran deal finances global terrorism |
America is under attack. It is time for those who normally do not engage in the political process to reduce the guilty pleasures of whatever program Ryan Seacrest is hosting on any given night and recognize the grim reality Uncle Sam is facing.
Time is short, and enemies are not only foreign, but domestic, hiding in plain sight. Open Your Eyes!
You are WARNED!
Barack Obama,
Buck Sexton,
Global War on Terror,
Ryan Seacrest,
US Military
Monday, July 13, 2015
Boxed In
Bernie Sanders, I:VT |
Sanders, a socialist, is at least someone who calls it like he sees it, even recently exposing the unemployment numbers presented by the Obama administration and their propagandist partners in media as false. Salon claims FOX News (?), Hillary surrogates and Wall Street are all terrified of Bernie and his ultra left followers.
The FFE article quotes Sanders as saying the following:
The long-term deterioration of the middle class, accelerated by the Wall Street crash of 2008, has not been pretty. Since 1999, the median middle-class family has seen its income go down by almost $5,000 after adjusting for inflation, now earning less than it did 25 years ago.
The FFE disputes Sanders conclusions, presenting a video with highly respected George Mason University Prof. Don Boudreaux discussing wage stagnation. Boudreaux seems to be refuting a conclusion of former Labor Secretary Robert Reich.
Boudreaux collects a number of hits in his presentation, focusing on a period of approximately 30 years, citing a number of correct notes. However, there are areas missing in his conclusions, as there often are when trumping out statistics. Furthermore, at no point in my lifetime have economic statistics suffered such high levels of manipulation.
With a formal education in the field of economics, I could produce voluminous statistics stating whatever case I wish to make, but I can tell you from the street that income has been stagnant since the crash of 2008. In addition, virtually all of the implemented programs, while some producing temporary gains, have resulted in long term failure. To place it in simplistic terms, the economy seems "boxed in", with constraints placed upon it by a government seeking to seize increasing control over the citizenry.
The middle class is indeed staggered by orchestration under Obama, with real median household income decreasing and the pathway to wealth exponentially more difficult. But, it is not more progressivism or Bernie Sanders and his platform of socialism the country needs, it is getting government back within its means, individual accountability, adherence to the law and free market capitalism, with a reduction in taxation and, in particular, regulation.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Progressives: The Mad Dogs of Hell
Donald Trump's recent comments on immigration have lit a political fire that may well burn down many before being extinguished. The comments area as follows:
"The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people. It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably -- probably -- from the Middle East. But we don't know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what's happening. And it's got to stop and it's got to stop fast."
In response to the heavy criticism, Trump responded with the following comments:
I was really criticized for the border, but the truth is it’s true. They think it’s like Mother Teresa is coming across the border. Well, I said drug dealers, I said killers, and I said rapists. They made the word rapists, they really picked that up. I tell you, I love the folks from South America. They’re friends of mine. Many work for me. Many are friends. Many buy apartments from me. I have great love for the Mexican people, and I always have, and they like me. No apology because everything I said is 100% correct. All you have to do is read the newspapers."
While those who deem America oppressive and advocate for progressive ideals inclusive of open borders are continuing to blast Trump as incorrect, racist and bigoted through seemingly orchestrated waves of progressive politicians and media propagandists, the fact of the matter is Trump is quite accurate.
However, even with an introduction of the facts, those pesky leftists will pretend they don't exist and march right on with their agenda, which in this arena seems to be based on using hate speech laws to destroy America.
But Trump has indeed struck a serious nerve with these recent comments about illegal immigration, with two significant byproducts producing what appears to be a violent upcoming collision.
First, Trump has surged in the polls of those seeking the GOP nomination, as many in the electorate found very refreshing his challenge of open borders and the ridiculous effort, or lack thereof, of the government to halt illegal immigration. Although his comments could have been said with greater maturity, he was essentially accurate and I am among the many who are in agreement with Trump on this subject.
"I’ve never seen them this outraged, this vicious, this motivated, this coordinated – NEVER in all my years in politics, have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump ---Wayne Allyn Root
Second, the political correctness police has unleashed the gates of hell on Trump based on his "accurate" comments, including Univision and Macy's, both ending long relationships with Trump. Univision says it will not broadcast the Miss USA pageant as contractually obligated due to Trump's comments, but Trump has counted with a lawsuit heavy on zeros.
