Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Bunn In The Oven

On the way to emergency legislation to give yet another extension of the federal extended unemployment benefits, which include the COBRA health insurance subsidy, the upper chamber of the Senate was thrown a high flying curve ball by Senator Jim Bunning, (R:KY). Bunning has apparently drawn a line in the sand due to what is known as the "paygo" rule, which is aimed at fiscal responsibility, claiming this new $10 billion needs to be paid for before being enacted. Big Government has more on the rule.

While Democrats, such as Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, (D:IL), who is just horrendous, are boiling mad at Bunning, his own party is not backing him either. Bunning has so upset the left that some unemployment groups want Bunning, a towering pitcher and who threw a perfect game in 1964 for the Philadelphia Phillies, removed from the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame.

The extension of job benefits is quite a problem, and with the federal government quickly running out of money, these extensions cannot just be rubber stamped. Although the leaders of Congress fail to recognize it, they are in large measure responsible for the events that led to this dangerous level of unemployment (see previous post) and are impeding the process of recovery by the implementation of idiotic economic policy.

I frequently stop in a 7-11 for a Coca Cola (KO:NYSE) where across the street sits an unemployment and Social Security building. Recently, the parking lot of the 7-11 has been has been on overflow as the overwhelming amount of visitors from across the street seek parking. The other day, I witnessed a Caucasian would be rapper, far from short on jewelry, who jumped out of his Cadillac and proceeded to join the security patrolled group of folks waiting in line in the parking lot.

Certainly, there many workers who are actively searching for a decent job, finding little if anything to work with. Others, are gaming the system and want to ride for free on the back of the federal government, and us taxpayers. Unfortunately, it appears the governmental leaders are attempting to crash the system, so therefore a significant decrease in the unemployment rate is not on the horizon.

The federal government is not in a position to fail to extend these benefits, so Congress will get it done one way or another retroactive to today. It is appropriate for someone, in this case Bunning, to call out the Congress for their hypocrisy. It certainly seems the Obama administration and the Congress feel compelled to continue to push their socialistic agenda, with items like Cap and Trade and Health Care reform, rather than focus on the extremely serious problems at hand in our economy. They appear willing to try every concept involving the intervention of our government into the marketplace but seem unwilling to consider free market based avenues, which, incidentally, will work.

Look for the situation to fail to improve, and we are likely looking at another leg down. With the expiration of the Bush tax cuts slated for 2011, investors are taking action now which could cause 2011 to be much worse than anticipated. Someone once said, "It's the economy stupid". It would serve President Obama, and the leaders of our Congress to listen to the American people, and a few like Bunning, for once. A jobs summit with union leaders and Al Sharpton is simply not gonna cut it, as if this would be news to anyone outside of Washington.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

An Orchestrated Event

There is plenty of buzz surrounding a new documentary to be released in the coming weeks exploring the roots and causes of the financial meltdown. The documentary, Generation Zero, presented by Citizens United Productions, is an eye opening account which should be a mandatory homework assignment for all Americans. Take a look at the trailer.

This film is about a crisis – one that is as profound as The Revolution, The Civil War, or The Great Depression and WWII,” said awarding winning director Stephen Bannon. “The title ‘Generation Zero’ is ironic, as it refers to both the Baby Boomers and the generation born today: the one generation whose greed and fiscal mismanagement has destroyed the financial legacy and inheritance of the other.”

This film was recently presented at CPAC and left a standing room only crowd spellbound. Among the commentators in the film are BAHL's Blog favorites Steve Moore, Larry Kudlow and Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man, another must read.

Similar to business cycles, there is much to be learned from the behavior of generations, both from psychological and investor perspective. Harry Dent, author of The Roaring 2000's Investor, through his demographic-based economic forecasting, has done some good work in this arena.

This economic meltdown is not an accident, but rather an orchestrated event. Anti capitalistic big government activists, and the current administration is full of them from the top down, have been setting themselves up for decades hoping for a crisis to occur that would present a window of opportunity for them to advance their socialistic agenda. With the housing crisis, assisted in creation by ACORN and their thugs, they got their perfect storm. Remember "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste"?

