While President Obama is the face of the Progressive advancement running roughshod over America, there is a well funded massive machine of operatives implementing widespread attacks on those, organizations, corporations and individuals, who stand against their policies. With a basis found in the pages of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, aiming to demonize, ridicule and discredit all in opposition, there are no lines that cannot be crossed as the ends justify the means. The tentacles of these ongoing operations extend beyond your wildest imagination. Therefore, BAHL Revere will engage a series of posts alerting our readership of instances in this regard titled The Discrediting of America.
CPAC 2013 was quite exciting, with a host of speakers giving excellent speeches, quite cognizant of an America in decline.with most zeroed in the parties responsible.
Among the speakers who minced no words in assessing blame for the transformation of wealth overwhelming America with those orchestrating the destruction failing to practice the austerity measures they advise us to take, was Rep. Michele Bachmann, (R:MN).
Bachmann torched Obama for living a lavish lifestyle as President while most of us are struggling for friction in an Obama led economy wrecked by crony capitalism, destructive FED policies, absence of the rule of law, rewards for irresponsible behavior and an advancing nanny state robbing people of their identity.
See a portion of the speech by Bachmann below:
Although Bachmann did embellish some points, for example, the walking of the dog, the premise of the comments cannot be legitimately challenged. Do I have a reader who honestly does not think Obama is exceeding common guidelines with respect to living in excess as President? In addition, do any not see the hypocrisy of him sparing no expense vacationing and golfing while most of us are struggling mightily in the dismal economy he is presiding over?
In my career, I have noticed great leaders provide an example for those they command or lead by establishing a code of behavior and work ethic. For crying out loud, the president and first lady take separate planes on vacation, something we previously found obscene. A respected leader would not close tours of The White House to gain political points while his family vacations touring the world.
Meet President Obama.
Bachmann has been hit hard in the aftermath of these comments, by both sides. CNN correspondent Dana Bash ambushed Bachmann in a parking lot. Mind you, Bash, who would not know a Fulton county commission meeting if it was held in the CNN parking lot, cannot find time to chase the Obama administration down on anything, but was in high speed pursuit of Bachmann.
From the supposed right, Bill O'Reilly led the way, hammering Bachmann on is FOX program "The O'Reilly Factor. Please take a listen to O'Reilly below:
O'Reilly is off the mark, which is unfortunately more common than you may think. I was not the only one who noticed, as The Great One Mark Levin let O'Reilly have it on his nationally syndicated radio show. Listen to Levin HERE.
On Monday, we learned Bachmann is now the center on an ethics investigation for the misuse of campaign funds. The Blaze reports that Federal investigators are now interviewing former Bachmann campaign staffers nationwide about alleged intentional campaign-finance violations. Would these be the same disgruntled former staff members fired for poorly leading her 2012 presidential campaign?
But this is not the point, as everyone who remains sane recognizes that President Obama gives no consideration to the money he spends as President, or as Commander in Chief in running up the national debt, and that an upstart investigation focusing on former staff members has the earmark of a witch hunt.
Most on the left think Bachmann is a dingbat, so why all the long knives? We have hit this topic previously, and make no mistake about it; Bachmann is being targeted for her having been an outspoken opponent of our coziness with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Once Bachmann publicly questioned our policy toward the Muslim Brotherhood, she has been in the cross hairs. From John McCain to Bill O'Reilly on the right, to the entire roster of lefties, Bachmann must be taken down and discredited publicly before someone takes her seriously. You see, she is being hit with propaganda portraying her as discredited. Restated with an Orwellian flare, just like two plus two equals five, what you see presented about her are the opposite of the facts.
Bachmann was correct in the facts regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and their infiltration of our government by many who advocate for them in the shadows. Recently, we have confirmed John Brennan to head the CIA and Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense, who are sympathetic at best to these opponents of Israel. John Kerry, our new Secretary of State, has supporters on both sides of the aisle, even though he is a fierce opponent of our military having protested against them on many an occasion.
The Muslim Brotherhood has taken over in Egypt, and is positioning themselves in Syria. Benghazi, who is not a WalMart greeter but rather the location where Ambassador Stevens and three other patriots were left hanging to be murdered by the Obama administration, is presumed to have been the location for gun running negotiations where guns were being run through Turkey to the Syrian rebels, who are really the Muslim Brotherhood. For more on the gun running, see the following Gateway Pundit article.
Don't we usually demand a full investigation, especially under the most transparent administration ever, when our Ambassador get killed? Then why are we silencing witnesses?