Others who joined in boycotting Trump and Trump properties include the PGA, ESPN and regrettably, NASCAR and one of its signature sponsors Camping World. The media, as you may suspect, made it out to be bigger than it was.
Rush Limbaugh noted that the GOP establishment has seemingly aligned against Trump's stance on illegal, may I repeat, illegal, immigrants. The list includes, of course, Jeb Bush, along with Marco Rubio and Chris Christie, each a 2016 candidate, along with GOP pundit Michael Steele and conservative columnist George Will. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus even called Trump to tell him to back off.
Hell, it's a Rhino convention!
Rick Perry condemned Trump for using such a wide brush in describing the illegal immigrants, which is odd because Rick Perry has a pretty darn good record in fighting the in-flight of the illegals on his Texas border.
When asked if he thought Donald Trump's comments on Mexicans have hurt the Republican Party, Mitt Romney relied "Yes, I think he made a severe error in saying what he did about Mexican Americans and I feel it was unfortunate." News flash to ole Mitt; illegal immigrants are not Mexican Americans, as astutely pointed out by a caller into Rush.
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is the only GOP 2016 candidate I have heard defend Trump in any form or fashion on this topic.
Some in the GOP consider Trump a mole, taking votes away from a potential winner in the GOP much as Ross Perot effectively did back in 1992.
As Dustin Ulsterman of DC Whispers reports, "The path is being paved in real-time at this very moment and is apparently set to be unleashed “very soon.” An all out assault upon the Trump organization by Obama/Jarrett-approved operatives within the Mainstream Media to both humiliate and weaken the Republican candidate for his recent demand that something be done to secure the southern border."
Ulsterman added on his Facebook page the following accurate assessment of the trouble facing Trump: "Trump is in big-big trouble. They want to destroy him. It seems to have become very personal with them. He has threatened decades of effort in changing the face of the voting public. Another five years, ten at most, and conservatism will be an insignificant minority throughout most the country. Republicans will be an arm of the Democratic Party meant only to keep up the appearance of a choice. There will be no choice. There already is hardly one now. Donald Trump is disrupting that dynamic and they won’t stand for it. The countdown to his demise begins now."
In the real estate business myself, I have been a longtime fan of Donald Trump, admiring his work as a real estate developer. As a candidate, while I am in full agreement with many of his positions, he is not among my favorites.
Although he considers himself one, I do not find him a conservative. Trumps' positions on eminent domain, the Iraq war, taxation and health care are not in line with my principles and beliefs in those areas. In addition, Trump, who was a registered Democrat until 2009, has given money to many Democrats in the past, including Hillary Clinton, and speculated about Oprah Winfrey, among Obama's top supporters, being his vice presidential pick. No Thanks!
America does not want a contest of Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton. The reason Trump is rising so quickly is that Americans are tired of weakness and lies, and want somebody who is not afraid to upset the status quo, accurately stated by Ronald Reagan as "the mess we're in".
Trump is making some serious waves, tapping into an angry electorate, saying things most of the other candidates are too politically correct to say. Until such time a GOP candidate joins him in bucking those in the establishment, like this dope, and calling out those who are complicit in the destruction of America, I suspect he will remain high in the polls.
"People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme. It's not extreme, it's common sense. We need to secure the border.” said 2016 GOP candidate Carly Fiorina.
Border security is just common sense, for those of us who still have some.
"The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people. It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably -- probably -- from the Middle East. But we don't know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what's happening. And it's got to stop and it's got to stop fast."
In response to the heavy criticism, Trump responded with the following comments:
I was really criticized for the border, but the truth is it’s true. They think it’s like Mother Teresa is coming across the border. Well, I said drug dealers, I said killers, and I said rapists. They made the word rapists, they really picked that up. I tell you, I love the folks from South America. They’re friends of mine. Many work for me. Many are friends. Many buy apartments from me. I have great love for the Mexican people, and I always have, and they like me. No apology because everything I said is 100% correct. All you have to do is read the newspapers."
Donald J. Trump |
While those who deem America oppressive and advocate for progressive ideals inclusive of open borders are continuing to blast Trump as incorrect, racist and bigoted through seemingly orchestrated waves of progressive politicians and media propagandists, the fact of the matter is Trump is quite accurate.
However, even with an introduction of the facts, those pesky leftists will pretend they don't exist and march right on with their agenda, which in this arena seems to be based on using hate speech laws to destroy America.