The economic problems this nation faces are quite critical, and coupled with the moves being made by our elected officials, are extremely dangerous. Beyond the economic issues, the crisis is a matter of national security. It is imperative that the American people clearly understand how this occurred in order to take proper action against those responsible and in an effort to right the wrongs. Generation Zero is a powerful tool in this regard.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hypocritical Heathens

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, unable to comprehend the voice of the American people roaring their objection to health care reform, threatens on the eve of President Obama's health care summit to use reconciliation to pass the legislation. Funny, but the leaders of the Democrat party seem to have conveniently had a timely change of heart on this subject. Listen to the following:

HT/Briebart TV

Our system is built on a series of checks and balances which are designed to prohibit one party, group, individual or branch of government from overreaching, particularly in opposition to the people. In the video, Biden talks against it but now that he is in power is right in the thick of participating in it. Not a man of character in my estimation.

The health care reform if passed is set to nationalize one sixth of our economy, putting health care in the hands of the folks who cannot run cash for clunkers. The bills as written, which only a handful of our elected officials have actually read, should lack a heart beat. Unfortunately, however, those drunk with arrogance are willing to display their power against the wishes of the American people. I hope the folks will recognize the arrogance of this attempted power grab and the high level of hypocrisy by these carnival salesman and send them a message they will understand: a defeat at the ballot box.

In the meantime, join me in doing everything you can to defeat this health care reform bill!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rethink Kerik Penalty


With football finished there is not much going on Sunday night, other than prolonging the arrival of Monday, and with that I often find myself tuned into Geraldo at Large on FNC. Doesn't Kimberly Guilfoyle just look lovely?

Anyhow, this past Sunday Geraldo profiled the case of former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who was recently sentenced to jail for accepting improper benefits in the form of some construction work while in office. And sentenced he was! has the video. Take a listen:


I admittedly am not a scholar on the case, but reports suggest the Judge slapped Kerik with the maximum penalty, and then some. Guilfoyle, a former Assistant District Attorney, agreed the sentence was inexcusably harsh, exceeding an agreed upon range of sentencing by the opposing counsels.

From all accounts, Kerik has admitted he made errors in judgement and is prepared to pay the price for those decisions. But, it appears the judge in this case threw the book at Kerik for some untold reason.

Given that Kerik is a military veteran and served this nation in outstanding fashion during and in the aftermath of 9-11 in his capacity with NYPD, I think the sentence handed him was excessive and should be reviewed and adjusted.

I, for one, Thank You Mr. Kerik and wish you well.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Caution Flag as Bennett Blasts Beck

Glenn Beck was the keynote speaker last night at The Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC, in Washington, following a stellar speech last year by Rush Limbaugh. Beck had telegraphed on The Glenn Beck Radio Program, the third most listened to radio program in America, that the Republican leaning crowd may not like his message, and many did not, including former Secretary of Education, William Bennett. Bennett is a man I repsect and like but I must throw a caution flag on his comments regarding Beck's speech.

Bennett essentially breaks down his problems with Beck's speech into three parts in a article written for The Corner, National Review's blog. And while Bennett, who is a very smart and articulate individual with a great heart, makes some valid points for discussion, Bennett ends his commentary by declaring Becks words disconcerting and dangerous. In my view, it is the thought process behind Bennett's response and conclusions that makes the point Beck is focusing in on correct. Lets break it down.

Bennett feels that Beck's personal failings with addiction should not be extrapolated into the public sphere, as Beck often does in describing the lessons he has learned over the years, rising from rock bottom to rock star. Do these lessons translate to life in general, inclusive of politics? You betcha they do! I find stories of redemption and hard work en route to success inspiring, as it is the pursuit of happyness. These politicians that have mortgaged our children's future for their grandstanding and addiction to power need to recognize the level their destruction has had on our livelihood, and the rise in the degree of difficulty of our children to pursue the American dream.

