The Untied States has always had a special relationship with Israel and rightly so.
In the immediate aftermath of September 11, Benjamin Netanyahu, former Israeli Prime Minister, correctly summarized the "historical imperative" the future will deal us.
We have received a wake up call from hell. Now the question is simple: Do we rally to defeat this evil, while there is still time, or do we press a collective snooze button and go back to business as usual? The time for action is now. Today the terrorists have the will to destroy us, but they do not have the power. There is no doubt that we have the power to crush them. Now we must also show that we have the will to do just that. Once any part of the terror network acquires nuclear weapons, this equation will fundamentally change, and with it the course of human affairs. This is the historical imperative that now confronts all of us. ----------Benjamin Netanyahu 9-20-2001
Certainly, it is without question the Obama administration has aimed to sour the relationship, not only with Israel but with other strong allies like Great Britain. One has to wonder the mindset behind this new line of thinking, one I stand dramatically opposed to.
It is also perplexing that so many of our Jewish citizens supported Obama in the election of 2008, not only as a voting block, but also with strong financial contributions. Obama signaled early he was no friend of Israel, but what is the real story behind Obama's intentions.
Trevor Loudon of The New Zeal presented a recent interview with Richard L. Rubenstein, a former professor of religious studies at among other schools, Florida State University, where he became the professorial chair of religious studies. In 2001, Florida State University created the Richard L. Rubenstein Professorship of Religion. The comments of Dr. Rubenstein must be heard by not only our friends in the Jewish community, but all Americans.
Not only is the mindset of the position of the Obama administration with regard to our relationship with Israel against our historical precedent, it is extremely alarming given the global war on terror and the new historical imperative, as appropriately presented by Netanyahu, that we continue to face.
I really wonder whose side Obama is on, and it increasingly looks like he sits on what I see as the opposing bench.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Stop Spending
Every weekday morning while wrestling my bowl of cinnamon flavored oatmeal, I am monitoring the financial markets with the gang on CNBC's Squawk Box, sick twisted freak that I am. There have been some historic moments on Squawk, most notably with Rick Santelli's shout heard round the world , and the discussion today was along those same lines as America has a choice to make. Take a listen:
Although Joe Kernen and Rick Santelli have fun slapping Steve Liesman around, the choice America has economically is between the Keynesian economic theory regrading the issue of governmental stimulus in the marketplace (Obama) versus the supply side theories of very limited governmental intervention by lowering costs of production and helping to lift the entrepreneurial spirit of free market capitalism, which then trickles down benefiting everyone (Reagan).
New York Times economist Paul Krugman is in the forefront of those promoting the Keynesian theories, and recently wrote that due to a failure to spend enough, the United States is preparing to enter a third depression. Investors Business Daily takes him to task on that thought.
One of my readers alerted me to a piece blaming George W. Bush for all the deficits we are now experiencing. While the Bush administration did expand the deficit, due primarily to events in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, it is the current policies of governmental interference, in the form of increased regulation and taxation, the assault on small businesses across the fruited plain and the uncertainty of the playing field going forward that has hindered investment, placed meaningful growth in a stranglehold and exponentially bloated the federal deficit. In fact, the governmental stimulus in the public sector further crowds out private investment, where most of the jobs are created.
Explaining the poor decisions the current administration is making is Robert Mundell and Art Laffer, who joined CNBC's Larry Kudlow recently for a frank discussion.
The Obama administration has engaged in a level of governmental stimulus never before seen, and our economy has little if anything to show for it. Foreign countries that engage in this type of socialist activities have run out of other peoples money, causing the civil unrest we have witnessed. Uncle Sam will be dealing with these same issues if we don't change course quickly.
There are a few politicians emerging that understand the severity of the issue, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) and Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan (R). For our economy to improve, outside of a sweeping change in November, the government should do just as Rick Santelli suggested, and that is to stop spending immediately.
Although Joe Kernen and Rick Santelli have fun slapping Steve Liesman around, the choice America has economically is between the Keynesian economic theory regrading the issue of governmental stimulus in the marketplace (Obama) versus the supply side theories of very limited governmental intervention by lowering costs of production and helping to lift the entrepreneurial spirit of free market capitalism, which then trickles down benefiting everyone (Reagan).
New York Times economist Paul Krugman is in the forefront of those promoting the Keynesian theories, and recently wrote that due to a failure to spend enough, the United States is preparing to enter a third depression. Investors Business Daily takes him to task on that thought.