But Trump has indeed struck a serious nerve with these recent comments about illegal immigration, with two significant byproducts producing what appears to be a violent upcoming collision.
First, Trump has surged in the polls of those seeking the GOP nomination, as many in the electorate found very refreshing his challenge of open borders and the ridiculous effort, or lack thereof, of the government to halt illegal immigration. Although his comments could have been said with greater maturity, he was essentially accurate and I am among the many who are in agreement with Trump on this subject.
"I’ve never seen them this outraged, this vicious, this motivated, this coordinated – NEVER in all my years in politics, have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump ---Wayne Allyn Root
Second, the political correctness police has unleashed the gates of hell on Trump based on his "accurate" comments, including Univision and Macy's, both ending long relationships with Trump. Univision says it will not broadcast the Miss USA pageant as contractually obligated due to Trump's comments, but Trump has counted with a lawsuit heavy on zeros.
Others who joined in boycotting Trump and Trump properties include the PGA, ESPN and regrettably, NASCAR and one of its signature sponsors Camping World. The media, as you may suspect, made it out to be bigger than it was.
Rush Limbaugh noted that the GOP establishment has seemingly aligned against Trump's stance on illegal, may I repeat, illegal, immigrants. The list includes, of course, Jeb Bush, along with Marco Rubio and Chris Christie, each a 2016 candidate, along with GOP pundit Michael Steele and conservative columnist George Will. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus even called Trump to tell him to back off.
Hell, it's a Rhino convention!
Rick Perry condemned Trump for using such a wide brush in describing the illegal immigrants, which is odd because Rick Perry has a pretty darn good record in fighting the in-flight of the illegals on his Texas border.
When asked if he thought Donald Trump's comments on Mexicans have hurt the Republican Party, Mitt Romney relied "Yes, I think he made a severe error in saying what he did about Mexican Americans and I feel it was unfortunate." News flash to ole Mitt; illegal immigrants are not Mexican Americans, as astutely pointed out by a caller into Rush.
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is the only GOP 2016 candidate I have heard defend Trump in any form or fashion on this topic.
Some in the GOP consider Trump a mole, taking votes away from a potential winner in the GOP much as Ross Perot effectively did back in 1992.
As Dustin Ulsterman of DC Whispers reports, "The path is being paved in real-time at this very moment and is apparently set to be unleashed “very soon.” An all out assault upon the Trump organization by Obama/Jarrett-approved operatives within the Mainstream Media to both humiliate and weaken the Republican candidate for his recent demand that something be done to secure the southern border."
Ulsterman added on his Facebook page the following accurate assessment of the trouble facing Trump: "Trump is in big-big trouble. They want to destroy him. It seems to have become very personal with them. He has threatened decades of effort in changing the face of the voting public. Another five years, ten at most, and conservatism will be an insignificant minority throughout most the country. Republicans will be an arm of the Democratic Party meant only to keep up the appearance of a choice. There will be no choice. There already is hardly one now. Donald Trump is disrupting that dynamic and they won’t stand for it. The countdown to his demise begins now."
In the real estate business myself, I have been a longtime fan of Donald Trump, admiring his work as a real estate developer. As a candidate, while I am in full agreement with many of his positions, he is not among my favorites.
Although he considers himself one, I do not find him a conservative. Trumps' positions on eminent domain, the Iraq war, taxation and health care are not in line with my principles and beliefs in those areas. In addition, Trump, who was a registered Democrat until 2009, has given money to many Democrats in the past, including Hillary Clinton, and speculated about Oprah Winfrey, among Obama's top supporters, being his vice presidential pick. No Thanks!
America does not want a contest of Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton. The reason Trump is rising so quickly is that Americans are tired of weakness and lies, and want somebody who is not afraid to upset the status quo, accurately stated by Ronald Reagan as "the mess we're in".
Trump is making some serious waves, tapping into an angry electorate, saying things most of the other candidates are too politically correct to say. Until such time a GOP candidate joins him in bucking those in the establishment, like this dope, and calling out those who are complicit in the destruction of America, I suspect he will remain high in the polls.
"People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme. It's not extreme, it's common sense. We need to secure the border.” said 2016 GOP candidate Carly Fiorina.
Border security is just common sense, for those of us who still have some.
