Most of America has no idea about the company our President keeps, and that at the end of the day, he is warm to our enemies and cold to our allies. Look no further than opening negotiations with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Taliban, and prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez of Investors Business Daily is worried; rightfully so.:
Most folks derive their principle beliefs from their faith, families, educational background and life experiences. Therefore, considering most folks live in the real world, I have often wondered where all the Progressive Democrats, Liberals and Socialists obtain the core of their beliefs. Where?
It is time these "free thinkers" get learned. Those who have jumped on the bandwagon thinking America is oppressive and are champions of class warfare should take the words of Margaret Thatcher to heart, that socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money.
Uncle Sam is out of money. Unless we gather a sensible government who embraces the free market principles that usher in prosperity soon, civil unrest like you are witnessing in Greece is coming our way. It may be anyhow.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio sat down with CNBC's Larry Kudlow to discuss the direction of our country, and the pro growth message to lead our country back into a position of economic global leaderships speaks volumes.
Rubio recognizes job creation and a return to pro-growth free market principles are the roadmap to recovery. Meanwhile, Rubio is correct in noting the current administration is smothering small business and job creators with excessive regulation and taxation, understanding the simple but rock solid merits of the Laffer Curve.
America can get back on the right track, embracing a comprehensive energy policy and contracting entitlements while lowering taxes and loosening the regulatory arm of the government. A step in that direction is the debate on raising the debt ceiling. Rubio is on board with Reagan, that government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.
Kudlow noted there are few people more articulate than the gifted Senator Rubio in the promotion of a strong pro-growth message. Rubio is right in stating the future of America is bright if we follow him on the path to prosperity. Leading the way on what has the look of a magic carpet ride to 1600 in a decade or so is Rubio.
The GOP field of candidates has been put under green to begin the process of finding the candidate to defeat the the anti-American tyrant who is presiding under the unparalleled decline of our nation.
I have been asked for some thoughts on the field, so much like the folks over at Political Derby, I'll handicap the field in order of my preference, not who I think will be the nominee or who would be able to win.
Contrary to the mainstream media, this is a strong field and each of the candidates would be far superior to Obama. So would Foghorn Leghorn, Heath Barkley or Jim Rockford.
1. Michele Bachmann--- Unlike Obama, she would lead from the front, not the rear. Bachmann is former federal tax attorney, real estate investor and Congressional leader of the Tea Party. Bachmann is a friend to free markets and well recognizes the motives of Obama's oppression.
2. Rick Santorum---Santorum got trounced in his home state by speaking the truth nobody wanted to hear. Santorum is clear about the threat of Islamic terrorism and is sound across the board.
3. Herman Cain---A strong business background without having held public office is a major plus given the antics we commonly see in DC. The former Godfathers Pizza CEO's line of attack in solving our nations lengthy issues resonates, and his experience at the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank under Thomas Hoening cover the ever so important financial angle.
4. Mitt Romney---The establishment choice, Romney should really have won in 2008. Few can match his business experience, and the former governor knows how to govern. There is lot to like with Romney, and he can no doubt win if he gets there. He does have big issues, however, with respect to Romenycare and global warming.
5. Tim Pawlenty---Pawlenty is nothing if not solid. He well could be the last guy standing and has demonstrated his ability to govern and make measureable progress in a blue state. Pawlenty also has global warming issues, and a flirtation with some Sharia law tolerance.
6. Newt Gingrich---Newt is well described as an idea factory and knows government better than most. For all his intelligence, he departs often from the Reagan principles he claims to hold dear. Attacking the Ryan Roadmap and supporting a progressive lefty in NY 23 come to mind, not to mention a global warming commercial with Nancy Pelosi.
7. Ron Paul---While everyone was snickering at him in 2008, he turned out to be correct on a slew of items. Paul has the FED figured out, and is a leading mouthpiece on the damage monetizing the debt is doing to our country. Paul is outside the box on many other issues, relegating him to remaining a horse fly on the back of overspending progressives on both side of the isle.
