"While you were following the snowstorm, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R:KY) was busy preparing the way for a proposal". “This resolution is a total rewrite of the War Powers Clause in the U.S. Constitution,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CN). “It is essentially a declaration of international martial law, a sweeping transfer of military power to the president that will allow him or her to send U.S. troops almost anywhere in the world, for almost any reason, with absolutely no limitations.” "AUMF, written by Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R:SC), is packaged as a proposal to fight the Islamic State group — but it would also allow the president to deploy military forces anywhere he chooses and for as long as he wants" wrote Voice of Reason.
As noted by Investment Watch Blog, this proposal could open the door to covertly allow Martial Law on US streets.
Obama can kick the ass of ISIS any hour he decides, but continues to choose not to.
Obama is interested in punishing his domestic enemies, and VP Biden has previously described Tea Party members as terrorists. What you consider terrorists are freedom fighters to Obama. Who would be considered terrorists should civil unrest occur after an economic collapse?
No matter.
No President should be given unlimited war powers, and those who effort to operate outside the Constitution should be considered enemies of our nation.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
We Waved Goodbye
Space Shuttle Challenger Crew |
FOX News reports on this day, a day thirty years ago we lost the Space Shuttle Challenger, that "Family members of Challenger victims to mark 30 years since shuttle disaster".
Americans, and certainly us Floridians living near Kennedy Space Center, share a sense of pride of our space program. Space exploration is most dangerous, and is only reserved for our bravest pioneers.
It was a dark day for America.
The Challenger mission was noteworthy for having a civilian astronaut, Christa McAuliffe, a teacher who took the hearts of students across the fruited plain with her on her voyage.
In similar fashion to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, most remember where they were when the tragic, televised event, took place.
I recall watching it unfold in the cafeteria of my fraternity house at Florida State University; it was approaching the lunch hour. Within a half hour of it occurring, I picked up my now wife after her class and sadly informed her of what had transpired.
With the eyes of America swelling in tears, President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation with beautiful words and elegant grace. Reagan spoke for all of America, and today we remember with heavy hearts the lost crew of the Challenger Space Shuttle.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Clinton Arrogant Actions Amps Security Risk
At the end of the day, I do not believe Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of the Democrat Party.
If we are in fact a nation of laws rather than a nation of men (women), she will appropriately be indicted. Her arrogant actions placed our national security in serious jeopardy.
As Breitbart reported, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a Breitbart News contributor and Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University, appeared on the Fox Business Network to discuss the latest revelations in the Hillary Clinton email story. He described the discovery of beyond-Top Secret material on Clinton’s unsecured email server as “absolutely enormous.”
“We’ve talked about numerous smoking guns,” said Dr. Gorka. “This is the biggest. This is the .44 Magnum of smoking guns.”
In the mind of Mrs. Clinton, in an effort to conceal her illegal activity, she parses her wording very carefully.
Recall that she qualifies her activities on what she deems as legally permissible. For example, if she removes the classified markings from documents, she can state that she had not sent anything marked "classified".
In actual reality, that is a true statement, and the transmission of the document would be true. However, the removal of the markings would be felonious, and with her having knowledge of these removals, and then transmitting the information, is certainly escalates to borderline treasonous activity.
She is truly a despicable individual, where corruption rules decision making; without question an enemy within of America as founded.
We would consider her indictment imminent.
If we are in fact a nation of laws rather than a nation of men (women), she will appropriately be indicted. Her arrogant actions placed our national security in serious jeopardy.
As Breitbart reported, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a Breitbart News contributor and Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University, appeared on the Fox Business Network to discuss the latest revelations in the Hillary Clinton email story. He described the discovery of beyond-Top Secret material on Clinton’s unsecured email server as “absolutely enormous.”
“We’ve talked about numerous smoking guns,” said Dr. Gorka. “This is the biggest. This is the .44 Magnum of smoking guns.”
In the mind of Mrs. Clinton, in an effort to conceal her illegal activity, she parses her wording very carefully.
Recall that she qualifies her activities on what she deems as legally permissible. For example, if she removes the classified markings from documents, she can state that she had not sent anything marked "classified".
In actual reality, that is a true statement, and the transmission of the document would be true. However, the removal of the markings would be felonious, and with her having knowledge of these removals, and then transmitting the information, is certainly escalates to borderline treasonous activity.
She is truly a despicable individual, where corruption rules decision making; without question an enemy within of America as founded.
We would consider her indictment imminent.
Hillary Clinton,
National Security,
Sebastian Gorka,
Monday, January 25, 2016
A Horrifying Agenda
Although the rhetoric is often ambiguous, bordering on Orwellian doublespeak, behind the scenes the actions undertaken by President Obama, which are most successfully masked by the mainstream media, allow it reasonable to conclude "Obama wants to destroy traditional America which he sees as evil, paternalistic, imperialistic, bullying and unfair. His goal is to rebuild the country as a socialist state, a utopia where all [globally] receive the same outcomes regardless of merit and effort".
"Obama wants to destroy traditional America which he sees as evil, paternalistic, imperialistic, bullying and unfair. His goal is to rebuild the country as a socialist state, a utopia where all receive the same outcomes regardless of merit and effort".
As we have previously noted, Obama will fit right in as UN Secretary General following his horrendous presidency. In fact, since we originally posted about this, stories have speculating about this have now made the national media.
As we wrote in June, "Against the will of the people, in a cloud of secrecy, another attempt to pass Obamatrade, by both parties, is coming. Sen. Jeff Sessions, (R:AL) is warning America, as a significant loss of her sovereignty will occur should Obamatrade pass. It is a "living agreement" with global governance, which means America would adhere to rules from partner nations as they, not us, see fit.
Can you envision Obama as UN Chief in a few years further diminishing the power and status in the world and transferring the wealth of America to nations he deems in need?
Sadly, I sure can.
Obama is poised to lead the UN, who has just adopted Agenda 2030, a blueprint for global socialism and governance which attacks America as founded. With Obama having signed away much of Uncle Sam's sovereignty through treaty, citizens of America will be forced to conform as freedoms of our citizenry become governed by unelected global bureaucrats who aim to expanded control through central planning for the greater good.
"In addition to addressing climate change, it also sets ambitious goals for areas such as economics, health, energy, education, agriculture, gender equality and a whole host of other issues. As you will see below, this global initiative is being billed as a “new universal Agenda” for humanity. If you are anything like me, alarm bells are going off in your head right about now" said Michael Snyder of End of the American Dream blog.
Please review the 17 as presented by Michael Snyder:
The heart of the 2030 Agenda is a set of 17 Sustainable
Development Goals…Although the rhetoric is often ambiguous, bordering on Orwellian doublespeak, behind the scenes the actions undertaken by President Obama, which are most successfully masked by the mainstream media, allow it reasonable to conclude "Obama wants to destroy traditional America which he sees as evil, paternalistic, imperialistic, bullying and unfair. His goal is to rebuild the country as a socialist state, a utopia where all [globally] receive the same outcomes regardless of merit and effort".
"Obama wants to destroy traditional America which he sees as evil, paternalistic, imperialistic, bullying and unfair. His goal is to rebuild the country as a socialist state, a utopia where all receive the same outcomes regardless of merit and effort".
As we have previously noted, Obama will fit right in as UN Secretary General following his horrendous presidency. In fact, since we originally posted about this, stories have speculating about this have now made the national media.
As we wrote in June, "Against the will of the people, in a cloud of secrecy, another attempt to pass Obamatrade, by both parties, is coming. Sen. Jeff Sessions, (R:AL) is warning America, as a significant loss of her sovereignty will occur should Obamatrade pass. It is a "living agreement" with global governance, which means America would adhere to rules from partner nations as they, not us, see fit.
Can you envision Obama as UN Chief in a few years further diminishing the power and status in the world and transferring the wealth of America to nations he deems in need?
Sadly, I sure can.
Obama is poised to lead the UN, who has just adopted Agenda 2030, a blueprint for global socialism and governance which attacks America as founded. With Obama having signed away much of Uncle Sam's sovereignty through treaty, citizens of America will be forced to conform as freedoms of our citizenry become governed by unelected global bureaucrats who aim to expanded control through central planning for the greater good.
"In addition to addressing climate change, it also sets ambitious goals for areas such as economics, health, energy, education, agriculture, gender equality and a whole host of other issues. As you will see below, this global initiative is being billed as a “new universal Agenda” for humanity. If you are anything like me, alarm bells are going off in your head right about now" said Michael Snyder of End of the American Dream blog.
Please review the 17 as presented by Michael Snyder:
Goal 1
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Goal 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Bloomberg, and progressives all, are of the school of thought that it is their responsibility to control though the citizenry by nudging behavior, limiting consumer choice and molding society into their Fabian socialist hearts content.
In actuality, this is really alarming stuff. It is nothing short of theft of your individualism and freedom.
While you follow the email saga of Hillary Clinton, Globalists, of which she is one, are planning to significantly restrict your liberty and freedom, and American sovereignty, in an evil advertised effort to end poverty through owning economic and social production and activities through regulation. Every alarm bell you have should be ringing loudly, because your liberty and freedom is under direct attack.
Picture Obama as head of the UN post POTUS, using laws he illegally altered and treaties severing sovereignty he placed the US in adherence to, to have United Nations govern over the US.
As we have previously noted, Orwell's 1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.
It must never be forgotten, as Ronald Reagan said, "Man is not free unless government is limited".
The horrifying agendas Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are working on with the United Nations, without question, place significant reductions on your freedom and liberty.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
If Only Ignorance Was The Issue.
“Ignorance kills. In war, ignorance brings defeat, especially for those who are sworn to support and defend us,” writes Stephen Coughlin in his latest book Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad.
If only ignorance was the issue.
"We are at war and it’s time we as a nation orient our strategy to reflect it" concluded Nick Short.
