For this evenings post, I must differ from the designed plan to present a tune which does not have a video to post, but I found portions of the lyrics fitting for what is in store for the arrogant politicians that have violated the public trust.
In a previous post, I noted that as those elected to disperse of a so called "culture of corruption", the Democrats have escalated four fold the corruption in Washington across the gamut in a staggering display of arrogance. I have a newsflash for the liberals; Your Time Is Gonna Come!
Lyin', Cheatin', Hurtin'
That's all you seem to do
Always the same, playin' your game
Drive me insane, Troubles gonna come to you
One of these days, and it won't be long
All I got to say is Your Time Is Gonna Come!
The time has come now and trouble is at the doorstep for the liberal lemmings. A political earthquake will take place on Tuesday, and it could not come soon enough.
As far as I know, Led Zeppelin never played this tune live, therefore there is no live video to present. But it is a favorite of mine, and yes, to all the arrogant socialists, Your Time Is Gonna Come!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Oregon, 8-0, 1
2. Auburn, 9-0, 3
3. Boise State, 7-0, 2
4. Texas Christian, 9-0, 4
5. Alabama, 7-1, 6
6. Utah, 8-0, 5
7. Nebraska, 7-1, 11
8. Wisconsin, 7-1, 9
9. Ohio State, 8-1, 10
10. Oklahoma, 7-1, 12
11. LSU, 7-1, 13
12. Stanford, 7-1, 15
13. Arizona, 7-1, 16
14. Missouri, 7-1, 7
15. Oklahoma State, 7-1, 17
16. Iowa, 6-2, 20
17. Michigan State, 8-1, 8
18. Arkansas, 6-2, 18
19. South Carolina, 6-2, 19
20. Virginia Tech, 6-2, 22
21. Florida State, 6-2, 14
22. Baylor, 7-2, 23
23. Mississippi State, 7-2, NR
24. North Carolina State, 7-2, NR
25. Central Florida, 6-2, NR
OUT: Miami (21), Michigan (24) & USC (25)
VOTES: Nevada, Hawaii, Maryland, Syracuse, Oregon State, Illinois, USC, Northwestern, Penn State, Michigan, Florida, Pitt & Miami.
Both Boise State and Utah lost ground with me due to what I consider sub par performances....Robert Griffith III and Baylor get a signature win and dispose of Texas at Austin....NC State, behind great play from their all conference signal caller Russell Wilson, outlasted FSU, whose senior quarterback violated rule #1 in football, protecting the ball; twice, which will and did get us beat...USC put up a good effort but Oregon played fast and loose and beat Troy....With undefeated top ten opponents visiting, both Nebraska and Iowa exploded out of the gate to blast unbeatens Missouri and Michigan State respectively....Maryland is 6-2 after hanging 62 on Wake Forest, but with Miami up next, we will find out if the Terps are for real... Speaking of Miami, this was supposed to be the year, but the wheels appear to be falling off, and with sub par recruiting over the last few years, things could get worse in 2011....OU bombed Colorado, and Dan Hawkins simply must be dismissed...Florida met Georgia in Jacksonville at The Worlds Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party and someone had to win. Given what Georgia decided to do offensively in overtime was, well, offensive, so the Gators win....Syracuse looks like some life is being found in the program after two big wins.
CBS Sports had a great piece on the tradition of Nebraska football. After pounding previously unbeaten Missouri, the Cornhuskers control their own destiny for a Big XII Championship before moving to Big 10.
Top 25
1. Oregon, 8-0, 1
2. Auburn, 9-0, 3
3. Boise State, 7-0, 2
4. Texas Christian, 9-0, 4
5. Alabama, 7-1, 6
6. Utah, 8-0, 5
7. Nebraska, 7-1, 11
8. Wisconsin, 7-1, 9
9. Ohio State, 8-1, 10
10. Oklahoma, 7-1, 12
11. LSU, 7-1, 13
12. Stanford, 7-1, 15
13. Arizona, 7-1, 16
14. Missouri, 7-1, 7
15. Oklahoma State, 7-1, 17
16. Iowa, 6-2, 20
17. Michigan State, 8-1, 8
18. Arkansas, 6-2, 18
19. South Carolina, 6-2, 19
20. Virginia Tech, 6-2, 22
21. Florida State, 6-2, 14
22. Baylor, 7-2, 23
23. Mississippi State, 7-2, NR
24. North Carolina State, 7-2, NR
25. Central Florida, 6-2, NR
OUT: Miami (21), Michigan (24) & USC (25)
VOTES: Nevada, Hawaii, Maryland, Syracuse, Oregon State, Illinois, USC, Northwestern, Penn State, Michigan, Florida, Pitt & Miami.
Both Boise State and Utah lost ground with me due to what I consider sub par performances....Robert Griffith III and Baylor get a signature win and dispose of Texas at Austin....NC State, behind great play from their all conference signal caller Russell Wilson, outlasted FSU, whose senior quarterback violated rule #1 in football, protecting the ball; twice, which will and did get us beat...USC put up a good effort but Oregon played fast and loose and beat Troy....With undefeated top ten opponents visiting, both Nebraska and Iowa exploded out of the gate to blast unbeatens Missouri and Michigan State respectively....Maryland is 6-2 after hanging 62 on Wake Forest, but with Miami up next, we will find out if the Terps are for real... Speaking of Miami, this was supposed to be the year, but the wheels appear to be falling off, and with sub par recruiting over the last few years, things could get worse in 2011....OU bombed Colorado, and Dan Hawkins simply must be dismissed...Florida met Georgia in Jacksonville at The Worlds Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party and someone had to win. Given what Georgia decided to do offensively in overtime was, well, offensive, so the Gators win....Syracuse looks like some life is being found in the program after two big wins.
CBS Sports had a great piece on the tradition of Nebraska football. After pounding previously unbeaten Missouri, the Cornhuskers control their own destiny for a Big XII Championship before moving to Big 10.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
To Tell The Truth
During the course of my daily media viewing, from FOX News to CNBC, I hear political and economic analysts routinely create controversy by out and out lying to the viewers. Certainly, items of discussion like a prediction of the price of a particular stock price in three months has a varinace of opinion. Good luck with that. Those guys are smarter than I am as I don't even know what I am having for lunch tomorrow.
Unfortunately, the rapidly increasing lies go much deeper that what Coca Cola trades at come St. Patricks Day. Take the "established" rhetoric that the Obama administration has created or "saved" some 3 million jobs. Are you trying to kid me? No, you are lying to me. Brent Bozell, founder of The Media Research Center, has had enough:
I have had enough as well. I try to call many of the culprits out here on the blog, but time constraints prohibit me from even scratching the surface. During political season, and we are squarely in the thick of that as we approach the most important election of my lifetime on November 2, a real "Time of Choosing", I want to express to my readers how important it is to know your sources.
From Common Cents Blog comes a blog piece I have been aiming to present on my own for some time, highlighting perhaps your best economic and political source for credible information. It can be found on the pages of Investors Business Daily.
Common Cents Blog says: "The absolute best editorial page you will read is Investor's Business Daily. IBD prints easy-to-read, concise and hard hitting editorials that tout the benefits of free enterprise." A subscriber since 1994, I am in complete agreement with this assertion. Common Cents Blog lists the editorial pieces from Tuesday, October 26, 2010. I added a few they left off, and added commentary on each piece.
ObamaCare: Finding things we don't like in the Democrats' overhaul legislation is becoming an almost daily event. Add to the list the possibility that a provision in the bill could be almost six times more costly than the initial estimate. We need to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill. This is completely lacking in common sense, is insulting and a unfathomable display of arrogance. Did I mention we are broke?
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction): Iraq War documents released by WikiLeaks show that U.S. forces frequently encountered weapons of mass destruction facilities and specialists. A former president is owed an apology. I find WikiLeaks and its founder disgusting. However, I have and had no doubt Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that Iran is and continues to be the head of the snake. Thank You President Bush!
Fiscal Responsibility: Facing historic electoral losses, big-spending Democrats have stooped to lying about Rep. Paul Ryan's innovative plan to save Social Security — aided and abetted by the establishment media. While Obama thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, economically, Ryan is. Come November 2, Uncle Same can finally utilize his talents to help us to perhaps regain prosperity again.