Sarah Palin seems content to sit 2012 out, comfortable in hammering Obama at very turn. Rick Perry looks like he is about to jump in, and although he tends to govern left of his campaign rhetoric, he has the border issue in his back pocket to hammer Obama on. If in, both would immediately contend with Bachmann for the top spot.
Jon Huntsman jumped in Tuesday, announcing from New Jersey with the backdrop of the Statue of Liberty in similar fashion to when Reagan announced in 1980. Hunstman once called Obama a remarkable leader. Thank you for coming.
The media loves Huntsman, thus informing the GOP of who to pick to lose in 2012. Huntsman also declared he will pick up where John McCain left off in defeat in conducting a civil campaign.
In his brilliance, Rush Limbaugh spent much of the day Tuesday hammering Huntsman, and much of the other GOP candidates, for listening to consultants who think it would be damaging to attack Obama personally, only his policies. For all those who think this is Reaganesque, Limbaugh took us back to 1980 to hear Reagan blast Jimmy Carter.
America hangs in the balance. Grab the Reagan playbook and run with it and make Obama a one term President. Hit Barack Obama square in the jaw from every unguarded agnle, from his associations to his treatment of our allies to his utter failure in economic principles to his arrogance in operating outside the Congress. In fact, just quote Reagan and replace Carter with Obama and go with throttle up! The time is now. Right now!
The economy is a major disaster, and although the arrogant rhetoric coming from the Obama administration says we are in recovery, we are not. Check this out from American Crossroads:
This cast of characters under BHO are not fixin a hole, they are continuing to dig it while burying us in it. They would not know the Laffer Curve if it rang the front doorbell.
Families are hurting. Many are getting booted from their homes, and the backlog of foreclosures is lengthy, postponing the return to a normalized real estate market. The dollar is extremely weak, and as we know from Reaganomics, sound money inclusive of a strong dollar is necessary for a healthy economy.
Investors do not know where to turn, although my bias in real estate wonders if a return to a tangible asset other than gold is appropriate.
Currently, sound thinking Americans and investors fear our government. DOW 20,000 and a strong wave of prosperity awaits a return to free market principles by a government that fears the people. Coming in November 2012.
Since the Florida State baseball Seminoles failed to reach the College World Series in Omaha yet again, there was no trip to make.
However, with much of I-29 corridor flooding through Iowa up to north of Omaha, baseball may have to take a back seat. Take a look at a report from KFAB Omaha.
This is the worst flooding in the area since 1952. Unfortunately, much of the corn crop in Cornhusker country could be compromised, which will increase prices. These price increases will hit you, as corn is a central product. And, are there potentially deadly nuclear issues taking place at the Fort Calhoun plant north of Omaha? Although Russian sources are saying so, I don't buy it.
Here in Orlando, last night was yet another outstanding performance by Classic Albums Live with Zeppelin IV on the docket. Considering all the flooring, it seemed appropriate for the Sunday Night Song to be a cut off that album, "When the Levee Breaks"
As Robert Plant said, when the levee breaks, you got nowhere to go. Certainly, our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have had extreme weather disrupt the lives.
Plant and Page from 1995 with When the Levee Breaks:
New Jersey is broke, and Christie is well on his way to fixing the problem. Forgetting that the left, in the aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, called for reigning in divisive rhetoric, a union officer for AFSCME spent last weekend in Trenton labeling the Governor Adolph Christie. Equating austerity with exterminating people could possibly be a new low for the left, but if you closely behind the curtain, you will find many Mao following Communists.
Gail, a concerned citizen of the Garden State, speaks for many in attacking New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. She got both barrels back. Take a listen:
Although the debate is much larger, the teachers unions have found a sympathetic vehicle in teachers to promote the fight for their union activity and a move toward socialism. Workers of the world unite!
Millions of dollars are annually poured teaching, with results that are mediocre at best. Certainly, there are many public school systems doing a good job, but in aggregate they are inefficient and bleed cash. But, it is all about the kids, who are our future, and most everyone wants the best educational experience possible for these youngsters. Or so you would think.
The National Educators Association, who fights for teacher rights and fair compensation, would certainly be engaged in promoting school systems which create an environment of increasing scholastic achievement for each and every student. Maybe not!