As we have noted, Bachmann is correct on this and we encourage you to support her in any way possible. Don't be distracted by all the noise surrounding and ridicule of Bachmann, just know that the reason she is being targeted is because she is asking questions the administration does not want to answer. Efforts to discredit Bachmann have failed thus far, so the progressives are stepping up their game.
Farage, flying against strong headwinds, has been a very vocal leader in opposition to the European Union as freedoms of the citizenry diminish due to incompetence of central planner and bankers.
Become acquainted with him in the following video of approximately three years ago as he lambastes in stunning fashion the EU Parliament for their incredible arrogance.
Farage absolutely nailed it in his address, calling out the technocrat elites who seek control over the masses and, as Farage appropriately put, are very dangerous people indeed. That was three years ago.
It won't, and has not, worked, as evidenced by the continuous bailouts of bankrupt countries which make up the EU, often referred to as the PIIGS.
Movement along bailout boulevard led to event this past weekend which should send shivers down the spine of not only investors in foreign markets and currencies, but the average citizens right here across the fruited plain.
The government of Cyprus, absolutely bankrupt and seeking contingency operations, attempted to make a move which many thought may be the catalyst to European collapse; the application of an mandatory tax on the countries bank depositors of a minimum of approximately 7%.
In many areas, such as the US government and our mainstream media, you were informed there was nothing of relevance to found by further investigating the tentacles of the story. Nothing to see here, move along.
However, after the story blew up on social media Saturday, many alternative media outlets flexed their muscle and alerted the world to the evil ripple effect of the proposed action.
Don't think for a moment if cannot happen here. In fact, violations in the rule of law took place immediately into the Obama administration when contract law regarding the positions of bondholders was violated in the auto bailouts. In my mind, they continued with the 3.8% investment tax we found in the Obamacare legislation when we got around to reading it. One can argue the artificial intervention in interest rate levels is stealing investment returns from those, particularly the elderly, who hold investments in seeking returns in interest.
Then there was the sordid affair of malfeasance and theft over at MF Global, where Jon Corzine, former Democrat Governor of New Jersey and Goldman Sachs president, allegedly used funds in customer accounts to arbitrage on European currencies and lost big, causing MF to go bankrupt. As of today, the depositors have not been made hole and Corzine is chasing skirts in the Hamptons.
Russia Today caught up with Farage for commentary on Cyprus and where we the EU stands on the boulevard to bankruptcy. Go:
The EU is destined for collapse, and as Farage noted back three years ago, we should all hope the market collapses before the citizens are robbed to pay off, as Freeman put it, the excessive debts of profligate governments.
Once the lynch pin is pulled, these governments, run by elites who lack respect for the rule of law, will stop at nothing to preserve their power. This includes theft and robbing the citizenry of their freedom and independence, collective action in many a regard.
Time is precious for the United State to avoid similar economic issues given the immoral spending by our government. However, we elected the wrong guy if fixing these issues was on the agenda. They are not, and truthfully, the actions of this administration point to nudging the masses to assist in crashing the system in the vision of Cloward and Piven.
With cheap money seeking the highest level of return, the stock market is artificially pumped significantly above standard levels of relative strength and at some point soon, the casino of choice will crash to the level where buyers and sellers are in legitimate competition finding an equilibrium point influenced in future movement by speculation.
Should a catastrophic event occur in the capital markets, the action of the confiscation of funds has already been established. The United States would not be exempt from such action under similar duress. Gold was confiscated under FDR, and the Obama administration has been investigating how they can gain access to the 401K accounts of the citizens.
In the aftermath of an event, action will be embarked upon by government "for the good of the people", which translate to your loss of freedom and assets for the preservation of power of the progressive elites and ruling class.
Shore up your investments promptly, avoiding Shore Bank, before you wake up one morning and find portions of them confiscated, prompting a global bank run. That will conclude the greatest heist in history.
Eight of America's finest were killed, and several were injured, in a training accident at Hawthorne Army Depot in Nevada. Reports indicate a cache of weapons exploded in error, fatally wounding the Marines in training.
America mourns the passing of these heroes, and prayers for their families and friends are extended. In addition, prayers for a full and speedy recovery for those injured are placed.
"We send our prayers and condolences to the families of Marines involved in this tragic incident. We remain focused on ensuring that they are supported through this difficult time," said the force's commander, Maj. Gen. Raymond C. Fox. "We mourn their loss, and it is with heavy hearts we remember their courage and sacrifice."