One of my readers alerted me to a piece blaming George W. Bush for all the deficits we are now experiencing. While the Bush administration did expand the deficit, due primarily to events in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, it is the current policies of governmental interference, in the form of increased regulation and taxation, the assault on small businesses across the fruited plain and the uncertainty of the playing field going forward that has hindered investment, placed meaningful growth in a stranglehold and exponentially bloated the federal deficit. In fact, the governmental stimulus in the public sector further crowds out private investment, where most of the jobs are created.
Explaining the poor decisions the current administration is making is Robert Mundell and Art Laffer, who joined CNBC's Larry Kudlow recently for a frank discussion.
The Obama administration has engaged in a level of governmental stimulus never before seen, and our economy has little if anything to show for it. Foreign countries that engage in this type of socialist activities have run out of other peoples money, causing the civil unrest we have witnessed. Uncle Sam will be dealing with these same issues if we don't change course quickly.
There are a few politicians emerging that understand the severity of the issue, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) and Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan (R). For our economy to improve, outside of a sweeping change in November, the government should do just as Rick Santelli suggested, and that is to stop spending immediately.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Kick Kagan To Curb

There are a slew of arguments to be made regarding her experience and background, including the fact that Kagan has never served as a judge, which would seem to disqualify her out of the gate. These items will hopefully be covered during the hearings.
I will argue reasons that go far beyond what will be discussed at the hearings.
Kagan is an individual who is mesmerized by Obama himself. She has commented publicly on the brilliance, decency, good looks and rock star image of President Obama, calling him "someone who will be, deserves to be and someone the rest of us need to be one of the truly great political figures and public servants of our time". Her hero! This was in 2005! Take a listen for yourself.
On this day, Obama went on to speak about the response to Hurricane Katrina by the Bush administration, which today seems criminal. Obama also spoke of the transfer of wealth for the purpose of reparations and social justice.
Unfortunately, most of those associated with Obama believe that same mantra. They believe this country to be evil and they want to work to secure collective rights they deem appropriate and implement their social justice platforms.
Dean Kagan goes back to the University of Chicago with Obama and has been a smitten supporter all along. Kagan is a progressive who will march to the drum of Obama's cast of characters. When considering a nominee for the position of justice to the SCOTUS, this is the last type of individual you should be seeking.
Elena Kagan is someone who will not be supporting the Constitution as written by our founders, she will be seeking to join her hero Barack Obama in attempting to divert the directive of the document and changing it to "fit" today's world and the interpretations they deem from "standing in your shoes".
I do not want to have my rights dictated to me by Barack Obama and his cohorts. My rights are given to me by my creator, not these imbeciles who think they can do a better job of looking through my eyes than I can.
After listening to these videos, you have all you need to know. Kick Kagan to the curb.
Barack Obama,
Elena Kagan,
Social Justice,
Supreme Court
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Against The Wind: Illegal Immigration
Due to the lack of federal enforcement of existing immigration laws, the state of Arizona enacted their own immigration law, one that closely parallels the one on the books of the federal government. Behind the leadership of Governor Jan Brewer (R), Arizona correctly took steps to protect their state from illegal immigrants, who are benefiting from public services and in many cases, engaging in criminal activity.
Some 63 % of the US citizenry approves of the measure Arizona is taking. Oh sure, several left wing moonbats and many illegals are against Arizona, and the list includes the City of Los Angeles and long forgotten musical duo Hall & Oates. President Obama is not happy and met with Gov. Brewer at the White House to voice his displeasure. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later announced from Ecuador that Obama will be suing Arizona without informing Gov. Brewer first in a classy move.
So Obama is waging battle against Arizona against the will of the majority of the citizenry and creating chaos in the process. Arizona junior Senator John Kyl has a thought, and I deem him correct, on the method to the madness of Obama. The lovely Shannon Bream of FOX news (and FSU) has a report:
The border has been a problem for decades but as escalated in recent years since coupled with the drug problem, we now have national security issues with the increasing threat of dirty bombs. With this in mind, this has to be the top failing of the previous administration.
However, Bush was not using the border as a crisis to craft political legislation. The legislation Obama is hoping to get will give those illegals amnesty and secure significant block of Democratic voters going forward, most of whom will happily accept any and all entitlements offered by the socialist regime in DC.
And in the event the legislation is thwarted, the groundwork is being laid, or an attempt is being made at moving the Overton Window. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis thinks all workers, illegal or not, deserves to get paid legitimate wages, which would be against the law. FOX News Greta Van Susteren and former George W. Bush press secretary Dana Perino discuss the PSA Solis created.
Workers of the world unite! Andy Stern, who up until recently headed SEIU, is a huge backer of Solis. It seems clear that Solis is part of the Obama team of union thugs who are actively working to govern against the will of the people and inflict social justice upon our citizenry,where collective rights trump individual rights.