During the speech, Beck signaled that most Republicans have not admitted to the parties failings or problems. Bennett strongly disagrees. Both men have strong points. Have there been Republicans who have stood up in the face of the the governmental power grab and the redistribution of wealth? Bennett mentions a few that have, including Mike Pence (R:IN), Jim Demint (R;SC), Paul Ryan (R:WI) and Tom Coburn (R:OK). Indeed, those folks have, and I would certainly include Michele Bachmann (R:MN), Eric Cantor (R:VA) and Darrell Issa (R:CA) on the list. But there are several who have not, including John McCain (R:AZ). I have great respect for Mr. McCain, and against Barack Obama in the 2008 election, I strongly supported him. But he was about my fourth choice in the primaries, due to his less than conservative views on many subjects, most notably the proposed cap and trade legislation.

Bennett discards Beck's assertion that there is not much difference between the two parties and Bennett, for the most part, is correct. However, there are many cases where Republicans support anti-conservative and progressive legislation and appointments. Look no further than former GOP member Arlen Specter and South Carolina Seantor Lindsey Graham, who supports cap and trade and climate change legislation and who voted for the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor, an ACORN supporter, to the SCOTUS. Florida Governor Charlie Crist, who is running for US Senate and is down huge in primary polling, supported President Obama's stimulus package. While many are quite different, there are those who are not, including aforementioned folks near the top of the Republican Party.

Third, Bennett proclaimed to admit it is still “morning in America” but a “vomiting for four hours” kind of morning is to diminish, discourage, and disparage all the work of the conservative, Republican, and independent resistance of the past year. Bennett is off the mark on this one I think, since while the Republican party, for the most part, refused to provide adequate resistance to Obama's attempt at transforming America, the people felt compelled to act on their own. This did sound an alarm for many GOP members, but Beck is right as the GOP should have been leading resistance, not being awoken to it. Remember the flack Rush Limbaugh took for his "I hope Obama fails" comment? Rush was Right!

Bennett closes, The first task of a serious political analyst is to see things as they are. There is a difference between morning and night. There is a difference between drunk and sober. And there is a difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. To ignore these differences, or propagate the myth that they don’t exist, is not only discouraging, it is dangerous. I submit to Mr. Bennett that WE THE PEOPLE saw how things were a year ago, with elected leaders drunk with arrogance and failing to listen to those who entrusted them with the honor of representing us. A governing body, with few exceptions, who are engaged in the taking over of industries, the attempted seizure of portions of the economy through climate change and cap and trade legislation and the transformation of America, with extremely limited transparency, is indeed discouraging and dangerous.

We, along with Glenn Beck, attempted to do something about it. Not the Republican party, of which I am a member, but us, WE THE PEOPLE. We surrounded them, all of the them! And still do, even at the ACORN infested ballot box!

Obama's ACORN a Cancer on Prosperity

As we sit in the midst of a housing crisis of unprecedented magnitude, one of the main culprits, ACORN, has essentially gotten a pass from our governmental officials and the mainstream media.

While bank executives have been targeted and vilified by Congressional committees and our President, it took a couple of young aspiring journalists posing as a pimp and prostitute to get the government to take notice of ACORN. The aftermath of that caused some politicians to distance themselves from the organization while others blatantly vocalized their support. Others, including a former ACORN lawyer, lied to the American people about the extent of their relationship with the organization: President Barack Obama.

A handful of politicians have been doing everything they can to expose this organization of corruption and civil disobedience, including Representatives Michele Bachmann (R:MN) and Darrell Issa (R:CA), ranking reform member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Issa released a statement and the following video, which is in full scale contradiction to the public comments made by Obama on the campaign trail. Take a listen:


After being exposed, ACORN was temporarily cut off from receiving any funding from the government until last Halloween, when business as usual picked up where it left off. And that in itself is most troubling.

ACORN, who has been charged with voter fraud, was complicit in the housing crisis by shaking down banks and intimidating them to lend to less than desirable borrowers. Forcibly interfering in the marketplace through intimidation, fraud and civil disobedience by ACORN and unions such as SEIU are purported to be of benefit to our communities, but in fact are a cancer on growth and prosperity due to the inefficiencies they create and legalities they flirt with violating.