Instead, the Obama administration is in full command of the facts and is complicit in placing America in great peril. Those who we deem terrorists the administration views as freedom fighters against an oppressive nation, a nation the Obama regime is working drastically to transform.
Diminishing America while emboldening and legitimizing our enemies, or those Obama thinks the United States has oppressed in the past.
While logic, based upon his own actions, can conclude President Obama is sadly an enemy within, it is still important for the citizenry to clearly understand the enemies we face. The excellent piece linked below from Nick Short of Politically Short does just that.
If only ignorance was the issue.
"We are at war and it’s time we as a nation orient our strategy to reflect it" concluded Nick Short.
Instead, the Obama administration is in full command of the facts and is complicit in placing America in great peril. Those who we deem terrorists the administration views as freedom fighters against an oppressive nation, a nation the Obama regime is working drastically to transform.
Diminishing America while emboldening and legitimizing our enemies, or those Obama thinks the United States has oppressed in the past.
While logic, based upon his own actions, can conclude President Obama is sadly an enemy within, it is still important for the citizenry to clearly understand the enemies we face. The excellent piece linked below from Nick Short of Politically Short does just that.
Islam, Jihad, and our Ignorance by Nick Short |
Barack Obama,
Global War on Terror,
Nick Short,
Saturday, January 23, 2016
A Warning Has Been Issued
You are being warned!
In a recent interview with Megyn Kelly of FOX News, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, speaking between the lines, is doing everything he can to warn you the level of peril the US is in under our "enemy within" president. High ranking members of the military, even those who are retired, must choose their words very carefully, as words matter.
Recently, the Obama administration stepped up their offensive on General David Petraeus. The message being sent to the members of the US Military is "shut up or else".
However, it is obvious Lieutenant General Flynn had a message for America he was compelled to give. Please listen.
In a recent interview with Megyn Kelly of FOX News, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, speaking between the lines, is doing everything he can to warn you the level of peril the US is in under our "enemy within" president. High ranking members of the military, even those who are retired, must choose their words very carefully, as words matter.
Recently, the Obama administration stepped up their offensive on General David Petraeus. The message being sent to the members of the US Military is "shut up or else".
However, it is obvious Lieutenant General Flynn had a message for America he was compelled to give. Please listen.
Abuse of Power,
Barack Obama,
David Petraeus,
Micheal Flynn,
US Military
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Socialist Bern
Alarmed at his progress, Hillary and her supporters are attacking Bernie Sanders, labeling him a socialist.
“Having somebody who is identified more as a socialist in many decades of public service than as a Democrat makes it impossible for Democrats in a state like Missouri,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (MO).
These same folks have supported Obama's socialization of America every step of the way, assisting him in a drastic expansion of the federal government. Obama has seized control over food, autos, education, energy, healthcare and finance, and even directing FHA to attempt to dictate the makeup of neighborhoods in an apparent attempt to punish an incorrectly perceived issue of white flight.
Hillary Clinton and her cronies, certainly including Sen. McCaskill, are hypocrites and liars, themselves socialists at best.
If only Sen. Bernie Sanders would take the opportunity given him in the primary to make them feel the BERN by actually calling them out.
He won't, but Donald Trump will.
“Having somebody who is identified more as a socialist in many decades of public service than as a Democrat makes it impossible for Democrats in a state like Missouri,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (MO).
These same folks have supported Obama's socialization of America every step of the way, assisting him in a drastic expansion of the federal government. Obama has seized control over food, autos, education, energy, healthcare and finance, and even directing FHA to attempt to dictate the makeup of neighborhoods in an apparent attempt to punish an incorrectly perceived issue of white flight.
Hillary Clinton and her cronies, certainly including Sen. McCaskill, are hypocrites and liars, themselves socialists at best.
If only Sen. Bernie Sanders would take the opportunity given him in the primary to make them feel the BERN by actually calling them out.
He won't, but Donald Trump will.
Iranian Mole?
The affection for Iran, the top sponsor of terrorism in the world, runs deep within the Obama administration.

When contemplating the actions, including but not limited to the orchestrated invasion of our borders, the backing of the establishment of the caliphate, the abrasive treatment of Israel and perhaps most notably the recent treasonous agreement with the Ayatollahs, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to arrive at any other conclusion than the Obama administration are without question enemies within the United States.
There is no doubt.
When contemplating the actions, including but not limited to the orchestrated invasion of our borders, the backing of the establishment of the caliphate, the abrasive treatment of Israel and perhaps most notably the recent treasonous agreement with the Ayatollahs, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to arrive at any other conclusion than the Obama administration are without question enemies within the United States.
There is no doubt.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
A Grey Choice
Jim Quinn, of the truly excellent blog The Burning Platform, quotes Franklin Delano Roosevelt from a speech in Philadelphia in June of 1936: “There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.”
It seems apparent that America is facing such an important turning point in 2016.
Quinn has written extensively in spellbinding eloquence and intellectual fortitude about The Fourth Turning, a book written by Struass & Howe in 1997 which advanced the idea of generational cycles where decisions by particular generations of individuals have life altering consequences, not only individually, but for their generation and for generations to come. Similar to the Tytler Cycle, the thought centers that life is not led on linear progression, but rather a reoccurring circle of generational trials and tribulations, that if not dealt with effectively, can significantly alter the tract moving forward.
Both the book and Quinn's works on the subject I would highly recommend you seek out and consume.
Quinn summarizes in his writings the theory of a Grey Champion, who emerges at the time of the fourth turning, a period we have recently entered as a nation. Quinn discusses it as follows:
"The world is becoming increasingly chaotic and the American people are seeking a leader who can bring order, make tough decisions, and capture the zeitgeist of this moment in history. They are in search of a prophet generation (Boomer) Grey Champion, whose arrival marks the moment of darkness, adversity and peril as the Fourth Turning careens towards its climax. The Grey Champion doesn’t necessarily have to be a good person, but they must lead and display tremendous confidence in their cause and path. Franklin, Lincoln, and FDR have many detractors, but during their Fourth Turnings, they most certainly led, casting aside obstacles (sometimes illegally) and enduring dark days and bleak prospects for success. Is there someone of that stature ready to lead the American people now?"
Apparently conservative icon Sarah Palin thinks such an individual is Donald Trump, whom she endorsed at a campaign rally late this afternoon in Ames, Iowa.
“I am greatly honored to receive Sarah’s endorsement,” Mr. Trump said in a statement trumpeting Mrs. Palin’s decision. “She is a friend, and a high-quality person whom I have great respect for. I am proud to have her support.”
In many ways, the endorsement of Trump by Palin is not surprising, but most would have thought she would have sided with the true conservative in the race, Sen. Ted Cruz. However, there is no doubt her endorsement will provide Trump a significant boost in the campaign.
Like many others, Palin feels Trump is a powerful force that will wrestle the power away from government and give it back to the people, making America great again. She may not be wrong.
In fact, if you subscribe to the thought process of The Fourth Turning, Trump does in my mind fit the criteria of what a potential "Grey Champion" would look like. Trump seems poised to upset the apple cart, dealing establishment politicians a heavy blow and disrupting the status quo, which as Ronald Reagan once noted, was Latin for the mess we are in.
When asked about Palin's endorsement of Trump, Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler said on CNN’s New Day "I think it [would] be a blow to Sarah Palin, because Sarah Palin has been a champion for the conservative cause, and if she was going to endorse Donald Trump, sadly, she would be endorsing someone who’s held progressive views all their life on the sanctity of life, on marriage, on partial-birth abortion.”
While Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, and apparently Sarah herself, took great offense, Mr. Tyler is correct.
Although it may not be a central factor in the grand scheme of things, or as part of the emergence of a Grey Champion, Trump is not a conservative. Trump has previously supported eminent domain, bailouts, a single payer health care plan and a wealth tax. Good grief!
Trump is so far away from conservatism, and given the potential of a Hillary Clinton presidency, which we feel would doom America as founded, we encouraged Trump in 2011 to play a real trump card and run as a Democrat to derail her.
An area which we disagree with Trump strongly on is when he often notes that our government is being run by incompetent people. That through process is incredibly naive and dangerously incorrect. The folks running our government, full engaged in orchestrating the transformation of America, fully understand what they are doing, and without any real push back from the GOP, have been quite successful in their endeavors.
Furthermore, Trump thinks, that with his intellect and proven success as a businessman, he can control the levels of government in a much more efficient manner, bringing America back to prosperity with the right administrator.
Except I wish to drastically reduce the levels of government, whether it is "administered" by someone whose ideas I champion or someone whose ideas I vehemently oppose.
Ben Shapiro wrote a great piece today, noting "The Palin Acid Test: Do You Care More About Conservatism Or Fighting The Establishment?"
I have been and continue to be a big fan of Sarah Palin, and this may the first time I have parted company with Palin. While I am also a fan of Donald Trump, and will gleefully support him should he win the GOP nomination, I will remain true to my principles in the primary, and like Shapiro, position myself at home with the conservatives.
However, it is worth noting, that as a subscriber to the ideas presented in The Fourth Turning, it certainly does appear Trump may be just who are nation is not only looking for, but needs.
We may not wish the Grey Champion to come again – but come he must, and come he will.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe – 1997
Perhaps that is what Palin is seeing and feeling. Maybe I don't disagree with her after all. The choice is Grey.
It seems apparent that America is facing such an important turning point in 2016.
Quinn has written extensively in spellbinding eloquence and intellectual fortitude about The Fourth Turning, a book written by Struass & Howe in 1997 which advanced the idea of generational cycles where decisions by particular generations of individuals have life altering consequences, not only individually, but for their generation and for generations to come. Similar to the Tytler Cycle, the thought centers that life is not led on linear progression, but rather a reoccurring circle of generational trials and tribulations, that if not dealt with effectively, can significantly alter the tract moving forward.
Both the book and Quinn's works on the subject I would highly recommend you seek out and consume.