For the NEA, it is about power, and the money. Much of the money is spent promoting progressive Democrats in our political system run amok, who are actually attempting to undermind the capitalist system.
Christie is right on target with the measures he is taking in New Jersey. Soon, as the balance sheet improves, those in Garden State will know who to thank. Once that job is complete, perhaps Christie can take his act on the road to clean up another mess, which I hope will begin its own cleansing in about 16 months.
ABC announced this week the Katie Couric had been hired to do an afternoon talk show which is tentatively scheduled to take the time slot currently occupied by long running soap opera General Hospital, which puts into question what will become of the residents of Port Charles.
Couric, who left he post as host of the CBS Evening News with nothing short of abysmal ratings, is certain to bomb in this new venture. To think ABC would sunset GH for Couric would call into question sound thinking at ABC/Disney and cause one to consider a sell rating on Disney stock (DIS:NYSE). As a longtime shareholder, I plan to make my voice heard at the next shareholders meeting.
On the backdrop of this unwelcome news, it was Rick Springfield performing live this evening in downtown Orlando. In honor of Dr. Noah Drake, and in support of General Hospital, the Sunday Night Song tonight is Rick Springfield with Don't Talk To Strangers!
Glenn Beck recently announced he would be leaving his ratings blazing 5PM television program on FOX News Channel, and this left fans and critics (misguided morons) to wonder what would become of Beck?
Fresh of the success of his news website The Blaze, Beck announced the formation of a new media network platform which is ahead of the curve in avenues of presentation of issues of the day, history and first principles with particular attention to a lost focus; the truth. It is GBTV.
Beck has been on target more often than not and has brought to light untold nefarious initiatives by Progressives, including the likes of Van Jones and Cass Sunstein, who are firmly entrenched in the Obama administration.
I hope you will join Glenn on this new venture, one free from political correctness standing in the fire of the truth. We surround them, and we will be the key in the fight for freedom leading this great country back to prosperity through first principles, free market capitalism and the truth.
White House Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Austan Goolsbee has announced his resignation. Goolsbee is returning to The University of Chicago, an economic haven, to teach at the Graduate School of Business. Thank goodness he is not going back to the Economic department!
Goolsbee is the latest member of the Obama Economic Dream Team to jump ship, and with good reason. While, from old sparring on The Kudlow Report, we may conclude Goolsbee is a cut above the likes of Jared Bernstein, the efforts and policies of this inept group has created bleak economic numbers not seen since the Great Depression. How any member of this team has any credibility is mind boggling.
This is nothing short of a tragedy. The playbook for escaping serious economic downturns has already been written and implemented, and you need not be an old wise man to recall.
Former Reagan Assistant Labor Secretary Al Angrisani speaks with CNBC's Brian Sullivan and discusses the differences between what Reagan had going after two years, which consisted of 8% GDP growth, and what this band of socialists have cooked up now.
The results are tragic, particularly if you are among those unemployed, underemployed or God forbid in your elder years on fixed income with this group essentially stealing money from you.
I recommend you run to the voting booth in 2012, for if we do not turn this around in a hair on fire hurry, we could lapse into what Reagan described as 100 years of darkness.
Sarah Palin once again has them dazed and confused. Yes, her recent bus tour led legions of lamestream media members to complain about everything from her bus speeding to injuries caused by the lack of a trip agenda being provided to those eager beltway detectives.
Why they concern themselves with someone whom they proclaim as an idiot at large is beyond me.
Anyhow, Palin really spun their top with a supposed error in comments she made about Paul Revere, he of the midnight wild ride fame. The glee streaming across the left wing media sites over her comments on Revere, even those outside the Soros umbrella, was astonishing.
Turns out, before the laughter even subsided, she was actually correct. This certainly caught those clamoring for some fun times of Palin bashing, including the bunch over at NPR, off guard.
The media are embarrassing, and their death is imminent. While the major networks are in the bag for the left, most heavily sponsored by George Soros, new media leaders are in rapid ascension, in Andrew Briebart's network of websites and of course, Glenn Beck, who recently launched "The Blaze" and GBTV.