Election 2010: Nine days before Americans go to the polls, CBS' "60 Minutes" tells the true story of just how many of them are in the unemployment line. Brother, can you spare a vote? The housing crisis is one created in large measure by government interference and is far from being over. It has so decimated the economy that a extremely serious unemployment situation must now be dealt with prior to any meaningful repair in the housing market.
Islamofascism: O'Reilly, Whoopi and Joy are all wrong. The 9/11 terrorists weren't "Muslim extremists" or just plain "Muslims." A liberal newspaper reporter says they were model Muslims. More precisely, they were "perfect soldiers" for Allah, says Los Angeles Times national correspondent Terry McDermott. I have no idea why anyone would give a rats ass what Whoopi and lack of Joy Behar care about anything. However, watching "The View", which I do not, although I am a Disney (DIS:NYSE) shareholder, gives you a window on what a cancer the progressive mindset is to the founding principles of our nation.
War: With WikiLeaks exposing new U.S. secrets, the worst revelation is that the U.S. is vulnerable. As President Obama obsesses about exiting Iraq and Afghanistan, the leaks show that Iran is taking advantage. The globalist in chief is dangerously naive in global affairs. This is very troubling, and the un-American mindset of Obama is rapidly weakening America. Reagan thought peace through strength was the best course, and I quite agree.
Election '10: Megalomania and chutzpah has been redefined with the Senate majority leader's assertion that without him we'd be in worldwide depression. Unfortunately, he couldn't save his home state of Nevada. Reid thinks that without him, we would be in a worldwide depression. This may well be the most arrogant statement ever. He could not run a lemonade stand, but he thinks he is the Vince Lombardi of creating economic expansion.
On The Left: The Tea Party has no leader. It has no address, no phone and no Washington headquarters. It is everywhere and nowhere. For Barack Obama, the Tea Party is the quintessential asymmetrical enemy, much like the Taliban in Afghanistan. The president stands a chance of losing on both fronts. Leftist moonbat and Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen can't determine who the enemies of Obama are. Cohen and The Post have searched the Tea Party high and low to figure out how one could oppose the brilliance of the anointed one. No need to phone Columbo, Obama's enemies are free market capitalists, and given his statements to a Latino audience yesterday, those who oppose his policies, which is well over half the country.
On The Right: Classic songs from years past are sometimes referred to as "golden oldies." There are political fallacies that have been around for a long time as well. These might be called brass oldies. It certainly takes a lot of brass to keep repeating fallacies that were refuted long ago. Dr. Sowell, a fellow at The Hoover Institute at Stanford, is brilliant and someone who you should become acquainted with. Sowell is dead on in this piece, as we are retracing the steps that put us in The Great Depression. For a more detailed overview, read Amity Shlaes book "The Forgotten Man"
To "Read What Is Really Going On", choose IBD as a trusted source in this arena where many media outlets are sorely lacking in credibility. Then, you will be blinded by the light no more.
Unfortunately, the rapidly increasing lies go much deeper that what Coca Cola trades at come St. Patricks Day. Take the "established" rhetoric that the Obama administration has created or "saved" some 3 million jobs. Are you trying to kid me? No, you are lying to me. Brent Bozell, founder of The Media Research Center, has had enough:
I have had enough as well. I try to call many of the culprits out here on the blog, but time constraints prohibit me from even scratching the surface. During political season, and we are squarely in the thick of that as we approach the most important election of my lifetime on November 2, a real "Time of Choosing", I want to express to my readers how important it is to know your sources.
From Common Cents Blog comes a blog piece I have been aiming to present on my own for some time, highlighting perhaps your best economic and political source for credible information. It can be found on the pages of Investors Business Daily.
Common Cents Blog says: "The absolute best editorial page you will read is Investor's Business Daily. IBD prints easy-to-read, concise and hard hitting editorials that tout the benefits of free enterprise." A subscriber since 1994, I am in complete agreement with this assertion. Common Cents Blog lists the editorial pieces from Tuesday, October 26, 2010. I added a few they left off, and added commentary on each piece.
ObamaCare: Finding things we don't like in the Democrats' overhaul legislation is becoming an almost daily event. Add to the list the possibility that a provision in the bill could be almost six times more costly than the initial estimate. We need to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill. This is completely lacking in common sense, is insulting and a unfathomable display of arrogance. Did I mention we are broke?
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction): Iraq War documents released by WikiLeaks show that U.S. forces frequently encountered weapons of mass destruction facilities and specialists. A former president is owed an apology. I find WikiLeaks and its founder disgusting. However, I have and had no doubt Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that Iran is and continues to be the head of the snake. Thank You President Bush!
Fiscal Responsibility: Facing historic electoral losses, big-spending Democrats have stooped to lying about Rep. Paul Ryan's innovative plan to save Social Security — aided and abetted by the establishment media. While Obama thinks he is the smartest guy in the room, economically, Ryan is. Come November 2, Uncle Same can finally utilize his talents to help us to perhaps regain prosperity again.
Election 2010: Nine days before Americans go to the polls, CBS' "60 Minutes" tells the true story of just how many of them are in the unemployment line. Brother, can you spare a vote? The housing crisis is one created in large measure by government interference and is far from being over. It has so decimated the economy that a extremely serious unemployment situation must now be dealt with prior to any meaningful repair in the housing market.
Islamofascism: O'Reilly, Whoopi and Joy are all wrong. The 9/11 terrorists weren't "Muslim extremists" or just plain "Muslims." A liberal newspaper reporter says they were model Muslims. More precisely, they were "perfect soldiers" for Allah, says Los Angeles Times national correspondent Terry McDermott. I have no idea why anyone would give a rats ass what Whoopi and lack of Joy Behar care about anything. However, watching "The View", which I do not, although I am a Disney (DIS:NYSE) shareholder, gives you a window on what a cancer the progressive mindset is to the founding principles of our nation.
War: With WikiLeaks exposing new U.S. secrets, the worst revelation is that the U.S. is vulnerable. As President Obama obsesses about exiting Iraq and Afghanistan, the leaks show that Iran is taking advantage. The globalist in chief is dangerously naive in global affairs. This is very troubling, and the un-American mindset of Obama is rapidly weakening America. Reagan thought peace through strength was the best course, and I quite agree.
Election '10: Megalomania and chutzpah has been redefined with the Senate majority leader's assertion that without him we'd be in worldwide depression. Unfortunately, he couldn't save his home state of Nevada. Reid thinks that without him, we would be in a worldwide depression. This may well be the most arrogant statement ever. He could not run a lemonade stand, but he thinks he is the Vince Lombardi of creating economic expansion.
On The Left: The Tea Party has no leader. It has no address, no phone and no Washington headquarters. It is everywhere and nowhere. For Barack Obama, the Tea Party is the quintessential asymmetrical enemy, much like the Taliban in Afghanistan. The president stands a chance of losing on both fronts. Leftist moonbat and Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen can't determine who the enemies of Obama are. Cohen and The Post have searched the Tea Party high and low to figure out how one could oppose the brilliance of the anointed one. No need to phone Columbo, Obama's enemies are free market capitalists, and given his statements to a Latino audience yesterday, those who oppose his policies, which is well over half the country.
On The Right: Classic songs from years past are sometimes referred to as "golden oldies." There are political fallacies that have been around for a long time as well. These might be called brass oldies. It certainly takes a lot of brass to keep repeating fallacies that were refuted long ago. Dr. Sowell, a fellow at The Hoover Institute at Stanford, is brilliant and someone who you should become acquainted with. Sowell is dead on in this piece, as we are retracing the steps that put us in The Great Depression. For a more detailed overview, read Amity Shlaes book "The Forgotten Man"
To "Read What Is Really Going On", choose IBD as a trusted source in this arena where many media outlets are sorely lacking in credibility. Then, you will be blinded by the light no more.
Monday, October 25, 2010
99ers Boxed In
Nationally, not withstanding the ineffective and harmful moves by the Obama administration, high unemployment levels remain an anchor on the recovery effort of the economy.
Congress has expanded the time frame for unemployment benefits to 99 weeks, but since each of the moves made by the administration, from raising taxes to expanding regulatory burdens, have placed barriers on small business creation and expansion, the economy remains in borderline contraction.