Quinn summarizes in his writings the theory of a Grey Champion, who emerges at the time of the fourth turning, a period we have recently entered as a nation. Quinn discusses it as follows:
"The world is becoming increasingly chaotic and the American people are seeking a leader who can bring order, make tough decisions, and capture the zeitgeist of this moment in history. They are in search of a prophet generation (Boomer) Grey Champion, whose arrival marks the moment of darkness, adversity and peril as the Fourth Turning careens towards its climax. The Grey Champion doesn’t necessarily have to be a good person, but they must lead and display tremendous confidence in their cause and path. Franklin, Lincoln, and FDR have many detractors, but during their Fourth Turnings, they most certainly led, casting aside obstacles (sometimes illegally) and enduring dark days and bleak prospects for success. Is there someone of that stature ready to lead the American people now?"
Apparently conservative icon Sarah Palin thinks such an individual is Donald Trump, whom she endorsed at a campaign rally late this afternoon in Ames, Iowa.
Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump |
In many ways, the endorsement of Trump by Palin is not surprising, but most would have thought she would have sided with the true conservative in the race, Sen. Ted Cruz. However, there is no doubt her endorsement will provide Trump a significant boost in the campaign.
Like many others, Palin feels Trump is a powerful force that will wrestle the power away from government and give it back to the people, making America great again. She may not be wrong.
In fact, if you subscribe to the thought process of The Fourth Turning, Trump does in my mind fit the criteria of what a potential "Grey Champion" would look like. Trump seems poised to upset the apple cart, dealing establishment politicians a heavy blow and disrupting the status quo, which as Ronald Reagan once noted, was Latin for the mess we are in.
When asked about Palin's endorsement of Trump, Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler said on CNN’s New Day "I think it [would] be a blow to Sarah Palin, because Sarah Palin has been a champion for the conservative cause, and if she was going to endorse Donald Trump, sadly, she would be endorsing someone who’s held progressive views all their life on the sanctity of life, on marriage, on partial-birth abortion.”
Bristol Palin |
Although it may not be a central factor in the grand scheme of things, or as part of the emergence of a Grey Champion, Trump is not a conservative. Trump has previously supported eminent domain, bailouts, a single payer health care plan and a wealth tax. Good grief!
Trump is so far away from conservatism, and given the potential of a Hillary Clinton presidency, which we feel would doom America as founded, we encouraged Trump in 2011 to play a real trump card and run as a Democrat to derail her.
An area which we disagree with Trump strongly on is when he often notes that our government is being run by incompetent people. That through process is incredibly naive and dangerously incorrect. The folks running our government, full engaged in orchestrating the transformation of America, fully understand what they are doing, and without any real push back from the GOP, have been quite successful in their endeavors.
Furthermore, Trump thinks, that with his intellect and proven success as a businessman, he can control the levels of government in a much more efficient manner, bringing America back to prosperity with the right administrator.
Except I wish to drastically reduce the levels of government, whether it is "administered" by someone whose ideas I champion or someone whose ideas I vehemently oppose.
Ben Shapiro wrote a great piece today, noting "The Palin Acid Test: Do You Care More About Conservatism Or Fighting The Establishment?"
Sarah Palin |
However, it is worth noting, that as a subscriber to the ideas presented in The Fourth Turning, it certainly does appear Trump may be just who are nation is not only looking for, but needs.
We may not wish the Grey Champion to come again – but come he must, and come he will.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe – 1997
Perhaps that is what Palin is seeing and feeling. Maybe I don't disagree with her after all. The choice is Grey.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Heaven Has A New Kid In Town
Eagles Co-founder Glenn Frey |
"It is with the heaviest of hearts that we announce the passing of husband, best friend, father, comrade, and Eagles founder, Glenn Frey, in New York City on Monday, January 18th, 2016. Glenn fought a courageous battle for the past several weeks but, sadly, succumbed to complications from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Acute Ulcerative Colitis and Pneumonia. The Frey family would like to thank everyone who joined Glenn to fight this fight and hoped and prayed for his recovery. Words can neither describe our sorrow, nor our love and respect for all that he has given to us, his family, the music community & millions of fans worldwide. Cindy Frey • Taylor Frey • Deacon Frey • Otis Frey, Don Henley • Joe Walsh • Timothy B. Schmit • Bernie Leadon • Irving Azoff"
Glenn Frey, co-founder of the Eagles, died today at the age of 67.
As TMZ reported, "Glenn co-wrote and sang most of the Eagles hits, including "Take It Easy," "Tequila Sunrise," "Lyin' Eyes," and "Heartache Tonight," to name a few. He also co-wrote "Hotel California" and "Desperado" with Don Henley and took home 6 Grammys with the band. After the Eagles' 1980 breakup, Glenn launched a successful solo career, recording numerous hits ... most notably "The Heat Is On" and "You Belong to the City." Glenn also got into acting, snagging a recurring role on "Miami Vice" recording the hit Smugglers Blues for the show.
For most, the power of the Eagles rested with either Frey or Dan Henley, both of whom were superstars, along with Uncle Joe Walsh, on their own.
While, of course, I am fans of both Henley and Walsh, I preferred the material from Frey. Among my favorite Eagles songs which highlighted Frey were "Lyin Eyes" and "A New Kid in Town".
The Eagles have a boatload of great songs; they were simply tremendous and without question one of America's top super groups.
Three songs from his solo career are among my favorites. Two are from the Miami Vice material, "You Belong to the City" and "Smuggler's Blues", but my favorite is a ballad from his first solo album called "The One You Love".
Damn it man. I am very saddened to learn of the death of Glenn Frey. Heaven has a new kid in town.
Travel Safe, Have Fun and Take It Easy. RIP Glenn Frey.
Glenn Frey,
Musical Interests,
Uncle Joe Walsh
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Angry Voices Must Be Heard Loud And Clear
President Obama, after promising brevity, spoke for hours praising himself for his perceived successes while a growing majority of the nation has finally caught on to the incredible failure of his administration to deliver freedom and prosperity, delivering what should be his last State of the Union address.
Without question, in his arrogance, Obama no doubt thinks the American citizenry is stupid and that all the problems facing our nation are in fact our fault.
It really is amazing, in a Nineteen Eighty Four sort of way.
Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina, who I have never had issue with, gave the GOP response, and it was truly eye opening. While she was eloquent and made some sound points, she also traveled in a direction that no doubt torqued the conservative wing of the party.
"We learned last night that the Republican establishment is very comfortable identifying themselves as elites and members of a club -- and that you can't get in just by being who you are and doing what you want to do as a Republican and pursuing what you believe in" said Rush Limbaugh.
It appears the GOP establishment, worried by Donald Trump and petrified of Ted Cruz, is making it's move.
As reported by Dustin Ulsterman of The Ulsterman Report, who is on top of the political spectrum like few others, "The Republican Establishment’s choice to be the next President of the United States, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, is said to have sent operatives to engage in off the books discussions with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley last month. The meeting was the brainchild of two significant Republican donors who have indicated a strong desire to see both Rubio and Haley sharing the GOP 2016 ticket."
"This morning Governor Haley told NBC she was “open” to finding herself running as a Vice President for the 2016 Republican ticket. Interestingly, Haley also said in that very same interview she was intentionally calling out Donald Trump for what she termed, “…the siren call of the angriest voices.” Both the interview and its subject matter would indicate Mrs. Haley is happily doing the bidding of the GOP Establishment."
Once again, the GOP establishment turns it guns on those aiming to disrupt the governance of the elite ruling class with far more resolve than an anti-American president who is orchestrating the transformation of America.
It should tell you everything you need to know, and if you value America as founded, you should hit the campaign trail and voting booth with superior resolve and urgency.
Your angry voices must be heard loud and clear, while we still have freedom of speech.
Without question, in his arrogance, Obama no doubt thinks the American citizenry is stupid and that all the problems facing our nation are in fact our fault.
It really is amazing, in a Nineteen Eighty Four sort of way.
Nikki Haley R: South Carolina |
"We learned last night that the Republican establishment is very comfortable identifying themselves as elites and members of a club -- and that you can't get in just by being who you are and doing what you want to do as a Republican and pursuing what you believe in" said Rush Limbaugh.
It appears the GOP establishment, worried by Donald Trump and petrified of Ted Cruz, is making it's move.
As reported by Dustin Ulsterman of The Ulsterman Report, who is on top of the political spectrum like few others, "The Republican Establishment’s choice to be the next President of the United States, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, is said to have sent operatives to engage in off the books discussions with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley last month. The meeting was the brainchild of two significant Republican donors who have indicated a strong desire to see both Rubio and Haley sharing the GOP 2016 ticket."
"This morning Governor Haley told NBC she was “open” to finding herself running as a Vice President for the 2016 Republican ticket. Interestingly, Haley also said in that very same interview she was intentionally calling out Donald Trump for what she termed, “…the siren call of the angriest voices.” Both the interview and its subject matter would indicate Mrs. Haley is happily doing the bidding of the GOP Establishment."
Once again, the GOP establishment turns it guns on those aiming to disrupt the governance of the elite ruling class with far more resolve than an anti-American president who is orchestrating the transformation of America.
It should tell you everything you need to know, and if you value America as founded, you should hit the campaign trail and voting booth with superior resolve and urgency.
Your angry voices must be heard loud and clear, while we still have freedom of speech.
A Tackle Which Could Not Be Broken
The sad saga of former Nebraska running back running back Lawrence Phillips has ended, as Phillips was found dead in his prison cell this morning. The death is being investigated as a suspected suicide.
As gifted as Phillips was on the field, he was equally poor in decision making in life off the field. With Phillips facing life in prison, he was being held accountable, appropriately so, for some of those actions, some very serious in nature.
We wrote about Phillips back in April of 2015, noting that a lacking toolbox of skills to get through life tackled him. In the post, we noted 1620 The Zone Sharp & Benning co-host Damon Benning, a former 'Husker tailback who once roomed with Phillips, shared his conflicted thoughts on Phillips with an extremely sincere, emotional and eye opening reflection of sad series of events which led to the position this gifted but troubled individual finds himself in.
