At the end of the day, I have always thought our President was born in Hawaii. No doubt, I have many questions about his upbringing, educational background, suspect activities and friendships he has had. Show me your friends and I will identify your character.
There are many who question the birthplace of President Obama. Birthers, as they are called, have been vilified from both sides of the political isle as kooks, along the lines of UFO supporters. Even Glenn Beck thinks the issue is a waste of time. For those who wish to spend the time, the questions are legitimate and I say question with boldness!
Among the elites who condescend to those in doubt, on Wednesday, CNBC's John Harwood, gleefully bathing in Obama bathwater, described those who questioned the birthplace of President Obama as uniformed and not very smart or rational. I was waiting for him to note our lack of
fly swatting abilities.

Recently, potential GOP 2012 hopeful Donald Trump has been out front questioning Obama and his birth certificate. Jerome Corsi, of
World Net Daily, has just released a sure to be best seller "
Where's The Birth Certificate". Perhaps it was the scorching editorial in
Investors Business Daily on Wednesday, but for whatever reason, President Obama abruptly held a news conference and produced his birth certificate.
President Obama said we got better things to do and we should not spend time on this crazy issue. I recognize the President is very busy with the problems our country is facing and cannot be saddled with questions from carnival barkers. Quiet on the tee box!
The President has used the birth certificate as a political pawn, for those who engage the subject pay a political price as they are overwhelmingly pounded as on the lunatic fringe. Until Trump, about the farthest a GOP candidate would go is Michele Bachmann, who said she takes the President at his word.
I know why President Obama played his Trump card and finally produced the document. It is a matter of trust.
On the heels of a long list of disturbing actions, Obama has lost the trust of the American people. Through the Czars, governmental agencies like the EPA regulating dead policy initiatives and executive orders rendering the Congress as impotent, Obama has made effort to transform our system of government into a dictatorship. This is not how the founding fathers drew it up. Obama engages in
Alinsky tactics of ridiculing opponents, governing by thugocracy and speaking publicly in half truths while taking actions in opposite directions.
Obama blasted George W. Bush on the wars, but is still engaged in both and has us involved in another skirmish with little or no strategic plan. Sky high gas prices was a lack of leadership under Bush but no big deal as Obama sees it. Guantanamo Bay is thankfully still in operation. The wreckless abandon with which he is spending us into bankruptcy is frightening, and he had the gall to trash Paul Ryan, R:WI, who had the guts to put forward a plan of action to tackle entitlements.
Finally, the American people are freaked out by this President, who is nothing but a fast talking community agitator who is severely in over his head. On top of that, he does not see America as you and I do, rather just another flag on the flagpole.
Obama is arrogant, dishonest and pretends fact are not facts. Never has watching the other hand been more relevant than with Obama. Principally in part to the actions by Obama during his first term, America is in a precipitous decline.
Folks do not like it. In producing the birth certificate, Obama is attempting damage control as he recognizes that he has lost the American people. He has, and while the reasons why are numerous, at the end of the day, it is simply a matter of trust.