Few places have been hit harder than California. Last night, 60 Minutes ran a simply devastating story on the unemployment situation, centering around California towns in Silicon Valley. This is a must see piece:
The benefits are about to run out for many of these folks. Unfortunately, since rather than creating an environment for business to prosper, the government has expanded regulatory constraints, raised taxes and created uncertainty going forward on what steps they will take to further control the lives of the people.
It seems those in charge are following the Cloward & Piven playbook, crashing the system and forcing the people to turn to government for the answers. In California, those in charge would include arrogant left wing Senator Barbara Boxer.
It appears much of the nation is ready to throw out of office many of these types, but polls indicate that California may re-elect nanny state supporters. It has not worked well for the Golden State, which is borderline bankrupt. In the case of Barbara Boxer, opposing her is a candidate with prime business experience in Carly Fiorina.
Time is up California. No extension of the unemployment benefits past 99 weeks. Put arrogant Senator Boxer to rest, elect Fiorina, and Meg Whitman for that matter, and get some jobs created!
Congress has expanded the time frame for unemployment benefits to 99 weeks, but since each of the moves made by the administration, from raising taxes to expanding regulatory burdens, have placed barriers on small business creation and expansion, the economy remains in borderline contraction.
Few places have been hit harder than California. Last night, 60 Minutes ran a simply devastating story on the unemployment situation, centering around California towns in Silicon Valley. This is a must see piece:
The benefits are about to run out for many of these folks. Unfortunately, since rather than creating an environment for business to prosper, the government has expanded regulatory constraints, raised taxes and created uncertainty going forward on what steps they will take to further control the lives of the people.
It seems those in charge are following the Cloward & Piven playbook, crashing the system and forcing the people to turn to government for the answers. In California, those in charge would include arrogant left wing Senator Barbara Boxer.
It appears much of the nation is ready to throw out of office many of these types, but polls indicate that California may re-elect nanny state supporters. It has not worked well for the Golden State, which is borderline bankrupt. In the case of Barbara Boxer, opposing her is a candidate with prime business experience in Carly Fiorina.
Time is up California. No extension of the unemployment benefits past 99 weeks. Put arrogant Senator Boxer to rest, elect Fiorina, and Meg Whitman for that matter, and get some jobs created!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday Night Song
It is week two of my new feature, Sunday Night Song, where I highlight a favorite tune of mine.
With the Eagles hitting Orlando Tuesday night, it seemed rather obvious to choose one of the many great tunes this fantastic group of musicians have put out. Glenn Frey and Don Henley are the two leaders of the group, which also includes Uncle Joe Walsh and Timothy B. Schmit. The Eagles have been going since the early seventies, so there is an extensive list of tunes to choose from. While I like them all, I do seem to favor the influence of Glenn Frey. With that in mind, here is "New Kid In Town" from Glenn Frey and the Eagles. Hopeless romantics, here we go again!
With the Eagles hitting Orlando Tuesday night, it seemed rather obvious to choose one of the many great tunes this fantastic group of musicians have put out. Glenn Frey and Don Henley are the two leaders of the group, which also includes Uncle Joe Walsh and Timothy B. Schmit. The Eagles have been going since the early seventies, so there is an extensive list of tunes to choose from. While I like them all, I do seem to favor the influence of Glenn Frey. With that in mind, here is "New Kid In Town" from Glenn Frey and the Eagles. Hopeless romantics, here we go again!
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Oregon, 8-0, 1
2. Boise State, 7-0, 2
3. Auburn, 8-0, 4
4. Texas Christian, 8-0, 5
5. Utah, 7-0, 6
6. Alabama, 7-1, 7
7. Missouri, 7-0, 16
8. Michigan State, 8-0, 9
9. Wisconsin, 7-1, 10
10. Ohio State, 7-1, 11
11. Nebraska, 6-1, 12
12. Oklahoma, 6-1, 3
13. LSU, 7-1, 8
14. Florida State, 6-1, 13
15. Stanford, 6-1, 14
16. Arizona, 6-1, 17
17. Oklahoma State, 6-1, 19
18. Arkansas 5-2, 17
19. South Carolina, 5-2, 20
20. Iowa, 5-2, 15
21. Miami, 5-2, 21
22. Virginia Tech, 5-2, NR
23. Baylor, 6-2, NR
24. Michigan, 5-2, NR
25. USC, 5-2, NR
OUT: West Virginia (23), North Carolina (25), Kansas State (24) & Texas (18).
VOTES: Mississippi State, Northwestern, Florida, Nevada, East Carolina, North Carolina State, Kansas State.
On Thursday, Oregon trashed UCLA, and when the Quack Attack is clicking, they are most difficult to slow...For the third straight week, the AP #1 has fallen, the first time since 1960 this has occurred. Oklahoma has owned Missouri, and it seemed Mizzou would be down this year from significant personnel losses, but the Tigers beat OU solidly. At times, OU looked tired and seemed to lack the physicality to match Mizzou. But, OU seems to play good at home, but poor on the road. Ditto Cal. Nebraska seems better on the road, scoring big wins while absorbing losses in Lincoln. Very odd. Taylor Martinez bounced back and put up some eye pooping numbers as the Big Red took out undefeated Okie State down in Stillwater....Congratulations to Baylor, who behind the exceptional Robert Griffin III as signal caller, is bowl eligible. The Bears would have been a year ago, had Griffin not got hurt.....Miami put a very solid game together and squeezed North Carolina, but one is very apparent. The heavy home field advantage the 'Canes enjoyed in the Orange Bowl is gone....Syracuse got a huge win, taking out West Virginia in Morgantown and handing a Bill Stewart an inexplicable loss....Wisconsin got it done on the road, winning at Iowa but Sparty continues to win, escaping Northwestern in Evansville....After losing 43 in a row, Navy has not toppled Notre Dame 3 times in a row....Following last years upset of Nebraska at Lincoln, Iowa State got another big one in beating Texas in Austin. I would secure Coach Rhoads if I were them. The Clones ran it right at the Horns, and you have to ask yourself what Texas has going, getting whipped at home by UCLA, winning at Lincoln, and then losing to Iowa State?....Auburn beat LSU at home, and now they are squarely on a collision course with Alabama in the SEC West....Virginia Tech seems to be getting back on track, as they smothered Duke....Ga Tech got punted at Clemson, and both already have 3 losses....Maryland got a surprising win at Boston College, who is really struggling....Could Miami and FSU meet again in the ACC title game, which will be held in Charlotte?...If USC has anything, now would be a good time as Oregon comes calling... See ya next week. PHOTO/IMAGE SPORT
Top 25
1. Oregon, 8-0, 1
2. Boise State, 7-0, 2
3. Auburn, 8-0, 4
4. Texas Christian, 8-0, 5
5. Utah, 7-0, 6
6. Alabama, 7-1, 7
7. Missouri, 7-0, 16
8. Michigan State, 8-0, 9
9. Wisconsin, 7-1, 10
10. Ohio State, 7-1, 11
11. Nebraska, 6-1, 12
12. Oklahoma, 6-1, 3
13. LSU, 7-1, 8
14. Florida State, 6-1, 13
15. Stanford, 6-1, 14
16. Arizona, 6-1, 17
17. Oklahoma State, 6-1, 19
18. Arkansas 5-2, 17
19. South Carolina, 5-2, 20
20. Iowa, 5-2, 15
21. Miami, 5-2, 21
22. Virginia Tech, 5-2, NR
23. Baylor, 6-2, NR
24. Michigan, 5-2, NR
25. USC, 5-2, NR
OUT: West Virginia (23), North Carolina (25), Kansas State (24) & Texas (18).
VOTES: Mississippi State, Northwestern, Florida, Nevada, East Carolina, North Carolina State, Kansas State.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Crazy 8 Voting Guide
The November mid term election is fast approaching, and polling evidence suggests a significant victory by the Republicans, as well it should given the calamity caused by the Democratic Congress and the Socialist in Chief.
I have already proclaimed I will not be supporting any Democratic candidates. However, given my vast readership all across the fruited plain, I felt compelled to issue a voters guide, highlighting in no particular order eight individuals that in no way deserve your vote. No need to consult your Magic 8 ball, just read on.
California's Barbara Boxer.