It should be obvious. If the federal government wanted a fence to be built to prohibit illegal immigrants from entering our country, it would be built.
Despite their continued commentary to the contrary, our progressive leaders actually want illegal immigration, many housed in sanctuary cities.
For starters, they like the cheap labor, but much deeper in scope, these folks deem America an oppressive nation and wish to transfer the wealth to those America stepped on along the way to becoming the superpower it now is, although efforts by the current administration to diminish our standing have been quite effective.
In addition, they seek open borders. That is why you see continued efforts to govern outside of the Constitution, hoping to make it irrelevant in the future. Treaties with the UN, monetary agreements with the IMF and so forth are designed to render the Constitution powerless and place Uncle Sam under control of a global governance of un-elected bureaucrats that are out of the reach of your ballot box.
As for NASCAR's Coke Zero 400, where the above pictured crash took place late last Sunday evening, I found the #3 NRA Chevrolet SS of Austin Dillon to be a pretty sharp looking ride earlier in the week in a practice session at the World Center of Racing, the Daytona International Speedway.
Despite their continued commentary to the contrary, our progressive leaders actually want illegal immigration, many housed in sanctuary cities.
For starters, they like the cheap labor, but much deeper in scope, these folks deem America an oppressive nation and wish to transfer the wealth to those America stepped on along the way to becoming the superpower it now is, although efforts by the current administration to diminish our standing have been quite effective.
In addition, they seek open borders. That is why you see continued efforts to govern outside of the Constitution, hoping to make it irrelevant in the future. Treaties with the UN, monetary agreements with the IMF and so forth are designed to render the Constitution powerless and place Uncle Sam under control of a global governance of un-elected bureaucrats that are out of the reach of your ballot box.
As for NASCAR's Coke Zero 400, where the above pictured crash took place late last Sunday evening, I found the #3 NRA Chevrolet SS of Austin Dillon to be a pretty sharp looking ride earlier in the week in a practice session at the World Center of Racing, the Daytona International Speedway.
#3 NRA Chevrolet SS driven by Austin Dillon |
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Appraisal Risk Exceeds Reward
It is hard to imagine this story was not printed on April Fools Day.
They need a subcommittee to investigate the increasing shortage of residential appraisers?
Are the reasons not obvious?
Much, if not all, of the fault for the destruction of this industry, of which I am a professional in, stems from the passage of the Home Valuation Code of Conduct, a piece of punitive legislation spearheaded by the former Attorney General and now New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D). This is a big government piece of legislation, heavy on regulation, most notably forcing those who order appraisals for lending institutions to utilize Appraisal Management Companies. These AMC's, most of which are partially owned or have fiduciary relationships with the banks, dictate the appraisal process, and sometimes the content, while "confiscating" half the fee.
As Ronald Reagan so eloquently stated, "I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts."
With the implementation of extensive government regulation of appraisers through the HVCC, the reduction of fees through mandatory use of AMC's and restrictions placed on the subjectivity of the appraiser, the risk of appraising in many cases has grown to exceed the reward.
It appears the free market has just officially informed us of just that.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Bloody Hands on Streets of San Francisco
It is seemingly bordering on hate speech to be against illegal immigration these days, but those who sanction such activity, and let there be no doubt is inclusive of President Barack Obama, have blood on their hands.
On Thursday, Kathryn Steinle, a beautiful 32 year old woman, was shot dead on San Francisco's Pier 14 while enjoying the day walking with her father. Arrested and charged in her murder is alleged killer Francisco Sanchez, 45, who is described as an illegal Mexican immigrant who had been deported a mind boggling five times and was reportedly jailed just earlier this year.
According to the Daily Mail, who from across the pond is leading the way in reporting the US maninstream media just will not do, noted that when he was arrested over marijuana four months ago in San Francisco he was let go, in accordance with city policy designed to give 'sanctuary' to undocumented migrants.
San Francisco is a sanctuary city, which is a city that does not recognize federal laws when it comes to illegal immigrants and surmises that when welcomed in to a city that embraces the illegal immigrants, crime actually decreases among this group.
That thought process is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. And deadly.
GOP 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has been embroiled in a wicked altercation regarding comments about illegal immigrants, which I deem essentially correct, weighed in on this tragic killing as reported by the Daily Mail:
'Our Southern border is totally out of control. This is an absolutely disgraceful situation. We need border security!' said Trump on his Twitter page, continuing 'Our Southern border is unsecure [sic]. I am the only one that can fix it, nobody else has the guts to even talk about it.'