One tackle Lawrence could not avoid was his troubled upbringing, where he was abandoned and abused among other negative things. Phillips, who was smart and personable on occasion, was and is infested with demons he is ill-equipped to escape from.
Former Nebraska coach Tom Osborne was reached for comment, and said the following: "All his correspondence with me in spite of circumstances have been fairly upbeat," Osborne said. "Things weren't going in a good direction for him. All I can say is I feel very bad," Osborne said. "I guess we feel like we did what we could for him. Whatever it was, it wasn't enough."
Previously, Osborne had said “I never got any indication that he had lost hope or given up, But when you’re that far away, it’s hard to know just from a letter what’s going on. We certainly tried to do what we could in Lincoln. But I feel bad because whatever we did apparently wasn’t enough. It’s a tremendous waste of a life that could’ve gone in a different direction. Who knows where Lawrence is now, but it could’ve turned out a lot better than it did. I’m really sorry about that."
Another life, which after a very poor start had chances to turn the corner to happiness and prosperity, ends in sadness. At the end of the day, Phillips could not escape the demons of his past. Perhaps Lawrence is at peace now.
As gifted as Phillips was on the field, he was equally poor in decision making in life off the field. With Phillips facing life in prison, he was being held accountable, appropriately so, for some of those actions, some very serious in nature.
We wrote about Phillips back in April of 2015, noting that a lacking toolbox of skills to get through life tackled him. In the post, we noted 1620 The Zone Sharp & Benning co-host Damon Benning, a former 'Husker tailback who once roomed with Phillips, shared his conflicted thoughts on Phillips with an extremely sincere, emotional and eye opening reflection of sad series of events which led to the position this gifted but troubled individual finds himself in.
One tackle Lawrence could not avoid was his troubled upbringing, where he was abandoned and abused among other negative things. Phillips, who was smart and personable on occasion, was and is infested with demons he is ill-equipped to escape from.
Former Nebraska coach Tom Osborne was reached for comment, and said the following: "All his correspondence with me in spite of circumstances have been fairly upbeat," Osborne said. "Things weren't going in a good direction for him. All I can say is I feel very bad," Osborne said. "I guess we feel like we did what we could for him. Whatever it was, it wasn't enough."
Previously, Osborne had said “I never got any indication that he had lost hope or given up, But when you’re that far away, it’s hard to know just from a letter what’s going on. We certainly tried to do what we could in Lincoln. But I feel bad because whatever we did apparently wasn’t enough. It’s a tremendous waste of a life that could’ve gone in a different direction. Who knows where Lawrence is now, but it could’ve turned out a lot better than it did. I’m really sorry about that."
Another life, which after a very poor start had chances to turn the corner to happiness and prosperity, ends in sadness. At the end of the day, Phillips could not escape the demons of his past. Perhaps Lawrence is at peace now.
1620 The Zone,
Damon Benning,
Lawrence Phillips,
Tom Osborne
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
The Color & Pageantry Top 25
The Color & Pageantry
College Football
2015 Final Top 25
1. Alabama, 14-1, 2
2. Clemson, 14-1, 1
3. Stanford, 12-2, 5
4. Ohio State, 12-1, 7
5. Oklahoma, 11-2, 3
6. Texas Christian, 11-2, 11
7. Michigan State, 12-2, 4
8. Houston, 13-1, 16
9. Baylor, 10-3, 17
10. Ole Miss, 10-3, 14
11. Notre Dame, 10-3, 8
14. North Carolina, 11-3, 10
15. Louisiana State, 9-3, 20
16. Iowa, 12-2, 6
17. Wisconsin, 10-3, 21
18. Utah, 10-3, 23
19. Oklahoma State, 10-3, 12
20. Oregon, 9-4, 13
21. Navy, 11-2, 25
22. Florida, 10-4, 17
23. Tennessee, 9-4, NR
24. Georgia, 10-3 NR
25. Northwestern, 10-3, 15
OUT: Southern Cal (22) and Texas A&M (24)
VOTES: Mississippi State, Southern Cal, Washington State, Temple, Arkansas, Western Kentucky, Louisville, Texas A&M, San Diego State, Boise State, West Virginia, Duke, Brigham Young, Auburn, Memphis and Georgia Southern.
Bob Davie deserves credit for bringing New Mexico bowling, and the Lobos battled Rich Rod's Arizona Wildcats to the end, falling 45-37 in the Gildan New Mexico Bow to kick off the expanded bowl season....Many on the east coast may not know, but Utah and Brigham Young are heated rivals, but the stadium was rendered speechless after Utah, with the help of a host of turnovers, ran out to a 35-0 first quarter lead; however, BYU never gave up and made it respectable by games end, losing 35-28 in the Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl....Appalachian State came back to top Frank Solich and his Ohio Bobcats, kicking a field goal as time expired to win 31-29 in the Raycom Media Camellia Bowl.... In the AutoNation Cure Bowl, a new game in beautiful downtown Orlando, San Jose State defeated Georgia State 27-16....At the R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl, Louisiana Tech defeated Arkansas State 47-28...The Miami Beach Bowl was very entertaining a year ago, and was once again as Western Kentucky, behind the strong arm of Brandon Doughty, beat South Florida 45-35....Terry Bowden got Akron their first bowl win in defeating Utah State 23-21 in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl...Toledo, perhaps feeling something to prove, dismantled what most felt was a stout Temple defense in defeating the Owls 32-17 in the Marmot Boca Raton Bowl....In the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl, Boise State bombed Northern Illinois 55-7, and it could have been worse...Georgia Southern, who almost beat both Florida and Georgia, losing to the Dawgs in OT, destroyed a decent Bowling Green squad 58-27 to get school's first bowl win in the GoDaddy Bowl. GSU quarterback Favian Upshaw made many thing of Tommie Frazier as the backup quarterback ran for 199 yards and four touchdowns in a mind boggling performance...Western Michigan upended Middle Tennessee 45-31 in the Popeyes Bahamas Bowl....San Diego State pounded Tommy Tuberville's Cincinnati Bearcats 42-7 in surprising fashion in the Hawaii Bowl...Marshall got the best of defensive minded Connecticut in the St. Petersburg Bowl 16-10...In a snowstorm, Washington State capped a decent season in defeating the Miami Hurricanes 20-14 in the Hyundai Sun Bowl on CBS....Out in Dallas at the Zaxby's Heart of Dallas Bowl, Washington defeated Southern Miss 44-31....In a thriller in the Bronx at the New Era Pinstripe Bowl, Duke defeated Indiana 44-41 in OT...Virginia Tech sent Frank Beamer out a winner in stopping Tulsa, who was operating on all cylinders offensively, 55-52...Nebraska finally went to the ground game and won the lines of scrimmage in dumping UCLA 37-29 at the Foster Farms Bowl...At the Military Bowl presented by Northrup Grumman, Navy outscored Pittsburgh behind quarterback Keenan Reynolds.....In the Quick Land Bowl in Detroit, Minnesota got by Central Michigan 21-14...In the Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl, Air Force was unable to corral Jared Goff and the Cal Golden Bears, falling 55-36...Baylor, using a third team quarterback in wideout John Jefferson, and without All America wideout Casey Coleman and running back Shock Linwood, Baylor ran wild from the get go on North Carolina, roughing up the Heels 49-28 in the Russell Athletic Bowl in Orlando. Baylor broke the record for most total yards and most team rushing yards in a bowl game, previously held by Nebraska in rather stunning fashion....Nevada dumped Colorado State in teh NOVA Home Loans Arizona Bowl...After the debacle in almost firing coach Les Miles, LSU got after Texas Tech in the AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl and beat Texas Tech 56-27 behind top flite running back Leonard Fournette....Auburn found a defense and throttled Paxton Lynch and the Memphis Tiger 31-10 in the Birmingham Bowl....Behind QB Dak Prescott, Mississippi State jumped all over NC State 51-38 in the Belk Bowl...Freshman QB Lamar Jackson, who was emerging throughout the year, came up big as Louisville upended Texas A&M in the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl....Wisconsin held the talented USC Trojans in check en route to a rather surprising 23-21 in the National Funding Holiday Bowl.....Florida State was outplayed and outcoached by a Houston team that came to win in the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl on New Years Eve at the Georgia Dome in downtown Atlanta.....Tennessee set the expectations high for 2016 in thumping Northwestern 45-6 in the Outback Bowl....Essentially playing a road game in front of a partisan Gator crowd, Michigan pummeled Florida 41-7 in the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl in beautiful downtown Orlando....Ohio State got clicking and defeated Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl 44-28, with it appearing the Irish, who lost All America linebacker Jaylon Smith in the first quarter, finally had their back broken on the injury front. Even if healthy, Ohio State showcased what may have been and appear poised to lose a truckload of players to the NFL......Stanford, behind a brilliant performance by Christian McCaffrey, destroyed Iowa 45-16 in the picturesque Rose Bowl Game presented by Northwestern Mutual.....Ole Miss demonstrated their strengths in overwhelming Okie State 48-20 in the Allstate Sugar Bowl.....Georgia raced out front and then held on to dump Penn State 24-17 in the TaxSlayer Bowl on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville. Dale Earnhardt Jr. drove his #88 TaxSlayer Chevrolet out to midfield to participate in the coin toss....Arkansas, behind RB Alex Collins, ran by Kansas State 45-23 in the AutoZone Liberty Bowl....In a top notch bowl game, down 31-0 to Oregon behind the stellar quarterbacking play of Vernon Adams, Texas Christian mounted a comeback for the ages and got to overtime, then defeated Oregon 47-41 in 3OT's. Great game....In another wild contest few on the east coast saw, West Virginia outlasted Arizona State 43-42, making just one more big play the Sun Devils.
