Everybody play the game.
Over the past, say six weeks, America has been witnessing a jaw dropping historical influx of illegal immigrants into our nation.
Illegal immigrants. The majority of those coming, who are mostly from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, are traveling a thousand miles through Mexico passing through our porous border into the USA.
Thousand of illegal immigrants traveling to USA |
President Obama and his administration has informed the public they were caught by surprise by the event. Obama says he is dealing with it the best he can, laughable on its face, but is handcuffed due to Congress not joining him on a bill of comprehensive immigration reform.
This is nonsense. Obama and the left, sadly joined by many in the GOP, welcome these illegal immigrants, but the majority of the citizenry are against these illegal immigrants finding new home in America. Obama and his cohorts are well aware of this, so a plan had to be hatched, and it is being enacted right before your very eyes.
Obama excels at skirting the truth, furnishing the citizenry with propaganda on one hand while engaging in action under the cover of darkness. Proof of this type clandestine operation is tough to come by, but in the case of the border, we have a document of proof.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), placed an RFI seeking escorts for unaccompanied alien children, estimated at 65,000, with a phased approach estimated from several months to a year. An accompanying story by Sara Carter, a copy of the document and a link to the the RFI
can be found at The Blaze.
Therefore, without question, the Obama administration knew a sustained flow of illegal immigrants would be coming, failing to notify neighboring jurisdictions or the American citizenry.
As Rush Limbaugh pointed out on his program this afternoon,
Susan Crabtree of The Washington Examiner noted a campaign move by Obama to attract Latino voters was potentially a catalyst, or green light to go, for these young illegal immigrants to make their way to the USA.
Why would Obama want these young illegal immigrants to successfully enter our country unlawfully? Despicable as it can get, it is about politics, and yes, the administration is using poor children form impoverished nations as political pawns in Obama's effort to have Congress pass comprehensive immigration reform.
An example of this battle, and confirmation of the issue as part of this illegal immigrant invasion, can be found in the Crabtree article.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Tuesday told reporters that the broad immigration measure the Senate passed last year included even more border security funds than the president's supplemental request. “Unfortunately, it's Republicans, many of them from Texas, who are blocking the House from considering that common-sense, bipartisan proposal that would make an additional historic investment in the border,” he said.
Apparently, the problems associated with this orchestrated event will be solved if Obama and his progressive champions of amnesty can get their bill passed. I think securing the border with a fence, one Obama mocked opponents lying about being 90% completed, would be beneficial.
Lies, lies and more lies:
“This is a humanitarian crisis but it's largely the result of the impression that the president isn't interested in enforcing the law, which has made [the United States] a magnet for illegal immigration,” Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, told reporters.
Obama and his advisers saw this event as an opportunity to allow these immigrants to enter the US while falsely claiming to be caught off guard.
With all these kids here, pulling on the heart strings of Americans who want no harm to come to these children, the administration surmises they can ultimately allow these illegal immigrants to stay, partially accomplishing the sought after pieces of the immigration reform bill where anticipated opposition was too strong.
The system, the one Obama is in charge of, is ill-equipped to deal with a surge of illegal immigrants by design, well recognized as part of the Cloward and Piven Strategy of crashing the system.
While much of the focus, directed by the biased mainstream media outlets, is on the children, the sustained surge of illegal immigrants arriving in America will unleash a myriad of consequences, some anticipated and some unforeseen, with the potential of some very destructive outcomes.
Information regarding the immigrants, being housed at various facilities in multiple locations and states, is significantly limited, due in part to a described "right of privacy of the children".
Threats of arrest for those in violation of rules of disclosure have been issued; this coming from Obama's self described most transparent administration in history.
US Senators and
Congressional members, who have requested the opportunity to visit facilites, have been turned away and denied access.
Photographs are prohibited. These are the peoples representatives, and the people have very right to know what is taking place, but Obama has denied us that opportunity.
inclusive of Tuberculosis, which is a very serious health issue, have been reported. Allowing individuals with serious health issues into our nation without proper medical supervision endangers our citizenry. Therefore, whoever instigated and participated in bringing these individuals into our country potentially exposing our citizenry are guilty placing the American citizenry at risk, but potentially creating the environment for the spreading of these diseases.
With the administration having advertised the opportunity for minors to enter the US they are guilty of enticing human trafficking and placing minors in dangerous, and potentially deadly, situations. In addition, they have violated the current immigration laws.
The most significant and destructive result of an open border is the potential for terrorists to make their way unabated into the US. As reported by Rush Limbaugh,
"The general in charge of US Southern Command says America's porous southern border poses as much a threat as any foreign power, with gangs and terrorist groups hiding among the tidal wave of illegals."
Many of the teenagers entering the US in this surge are members of
MS-13, a
deadly drug gang already entrenched in areas of Texas, Arizona and
Southern California. Individuals with extensive criminal records; none are being checked among this group of illegal immigrants, should not be allowed in the country. Two editorials in Investors Business Daily,
HERE and
HERE, elaborate on the extensive issues in this regard.
Since it is expected, as the administration projected, these illegal immigrants will not be sent home, a significant system shock will be forthcoming. This will overwhelm many of the communities in which the immigrants are placed, which again, akin the passing game in the Cloward-Piven playbook.
School systems, governmental services, fire and police will be taxed to maintain adequate levels of efficiency.
By design.
From a political perspective, the immigrants are almost certain to carry the progressive Democrat banner, demonstrated by some wearing
Obama shoes on their way in. What a despicable act to gain voters, but I guess the win by any means crowd must go that way since they cannot win simply on the battlefield of ideas.
Although everyone in the administration is playing the game, this is not a political game. In fact, this effort to gain political ground is dangerous, potentially deadly dangerous.
In large measure to the orchestrated efforts of President Obama, the United States is quickly becoming a nation with open borders.
A country without borders is not a country.
Obama has been quite lawless in his two terms, operating in violation of the Constitution on many occasions, has given Congress several adequate avenues for impeachment. In contrast to the left lunging editorial page of
The Wall Street Journal, for this orchestrated immigration debacle endangering our citizenry on varying levels, the President could and should be impeached.