This jackass should have never been free to roam the streets of San Francisco, but for the politics of the progressive morons who govern that picturesque city, he and thousands like him, are.
Where is the outrage? Folks are falling all over themselves to get any historical reference to the Confederacy outlawed but don't give a rats ass an illegal felonious criminal is wondering around killing a beautiful woman enjoying an afternoon walk with her father in what is supposedly among America's greatest cities.
This is disgraceful, and it is far time the progressive elite politicians are held accountable for their actions, which are resulting in bloodshed and the erosion of the economic sustainability of our nation.
Think the Obama administration cares? Think again.
The progressive left never lets a crisis go to waste, and in ice cold fashion, took the occasion of the murder of Ms. Steinle to effort advance of their political agenda.
As reported by Breitbart, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked about President Obama's immigration enforcement policies, his response was simply disgusting.
“The fact is that the president has done everything within his power to make sure that we are focusing our law enforcement resources on criminals and those who pose a threat to public safety and it’s because of the political efforts of Republicans that we have not been able to make the kind of investment that we’d like to make in securing our border and keeping our community safe,” Earnest said.
Earnest, and our President, are scumbags and liars. President Obama emptied our jails, welcomed the increase immigration of illegals for the benefit of crashing our system and securing votes and has freed terrorists. Since the media won't call out these ministers of propaganda, maybe Donald Trump will.
I will keep the family of this young woman in my prayers, and will keep her in mind as I continue to join with others in the ongoing fight for freedom, which includes being able to walk freely in this country without fear of being randomly gunned down by an illegal immigrant who are granted that freedom by politicians governing against the will of the people.
On Thursday, Kathryn Steinle, a beautiful 32 year old woman, was shot dead on San Francisco's Pier 14 while enjoying the day walking with her father. Arrested and charged in her murder is alleged killer Francisco Sanchez, 45, who is described as an illegal Mexican immigrant who had been deported a mind boggling five times and was reportedly jailed just earlier this year.
Photo Daily Mail |
San Francisco is a sanctuary city, which is a city that does not recognize federal laws when it comes to illegal immigrants and surmises that when welcomed in to a city that embraces the illegal immigrants, crime actually decreases among this group.
That thought process is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. And deadly.
GOP 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has been embroiled in a wicked altercation regarding comments about illegal immigrants, which I deem essentially correct, weighed in on this tragic killing as reported by the Daily Mail:
'Our Southern border is totally out of control. This is an absolutely disgraceful situation. We need border security!' said Trump on his Twitter page, continuing 'Our Southern border is unsecure [sic]. I am the only one that can fix it, nobody else has the guts to even talk about it.'
This jackass should have never been free to roam the streets of San Francisco, but for the politics of the progressive morons who govern that picturesque city, he and thousands like him, are.
Where is the outrage? Folks are falling all over themselves to get any historical reference to the Confederacy outlawed but don't give a rats ass an illegal felonious criminal is wondering around killing a beautiful woman enjoying an afternoon walk with her father in what is supposedly among America's greatest cities.
This is disgraceful, and it is far time the progressive elite politicians are held accountable for their actions, which are resulting in bloodshed and the erosion of the economic sustainability of our nation.
Think the Obama administration cares? Think again.
The progressive left never lets a crisis go to waste, and in ice cold fashion, took the occasion of the murder of Ms. Steinle to effort advance of their political agenda.
As reported by Breitbart, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked about President Obama's immigration enforcement policies, his response was simply disgusting.
“The fact is that the president has done everything within his power to make sure that we are focusing our law enforcement resources on criminals and those who pose a threat to public safety and it’s because of the political efforts of Republicans that we have not been able to make the kind of investment that we’d like to make in securing our border and keeping our community safe,” Earnest said.
Earnest, and our President, are scumbags and liars. President Obama emptied our jails, welcomed the increase immigration of illegals for the benefit of crashing our system and securing votes and has freed terrorists. Since the media won't call out these ministers of propaganda, maybe Donald Trump will.
I will keep the family of this young woman in my prayers, and will keep her in mind as I continue to join with others in the ongoing fight for freedom, which includes being able to walk freely in this country without fear of being randomly gunned down by an illegal immigrant who are granted that freedom by politicians governing against the will of the people.