Due to the inability to fill all the bowl games with teams with winning records, three teams with losing records (5-7) were issued bowl invitations based upon academic success. The three teams were Nebraska, Minnesota and San Jose State. Each team, as you may imagine, won their bowl game.
In the Capital One Orange Bowl, the Clemson Tigers outscored Oklahoma 21-0 in the second half to dominate the Sooners and place the Tigers in position to win their first National Championship since defeating Nebraska in the 1981 Orange Bowl. Deshaun Watson was stellar, both with his arm and legs in dazzling the Sooners, who were favored. Clemson also turned in a top notch defensive effort against QB Baker Mayfield and the high flying Sooner offense. Clemson is IN.
Later, in the Goodyear Cotton Bowl, Alabama trounced Michigan State, dominating the Spartans 38-0. Although Alabama looked in control, the game was still in question with Bama leading 17-0 when Cyrus Jones returned a punt to give the Tide a 24-0 lead. Heisman Trophy winner Derrick Henry took over from there, for which the Spartans had no answer. Alabama owned the line of scrimmage, and got a great performance from QB Jake Coker. It was a bloodbath, and Alabama is IN.
North Dakota State pummeled top seeded Jacksonville State to win their fifth straight FCS National Championship, which is remarkable and worth the admiration it deserves.
Congratulations to the Alabama Crimson Tide, the 2015 College Football National Champions! Alabama scored 24 fourth quarter points, and needed them all, to outlast Clemson 45-40 to win the National Title.
Most everyone is well aware of the storied football history of Alabama, but this is their fourth title in the last seven seasons. This feat is unmatched in the modern era, and has eclipsed Nebraska, who went 60-4 in winning three titles in four seasons in the mid 1990's.
Nick Saban has squarely placed himself among the very best in the annuals of college football coaching, as he now has five national championships, having won one at LSU before coming to Alabama after two mediocre seasons with the Miami Dolphins. Saban perhaps coached his best game on this evening, with an uncharacteristic trick play in an onside kick that appeared to turn the fortunes toward the Crimson Tide. OC Lane Kiffin should also be recognized, for he is well on the way of atoning for failures as the head man at top jobs in both the NFL and college and will find himself with another opportunity sooner than later.
Alabama made the big plays, repeatedly, to win the ball game, on a night full of big plays.
Bama got out early, with Heisman Trophy winner Derrick Henry bolting 50 yards for the first score. However, Henry would not be story for Alabama on this night. It would others, most notably tight end O. J. Howard. Gridiron watchers in south, along with the NFL scouts, have known about Howard for years, but he has never been asked to play a significant role and never accumulated statistics that would place him contention for honors. Hell, he had not caught a touchdown pass since 2013. Howard hauled in five catches for 208 yards and 2 touchdowns, finding himself wide open time after time. QB Jake Coker, who played a very smart game, found Howard and that connection seemed too much for Clemson. Coker also, while avoiding a sack, found ArDarius Stewart for a big sideline grab.
But the big play that finally did Clemson in was a fourth quarter 95 yard kickoff return by Kenyon Drake.
Alabama played well on defense, not withstanding the score, but had trouble matching up with Clemson quarterback DeShaun Watson and his big play making ability.
Top ranked Clemson, 6.5 point underdogs, came to win and has can hold their head high. The Tigers came very close to winning, making a bunch of big plays themselves. Quarterback Deshaun Watson, The Color & Pageantry 2015 All American quarterback, played a brilliant game and served notice on the nation he is among the nations best.
Watson was 30/47 for 405 yards with four touchdowns, and ran 20 times for 73 yards as well. Watson did throw an interception, where Watson fired an attempt to hit a receiver on a wheel route but Bama safety Eddie Jackson fell back to pick it off. Had Jackson not made the play, Clemson would likely have been up 21-7.
Watson and Clemson got performances by Wayne Gallman and a host of receivers to keep the pressure on Alabama. In addition, defensively, most of the evening, Clemson played very well.
Defensively, the Tiger held up strong in the trenches, with DE Kevin Dodd and DE Shaq Lawson, making several sacks and tackles for loss. CB Marquise Alexander made some plays early, but was lost to injury by the end of the first periord, and his loss withour question hurt the Tigers.
Clemson got screwed by poor officiating at the end of the first half, losing the opportunity for a play and a time out. After the officials failed to get it right, Clemson had a field goal partially blocked and lost momentum going to the break.
It was a very enjoyable game, exploding with drama in the fourth quarter. Instead of this Monday Night tilt, the game should have been played the preceding Friday Night, as it was an early morning on the east coast for those of us fortunate enough to be employed.
Bama made the most big plays, and Clemson had failures on two special team plays, the onside kick and kick return touchdown, that told the tale of this game.
Congratulations to Dabo Swinney and Clemson on a big year and congratulations,once again, to the 2015 National Champions, the Alabama Crimson Tide! RTR!
College Football
2015 Final Top 25
1. Alabama, 14-1, 2
2. Clemson, 14-1, 1
3. Stanford, 12-2, 5
4. Ohio State, 12-1, 7
5. Oklahoma, 11-2, 3
6. Texas Christian, 11-2, 11
7. Michigan State, 12-2, 4
8. Houston, 13-1, 16
9. Baylor, 10-3, 17
10. Ole Miss, 10-3, 14
11. Notre Dame, 10-3, 8
12. Michigan, 10-3, 19
13. Florida State, 10-3, 914. North Carolina, 11-3, 10
15. Louisiana State, 9-3, 20
16. Iowa, 12-2, 6
17. Wisconsin, 10-3, 21
18. Utah, 10-3, 23
19. Oklahoma State, 10-3, 12
20. Oregon, 9-4, 13
21. Navy, 11-2, 25
22. Florida, 10-4, 17
23. Tennessee, 9-4, NR
24. Georgia, 10-3 NR
25. Northwestern, 10-3, 15
OUT: Southern Cal (22) and Texas A&M (24)
VOTES: Mississippi State, Southern Cal, Washington State, Temple, Arkansas, Western Kentucky, Louisville, Texas A&M, San Diego State, Boise State, West Virginia, Duke, Brigham Young, Auburn, Memphis and Georgia Southern.
Bob Davie deserves credit for bringing New Mexico bowling, and the Lobos battled Rich Rod's Arizona Wildcats to the end, falling 45-37 in the Gildan New Mexico Bow to kick off the expanded bowl season....Many on the east coast may not know, but Utah and Brigham Young are heated rivals, but the stadium was rendered speechless after Utah, with the help of a host of turnovers, ran out to a 35-0 first quarter lead; however, BYU never gave up and made it respectable by games end, losing 35-28 in the Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl....Appalachian State came back to top Frank Solich and his Ohio Bobcats, kicking a field goal as time expired to win 31-29 in the Raycom Media Camellia Bowl.... In the AutoNation Cure Bowl, a new game in beautiful downtown Orlando, San Jose State defeated Georgia State 27-16....At the R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl, Louisiana Tech defeated Arkansas State 47-28...The Miami Beach Bowl was very entertaining a year ago, and was once again as Western Kentucky, behind the strong arm of Brandon Doughty, beat South Florida 45-35....Terry Bowden got Akron their first bowl win in defeating Utah State 23-21 in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl...Toledo, perhaps feeling something to prove, dismantled what most felt was a stout Temple defense in defeating the Owls 32-17 in the Marmot Boca Raton Bowl....In the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl, Boise State bombed Northern Illinois 55-7, and it could have been worse...Georgia Southern, who almost beat both Florida and Georgia, losing to the Dawgs in OT, destroyed a decent Bowling Green squad 58-27 to get school's first bowl win in the GoDaddy Bowl. GSU quarterback Favian Upshaw made many thing of Tommie Frazier as the backup quarterback ran for 199 yards and four touchdowns in a mind boggling performance...Western Michigan upended Middle Tennessee 45-31 in the Popeyes Bahamas Bowl....San Diego State pounded Tommy Tuberville's Cincinnati Bearcats 42-7 in surprising fashion in the Hawaii Bowl...Marshall got the best of defensive minded Connecticut in the St. Petersburg Bowl 16-10...In a snowstorm, Washington State capped a decent season in defeating the Miami Hurricanes 20-14 in the Hyundai Sun Bowl on CBS....Out in Dallas at the Zaxby's Heart of Dallas Bowl, Washington defeated Southern Miss 44-31....In a thriller in the Bronx at the New Era Pinstripe Bowl, Duke defeated Indiana 44-41 in OT...Virginia Tech sent Frank Beamer out a winner in stopping Tulsa, who was operating on all cylinders offensively, 55-52...Nebraska finally went to the ground game and won the lines of scrimmage in dumping UCLA 37-29 at the Foster Farms Bowl...At the Military Bowl presented by Northrup Grumman, Navy outscored Pittsburgh behind quarterback Keenan Reynolds.....In the Quick Land Bowl in Detroit, Minnesota got by Central Michigan 21-14...In the Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl, Air Force was unable to corral Jared Goff and the Cal Golden Bears, falling 55-36...Baylor, using a third team quarterback in wideout John Jefferson, and without All America wideout Casey Coleman and running back Shock Linwood, Baylor ran wild from the get go on North Carolina, roughing up the Heels 49-28 in the Russell Athletic Bowl in Orlando. Baylor broke the record for most total yards and most team rushing yards in a bowl game, previously held by Nebraska in rather stunning fashion....Nevada dumped Colorado State in teh NOVA Home Loans Arizona Bowl...After the debacle in almost firing coach Les Miles, LSU got after Texas Tech in the AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl and beat Texas Tech 56-27 behind top flite running back Leonard Fournette....Auburn found a defense and throttled Paxton Lynch and the Memphis Tiger 31-10 in the Birmingham Bowl....Behind QB Dak Prescott, Mississippi State jumped all over NC State 51-38 in the Belk Bowl...Freshman QB Lamar Jackson, who was emerging throughout the year, came up big as Louisville upended Texas A&M in the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl....Wisconsin held the talented USC Trojans in check en route to a rather surprising 23-21 in the National Funding Holiday Bowl.....Florida State was outplayed and outcoached by a Houston team that came to win in the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl on New Years Eve at the Georgia Dome in downtown Atlanta.....Tennessee set the expectations high for 2016 in thumping Northwestern 45-6 in the Outback Bowl....Essentially playing a road game in front of a partisan Gator crowd, Michigan pummeled Florida 41-7 in the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl in beautiful downtown Orlando....Ohio State got clicking and defeated Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl 44-28, with it appearing the Irish, who lost All America linebacker Jaylon Smith in the first quarter, finally had their back broken on the injury front. Even if healthy, Ohio State showcased what may have been and appear poised to lose a truckload of players to the NFL......Stanford, behind a brilliant performance by Christian McCaffrey, destroyed Iowa 45-16 in the picturesque Rose Bowl Game presented by Northwestern Mutual.....Ole Miss demonstrated their strengths in overwhelming Okie State 48-20 in the Allstate Sugar Bowl.....Georgia raced out front and then held on to dump Penn State 24-17 in the TaxSlayer Bowl on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville. Dale Earnhardt Jr. drove his #88 TaxSlayer Chevrolet out to midfield to participate in the coin toss....Arkansas, behind RB Alex Collins, ran by Kansas State 45-23 in the AutoZone Liberty Bowl....In a top notch bowl game, down 31-0 to Oregon behind the stellar quarterbacking play of Vernon Adams, Texas Christian mounted a comeback for the ages and got to overtime, then defeated Oregon 47-41 in 3OT's. Great game....In another wild contest few on the east coast saw, West Virginia outlasted Arizona State 43-42, making just one more big play the Sun Devils.