This against the views of our founding fathers, free market capitalism and the American way. Therefore, I join Sarah Palin and many others in support of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in crafting legislation to protect the state of Arizona.

Some 63 % of the US citizenry approves of the measure Arizona is taking. Oh sure, several left wing moonbats and many illegals are against Arizona, and the list includes the City of Los Angeles and long forgotten musical duo Hall & Oates. President Obama is not happy and met with Gov. Brewer at the White House to voice his displeasure. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later announced from Ecuador that Obama will be suing Arizona without informing Gov. Brewer first in a classy move.
So Obama is waging battle against Arizona against the will of the majority of the citizenry and creating chaos in the process. Arizona junior Senator John Kyl has a thought, and I deem him correct, on the method to the madness of Obama. The lovely Shannon Bream of FOX news (and FSU) has a report:
The border has been a problem for decades but as escalated in recent years since coupled with the drug problem, we now have national security issues with the increasing threat of dirty bombs. With this in mind, this has to be the top failing of the previous administration.
However, Bush was not using the border as a crisis to craft political legislation. The legislation Obama is hoping to get will give those illegals amnesty and secure significant block of Democratic voters going forward, most of whom will happily accept any and all entitlements offered by the socialist regime in DC.
And in the event the legislation is thwarted, the groundwork is being laid, or an attempt is being made at moving the Overton Window. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis thinks all workers, illegal or not, deserves to get paid legitimate wages, which would be against the law. FOX News Greta Van Susteren and former George W. Bush press secretary Dana Perino discuss the PSA Solis created.
Workers of the world unite! Andy Stern, who up until recently headed SEIU, is a huge backer of Solis. It seems clear that Solis is part of the Obama team of union thugs who are actively working to govern against the will of the people and inflict social justice upon our citizenry,where collective rights trump individual rights.
This against the views of our founding fathers, free market capitalism and the American way. Therefore, I join Sarah Palin and many others in support of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in crafting legislation to protect the state of Arizona.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Water Hazard A Top Flite Crisis
Everyone from Foghorn Leghorn to Wile E. Coyote recognizes we have a economical, environmental and ecological catastrophe taking place in the Gulf of Mexico with this oil spill.
While BP certainly appears to be criminally negligent and throwing darts on what to do regarding the capping of the well and and the cleanup efforts, they are not alone. Our Federal Government is failing miserably as well, led by our inexperienced leader Barack Obama and his team of librarians, professors, authors and global warming alarmists. Conspicuously missing from the team is anyone with any experience in offshore drilling, or running a business for that matter. Although Obama has reached out to Hollywood director James Cameron and actor Leonardo DeCaprio (???) for their vast experience, if he had to engage the entertainment community he could have called country singer Trace Adkins, who actually worked on these rigs.
But no problem. “I will not rest until the leak was stopped“ Obama said on May 14, 2010 as reported by Gateway Pundit.
Not the least bit embarrassed, Obama continues to take in entertainment in various forms while untold damage continues to evolve in the gulf coast. Just this weekend, Obama found time to golf with VP Joe Biden ( could not one of these idiots even act like they are attempting to solve the problem ) and take in a Washington Nationals baseball game. Meanwhile, LA Governor Bobby Jindal continues to battle the Federal Government in his effort to contain the oil.
One would think most all Americans are torqued at the incompetence of our government in the slow and weak response to this crisis, from the inability to establish a chain of command to the Coast Guard checking oil skimmers for life jackets. Even with a news media cheering Obama on, it is quite obvious he is in the weeds on this. But in an incredible demonstration of media bias, note the Washington Post, who threw out this opening paragraph to an article: "After hunkering down for several weeks to deal with the oil spill, President Obama finally made it out of the house for some fun - and showed up at the Nationals game on Friday night."
Hunkering down? Are you trying to fricking kid me? What a terrible insult to Larry Munson and the junkyard Dawg defense of the Georgia Bulldogs, and all Americans for that matter. Between the concerts, campaign stops, the NBA Finals, several rounds of golf, Broadway plays, knocking back a few cold ones and attending baseball games, Obama begrudgingly had to take time to deal with this spill. Our citizens along the gulf coast have had their lives perhaps forever altered negatively and our President thinks it is a good opportunity to push cap and trade. By the way, did the administration know how vulnerable this rig was?
Did I mention the oil is still gushing? Not only is the leak still gushing, containment efforts are holding serve at best, no thanks to Obama, and the damage is adding up quickly, certain to exceed the market cap of BP. Additional potential issues, health concerns, the spill hitting Florida's beaches to oil impacting shipping up the Mississippi River, remain. And dare I even mention the Doomsday scenario being discussed?