Progressives Use LGBT Movement to Control Citizenry
With ISIS running roughshod and terror in the air, and with an economy that looks fair with manipulated data but is incredibly fragile and on the brink of collapse, in recent weeks, issues surrounding those not heterosexual have dominated the news. With age old common law and Christian values whipsawed from every angle, many of us feel we're climbing through the pages of Dr. Seuss's Inside Outside Upside Down.
The reasons for this embrace of the LGBT movement are plentiful; however, most notably,progressive activists in the United States want to use these kinds of laws to destroy free speech in America. Hate speech is defined as speech that offends, threatens or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits. There you have it, if your religion finds homosexuality offensive, and you think that, you have no doubt offended somebody, and this day and age, that somebody could force your incarceration.
I'll go ahead an offend someone, as I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, with same sex couples free to seek civil unions, allowing them equal rights under the law but not necessarily in the church.
Moving forward now, all legal forms must be altered, and for students filling out forms it will move to parent name rather than the name of the mother and father, diminishing the value of the traditional family. If churches fail to embrace the LGBT crowd, from performing marriages to hiring staff, even if this goes against traditional beliefs of the church, the churches risk losing their tax exempt status. Calls for the stripping of the tax exempt status have already begun.
Christian churches are officially under attack now, and will be set up to be in violation; however, you will not see such effort being made at any mosques. Islam is being championed; left alone, however, Christianity is deemed unworthy by these elites as traditional America must be discredited and destroyed for the new socialist utopia of one world governance to take root.
Hate speech can fly vigorously aimed at those who don't share admiration for the LGBT community, with labels of bigotry and racism tossed about with little ramification. Free speech will be punished in the court of public affairs if it is deemed inappropriate by the wizards of doublespeak.
If you own a private company, you will be declared ineligible for consideration for government contracts or dealings with government agencies if you are deemed to profess discrimination against the gay community, or for that matter, illegal immigrants.
If it were only gay marriage, that might be one thing.
However, the issue is never the issue with the left, and the floodgates of rewriting common law and destroying valued traditions with escalating government control is running roughshod, issuing punitive damage to those who dissent.
The LGBT crowd are useful idiots, utilized as a political mechanism by the progressive movement to gain control over the citizenry. With the help of a rogue Supreme Court who deems themselves able to operate outside of the Constitution, these doors have just been kicked wide open.
There have been attacks on bakeries, who due to their religious faith appropriately determined they would be unable to make a cake for a gay wedding. A similar issue arose for a pizza parlor in the middle of nowhere that got attacked from all points across the globe. Quite a disturbance for such a limited amount of people.
Then, there is the sad tale of former Olympian champion Bruce Jenner, who has determined he is actually a woman and has begun making his transition, now referred to as Caitlyn. I think he has major psychological issues, but I hope he finds peace.
These issues have not come to the forefront by accident. Nobody was shocked the media was poised to promptly react as each of these issues became public knowledge. Obama did not read about it in the news.
In fact, I deem the whole thing orchestrated.
I recall something I found interesting while watching the Celebrity Apprentice in 2012, noting that a disproportional amount of the charities designated by the contestants were associated with some arm of the LGBT movement. We posted here on BAHL Revere about this the time.
Vice President Joe Biden supposedly misspoke regarding Obama being a supporter of gay marriage, but that was not the case, simply presented that was to open the door for Obama, no doubt a man of principle, to change course once the wind changed direction allowing political expediency. Same with Hillary Clinton, who for decades stood tall for marriage between a man and woman, citing it as a "bedrock principle".
These folks are liars. They do not give a damn about gay people, although seemingly non-credible reports indicated both may be bisexual. Both Obama and Clinton are using the LGBT movement, which again, represents approximately five percent of the population with a full stretch of the figures, to further their political ambitions.
And now, with the Supreme Court recently ruling in favor of same sex marriage, the slippery slope begins a frantic struggle for friction.
As famed economist and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Thomas Sowell so eloquently stated recently stated in the supreme editorial pages of Investors Business Daily, "When any branch of government can exercise powers not authorized by either statutes or the Constitution, "we the people" are no longer free citizens but subjects, and our "public servants" are really our public masters. And America is no longer America. The freedom for which whole generations of Americans have fought and died is gradually but increasingly being taken away from us with smooth and slippery words".