Due to the inability to fill all the bowl games with teams with winning records, three teams with losing records (5-7) were issued bowl invitations based upon academic success. The three teams were Nebraska, Minnesota and San Jose State. Each team, as you may imagine, won their bowl game.
In the Capital One Orange Bowl, the Clemson Tigers outscored Oklahoma 21-0 in the second half to dominate the Sooners and place the Tigers in position to win their first National Championship since defeating Nebraska in the 1981 Orange Bowl. Deshaun Watson was stellar, both with his arm and legs in dazzling the Sooners, who were favored. Clemson also turned in a top notch defensive effort against QB Baker Mayfield and the high flying Sooner offense. Clemson is IN.
Later, in the Goodyear Cotton Bowl, Alabama trounced Michigan State, dominating the Spartans 38-0. Although Alabama looked in control, the game was still in question with Bama leading 17-0 when Cyrus Jones returned a punt to give the Tide a 24-0 lead. Heisman Trophy winner Derrick Henry took over from there, for which the Spartans had no answer. Alabama owned the line of scrimmage, and got a great performance from QB Jake Coker. It was a bloodbath, and Alabama is IN.
North Dakota State pummeled top seeded Jacksonville State to win their fifth straight FCS National Championship, which is remarkable and worth the admiration it deserves.
Congratulations to the Alabama Crimson Tide, the 2015 College Football National Champions! Alabama scored 24 fourth quarter points, and needed them all, to outlast Clemson 45-40 to win the National Title.
Most everyone is well aware of the storied football history of Alabama, but this is their fourth title in the last seven seasons. This feat is unmatched in the modern era, and has eclipsed Nebraska, who went 60-4 in winning three titles in four seasons in the mid 1990's.
Nick Saban has squarely placed himself among the very best in the annuals of college football coaching, as he now has five national championships, having won one at LSU before coming to Alabama after two mediocre seasons with the Miami Dolphins. Saban perhaps coached his best game on this evening, with an uncharacteristic trick play in an onside kick that appeared to turn the fortunes toward the Crimson Tide. OC Lane Kiffin should also be recognized, for he is well on the way of atoning for failures as the head man at top jobs in both the NFL and college and will find himself with another opportunity sooner than later.
Alabama made the big plays, repeatedly, to win the ball game, on a night full of big plays.
Bama got out early, with Heisman Trophy winner Derrick Henry bolting 50 yards for the first score. However, Henry would not be story for Alabama on this night. It would others, most notably tight end O. J. Howard. Gridiron watchers in south, along with the NFL scouts, have known about Howard for years, but he has never been asked to play a significant role and never accumulated statistics that would place him contention for honors. Hell, he had not caught a touchdown pass since 2013. Howard hauled in five catches for 208 yards and 2 touchdowns, finding himself wide open time after time. QB Jake Coker, who played a very smart game, found Howard and that connection seemed too much for Clemson. Coker also, while avoiding a sack, found ArDarius Stewart for a big sideline grab.
But the big play that finally did Clemson in was a fourth quarter 95 yard kickoff return by Kenyon Drake.
Alabama's Kenyon Drake find paydirt with 95 YRD KO RET TD Photo/USAToday |
Alabama played well on defense, not withstanding the score, but had trouble matching up with Clemson quarterback DeShaun Watson and his big play making ability.
Top ranked Clemson, 6.5 point underdogs, came to win and has can hold their head high. The Tigers came very close to winning, making a bunch of big plays themselves. Quarterback Deshaun Watson, The Color & Pageantry 2015 All American quarterback, played a brilliant game and served notice on the nation he is among the nations best.
Clemson quarterback Deshaun Watson Photo/SI.com |
Watson was 30/47 for 405 yards with four touchdowns, and ran 20 times for 73 yards as well. Watson did throw an interception, where Watson fired an attempt to hit a receiver on a wheel route but Bama safety Eddie Jackson fell back to pick it off. Had Jackson not made the play, Clemson would likely have been up 21-7.
Watson and Clemson got performances by Wayne Gallman and a host of receivers to keep the pressure on Alabama. In addition, defensively, most of the evening, Clemson played very well.
Defensively, the Tiger held up strong in the trenches, with DE Kevin Dodd and DE Shaq Lawson, making several sacks and tackles for loss. CB Marquise Alexander made some plays early, but was lost to injury by the end of the first periord, and his loss withour question hurt the Tigers.
Clemson got screwed by poor officiating at the end of the first half, losing the opportunity for a play and a time out. After the officials failed to get it right, Clemson had a field goal partially blocked and lost momentum going to the break.
It was a very enjoyable game, exploding with drama in the fourth quarter. Instead of this Monday Night tilt, the game should have been played the preceding Friday Night, as it was an early morning on the east coast for those of us fortunate enough to be employed.
Bama made the most big plays, and Clemson had failures on two special team plays, the onside kick and kick return touchdown, that told the tale of this game.
Congratulations to Dabo Swinney and Clemson on a big year and congratulations,once again, to the 2015 National Champions, the Alabama Crimson Tide! RTR!
Monday, January 11, 2016
Returning Home
David Bowie, the iconic and influential musical superstar, died yesterday of cancer at age 69.
I do not own one piece of his music, although I enjoy much of it very much. Obviously, not among my favorite artists, I had great respect for his immense talent.
One of the things I appreciate most about Facebook it things that come across the news feed I normally may not see or be informed about.
Such was the case today.
Saddened by Bowie's passing, while reviewing a story on his death, I was totally taken back by the performance of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who spent five months in space and and covered "David Bowie's "Space Oddity" — not only the first musical recording in space, but a cover Bowie called "possibly the most poignant version of the song ever created."
There is a back story. It was removed from YouTube for a period, but thanks in part to David Bowie, it is now free for all of us to enjoy; and engage in space travel in the mind.
For Hadfield, obviously a very talented individual and huge Bowie fan, this is a tough day.
Many of us are saddened, and thanks to Hadfield, we can take a few minutes to appreciate the talent of David Bowie. The perfect tribute to David Bowie: an astronaut playing "Space Oddity" in space.
Bowie has returned home.
I do not own one piece of his music, although I enjoy much of it very much. Obviously, not among my favorite artists, I had great respect for his immense talent.
One of the things I appreciate most about Facebook it things that come across the news feed I normally may not see or be informed about.
Such was the case today.
Saddened by Bowie's passing, while reviewing a story on his death, I was totally taken back by the performance of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who spent five months in space and and covered "David Bowie's "Space Oddity" — not only the first musical recording in space, but a cover Bowie called "possibly the most poignant version of the song ever created."
There is a back story. It was removed from YouTube for a period, but thanks in part to David Bowie, it is now free for all of us to enjoy; and engage in space travel in the mind.
For Hadfield, obviously a very talented individual and huge Bowie fan, this is a tough day.
Many of us are saddened, and thanks to Hadfield, we can take a few minutes to appreciate the talent of David Bowie. The perfect tribute to David Bowie: an astronaut playing "Space Oddity" in space.
Bowie has returned home.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
New Normal of Newspeak
Orwell's "newspeak" is alive and well.
Perhaps defined as an orchestrated manipulation of language, thought, action and perception for the advancement of an agenda with punitive damages inclusive of public ridicule for those in opposition, political correctness is destroying our nation.
Those who champion political correctness proclaim tolerance for everything, while aiming to discredit and diminish the traditional principles, morality and prosperity of our nation.
While our society is welcoming and forgiving in nature, our nation cannot allow avenues of political correctness to supersede our guaranteed rights. The new normal of "newspeak" must be reversed.
As our founders noted, free speech and freedom of thought must be protected at all costs, for the survival of our nation is at stake.
Please see the follwong piece written by Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute: Political Correctness Is About Control, Not Etiquette
Perhaps defined as an orchestrated manipulation of language, thought, action and perception for the advancement of an agenda with punitive damages inclusive of public ridicule for those in opposition, political correctness is destroying our nation.
Those who champion political correctness proclaim tolerance for everything, while aiming to discredit and diminish the traditional principles, morality and prosperity of our nation.
While our society is welcoming and forgiving in nature, our nation cannot allow avenues of political correctness to supersede our guaranteed rights. The new normal of "newspeak" must be reversed.
As our founders noted, free speech and freedom of thought must be protected at all costs, for the survival of our nation is at stake.