Many folks in the public eye with a dog in the hunt expressed their sorrow at the turn of events, including former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, who posted on Facebook the following:
Sadly, not even in the wake of the loss of our finest Americans can the left take a break from political posturing as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, (D:NV) hit the Senate floor to blame the sequester for the tragic events, which took place in his home state. Take a listen to Reid, and keep in mind, the details of the accident remain unknown at this time. Listen HERE.
Like many of us, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R:MN, was appalled.
Senator Reid, who has many friends on the hill, including many Republicans, is an individual who I find despicable. Reid routinely uses the floor to spew lies and mistruths, and has no issue with using any event to foster political gain. We recently recall Reid accusing Mitt Romney of being not fulfilling his tax burden without any credible evidence to substantiate the claim.
During the normal course of action, this type of action should offensive to any American, but to run the mouth as families are in process of being notified of the loss of their loved ones is beyond reprehensible. Is this the type of discourse we expect from those we place in leadership?
Former Rep. Allen West, (R:FL), is just as disgusted with Reid as the rest of us are, finding the actions of Reid offensive. Joining Greta Van Susteren "On The Record", West more than appropriately lets Reid have it.
I completely agree with Rep. West in his assessment regarding Senator Reid. Reid did not make a "clumsy" statement as Van Susteren wondered; he is a cold and calculating individual who believes the ends justify the means, no matter who is negatively affected by his comments and actions.
Sadly, for Reid, this includes American citizens and dead servicemen, who are our finest treasure. It is most offensive, and he should resign immediately.
Reid does not represent most of America, who are mourning this tragic loss. May God Bless the Marines lost in this tragic accident, their families, our outstanding military members, and the United States of America.
As reported by The Blaze, On Friday, March 8, Secretary John Kerry along with first lady Michelle Obama will, according to an official State Department press release, will “honor 10 extraordinary women with the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.” The only problem is that one of those women, Samira Ibrahim, is an unabashed anti-Semite who called the murder of innocent Israelis in a suicide-attack “very sweet news” and said that each 9/11 anniversary should be marked by “America burning.”
No doubt disappointed to having been discovered, the State Department postponed giving the award to Ms. Ibrahim. Not cancelled mind you, but postponed.
Call me crazy, but I might think the Department of Home Security, rather than having the American citizens under surveillance, might be keeping a keen eye on folks like this, who publicly wish America harm. Certainly, and logic would seem to dictate she is not worthy of consideration for such an award, unless your are the left wing lunatics over at Time Magazine.
Not under the Obama administration.
Individuals and organizations who sympathize with, advocate for and affiliate with the Muslim Brotherhood and against Israel are held in high regard.
So you remain of the opinion that our government, and media, are not in full scale embrace and promotion of the Muslim faith?
Get a load of the outreach f propaganda advocating for acceptance of these types of folks. Erin Burnett, no doubt a liberal thinking individual who we recall from her days hosting Morning Call with the dearly departed Mark Haines on CNBC, hit former first lady Laura Bush with an eye popping question. Take a listen.
Come again? Thankfully, Ms. Bush gave her a dirty look in delivering a flat NO answer.
Erin Burnett is not alone, as she joins slews of lap dog journalists who seek to promote the acceptance of those with anti American voices who dream of taking us down a notch. Support for this line of thinking goes all the way to the upstairs basketball court at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
For us real folks out Rush Limbaugh's Realville, we recognize our enemies, foreign and domestic, and there are plenty of them. We saw the Muslim Brotherhood take over in Egypt coming a mile away. In fact, we recognize that Michele Bachmann, not withstanding getting scolded by Sen. John McCain, (R:AZ), was and is correct to question the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in our government.
The right for anti American activists to express their opinions we recognize, but unlike many running the country presently, we do not support Ms. Ibrahim, the Muslim Brotherhood and/or Islamic terrorists.
We support the free and the brave, America the beautiful!
This phrase, made famous by former Obama COS and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is very informing of avenues the Obama administration will take to seek legislation and enact governance upon the American people. Whether or not against the will of the citizenry, the ends justify the means with this group of progressive elites who assume they can run your life much more effectively than you can.
A recent avenue of approach of a crisis, real or perceived, to engulf our nation is what is known as sequestration, which essentially is a series of across the board "cuts" designed to handicap the growth of government. Since compromise between the two parties was deemed unachievable, they agreed that the cuts, which hurt sacred cows on both sides, would seemingly force an agreement to be forged.
Forget about it.