Among the young attorneys fighting the banks on behalf of ACORN was Barack Obama. During the rise of Obama to the office of the Presidency, as the negative publicity swirled around ACORN, Obama skirted the truth at best in describing to the American people his relationship with the community organization. In fact, since his election, Andy Stern of SEIU is reported to be the most frequent visitor to the White House.

While Obama publicly ridicules bank presidents and Wall Street firms for their role in the crisis, and they do have one, he fails to take responsibility for his voting record and the role organizations he supports had. Obama is, to be kind, disingenuous with the American people, and if you have not seen through his lack of honesty and transparency as of yet, perhaps you will now.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Christie Signals Return to Prosperity

In his first interview since being elected as Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie (R) joins Carl Quintinia, Becky Quick, Melissa Lee and Darden Restaurant CEO Clarence Otis on CNBC's Squawk Box to kick around the state of New Jersey, which is a snapshot of where our nation is likely heading.

CNBC, which has been editorially leaning left of late and paying for it with the recent departures of Bill Griffith and Senior Reporter Charles Gasparino, seemed ready to take on Christie, but he absolutely leveled all comers. Right leaning anchor Joe Keren was unfortunately on vacation.

The mandate that got Christie elected in this heavily Democrat leaning state, formerly led by Goldman Sachs disciple John Corzine (D), is to pull Jersey out of fiscal ruin on a platform of reform. Included in the reform is heavily cutting entitlements, reforming the entire retirement system and curtailing the unions, whose interference creates inefficient markets.

Take a listen to the discussion:

Gov. Christie is right on target. The time is now for the entitlement programs, which are draining the US coffers, to be immediately scaled back in major fashion and most should be eliminated over time. Excessive governmental regulation and intervention in the marketplace must minimized. The government does not create wealth, the private sector does, but the government can take it away and does in New Jersey, who is among the highest taxed states in the union. The result of this high taxation is residents moving out of the sate in high numbers, which limits economic growth which destroys wealth.

The economic principles necessary to solve these problems are easy to understand and implement, which is the path Christie signaled he is going to take. This is in contrast to our federal government, whose leaders are either economic imbeciles or are knowingly crashing the system. My money is unfortunately on the latter.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lets Go Racing Boys

We are set for the 52nd running of the Great American Race, The Daytona 500. Good Luck to my favorites Bobby Labonte, who is piloting the #71 TaxSlayer Chevrolet, and Tony Stewart, who I think will finally win the 500 this Sunday in his #14 Office Depot Chevrolet.

At any rate, it is going to be crisp and cold on the Daytona Superstretch. Stand on it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Palin and the Good Ole Boys

Last Saturday night, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin addressed the Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. I was busy with the NASCAR Budweiser Shootout, so I had to catch the excerpts. In the event you missed it also, here is a well done recap:

While her delivery was not as sharp as it has been in the past, her message is spot on regarding the state of our union under the leadership, or lack thereof, of President Obama.

Although the left thinks Palin lacks intelligence and is a complete non-factor in the political world, the moonbat pundits immediately scrambled to unleash attacks on every venue possible. Among of the outlets that caught my eye were The Colbert Report, the despicable Joy Behar on HLN, who made the mistake of inviting Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, who slapped Behar and guest Ron Reagan around something silly and Time Magazine's Joe Klein, who thinks he is much smarter than those in the flyover states.

Klein has had it in for Palin since she emerged on the scene and wasted no time in continuing his attacks after her speech. Glenn Beck took time out, in his brilliant wit, to put the elitist Klein in his place. Check this out:

Centerpiece in the attacks is that Sarah Palin wrote some notes on the inside of her hand, which, of course, to the Obamabots, confirms her idiocy. Pay no mind that Obama travels with truckloads of teleprompters, even recently using them to speak to group of elementary school children.
Here is the real story. The left, and particularly those in the lamestream media, carry the Kool-Aid for Obama, are elitists, despise the tea party protesters and hard working small business owners in middle America and attack those who threaten them in coordinated efforts. Top on that list is Sarah Palin.