Please see the follwong piece written by Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute: Political Correctness Is About Control, Not Etiquette
Freedom of Speech,
George Orwell,
Political Correctness
Thursday, January 7, 2016
The Ghost of History
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China Ghost City |
It is the mess created by the US government, with complicit partners on Wall Street and in the mainstream media, that has placed America and her finances in peril. Every decision that was made in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis was in error, and eroded liberty and freedom for all. Once such action was extending the unemployment coverage for longer periods of time. As famed author Art Laffer once quipped, "when you people not to work, don't be surprised if get a lot of people not working." Got it.
Speaking of the job market, investors hope a strong jobs number Friday morning will held turn the market tide. But that is a manipulated number as well, as it captures only those who have recently sought full employment, not the high number of those who have given up. In fact, if the job market was improving, you would see a slight increase in the unemployment rate, as more individuals would enter the capsule of those actively seeking work. The most accurate indicator of the job market can be found in the labor participation rate, painting a dismal snapshot in time sunk at level not seen since the days of Jimmy Carter over 35 years ago.
The experts always claim this time it is different; nothing but financial folly. As noted in the piece, "The reckless herd has been in control for the last few years, but their recklessness is going to get them slaughtered. The lessons of history scream for caution at this moment in time, not recklessness." True.
We warned about the economy and capital market months ago, and our position has not changed. Once again, this time isn't different.
The ghosts know.
Please see THIS TIME ISN'T DIFFERENT by Jim Quinn over at The Burning Platform.
Art Laffer,
Data Manipulation,
Media Bias,
Stock Market,
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Corruption Cannot Stand
As we know that the quality of virtue and morality in the character of a nation is the secret to its survival, given how corrupt our nation now is, we find the reason for the exponential expansion of the multitude of issues gripping our nation.
An article from Western Journalism noted the level of corruption by Hillary Clinton has reached mind boggling levels.
According to Joe DiGenova, a Republican U.S. attorney appointed by President Reagan,“The evidence against the Clinton staff and the secretary is so overwhelming at this point that if, in fact, she (AG Loretta Lynch) chooses not to charge Hillary, they will never be able to charge another federal employee with the negligent handling of classified information. “The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if she refuses to bring charges.”
"I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless (Attorney General Loretta Lynch) agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable,” DiGenova said.
Should the corrupt Obama administration fail to follow the law as it pertains to the case of Hillary Clinton, we will learn a devastating assessment of the status of our nation. We are a nation of laws, not men (or women). If that has in fact changed, the suicide of our nation can be classified as imminent.
We shall see in @60 days.
Hillary Clinton |
According to Joe DiGenova, a Republican U.S. attorney appointed by President Reagan,“The evidence against the Clinton staff and the secretary is so overwhelming at this point that if, in fact, she (AG Loretta Lynch) chooses not to charge Hillary, they will never be able to charge another federal employee with the negligent handling of classified information. “The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if she refuses to bring charges.”
"I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless (Attorney General Loretta Lynch) agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable,” DiGenova said.
Should the corrupt Obama administration fail to follow the law as it pertains to the case of Hillary Clinton, we will learn a devastating assessment of the status of our nation. We are a nation of laws, not men (or women). If that has in fact changed, the suicide of our nation can be classified as imminent.
We shall see in @60 days.
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Joe DiGenova,
Loretta Lynch
Monday, January 4, 2016
No Lane Changes Lead to Loss
Houston came to the Chick-fil-a Peach Bowl with one task on the mind; WIN!
That they did, surprisingly, in rather dominating fashion, defeating Florida State 38-24.
Houston, behind versatile quarterback Greg Ward Jr, spread the field offensively and gave the Seminole defensive scheme issues all day. Yes, FSU appeared asleep for another non kickoff, but that is no excuse. I closed down the bar at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis the night prior, and was there to answer the bell.
The Cougars jumped out 7-0, with FSU looking somewhat confused defensively. On some plays, Houston was stopped cold, but they took advantage of QB runs and targeted lined throws to coverage gaps. It was obvious within the first pair of series the base FSU defense would be ineffective, as Houston got rid of the ball quickly and did not give the 'Noles rush ends time to pressure Ward, and on occasion, his backup.
Inexplicably, DC Charles Kelly failed to make adjustments. Florida State seemed reactive, rather than proactive and disruptive. Houston was throwing to targeted holes, which should have been plugged by FSU adding a rover and playing a zone. Never happened, and Houston put up 38 points, 13 more than the Seminoles had given up in any game this season. FSU played at #1 Clemson.
Demarcus Walker had some moments, but the line was ineffective, primarily due to the Cougars plan. Terrance Smith made some play, but the defense looked out of sync most of the game. Jalen Ramsey was not imposing, and LaMarcus Brutus, who had a stellar year, had a very poor game. Derwin James had a career high tackling effort, but he lost a few battles out there as well. Very disappointing day for the defense.
Offensively, the Seminoles scored a field goal on the opening drive, then missed a field goal of 53 yards. Before we got a beer from the concession stand, it was 14-3. After FSU got a stop deep, Dalvin Cook lost a fumble. Ward raced to the corner of the end zone and Houston led 21-3.
FSU looked at times like they would be able to outscore Houston if they just settled down and stuck to the normal business. But, Rick Trickett's offensive line performed very poorly, taking a huge step backward. Receivers were wide open, but Shawn Maguire most often was unable to locate them.
Maguire badly turned an ankle badly in the first half, and supposedly returned with an air cast. While Maguire was in the locker room, JJ Cosentino got a few series in, where the Seminoles lost overall yardage. Cosentino was not ready for this platform. Maguire, on one leg, gave it a go, but while he did hit some throws, he could not get it done.
Maguire tossed four interceptions; tough to win with that going on. Based on this performance, neither Maguire or Cosentino appear to be the long term answer for the Seminoles at quarterback.
With the OL ineffective, Cook was harnessed and FSU was offensively limited. Cook is a overwhelming part of the offense, and if he is stymied, so is FSU. Houston was a sure tackling outfit on this day, refusing to let Cook hurt them with yards after contact and by breaking tackles.
There appeared to be limited if any adjustments offensively; FSU only tried one misdirection reverse to attempt to slow the Cougar swarm, but it was only one feeble effort. It is noted WR Travis Rudolph continued his recent progress and had a good game.
That they did, surprisingly, in rather dominating fashion, defeating Florida State 38-24.
Houston, behind versatile quarterback Greg Ward Jr, spread the field offensively and gave the Seminole defensive scheme issues all day. Yes, FSU appeared asleep for another non kickoff, but that is no excuse. I closed down the bar at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis the night prior, and was there to answer the bell.
The Cougars jumped out 7-0, with FSU looking somewhat confused defensively. On some plays, Houston was stopped cold, but they took advantage of QB runs and targeted lined throws to coverage gaps. It was obvious within the first pair of series the base FSU defense would be ineffective, as Houston got rid of the ball quickly and did not give the 'Noles rush ends time to pressure Ward, and on occasion, his backup.
Inexplicably, DC Charles Kelly failed to make adjustments. Florida State seemed reactive, rather than proactive and disruptive. Houston was throwing to targeted holes, which should have been plugged by FSU adding a rover and playing a zone. Never happened, and Houston put up 38 points, 13 more than the Seminoles had given up in any game this season. FSU played at #1 Clemson.
Demarcus Walker had some moments, but the line was ineffective, primarily due to the Cougars plan. Terrance Smith made some play, but the defense looked out of sync most of the game. Jalen Ramsey was not imposing, and LaMarcus Brutus, who had a stellar year, had a very poor game. Derwin James had a career high tackling effort, but he lost a few battles out there as well. Very disappointing day for the defense.
Offensively, the Seminoles scored a field goal on the opening drive, then missed a field goal of 53 yards. Before we got a beer from the concession stand, it was 14-3. After FSU got a stop deep, Dalvin Cook lost a fumble. Ward raced to the corner of the end zone and Houston led 21-3.
FSU looked at times like they would be able to outscore Houston if they just settled down and stuck to the normal business. But, Rick Trickett's offensive line performed very poorly, taking a huge step backward. Receivers were wide open, but Shawn Maguire most often was unable to locate them.
Maguire badly turned an ankle badly in the first half, and supposedly returned with an air cast. While Maguire was in the locker room, JJ Cosentino got a few series in, where the Seminoles lost overall yardage. Cosentino was not ready for this platform. Maguire, on one leg, gave it a go, but while he did hit some throws, he could not get it done.
Maguire tossed four interceptions; tough to win with that going on. Based on this performance, neither Maguire or Cosentino appear to be the long term answer for the Seminoles at quarterback.
With the OL ineffective, Cook was harnessed and FSU was offensively limited. Cook is a overwhelming part of the offense, and if he is stymied, so is FSU. Houston was a sure tackling outfit on this day, refusing to let Cook hurt them with yards after contact and by breaking tackles.
FSU RB Dalvin Cook smothered by Houston Cougar defenders Photo/FOXSports.com |
There appeared to be limited if any adjustments offensively; FSU only tried one misdirection reverse to attempt to slow the Cougar swarm, but it was only one feeble effort. It is noted WR Travis Rudolph continued his recent progress and had a good game.
Coach Tom Herman and his Houston Cougars were most impressive, and had a stellar game plan on both sides of the ball. FSU was frustrated on both sides of the ball, and appeared to do little in terms of adjustments to shift lanes and make something happen. For sure, Houston quarterback Greg Ward, Jr. is quite a player.
Rarely, particularly in a bowl game, would someone categorize a Jimbo Fisher coached FSU as being out-played and out-coached, but in front overwhelmingly heavy Seminole crowd, so it was. It was evident from the stands early on that the standard operations of the Seminoles would not work, and they would have to adjust tendencies.
The Seminoles did not, and therefore, got whipped.
On a good note, The Marching Chiefs were stellar at halftime, and congrats to FSU cheer for flat out representing!