Among the most arrogant moon bat leftists around, Boxer harbors a complete disdain for the US military, as do most on the left. An exchange Boxer had with Brigadier General Micheal Walsh earlier this year should give clear indication that even if you subscribe to her positions, you cannot allow this level of arrogance to have governing power: Please review:
Connecticut's Richard Bluementhal.
Not only did this guy lie repeatedly about his military service before being caught, as AG of Connecticut he launched a government assault on AIG workers, without being able to cite under which law he had the power to act. Again, the lack principles that would allow an acting attorney general to act without understanding his governing authority displays an incompetent official drunk on his power. An interview with Glenn Beck is simply astonishing:
New York's Andrew Cuomo.
I could go on for days about this individual. As NY AG Cuomo felt compelled to act in response to the national housing crisis by spearheading the HVCC Home Code of Conduct, which has destroyed the residential real estate appraisal business. Even CNBC's Jim Cramer sounded the alarm about Cuomo's activities in 2007. That Cuomo got the political establishment behind him on this is mind boggling, since, as outlined by Doug Ross in an outstanding compilation of Cuomo's history titled "The Architect of Ruin", Cuomo was a central player in causing the housing crisis. After reading the piece, no sane individual could cast a ballot for him, no matter how crazy Carl Paladino may or may not be. Curtis Sliwa, in very entertaining fashion, throws Cuomo under the bus. Here is Cuomo and HUD Secretary is his own words detailing his involvement in the sub prime crisis.
Nevada Senator Harry Reid.
Nevada is in dire straits as the housing crisis has decimated the state. Meanwhile, as Senate Majority Leader, Reid has been a vocal supporter and leader of the implementation of the socialistic transformation of America under President Obama. During the Bush Administration, this disgraceful idiot found time to degrade our troops, incorrectly call the surge a failure and throw in the towel in the war in Iraq. In his own words:
New York's Charlie Rangel.
For a guy who helped write the tax code, it seems implausible he forgot to pay taxes on several real estate properties he forgot he owned. I own residential real estate properties and would be in the gray bar hotel if I played that game. In yet another sickening display of arrogance, Rangel thinks the rules do not apply to him and is quite content gaming the system in his favor. As if that is not bad enough, his attitude when confronted on these subjects is not becoming a representative of this country. In his own words:
Massachusetts Democratic Congressman Barney Frank.
Perhaps the individual most responsible for the housing crisis is Barney Frank. As Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Frank oversaw the government sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Continuously over the last decade, Frank publicly championed the accomplishments for Fannie & Freddie repeatedly, all the while they were imploding. Since i think we can conclude Frank is not incompetent, one has to wonder if he and his counterpart, Senator Chris Dodd (D:CT), should be in federal lockup. The scandal ridden Frank must be sent packing. Frank's opponent, Sean Bielat, put out this outstanding ad highlighting the timeline:
Florida's Charlie Crist.
I voted for Charlie Crist, a Republican, for Governor of Florida. Since his election, a troubling trend of trolling for advancement became apparent as he positioned himself aboard the John McCain bandwagon hoping for the VP slot. Crist, behind his enthusiastic support of McCain, helped the Maverick gain a surprising win in Florida, an unfortunate development in the Florida primary. After the victory of Obama, Crist then openly began supporting Obama policies, most notably the stimulus package, and announced his run for the US Senate. Crist, getting crushed by Marco Rubio in the primary, after pledging not to do so, became an independent and has now targeted the Tea Party members as extremist he will stand against. Well, I stand firmly against him. Fortunately, it appears so does the majority of Florida. Upon losing, I expect Crist to take a spot in the Obama administration, where he belongs, at least until the wind turns east.
Florida Congressman Alan Grayson.
I cannot think of a public servant who employs such a disrespectful opinion of, not only his fellow members of Congress, but of his constituency as Grayson. Not only in the course of a campaign, but in everyday action, his rhetoric and decorum is simply disgraceful. Grayson buys into the socialistic policies of Obama and Pelosi, but beyond that, has done nothing but insult those of us here in Central Florida. The first vote I cast on November 2 will be for his opponent, Daniel Webster. Recent news stories indicated the Democratic party has pulled funding from him, declaring his race over. As the Captain said, Can I get an AMEN! Looks like the tenure of Grayson as our Congressman will thankfully die quickly.
I have already proclaimed I will not be supporting any Democratic candidates. However, given my vast readership all across the fruited plain, I felt compelled to issue a voters guide, highlighting in no particular order eight individuals that in no way deserve your vote. No need to consult your Magic 8 ball, just read on.
California's Barbara Boxer.
Among the most arrogant moon bat leftists around, Boxer harbors a complete disdain for the US military, as do most on the left. An exchange Boxer had with Brigadier General Micheal Walsh earlier this year should give clear indication that even if you subscribe to her positions, you cannot allow this level of arrogance to have governing power: Please review:
Connecticut's Richard Bluementhal.
Not only did this guy lie repeatedly about his military service before being caught, as AG of Connecticut he launched a government assault on AIG workers, without being able to cite under which law he had the power to act. Again, the lack principles that would allow an acting attorney general to act without understanding his governing authority displays an incompetent official drunk on his power. An interview with Glenn Beck is simply astonishing:
New York's Andrew Cuomo.
I could go on for days about this individual. As NY AG Cuomo felt compelled to act in response to the national housing crisis by spearheading the HVCC Home Code of Conduct, which has destroyed the residential real estate appraisal business. Even CNBC's Jim Cramer sounded the alarm about Cuomo's activities in 2007. That Cuomo got the political establishment behind him on this is mind boggling, since, as outlined by Doug Ross in an outstanding compilation of Cuomo's history titled "The Architect of Ruin", Cuomo was a central player in causing the housing crisis. After reading the piece, no sane individual could cast a ballot for him, no matter how crazy Carl Paladino may or may not be. Curtis Sliwa, in very entertaining fashion, throws Cuomo under the bus. Here is Cuomo and HUD Secretary is his own words detailing his involvement in the sub prime crisis.
Nevada Senator Harry Reid.
Nevada is in dire straits as the housing crisis has decimated the state. Meanwhile, as Senate Majority Leader, Reid has been a vocal supporter and leader of the implementation of the socialistic transformation of America under President Obama. During the Bush Administration, this disgraceful idiot found time to degrade our troops, incorrectly call the surge a failure and throw in the towel in the war in Iraq. In his own words:
New York's Charlie Rangel.
For a guy who helped write the tax code, it seems implausible he forgot to pay taxes on several real estate properties he forgot he owned. I own residential real estate properties and would be in the gray bar hotel if I played that game. In yet another sickening display of arrogance, Rangel thinks the rules do not apply to him and is quite content gaming the system in his favor. As if that is not bad enough, his attitude when confronted on these subjects is not becoming a representative of this country. In his own words:
Massachusetts Democratic Congressman Barney Frank.
Perhaps the individual most responsible for the housing crisis is Barney Frank. As Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Frank oversaw the government sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Continuously over the last decade, Frank publicly championed the accomplishments for Fannie & Freddie repeatedly, all the while they were imploding. Since i think we can conclude Frank is not incompetent, one has to wonder if he and his counterpart, Senator Chris Dodd (D:CT), should be in federal lockup. The scandal ridden Frank must be sent packing. Frank's opponent, Sean Bielat, put out this outstanding ad highlighting the timeline:

I voted for Charlie Crist, a Republican, for Governor of Florida. Since his election, a troubling trend of trolling for advancement became apparent as he positioned himself aboard the John McCain bandwagon hoping for the VP slot. Crist, behind his enthusiastic support of McCain, helped the Maverick gain a surprising win in Florida, an unfortunate development in the Florida primary. After the victory of Obama, Crist then openly began supporting Obama policies, most notably the stimulus package, and announced his run for the US Senate. Crist, getting crushed by Marco Rubio in the primary, after pledging not to do so, became an independent and has now targeted the Tea Party members as extremist he will stand against. Well, I stand firmly against him. Fortunately, it appears so does the majority of Florida. Upon losing, I expect Crist to take a spot in the Obama administration, where he belongs, at least until the wind turns east.