The sequestration cuts, which are not a real cuts but only a decrease in the amount of growth of an already extremely bloated federal budget, was only just over 2%. Obama, not one to shy from lap dog media exposure, alarmed the public that there would be stark consequences should the sequestration, originally an idea born in the Obama White House, come to pass. Take a listen:
Imagine, the government unable to find appropriate cuts in their ever expanding budget while all of us out here are scrambling to keep afloat as taxes and regulation rise while our wages decrease. In fact, as the ball dropped in Times Square in 2013, Obama increased our payroll taxes by just over 2%. All us "working families" are dealing with it, but apparently our government cannot.
While this demagoguery was not becoming an individual in a leadership role, and most certainly our president, it was also quite false, but more importantly quite telling. Under the supposed recovery underway, is it logical to assume these minuscule cuts would put our country in such peril? If yes, Obama should be removed from office due to incompetence. Secondly, why is it always the firefighters, police officers and the military and the potential release of prisoners always the first to targeted for cut? Regarding prisons, how about making doing the crime a bit less comfortable for those in the graybar hotel?
At any rate, this was another big lie by Obama and his team of strategists to scare the American people, and the spineless GOP, into compromise. Thankfully, for once, the GOP did not cave, and guess what? Only the items Obama could directly control have been seriously impacted, like White House tours and the operation of our national parks. At any rate, while having to back track armageddon comments, Obama will seek to maximize citizen pain for political gain.
Speaking of the national parks, is there something going on here we are not aware of?
Could one of the reasons the national parks are first on the list of the "perceived" cuts be because we do not actually own them?
We all know Agenda 21 is a growing problem as part of relinquishing our sovereignty to the United Nations protocol, but if this is in fact true the encroachment of the United Nations may be much more problematic than originally thought.
There is little doubt Obama and progressives seek to advance government control over our citizens, reducing the freedoms and liberties set forth by our founding fathers. No vehicle for seizing more power is out of line, because as noted by the Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, the ends justify the means.
Bombarding Americans with scare tactics as we jump from the crisis of yesterday to the emergency of today is no way to run our government, unless perhaps the objective is to implement the Cloward-Piven Strategy of crashing our system.
Citizen pain for politcal gain. Sadly, so far so good in that regard.
Pulling on to pit road for a fuel stop the other day was painful. Gas prices are near historical highs, and nobody seems to care. In fact, the average national price per gallon has been over $3 for well over a year now.
I recall when gas spiked last decade under President Bush, the mainstream media, including local network affiliates, worked the citizenry into a frenzy. Details of how the misery of the high gas prices negatively affected family after family and businessman after business were the top news story nightly with reporters in the field at gas stations far and wide.
Not these days. With the anointed one in office, the media cannot be bothered by a story that casts negativity on their beloved president. These folks do not present the truth, only propaganda.
Do they want a story? Well, light sweet crude, which reached $147 a barrel under the spike under Bush, is only approximately $90 per barrel now. What gives?
Although the Democrats hammered Bush and the capital markets during the spike last decade, they could not recognize then what they deem true now; that much of the price of oil under the current environment is out of the presidents control. True then, true now.
However, while the president cannot directly control world prices dictated by OPEC, control over the blessings of our natural resources can be engaged. President Obama has failed to do so and stands opposed to it, so part of the infliction of pain on gas consumers lies on his desk.
He has borrowed taxpayer money to gamble on experimental alternate sources of energy which have ended in bankruptcy more often than not. An outspoken opponent of fossil fuels, Obama has failed to move forward on the Keystone pipeline and has decreased our production. Actions in the aftermath of the Gulf Oil Spill were designed to decrease our production, never letting a crisis go to waste. In addition, the US being Brazil's best customer does not help Americans at the pump.
Cities embracing sustainable development and principles found in Agenda 21 are rewarded, and the punishment absorbed by the citizenry due to the hidden tax of high gas prices is a orchestrated mechanism to nudge Americans away from the pump.
Pain for the public to achieve political gains is sadly part of the plan to transform the United States of American and transfer our wealth to nations perceived as victims of our economic advancement.
Described as a new normal, nothing could be further of the truth. Simply sold as snake oil.
Rand Paul asked some very serious questions regarding the predator drone program of the Obama administration. Sen. Paul got the answers, and they are perhaps the most troubling I have heard in decades. Glenn Beck has more:
While Attorney General Eric Holder says the President does have the right to use the drones attacking US citizens, Holder is mistaken. To utilize drones in this fashion is a blatant violation of the US Constitution, as our citizens have the right of due process.