And now, with the Supreme Court recently ruling in favor of same sex marriage, the slippery slope begins a frantic struggle for friction.
As famed economist and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Thomas Sowell so eloquently stated recently stated in the supreme editorial pages of Investors Business Daily, "When any branch of government can exercise powers not authorized by either statutes or the Constitution, "we the people" are no longer free citizens but subjects, and our "public servants" are really our public masters. And America is no longer America. The freedom for which whole generations of Americans have fought and died is gradually but increasingly being taken away from us with smooth and slippery words".
The reasons for this embrace of the LGBT movement are plentiful; however, most notably,progressive activists in the United States want to use these kinds of laws to destroy free speech in America. Hate speech is defined as speech that offends, threatens or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits. There you have it, if your religion finds homosexuality offensive, and you think that, you have no doubt offended somebody, and this day and age, that somebody could force your incarceration.
I'll go ahead an offend someone, as I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, with same sex couples free to seek civil unions, allowing them equal rights under the law but not necessarily in the church.
Moving forward now, all legal forms must be altered, and for students filling out forms it will move to parent name rather than the name of the mother and father, diminishing the value of the traditional family. If churches fail to embrace the LGBT crowd, from performing marriages to hiring staff, even if this goes against traditional beliefs of the church, the churches risk losing their tax exempt status. Calls for the stripping of the tax exempt status have already begun.
Christian churches are officially under attack now, and will be set up to be in violation; however, you will not see such effort being made at any mosques. Islam is being championed; left alone, however, Christianity is deemed unworthy by these elites as traditional America must be discredited and destroyed for the new socialist utopia of one world governance to take root.
Hate speech can fly vigorously aimed at those who don't share admiration for the LGBT community, with labels of bigotry and racism tossed about with little ramification. Free speech will be punished in the court of public affairs if it is deemed inappropriate by the wizards of doublespeak.
If you own a private company, you will be declared ineligible for consideration for government contracts or dealings with government agencies if you are deemed to profess discrimination against the gay community, or for that matter, illegal immigrants.
If it were only gay marriage, that might be one thing.
However, the issue is never the issue with the left, and the floodgates of rewriting common law and destroying valued traditions with escalating government control is running roughshod, issuing punitive damage to those who dissent.
The LGBT crowd are useful idiots, utilized as a political mechanism by the progressive movement to gain control over the citizenry. With the help of a rogue Supreme Court who deems themselves able to operate outside of the Constitution, these doors have just been kicked wide open.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Just Good Ole Boys, Never Meaning No Harm
Just good ole boys; never meaning no harm.
The Dukes of Hazzard |
In the aftermath of some asshole racist punk murdering some of America's finest citizens in Charleston last month, the left has seized the opportunity to take political correctness, as they see fit, to mind boggling levels. With their main goals set at, as Michelle Obama stated, at changing our history and traditions, the Confederate Flag, or some semblance of it, has now been banned everywhere.
And with political correctness completely run amok, Viacom has pulled the classic favorite "The Dukes of Hazzard" from rerun circulation on channels they own, most notably TV Land and CMT Television. Fans of the show, those who support free speech and folks who have had it to their eyeballs with political correctness, are seething.
Viacom can show hour after hour of television that is offensive to many, with sexual situations, murders, conspiracy and hours of endless reality shows, but for the love of Pete, The Dukes of Hazzard is much too offensive with that flag on the roof of the car.
Actually, Viacom can show whatever they want on their network, and they can be as politically correct as they wise. However, I can choose not to watch their product, or invest in their company (VIAB:NASD), whose stock price is challenging yearly lows.
The General Lee |
I hardly ever caught this show on reruns. However, the removal of "The Dukes of Hazzard" from the airways is symbolic of the absolute ridiculousness of the level of political correctness in this nation at the moment. You might say folks have lost their mind, but you must recognize this is an effort by the progressives to remove any traditional items from the marketplace and change our history, moving us to a different place they, not you, deem appropriate.
Even NASCAR, home to the real good ole boys, is running scared and has asked those attending the Coke Zero 400 on Sunday to leave their Confederate Flags at home or exchange them for an American Flag at the World Center of Racing on raceday.
Just good ole boys, never meaning no harm, which is no matter to the progressive left, who think they know what is proper for us to consume. I do not plan to let them steal my rights without a fight.
Catherine Bach,
Michelle Obama,
Smokey and the Bandit,
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