I cannot think of a public servant who employs such a disrespectful opinion of, not only his fellow members of Congress, but of his constituency as Grayson. Not only in the course of a campaign, but in everyday action, his rhetoric and decorum is simply disgraceful. Grayson buys into the socialistic policies of Obama and Pelosi, but beyond that, has done nothing but insult those of us here in Central Florida. The first vote I cast on November 2 will be for his opponent, Daniel Webster. Recent news stories indicated the Democratic party has pulled funding from him, declaring his race over. As the Captain said, Can I get an AMEN! Looks like the tenure of Grayson as our Congressman will thankfully die quickly.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Stealing Your Money
As you look around your community and size up the economic status, you wondered what happened. Strip centers, a typical spot for small businesses to open up shop, have high vacancy levels as do all factions of residential real estate. The Sunday classifieds have the make up of a paper airplane. Nationally, unemployment is at decade high levels, the administration is openly bashing business and hope for a escape from the new normal seems lost.
The fallout of a housing bubble has left Americans paying a terrible price, a price higher than necessary due to artificial influences from government. Increasing and uncertain future regulatory action, a rise in taxation and increasing costs of credit have extended the pain. The Housing crisis is not over, and governmental intervention then and now continues to prohibit the market from regaining normalization, negatively influencing prices and prolonging the duration and depth of the crisis.
The American people rose up against bailout nation, but Washington failed to listen. The disconnect from our government to the people is from the top down. The Obama administration subscribes to a nanny state progressive system seizing power from the people and frowns upon free market capitalism, home of the entrepreneur.
As polls indicate a thrashing of Democrats in November, for those who still drink the Kool-Aid or are disengaged, a vehicle to educate the masses has emerged in a new movie, "I Want Your Money". Please see the following trailer:
The movie compares the economic thought processes of President Obama and former President Ronald Reagan on how to fuel America's economic engine. When these ideologies are compared, it is quite simple to recognize the best path to prosperity, and that is free market capitalism.
Ronald Reagan was right! If you have any doubt, catch the movie, or look around.
The fallout of a housing bubble has left Americans paying a terrible price, a price higher than necessary due to artificial influences from government. Increasing and uncertain future regulatory action, a rise in taxation and increasing costs of credit have extended the pain. The Housing crisis is not over, and governmental intervention then and now continues to prohibit the market from regaining normalization, negatively influencing prices and prolonging the duration and depth of the crisis.
The American people rose up against bailout nation, but Washington failed to listen. The disconnect from our government to the people is from the top down. The Obama administration subscribes to a nanny state progressive system seizing power from the people and frowns upon free market capitalism, home of the entrepreneur.
As polls indicate a thrashing of Democrats in November, for those who still drink the Kool-Aid or are disengaged, a vehicle to educate the masses has emerged in a new movie, "I Want Your Money". Please see the following trailer:
The movie compares the economic thought processes of President Obama and former President Ronald Reagan on how to fuel America's economic engine. When these ideologies are compared, it is quite simple to recognize the best path to prosperity, and that is free market capitalism.
Ronald Reagan was right! If you have any doubt, catch the movie, or look around.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday Night Song
Like many and most of you, although I am a talk radio junkie, I have a great appreciation for outstanding music. With that being said, Sunday Night Song is a new feature being introduced here tonight on BAHL's Blog.
Each Sunday night, I will present a video replay of one of my favorite songs. Although I doubt it, I hope you enjoy each and every one of my weekly selections.
Tonight, I begin the feature with a great tune from a very talented singer/songwriter I appreciated even as a youngster: Glenn Campbell and Rhinestone Cowboy:
Each Sunday night, I will present a video replay of one of my favorite songs. Although I doubt it, I hope you enjoy each and every one of my weekly selections.
Tonight, I begin the feature with a great tune from a very talented singer/songwriter I appreciated even as a youngster: Glenn Campbell and Rhinestone Cowboy:
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Oregon, 7-0, 3
2. Boise State, 7-0, 4
3. Oklahoma, 6-0, 5
4. Auburn, 7-0, 7
5. Texas Christian, 7-0, 6
6. Utah, 6-0, 9
7. Alabama, 6-1, 8
8. LSU, 7-0, 11
9. Michigan State, 7-0, 15
10. Wisconsin, 6-1, 17
11. Ohio State, 6-1, 2
12. Nebraska, 5-1, 1
13. Florida State, 6-1, 13
14. Stanford, 5-1, 14
15. Iowa, 5-1, 16
16. Missouri, 6-0, 20
17. Arizona, 5-1, 19
18. Texas, 4-2, 21
19. Oklahoma State, 6-0, 23
20. South Carolina, 4-2, 10
21. Arkansas, 4-2, 12
22. Miami, 4-2, 24
23. West Virginia, 5-1, NR
24. Kansas State, 5-1, NR
25. North Carolina, 4-2, NR
OUT: Nevada (18), Florida (22), Oregon State (25)
VOTES: Virginia Tech, Mississippi State, Florida, USC, Washington, Florida, Michigan, Georgia Tech, Georgia and Kentucky.
Saturday was Red Out Around the World day as Nebraska pointed to redemption from the 2009 Big XII Title game as Texas came to town. With the help of a Nebraska receiving core that could not catch a cold and strong interior line play, Texas turned red into burnt orange.....Arkansas is a fine team but you cannot call yourself elite and give up 65 points, in non overtime game, or is Auburn much better than first thought?......Kansas State destroyed Kansas in Lawrence, and the Turner Gill era is parked on pit road with alternator issues......Are the Gators not only losing but imploding? Florida continues to lack offensive firepower and desperately needs a kicking specialist. Motsinger?......After losing several in the closing minutes, Kentucky finally pulled one out, beating SC and Spurrier for the first time as a player or coach......Tim Brewster has been fired at Minnesota which will start the ball rolling on coaches getting canned.....Don't look now but Michigan State could well run the table, and so could Auburn with only Alabama in the way. If Auburn, Michigan State, Oklahoma and Boise State all finished unbeaten, it would seem to me the title game should then be Auburn vs. Oklahoma, a replay of the 1971 Sugar Bowl OU won 40-22.....I never did buy into Ohio State and was not surprised they were taken out in Madison....USC bombed Cal, and both of these teams are hot and cold..... Washington is emerging and will continue to get better in years to come.....You have to tip your hat to East Carolina, a team I labeled descending due to massive personnel losses, but they are playing their A game with a young team, and took out a decent NC State team in Greenville on Saturday....Florida State won ugly against a sound defensive team in Boston College, which has given FSU fits over the years, but this win would have been a loss in recent years past.....North Carolina has a 4 game winning streak going but has the 'Canes on Saturday night, which knocks someone out of the conference running.....Locally, UCF is playing well and is a bowl lock....At the end of the year, there will be a handful of ranked teams with 5 losses, and the Gators look to be one of them.
Top 25
1. Oregon, 7-0, 3
2. Boise State, 7-0, 4
3. Oklahoma, 6-0, 5
4. Auburn, 7-0, 7
5. Texas Christian, 7-0, 6
6. Utah, 6-0, 9
7. Alabama, 6-1, 8
8. LSU, 7-0, 11
9. Michigan State, 7-0, 15
10. Wisconsin, 6-1, 17
11. Ohio State, 6-1, 2
12. Nebraska, 5-1, 1
13. Florida State, 6-1, 13
14. Stanford, 5-1, 14
15. Iowa, 5-1, 16
16. Missouri, 6-0, 20
17. Arizona, 5-1, 19
18. Texas, 4-2, 21
19. Oklahoma State, 6-0, 23
20. South Carolina, 4-2, 10
21. Arkansas, 4-2, 12
22. Miami, 4-2, 24
23. West Virginia, 5-1, NR
24. Kansas State, 5-1, NR
25. North Carolina, 4-2, NR
OUT: Nevada (18), Florida (22), Oregon State (25)
VOTES: Virginia Tech, Mississippi State, Florida, USC, Washington, Florida, Michigan, Georgia Tech, Georgia and Kentucky.