Now, most should recognize that the Obama administration has little regard for our Constitution, finding it an imperfect document which limits what government can do as opposed to what government can and should do. Those who believe in freedom should soundly reject that premise, as our founders believed in limited government and built in a system of checks and balances to prohibit power from a branch of government from encroachment
upon another branch.
Obama is flexing his muscle, attacking from several tentacles the second amendment, interfering in the first amendment aiming to control the Internet and now, through utilization of drones killing American citizens without due process.
The administration are not honest brokers, and cannot be trusted with this type of authority. In that regard, what are to make of the recent purchase of all these tanks for domestic use?
Forget the alarm clock, the house is on fire.
Thankfully, Senator Rand Paul is filibustering the vote on John Brennan for CIA Director by holding up the vote until the President informs the US citizenry he will not utilize the drones on the citizenry without due process.
It will not happen.
If Obama can get away with violating the Constitution in this regard, our country as we have know it is over. Somebody needs to thwart Obama in a legally permissible fashion, and Senator Paul is doing just that. Please join in support of Senator Paul. #StandWithRand
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin
As most Americans were preparing for Super Bowl Sunday, as reported by Bloomberg, Goodyear (GT:NYSE) the largest U.S. tiremaker, will close its main French plant and cut its workforce in the country by 39 percent amid labor disputes and plunging auto demand in Europe.
Why Goodyear has a plant in France is puzzling, but given the five years of negotiations with workers to resolve labor disputes with union leaders, the closing of this plant could not come as a shock. Imagine that, unions making unrealistic demands and killing jobs. Who could have seen this coming?
On the heels of regrettable slavery issues and some rather disturbing worker relations as the industrial revolution was emerging in our country, there can be no doubt that union representation played an important role in our history.
The French are notorious for hardly working, as evidenced by union victories against employers inclusive shortened work weeks and increased vacation. It would be great to hang our all the time, but nothing constructive comes from an inefficient work force handicapped by uncompetitive workers demands.
As such, Titan International, (TWI:NYSE) who specializes in tires for farm equipment and off-highway vehicles and acquired the Goodyear North American farm tire assets in 2005, was rumored to potentially be a purchaser of the plant. No so fast!
Maurice Taylor, Chairman of Titan, wrote a letter to the French industry ministry informing them the company would not be purchasing the plant, citing French workers as "lazy" and "overpaid". Taylor, it was reported, noted the French work force get "one hour for breaks, talk for three hours and work for three." No doubt, that workforce will be unable to compete our global economy.
In America, unions have completely infiltrated and infested many large work forces, and the evidence of destruction is truly staggering. More money is spent on our public school system than just about anything else with very poor scholastic results, alarming indoctrination and inhibiting political correctness.
Union bosses collect fees to line their pockets, elect progressive democrats and increase control over those they have fooled. Can you imagine being forced to donate money our of your paycheck to thugs who distribute those funds to groups, associations or politicians who are at odds with your beliefs? Unions are opponents of the free market system, as they establish wage and benefit packages for their workers that exceed common variance of similar packages in the private sector and create inefficient markets. Corporations who have lost these negotiations pay a heavy price and struggle to compete in the marketplace due to their bloated overhead.
Their socialist objectives, inclusive of wealth transformation, fly in the face of the freedoms our country was based on.
Oppose these union bosses at your own peril, because these thugs do not operate on the same playing field you do. You may recall James Hoffa, Jr. threatening Tea Party members, who advocate free markets and fiscal sanity. The ends do justify the means with this group.
Meanwhile, this was a good decision for Goodyear. The customers of Goodyear are hard working individuals and families all across the fruited plain, and the tires they travel on are very important.
But the most demanding customers of Goodyear are the good ole boys who travel NASCAR's Sprint Cup, Nationwide and the Camping World Truck Series on tracks across America. NASCAR provides a great testing center for research and development, helping Goodyear provide their everyday customers with the best product possible.
This type of excellence in an extremely competitive environment does not allow for the infiltration of impostor representatives who think they know better how the Goodyear workforce should be treated and compensated than the company itself.
The market will dictate, and as such, that France plant will in fact be closed as opportunities for a more efficient plant location can be identified.
I continue to be a longtime shareholder of Goodyear Tire & Rubber (GT:NYSE), having once ridden in the famous Goodyear blimp out of Pompano Beach, FL, and International Speedway Corporation (ISCA:NASDAQ).
BAHL is a REALTOR, Real Estate Investor and Residential Real Estate Appraiser in Orlando. He holds a BS degree in Economics from Florida State University.