My call is that Palin found a topic she could bait the media on to allow them to make fools of themselves, which they did in stunning fashion. Therefore, in considering a run in 2012, Palin has measured the appetite of the media in targeting her and at the same time further discredited them for once again allowing their cancerous bias to misrepresent the events of the day.
Should she run in 2012, this incident will offer her unlimited ammunition against those mediates who have the knives out for her.
New York Congressman Anthony Weiner's hot dog is boiling over lewd tweets the recently married Representative made to various women across the country he met over social media network Twitter. A mouthpiece and hit man of the Progressive Democrats, Weiner is being called on to resign from both sides of the aisle. Rightfully so, although I hope he hangs on as a complete embarrassment for the Democrats, who under Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed to "drain the swamp."
Both Pelosi and Winer are frauds.
Remember the little nerd in your high school who constantly ran his mouth and seemed to always be cruisin for a brusin? Enter Weiner, who arrogantly ran his trap incessantly.
Weiner utilized his position to engage in attack of enemies of the left, and the example of him publicly berating and holding Congressional hearings on FOX News Glenn Beck his sponsorship relationship with Goldline. Unemployment is through the roof, and this is what Weiner is up to when he is not tweeting his harem. Keep in mind, Weiner is a progressive who thinks he can make responsible decisions for you better than you can.
It is bad enough that as a sitting Congressman, with the country seemingly on fire, Weiner acted in this fashion and put himself in position to be blackmailed by nefarious enemies of the US, but he spent the better part of a week lying to colleagues, the news media, the American people and it appears his family.
While the so called mainstream media is asleep at the switch, it is actual newsmen like Briebart who break stories and function as the watchdogs of our out of control government. Weiner, in fact, singled out Andrew Breibart as the individual who supposedly "hacked" his Twitter account. Like most everything coming out of Weiner's pie hole, that is a lie.
Incredibly, it is Briebart getting hammered the mainstream media, with The Daily Kos leading much of the Soros media in the attack. The vicious attacks do not end with Weiner. The San Francisco Chronicle questioned whether Briebart is a gay guy in the closet?
Prior to Weiner's scheduled news conference Monday, where he lied yet again, Briebart had enough and highjacked the podium seeking vindication.
Those not attacking Briebart are swing a big stick in support of the Congressman. Formerly respected Barbara Walters lamented that if Sarah Palin could go out on a bus tour promoting America, then Weiner could "get away with this and remain a US Congressman." Rather than Weiner being a scumbag, Walters said today that perhaps it was Viagra that caused his actions. Both Weiner and Walters are idiots.
MSNBC's Chris Matthews thinks Weiner's lovely wife is "partly responsible."
From the moment I heard of the upcoming news conference, I knew this arrogant blow hard would not resign. Democrats rarely if ever do, as pointed out by Gateway Pundit.
I suspect Weiner may have legal troubles which lie ahead which could lead him to resign. At any rate, his teeth are removed. With Weiner effectively silenced, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the leader of the Progressive hit squad, and she thinks Weinergate is no big deal. Go figure!
Lawrence Eagleberger, former Secretary of State under George H. W. Bush, has died. Most appropriately, tributes are pouring in. Former Secretary of State James A. Baker said Larry was "as good as they come."
Eagleburger was one of our favorites to be heard from on foreign policy topics, both from the standpoint of his vast experience and his frank commentary. No spin associated with Eagleburger! He ran outside the loop. Chain smoking, overweight and seemingly always dis-helved, he often appeared seemingly a lovable curmudgeon.
On all the issues of the day, if you wanted the truth, thorough analysis of the issue and the correct avenue of approach in attacking the problem, you had look no further than comments from Eagleberger.
While his experience in foreign policy was his wheelhouse, he frequently fired opinions on the surrounding political landscape. If only America had listened, Eagleberger had Obama described perfectly. Take a listen:
Yes, Larry told us so. Often. Eagleberger gave great service to this nation and I for one will aways appreciate him and will miss his pontificating with sharpened tongue his on target analysis. RIP Lawrence Eagleberger.
BAHL is a REALTOR, Real Estate Investor and Residential Real Estate Appraiser in Orlando. He holds a BS degree in Economics from Florida State University.