Saturday was Red Out Around the World day as Nebraska pointed to redemption from the 2009 Big XII Title game as Texas came to town. With the help of a Nebraska receiving core that could not catch a cold and strong interior line play, Texas turned red into burnt orange.....Arkansas is a fine team but you cannot call yourself elite and give up 65 points, in non overtime game, or is Auburn much better than first thought?......Kansas State destroyed Kansas in Lawrence, and the Turner Gill era is parked on pit road with alternator issues......Are the Gators not only losing but imploding? Florida continues to lack offensive firepower and desperately needs a kicking specialist. Motsinger?......After losing several in the closing minutes, Kentucky finally pulled one out, beating SC and Spurrier for the first time as a player or coach......Tim Brewster has been fired at Minnesota which will start the ball rolling on coaches getting canned.....Don't look now but Michigan State could well run the table, and so could Auburn with only Alabama in the way. If Auburn, Michigan State, Oklahoma and Boise State all finished unbeaten, it would seem to me the title game should then be Auburn vs. Oklahoma, a replay of the 1971 Sugar Bowl OU won 40-22.....I never did buy into Ohio State and was not surprised they were taken out in Madison....USC bombed Cal, and both of these teams are hot and cold..... Washington is emerging and will continue to get better in years to come.....You have to tip your hat to East Carolina, a team I labeled descending due to massive personnel losses, but they are playing their A game with a young team, and took out a decent NC State team in Greenville on Saturday....Florida State won ugly against a sound defensive team in Boston College, which has given FSU fits over the years, but this win would have been a loss in recent years past.....North Carolina has a 4 game winning streak going but has the 'Canes on Saturday night, which knocks someone out of the conference running.....Locally, UCF is playing well and is a bowl lock....At the end of the year, there will be a handful of ranked teams with 5 losses, and the Gators look to be one of them.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Red Out Around The World
A Red Letter Day: N
Dear Lord, the battles we go through life,
We ask for a chance that's fair
A chance to equal our stride,
A chance to do or dare
If we should win, let it be by the code,
Faith and Honor held high
If we should lose, we'll stand by the road,
And cheer as the winners go by
Day by Day, we get better and better!
Til' we can't be beat...WON'T BE BEAT!
Dear Lord, the battles we go through life,
We ask for a chance that's fair
A chance to equal our stride,
A chance to do or dare
If we should win, let it be by the code,
Faith and Honor held high
If we should lose, we'll stand by the road,
And cheer as the winners go by
Day by Day, we get better and better!
Til' we can't be beat...WON'T BE BEAT!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
A New American Revolution
Indeed, elections have consequences. We are two years into the Obama administration and in almost every measure, it has been a historic failure.
Obamabots will point to what they consider successes, such as the health care bill and the stimulus package. Considering, as indicated by a series of poll results, the majority of Americans are against both actions, it seems clear that these are not successes but failures.
Promised transparency instantly evaporated. An appraisal of the down low dirty dealing necessary to pass the health care bill indicates a disregard for principled leadership, and evidence suggests that Obama is governing on his own Progressive mindset and against the will of the American people.
With Obama's transformation of America in full gear, it did not come as a surprise that Americans who believe in the first principles and free market capitalism almost immediately rose up to stand firmly against this attack on our values and principles.
Among the movements born out this assault were the 9-12 groups and the Tea Party movement, which grew into an election altering mass. The growing number of Americans that align with these groups, and those appalled at Obama and his arrogant thugocracy are about to be heard. November 2 is fast approaching, and it is near time to swing a big stick at the ballot box.
Americans voted for change, but not to change America. A coming landslide will take many who helped this progressive transformation down, but the effort to cleanse our governing houses will unfortunately be far from over. Too many in Washington, on both sides, lack respect for small business working America and embrace the power and progressive policies that have been slow creeping for decades.
Ronald Reagan once said "We could say they spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors. Drunken Sailors are spending their OWN money". Obviously, this mindset went on steroids in the first half of the Obama administration, and in part due to this lack respect of the citizenry, A Battle for America is looming, one free market capitalists are prepared to win. Our founders would want it that way.
I live in the south, and I'll take some sugar with my TEA!
Obamabots will point to what they consider successes, such as the health care bill and the stimulus package. Considering, as indicated by a series of poll results, the majority of Americans are against both actions, it seems clear that these are not successes but failures.
Promised transparency instantly evaporated. An appraisal of the down low dirty dealing necessary to pass the health care bill indicates a disregard for principled leadership, and evidence suggests that Obama is governing on his own Progressive mindset and against the will of the American people.
With Obama's transformation of America in full gear, it did not come as a surprise that Americans who believe in the first principles and free market capitalism almost immediately rose up to stand firmly against this attack on our values and principles.
Among the movements born out this assault were the 9-12 groups and the Tea Party movement, which grew into an election altering mass. The growing number of Americans that align with these groups, and those appalled at Obama and his arrogant thugocracy are about to be heard. November 2 is fast approaching, and it is near time to swing a big stick at the ballot box.
Americans voted for change, but not to change America. A coming landslide will take many who helped this progressive transformation down, but the effort to cleanse our governing houses will unfortunately be far from over. Too many in Washington, on both sides, lack respect for small business working America and embrace the power and progressive policies that have been slow creeping for decades.
Ronald Reagan once said "We could say they spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors. Drunken Sailors are spending their OWN money". Obviously, this mindset went on steroids in the first half of the Obama administration, and in part due to this lack respect of the citizenry, A Battle for America is looming, one free market capitalists are prepared to win. Our founders would want it that way.
I live in the south, and I'll take some sugar with my TEA!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Shut Down Slow Creep of Socialism
In 1961, Ronald Reagan quoted Norman Thomas, a six time Congressional candidate on the Socialist ticket, who said “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened".
If you think it cannot happen today, check out this great video produced by Ben Howe:
It is happening, as President Obama and the Progressives in Congress have implemented efforts to control private business salaries, taken over 2 of the 3 major US car companies, several major banking institutions, enacted the nationalization of the student loan and home mortgage industries (personally punching my nose daily) and governed with complete disregard for contract law (GM bondholders).
And then there is the health care plan, which contains provisions for a 3.8% tax increase on capital gains, inclusive of passive income, which includes rental income. Reagan, in 1961 mind you, spoke at length about how government will use socialized medicine as a vehicle towards socialism and the transformation of wealth. Reagan, as usual, is right, particularly in this speech, which much of could have been made six months ago. Take a listen:
Five days prior to taking office, President Obama spoke of transforming the United States of America. He is doing just that, bringing socialism to our citizens in a slow creep, which must be stopped immediately. Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity, both economically and morally. In wondering had become of discussions of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what we got? Franklin promptly replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it".
I got a news flash for you. We are presently in a dogfight to keep it, and thwarting those who seek to transform our system at the ballot box in November is critically important.
If you think it cannot happen today, check out this great video produced by Ben Howe:
It is happening, as President Obama and the Progressives in Congress have implemented efforts to control private business salaries, taken over 2 of the 3 major US car companies, several major banking institutions, enacted the nationalization of the student loan and home mortgage industries (personally punching my nose daily) and governed with complete disregard for contract law (GM bondholders).
And then there is the health care plan, which contains provisions for a 3.8% tax increase on capital gains, inclusive of passive income, which includes rental income. Reagan, in 1961 mind you, spoke at length about how government will use socialized medicine as a vehicle towards socialism and the transformation of wealth. Reagan, as usual, is right, particularly in this speech, which much of could have been made six months ago. Take a listen:
Five days prior to taking office, President Obama spoke of transforming the United States of America. He is doing just that, bringing socialism to our citizens in a slow creep, which must be stopped immediately. Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity, both economically and morally. In wondering had become of discussions of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what we got? Franklin promptly replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it".
I got a news flash for you. We are presently in a dogfight to keep it, and thwarting those who seek to transform our system at the ballot box in November is critically important.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Nebraska, 5-0, 2
2. Ohio State, 6-0, 3
3. Oregon, 6-0, 4
4. Boise State, 6-0, 5
5. Oklahoma, 5-0, 6
6. Texas Christian, 6-0, 7
7. Auburn 6-0, 8
8. Alabama, 5-1, 1
9. Utah, 5-0, 9
10. South Carolina, 4-1, 15
11. LSU, 6-0, 14
12. Arkansas, 4-1, 12
13. Florida State, 5-1, 23
14. Stanford, 4-1, 16
15. Michigan State, 6-0, 18
16. Iowa, 4-1, 17
17. Wisconsin, 5-1, 18
18. Nevada, 6-0, 22
19. Arizona, 4-1, 11
20. Missouri, 5-0, NR
21. Texas, 3-2, 21
22. Florida, 4-2, 13
23. Oklahoma State, 5-0, 24
24. Miami, 3-2, 10
25. Oregon State, 3-2, NR
OUT: Northwestern (25) & Michigan (19)
VOTES: Michigan, West Virginia, Air Force, North Carolina State, Northwestern, North Carolina & Virginia Tech.