Rarely, particularly in a bowl game, would someone categorize a Jimbo Fisher coached FSU as being out-played and out-coached, but in front overwhelmingly heavy Seminole crowd, so it was. It was evident from the stands early on that the standard operations of the Seminoles would not work, and they would have to adjust tendencies.
The Seminoles did not, and therefore, got whipped.
On a good note, The Marching Chiefs were stellar at halftime, and congrats to FSU cheer for flat out representing!
The Enemy; Foreign and Domestic
ISIS is being utilized by those seeking an Ottoman Empire style caliphate as a cleansing mechanism.
It is very important to understand that "we can destroy ISIS tomorrow, but we will still be in an extended war with a hundred other groups who all have a vision for restoring the Caliphate. This war will never end until we crush their supremacist agenda by demonstrating that we will never again allow such a horror to exist on this earth. As long as Muslim groups hold out hope for a restoration of the Caliphate this war, in its various forms, will go on".
Whether the Obama administration admits it or not, we are at war. Exacerbating the issue is that President Obama is on the side seeking the caliphate, while the greater majority of America is not; and few even know, or God forbid, even care.
IT’S NOT ISIS WE NEED TO BEAT -- IT’S THE CALIPHATE. Understanding the Caliphate Curve
by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
It is very important to understand that "we can destroy ISIS tomorrow, but we will still be in an extended war with a hundred other groups who all have a vision for restoring the Caliphate. This war will never end until we crush their supremacist agenda by demonstrating that we will never again allow such a horror to exist on this earth. As long as Muslim groups hold out hope for a restoration of the Caliphate this war, in its various forms, will go on".
Whether the Obama administration admits it or not, we are at war. Exacerbating the issue is that President Obama is on the side seeking the caliphate, while the greater majority of America is not; and few even know, or God forbid, even care.
IT’S NOT ISIS WE NEED TO BEAT -- IT’S THE CALIPHATE. Understanding the Caliphate Curve
by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
Barack Obama,
Global War on Terror,
Ottoman Empire,
Radical Islam
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Finding Fertile Farm Ground
Throughout a difficult and inexplicable season where Nebraska failed to establish an identity, the Foster Farms Bowl offered an opportunity, one in which the Huskers firmly capitalized on in defeating UCLA 37-29.
Coach Mike Riley, seemingly already on the hot seat after the dismal 2015 campaign, often spoke of achieving an appropriate balance offensively. Most in the fan base thinks the proper balance begins and ends with the run, and there is sound thinking behind that.
Certainly, it seems Riley and offensive coordinator Danny Langsdorf prefer to throw, to a fault an reminiscent of the forgettable tenure of Bill Callahan. Evidence in this critical failure in coaching staff application occurred earlier this season where, after leading throughout, the 'Huskers proceeded to give a game away at Illinois. Not willing or able to run adequately, the staff instructed Tommy Armstrong to attempt 45 passes in freezing and windy weather, which produced four interceptions, and the end result was a completely unacceptable loss.
There were far too many of those this season, and the staff is no doubt aware continuance of these failures will result in their termination. However, out on the farm at the Foster Farms Bowl, Nebraska demonstrated what an optimal offense, for the Big Red, might look like.
I used to love the old option offensive attack, where when performed with precision, was a thing of beauty. Firing that onslaught of the Big Red machine at folks was just tremendous, but, sadly, the game has changed dramatically, and I do not think it could be as effective today. There is far too much speed on the defensive line with most potential opponents, and it is much more difficult to recruit the top athletes necessary to run it. Wide receivers dream of touchdowns, knocking getting coaching points for knockdown blocks on the perimeter. Option performers do not translate so well with NFL futures, so players will go where the can aim to perfect their NFL craft.
However, it is out on the farm where a blueprint for success, one which would match the history of Nebraska football with the game of today, and that is found at Stanford. Under David Shaw, Stanford uses a punishing offensive line, runs when they want to and can when they need to, but uses both short and long passing games to compliment their total attack.
Nebraska offered a similar attack against UCLA. The Big Red ran early and often, establishing physicality and control, which in turn allowed Tommy Armstrong to be effective, and lethal, in the pass game. Imani Cross ran inside, with Devine Ozigbo running strong inside and outside and making a nice catch out of the backfield. The fullback was relevant with Andy Janovich (will miss him in 2016), and a long list of targets collected Armstrong throws, most notably, freshman sensation Stanley Morgan, Jr.
Nebraska ended the evening having tremendous offensive success, establishing an identify, and providing a base for future offensive operation, which opens the entire field for everyone, and allows quarterback play to be guided to maximize defensive deficiencies.
Defensively, UCLA freshman quarterback sensation Josh Rosen would be quite a challenge for the Blackshirts, who although improving in recent weeks, have been very suspect. UCLA got out to a 21-7 lead, and Rosen is as advertised, but you had the feeling the Husker D was up to the task on this evening. Up front, we saw some tenacity that was often missing in the season. One area Nebraska has been strong is stopping the run, and they were stout. The linebackers were active and although there were expected lapses, the secondary played pretty well.
Of course, as what is becoming customary, Nate Gerry was inexplicably tossed for targeting. His tackle which got him disqualified was among the most fundamentally sound tackles most have recently seen. These penalties are way to subjective, are hurting the game and are in fact simply out of control. It must be addressed.
UCLA underachieved this season, which is becoming a pattern for the Bruins, but they are a talented bunch and defeating them in the Foster Farms Bowl is something to be proud of. As mentioned, an offensive blueprint may have been found on the fertile ground on the farm, one which will effectively and successfully blend 'Husker heritage with the offensive complexities of the current game.
Nebraska in 2015 was very young, and if the players are buying in, with a good recruiting class, there is no reason to think the Big Red cannot win the 2016 B1G Ten Western Division.
Coach Mike Riley, seemingly already on the hot seat after the dismal 2015 campaign, often spoke of achieving an appropriate balance offensively. Most in the fan base thinks the proper balance begins and ends with the run, and there is sound thinking behind that.
Certainly, it seems Riley and offensive coordinator Danny Langsdorf prefer to throw, to a fault an reminiscent of the forgettable tenure of Bill Callahan. Evidence in this critical failure in coaching staff application occurred earlier this season where, after leading throughout, the 'Huskers proceeded to give a game away at Illinois. Not willing or able to run adequately, the staff instructed Tommy Armstrong to attempt 45 passes in freezing and windy weather, which produced four interceptions, and the end result was a completely unacceptable loss.
There were far too many of those this season, and the staff is no doubt aware continuance of these failures will result in their termination. However, out on the farm at the Foster Farms Bowl, Nebraska demonstrated what an optimal offense, for the Big Red, might look like.
I used to love the old option offensive attack, where when performed with precision, was a thing of beauty. Firing that onslaught of the Big Red machine at folks was just tremendous, but, sadly, the game has changed dramatically, and I do not think it could be as effective today. There is far too much speed on the defensive line with most potential opponents, and it is much more difficult to recruit the top athletes necessary to run it. Wide receivers dream of touchdowns, knocking getting coaching points for knockdown blocks on the perimeter. Option performers do not translate so well with NFL futures, so players will go where the can aim to perfect their NFL craft.
However, it is out on the farm where a blueprint for success, one which would match the history of Nebraska football with the game of today, and that is found at Stanford. Under David Shaw, Stanford uses a punishing offensive line, runs when they want to and can when they need to, but uses both short and long passing games to compliment their total attack.
Nebraska offered a similar attack against UCLA. The Big Red ran early and often, establishing physicality and control, which in turn allowed Tommy Armstrong to be effective, and lethal, in the pass game. Imani Cross ran inside, with Devine Ozigbo running strong inside and outside and making a nice catch out of the backfield. The fullback was relevant with Andy Janovich (will miss him in 2016), and a long list of targets collected Armstrong throws, most notably, freshman sensation Stanley Morgan, Jr.
Stanley Morgan, Jr./WR Nebraska Photo/Erza Shaw/Getty Images |
Nebraska ended the evening having tremendous offensive success, establishing an identify, and providing a base for future offensive operation, which opens the entire field for everyone, and allows quarterback play to be guided to maximize defensive deficiencies.
Defensively, UCLA freshman quarterback sensation Josh Rosen would be quite a challenge for the Blackshirts, who although improving in recent weeks, have been very suspect. UCLA got out to a 21-7 lead, and Rosen is as advertised, but you had the feeling the Husker D was up to the task on this evening. Up front, we saw some tenacity that was often missing in the season. One area Nebraska has been strong is stopping the run, and they were stout. The linebackers were active and although there were expected lapses, the secondary played pretty well.
Of course, as what is becoming customary, Nate Gerry was inexplicably tossed for targeting. His tackle which got him disqualified was among the most fundamentally sound tackles most have recently seen. These penalties are way to subjective, are hurting the game and are in fact simply out of control. It must be addressed.
UCLA underachieved this season, which is becoming a pattern for the Bruins, but they are a talented bunch and defeating them in the Foster Farms Bowl is something to be proud of. As mentioned, an offensive blueprint may have been found on the fertile ground on the farm, one which will effectively and successfully blend 'Husker heritage with the offensive complexities of the current game.
Nebraska in 2015 was very young, and if the players are buying in, with a good recruiting class, there is no reason to think the Big Red cannot win the 2016 B1G Ten Western Division.
Constructing A Deadly Hangover
We are a nation committing suicide, with several avenues of destruction advancing our demise. Look no further than national security, and the notable recent TPP agreement, where as author Kevin Freeman notes, "it appears that national security and our nation’s sovereignty have been ignored entirely by a lengthy document that appears to favor foreign interests over our own. This is appalling and a serious departure from modern precedent". The destruction of America as founded is being orchestrated from within by globalist enemies.
Are We Now Buying the Rope On Which We Will Hang?
by Kevin Freeman of Global Economic Warfare
by Kevin Freeman of Global Economic Warfare
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