While the left wing elites and moonbats are basking in the glory of the Obama administration trainwreck, many of those they despise will gathered Sunday afternoon in front of FOX television or live in person, including me, at The World Center of Racing, Daytona International Speedway, for the running of the Great American Race, the Daytona 500. An invited speaker will address the drivers at the pre-race drivers meeting: Sarah Palin.

No doubt that the NASCAR nation, comprised of a swath of America from large corporations to small business owners, will welcome Palin and hope she enjoys the good ole boys at the high banks when they cut them loose. Talk about a real scramble!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Former 'Husker Walk-on A Super Saint

The University of Nebraska has a very storied football program and is the fourth among wins all time. In the modern era, since 1970, they are easily the winningest team and holders of five national championships.

The Cornhuskers are also known for having a unique and passionate fan base, including the record for consecutive sellouts which went over 300 this past fall. Another interesting tidbit about Nebraska is their walk-on program. While scholarship recruits are the lifeline of major college programs, Nebraska utilizes the walk-on program for kids around the state and country to show up and if they can become successful, later earn a scholarship to play for the Big Red. The walk-on program is the heart and soul of the Cornhusker program.

Over the years, several walk-on players have achieved all conference honors and some, including Derrie Nelson, Jimmy Williams, Jared Tomich and Jarvis Redwine, have earned All America Honors. Others have had lengthy NFL career, including Toby Williams, John Parella and Adam Treu. There are some former walk-ons currently in the NFL, including Kyle Larson, Stewart Bradley and Scott Shanle, who will start at linebacker in the Super Bowl today for the New Orleans Saints. I applaud these players for their hard work in achieving their goals.

Although Indianapolis has a 'Husker on the roster in Cody Glenn, I will be pulling for the Saints who have offensive tackle Carl Nicks in addition to Shanle. There are no Seminoles on the Super bowl rosters.

And although I am a big fan of Peyton Manning, who is among the best to ever play, I am down on the Colts for pulling their players late in the season to protect from injury, notably Manning and tight end Dallas Clark, and costing me my fantasy league championship.

I have no doubt Manning and the Colts will put up points, but I think New Orleans will also. In support of the 'Husker walk-on program and the outstanding scenery in the Superdome, I'll take New Orleans, 35-31 in one for the ages.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ride With Reagan

Happy Birthday Mr. President. If only you could ride in and help us sideswipe the looming catastrophe (yes, Dick Morris was right) the current administration is leading us toward. If only those in charge would look, you provided us the playbook on most current issues from healthcare to stimulating economic growth.

While there are those who are demeaning your legacy, including left wing economist Paul Krugman, it is quite clear your ideologies across the board helped put this country on very sound footing.

Famed economist Arthur Laffer described the four pillars of Reaganomincs: sound money, taxation, regulation and the role of the United States economy in the global economy. After reviewing them, ask yourself how we are doing in these areas today? Well, our borderline uncontrollable debt is unsustainable and the dollar is very weak. The administration is raising taxes all over the place in the midst of a horrific economic climate while expanding entitlement programs and placing untold regulatory constraints on industries, corporations and small business owners. We are embracing protectionism and placing trade barriers up, which of course limits economic growth.

Look around. I'll take my BS in Economics and saddle up with Reagan and Laffer and leave Krugman in the dust heap of history!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Horton Family Matriarch Signs Off

I was saddened to learn today of the death of Frances Reid, Daytime Emmy Award winner of the NBC daytime drama Days of Our Lives, who passed away Wednesday at the age of 95. Reid played the matriarch role of Alice Horton since the inception of the program in 1965. The soap centered around the family of Tom (McDonald Carey) and Alice Horton and their extended family. I grew up watching the goings of the Horton's in Salem, and in particular, Alice's granddaughter, Hope Williams Brady, played by the gorgeous Kristian Alfonso. Alice made some outstanding doughnuts, so I am told. The Horton family Christmas will never be the same! RIP Frances Reid!