South Carolina got the biggest win in school history knocking of a top ranked team for the first time in school history in dumping Alabama 35-21. The Cocks controlled the game the whole way.....Auburn dodged an upstart Kentucky team and may run the table....Stanford got a signature win over USC last year but barely got a victory last night.....Michigan State looks like the top challenger to Ohio State in the Big Ten after defeating Michigan....Illinois spanked Penn State in Happy Valley and it looks like the Lions are heading for a losing season, which would likely be the end for Joe Paterno.....Utah blasted a decent Iowa State team, which surprised me.....Georgia got a big win over Tennessee between the hedges, which was my lock of the week.....Florida looks like it may suffer a few more marks in the loss column as they search for offensive identity....Clemson seems like a good team, but they are 2-3 and seem to lack firepower, and if only North Carolina had all those players.
Brent Musburger of ABC was discussing how far Alabama should fall, and he actually thought 3 would be fair. For the love of Bear, just go ahead and rank them #1 again. As good as Alabama may be, they did give up 35 points and lost by two touchdowns.
Nebraska, behind a salty defense, is the new top ranked team. While we knew about the Blackshirts, for Nebraska to challenge for the national title, the quarterback position need to be upgraded, and after what the nation saw Thursday night from Taylor Martinez as the 'Huskers blasted K-Sate, it has been. Martinez is lighting fast hitting the hole and, as a redshirt freshman, he could be quite special by the time he is finished in Lincoln. GBR!
Down in Miami, the Florida State Seminoles laid a smackdown on the Miami Hurricanes and served notice about the bright future in store in Tallahassee. Rarely have the Hurricanes been physically manhandled in this fashion prompting ESPN's Kirk Herbstriet to question the 'Canes heart. FSU had looked sluggish this season, but they may have been sand bagging. Last night, the Seminoles won each facet of the game in domineering fashion. How Bout Them 'Noles!
Top 25
1. Nebraska, 5-0, 2
2. Ohio State, 6-0, 3
3. Oregon, 6-0, 4
4. Boise State, 6-0, 5
5. Oklahoma, 5-0, 6
6. Texas Christian, 6-0, 7
7. Auburn 6-0, 8
8. Alabama, 5-1, 1
9. Utah, 5-0, 9
10. South Carolina, 4-1, 15
11. LSU, 6-0, 14
12. Arkansas, 4-1, 12
13. Florida State, 5-1, 23
14. Stanford, 4-1, 16
15. Michigan State, 6-0, 18
16. Iowa, 4-1, 17
17. Wisconsin, 5-1, 18
18. Nevada, 6-0, 22
19. Arizona, 4-1, 11
20. Missouri, 5-0, NR
21. Texas, 3-2, 21
22. Florida, 4-2, 13
23. Oklahoma State, 5-0, 24
24. Miami, 3-2, 10
25. Oregon State, 3-2, NR
OUT: Northwestern (25) & Michigan (19)
VOTES: Michigan, West Virginia, Air Force, North Carolina State, Northwestern, North Carolina & Virginia Tech.
South Carolina got the biggest win in school history knocking of a top ranked team for the first time in school history in dumping Alabama 35-21. The Cocks controlled the game the whole way.....Auburn dodged an upstart Kentucky team and may run the table....Stanford got a signature win over USC last year but barely got a victory last night.....Michigan State looks like the top challenger to Ohio State in the Big Ten after defeating Michigan....Illinois spanked Penn State in Happy Valley and it looks like the Lions are heading for a losing season, which would likely be the end for Joe Paterno.....Utah blasted a decent Iowa State team, which surprised me.....Georgia got a big win over Tennessee between the hedges, which was my lock of the week.....Florida looks like it may suffer a few more marks in the loss column as they search for offensive identity....Clemson seems like a good team, but they are 2-3 and seem to lack firepower, and if only North Carolina had all those players.
Brent Musburger of ABC was discussing how far Alabama should fall, and he actually thought 3 would be fair. For the love of Bear, just go ahead and rank them #1 again. As good as Alabama may be, they did give up 35 points and lost by two touchdowns.
Nebraska, behind a salty defense, is the new top ranked team. While we knew about the Blackshirts, for Nebraska to challenge for the national title, the quarterback position need to be upgraded, and after what the nation saw Thursday night from Taylor Martinez as the 'Huskers blasted K-Sate, it has been. Martinez is lighting fast hitting the hole and, as a redshirt freshman, he could be quite special by the time he is finished in Lincoln. GBR!

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Final Countdown for Keyholder Exchange
President Obama thinks Americans should be thanking him. For a short list of items we should thank Obama for, see the following from Citizens United.
We are not on the right track, and anyone who participates in the real economy recognizes this. A statistical measure of evidence will come out Friday morning at 8:30AM EST. This will be the jobs report, where we will learn the measure of non farm payrolls and the unemployment rate. I go with 20K private sector jobs created (200K needed to hold serve) and an unemployment rate of 9.9%. How will the market react?
This group of arrogant progressives who have never signed a paycheck are economic imbeciles and are wrecking this country. I hope it is not too late, but on November 2, you must take the first step in saving our country. Take the keys and lock the door. It is the final countdown!
We are not on the right track, and anyone who participates in the real economy recognizes this. A statistical measure of evidence will come out Friday morning at 8:30AM EST. This will be the jobs report, where we will learn the measure of non farm payrolls and the unemployment rate. I go with 20K private sector jobs created (200K needed to hold serve) and an unemployment rate of 9.9%. How will the market react?
This group of arrogant progressives who have never signed a paycheck are economic imbeciles and are wrecking this country. I hope it is not too late, but on November 2, you must take the first step in saving our country. Take the keys and lock the door. It is the final countdown!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Regrettable Retracement

Luskin has it right in his article. The subject is one Amity Shlaes covered thoroughly in her outstanding book "The Forgotten Man", a read I highly encourage.
The recent action taken to potentially curb trading practices based upon how countries dictate currency levels, which as Luskin correctly points out is directed at China and their manipulation of the yuan, resembles the protectionary efforts made by Smoot Hawley, which were devastating.
Also, raising taxes in this environment can only be thought prudent by a Cloward-Piven follower, or a strong Progressive seeking government intervention and a retarding of the capitalist system. While many think the government is best equipped to assist the people, we are reminded of the words the great Ronald Reagan, "Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives".
As discussed on The Kudlow Report, class warfare is being used as an economic vehicle to move the country closer to socialism. Regrettably, while the Obama administration is enacting similar policies to Roosevelt, we will likely see similar results as we are retracing the DOW before a monumental drop during The Great Depression.
This is an unnecessary risk that could have catastrophic implications. With respect to the stock market, Luskin is not a technical analyst. I am, and it looks to me that history is repeating itself all over the place. Look out!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Global Warmists Turn Up The Heat
You would think with the hockey stick phenomenon, the central basis for much of the global climate change argument, being exposed, the environmental alarmists may move on to something more worthwhile. It it were about the climate, they may have. But, as we have noted, it is not about climate but rather a tug at the heart strings vehicle to spearhead and implement the global transfer of wealth.
Like wounded animals, and with the mainstream media remaining steadfast in support, the global warming crowd has accelerated the elements of advancing the cause. No longer satisfied with efforts to nudge the public for support, the movement is now shoving, and hard.
If your like me, your wallet is fairly thin these days and the thought of increasing taxpayers expenditures advancing this hoax, or actually transferring our wealth, is appalling. Enter the National Science Foundation.
As reported by The Heritage Foundation, The National Science Foundation (NSF) is “an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 ‘to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense.’” It can now add “fund plays on climate change” to that list.
The Heritage Foundation cites an article in The New York Times which reports that the NSF will advance $700,000 to help find the production of “The Great Immensity,” which aims to "explore the emotional and psychological aspects of the current environmental crisis.”
Not a stranger to the Great White Way, I always enjoy an evening on Broadway. However, I do not appreciate my tax dollars footing the tab for a production to promote the crisis of global climate change.
Usually, Europeans trend ahead of Americans, as we have noted in the recent riots over entitlements in Greece. In England, the global warming alarmists are simply out of control, and one can only hope this nonsense is thwarted before hitting out shores. Get a load of this series of commercials:
That is a sick effort indeed to try to shove someone into reducing their carbon footprint. Presented by the folks at 10:10Global, the outrage over the short film advertisements has caused the group to issue an apology, and rightfully so. The Blaze has more.
I got a news flash for everyone. Global warming is a hoax and there is no current environmental crisis!
Therefore, in an effort to expand my carbon footprint, I plan to test run some 0-60s in the Pontiac Grand Prix V8GXP this weekend before shooting down to Miami in the Chevy Trailblazer for some football. Miami? Hey maybe I'll tow the boat down there, fire up the V8 MerCruiser on my 23 foot Regal and hear some voices.
Like wounded animals, and with the mainstream media remaining steadfast in support, the global warming crowd has accelerated the elements of advancing the cause. No longer satisfied with efforts to nudge the public for support, the movement is now shoving, and hard.
If your like me, your wallet is fairly thin these days and the thought of increasing taxpayers expenditures advancing this hoax, or actually transferring our wealth, is appalling. Enter the National Science Foundation.
As reported by The Heritage Foundation, The National Science Foundation (NSF) is “an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 ‘to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense.’” It can now add “fund plays on climate change” to that list.
The Heritage Foundation cites an article in The New York Times which reports that the NSF will advance $700,000 to help find the production of “The Great Immensity,” which aims to "explore the emotional and psychological aspects of the current environmental crisis.”
Not a stranger to the Great White Way, I always enjoy an evening on Broadway. However, I do not appreciate my tax dollars footing the tab for a production to promote the crisis of global climate change.
Usually, Europeans trend ahead of Americans, as we have noted in the recent riots over entitlements in Greece. In England, the global warming alarmists are simply out of control, and one can only hope this nonsense is thwarted before hitting out shores. Get a load of this series of commercials:
That is a sick effort indeed to try to shove someone into reducing their carbon footprint. Presented by the folks at 10:10Global, the outrage over the short film advertisements has caused the group to issue an apology, and rightfully so. The Blaze has more.
I got a news flash for everyone. Global warming is a hoax and there is no current environmental crisis!
Therefore, in an effort to expand my carbon footprint, I plan to test run some 0-60s in the Pontiac Grand Prix V8GXP this weekend before shooting down to Miami in the Chevy Trailblazer for some football. Miami? Hey maybe I'll tow the boat down there, fire up the V8 MerCruiser on my 23 foot Regal and hear some voices.
Top 25
College Football
Top 25
1. Alabama, 5-0, 1
2. Nebraska, 4-0, 2
3. Ohio State, 5-0, 3
4. Oregon, 5-0, 5
5. Boise State, 5-0, 4
6. Oklahoma, 5-0, 6
7. Texas Christian, 5-0, 7
8. Auburn, 5-0, 9
9. Utah, 5-0, 13
10. Miami, 3-1, 14
11. Arizona, 4-0, 17
12. Arkansas, 3-1, 15
13. Florida, 4-1, 8
14. LSU, 5-0, 11
15. South Carolina, 3-1, 16
16. Stanford, 4-1, 9
17. Iowa, 4-1, 19
18. Michigan State, 5-0, 23
19. Michigan, 5-0, 21
20. Wisconsin, 4-1, 12
21. Texas, 3-2, 19
22. Nevada, 5-0, 22
23. Florida State, 4-1, NR
24. Oklahoma State, 4-0, 25
25. Northwestern, 5-0, NR
OUT: USC (18) & North Carolina State (24)
VOTES: Penn State, West Virginia, Missouri, Air Force, Virginia Tech, North Carolina State, Clemson, USC, Kansas State.
Alabama served notice they are the king of the hill in dismantling the once feared Gators in game that appears to have exposed the Gators offensive woes....Washington and Jake Locker answered critics by dumping USC in SoCal on a last second FG.....What has become of Ga. Tech, who at the last moment beat Wake Forest....Robert Griffith II and Baylor laid a smackdown on Kansas in Waco.....Oklahoma State capitalized on turnovers late to upend A&M.....OU thumped Texas, and it was not close.....Northwestern escaped Minnesota, but Notre Dame worked over a surprisingly weak Boston College team.....Michigan is exciting to watch, but when the schedule improves, losses will come....Va Tech came to life versus N.C. State defense, outscoring the Pack....One has to wonder how good UNC would have been without the suspensions....Oregon came back from 21-3 to run away from Stanford, both of whom look good.
And then we get to Tennessee and LSU. Oh My!
Now, LSU has a knack for getting involved in these kind of games, but have I ever? No, I have never.
The call of illegal participation on the defense is correct, but I wonder about the helmet toss by #53 of LSU and whether that should have been called unsportsmanlike conduct after the play?
At any rate, Louisiana State if most fortunate to receive this gift from ole Rocky Top, or there would be some very serious explaining to do. Bottom line, LSU is not very good right now, nor are they well coached. Maybe the Gators next week can bring out the best in the Bayou Bengals. Tennessee is rebuilding, but why all the substitutions as whatever and goal from the one turns to whatever and goal from the one. It is goal line defense either way.
Very entertaining but a clinic on poor execution and how not to coach by both teams. Have a nice day!
Top 25
1. Alabama, 5-0, 1
2. Nebraska, 4-0, 2
3. Ohio State, 5-0, 3
4. Oregon, 5-0, 5
5. Boise State, 5-0, 4
6. Oklahoma, 5-0, 6
7. Texas Christian, 5-0, 7
8. Auburn, 5-0, 9
9. Utah, 5-0, 13
10. Miami, 3-1, 14
11. Arizona, 4-0, 17
12. Arkansas, 3-1, 15
13. Florida, 4-1, 8
14. LSU, 5-0, 11
15. South Carolina, 3-1, 16
16. Stanford, 4-1, 9
17. Iowa, 4-1, 19
18. Michigan State, 5-0, 23
19. Michigan, 5-0, 21
20. Wisconsin, 4-1, 12
21. Texas, 3-2, 19
22. Nevada, 5-0, 22
23. Florida State, 4-1, NR
24. Oklahoma State, 4-0, 25
25. Northwestern, 5-0, NR
OUT: USC (18) & North Carolina State (24)
VOTES: Penn State, West Virginia, Missouri, Air Force, Virginia Tech, North Carolina State, Clemson, USC, Kansas State.
Alabama served notice they are the king of the hill in dismantling the once feared Gators in game that appears to have exposed the Gators offensive woes....Washington and Jake Locker answered critics by dumping USC in SoCal on a last second FG.....What has become of Ga. Tech, who at the last moment beat Wake Forest....Robert Griffith II and Baylor laid a smackdown on Kansas in Waco.....Oklahoma State capitalized on turnovers late to upend A&M.....OU thumped Texas, and it was not close.....Northwestern escaped Minnesota, but Notre Dame worked over a surprisingly weak Boston College team.....Michigan is exciting to watch, but when the schedule improves, losses will come....Va Tech came to life versus N.C. State defense, outscoring the Pack....One has to wonder how good UNC would have been without the suspensions....Oregon came back from 21-3 to run away from Stanford, both of whom look good.
And then we get to Tennessee and LSU. Oh My!
Now, LSU has a knack for getting involved in these kind of games, but have I ever? No, I have never.
The call of illegal participation on the defense is correct, but I wonder about the helmet toss by #53 of LSU and whether that should have been called unsportsmanlike conduct after the play?
At any rate, Louisiana State if most fortunate to receive this gift from ole Rocky Top, or there would be some very serious explaining to do. Bottom line, LSU is not very good right now, nor are they well coached. Maybe the Gators next week can bring out the best in the Bayou Bengals. Tennessee is rebuilding, but why all the substitutions as whatever and goal from the one turns to whatever and goal from the one. It is goal line defense either way.
Very entertaining but a clinic on poor execution and how not to coach by both teams. Have a nice day!
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Time is Coming
Dick Morris has teamed up with the talented folks over at Citizens United for the Battle for America movie.
November 2 is coming soon. It is indeed time to remove the radical progressive machine from governance across the fruited plain!
November 2 is coming soon. It is indeed time to remove the radical progressive machine from governance across the fruited plain!
Barack Obama,
Dick Morris,
Tea Party Patriots
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