While BP certainly appears to be criminally negligent and throwing darts on what to do regarding the capping of the well and and the cleanup efforts, they are not alone. Our Federal Government is failing miserably as well, led by our inexperienced leader Barack Obama and his team of librarians, professors, authors and global warming alarmists. Conspicuously missing from the team is anyone with any experience in offshore drilling, or running a business for that matter. Although Obama has reached out to Hollywood director James Cameron and actor Leonardo DeCaprio (???) for their vast experience, if he had to engage the entertainment community he could have called country singer Trace Adkins, who actually worked on these rigs.
But no problem. “I will not rest until the leak was stopped“ Obama said on May 14, 2010 as reported by Gateway Pundit.
Not the least bit embarrassed, Obama continues to take in entertainment in various forms while untold damage continues to evolve in the gulf coast. Just this weekend, Obama found time to golf with VP Joe Biden ( could not one of these idiots even act like they are attempting to solve the problem ) and take in a Washington Nationals baseball game. Meanwhile, LA Governor Bobby Jindal continues to battle the Federal Government in his effort to contain the oil.

Hunkering down? Are you trying to fricking kid me? What a terrible insult to Larry Munson and the junkyard Dawg defense of the Georgia Bulldogs, and all Americans for that matter. Between the concerts, campaign stops, the NBA Finals, several rounds of golf, Broadway plays, knocking back a few cold ones and attending baseball games, Obama begrudgingly had to take time to deal with this spill. Our citizens along the gulf coast have had their lives perhaps forever altered negatively and our President thinks it is a good opportunity to push cap and trade. By the way, did the administration know how vulnerable this rig was?
Did I mention the oil is still gushing? Not only is the leak still gushing, containment efforts are holding serve at best, no thanks to Obama, and the damage is adding up quickly, certain to exceed the market cap of BP. Additional potential issues, health concerns, the spill hitting Florida's beaches to oil impacting shipping up the Mississippi River, remain. And dare I even mention the Doomsday scenario being discussed?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cornhusker Football To Continue Success

The 'Huskers are 274-76-2 in the Big XII and are 35-6 against Big Ten teams. The 85% winning percentage is approximately 7 percent higher versus the Big 10, with the last win being against Michigan in the Alamo Bowl.
Nebraska has been to most of the Big Ten stadiums in the past, and dealt with some very sketchy officiating at Happy Valley, which may have cost the 'Huskers a title.
On a recent trip to Iowa City, the Hawkeyes did not like Eric Crouch one little bit.
I am going to miss the Big XII teams, but I do think the Big Red machine will annually steamroll through most of the Big 10 and challenge for conference title annually.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Left Looney on Economics
The James Madison Institute reports on the Economic Literacy of Progressives and finds exactly what you might expect, a train wreck.
George Mason University Professor Daniel Klein and Zogby researcher Zeljka Buturovic surveyed 4,835 American adults on eight questions about basic economics. They also asked each of the respondents about their political leanings, grouping them into six categories: progressive/very liberal; liberal; moderate; conservative; very conservative; and libertarian. They wrote about their findings in The Wall Street Journal.
As Klein asserts, “The left has trouble squaring economic thinking with their political psychology, morals, and aesthetics.”
If you are like me, you run into this thinking everyday. If you take for example our current economic crisis, spearheaded in large measure by decades of socialist programs, most with good intentions, which are geared to assist fellow citizens, you find governmental initiatives that end up being entitlement programs that are drowning our financial system and placing Uncle Sam at the doorstep of bankruptcy. Going green, presented as a worthwhile effort to protect the environment masquerading as a global transfer of wealth, is a prime example of this. Current legislation proposed as the cap and trade bill, if voted into law, will likely be the event that does bankrupt the ole USA.
“We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice"
-F.A. Hayek
We recently had an example of a progressive politician, who really demonstrated what the study identified. Get a load of this recent interview on FOX News Neil Cavuto and Vermont Representative Peter Welch, and must I qualify that he is a Democrat:
That was brutal. Cavuto finally recognized that the progressives are lost in an economic sea. The Congressman simply cannot comprehend what the elimination of the dividends of British Petroleum (BP:NYSE) and other oil related companies would do to the pensions to most Americans.
So with a handful of economic idiots running things in Washington, what can we expect going forward in the marketplace? The worst is behind us according to President Barack Obama. Dr. Arthur Laffer, former economic advisor to President Ronald Reagan, penned an article for The Wall Street Journal that is raising quite a few eyebrows among those on the periphery of the investor community. Art Laffer's colleague, Steve Moore of The Wall Street Journal, weighs in and you better sit down for this one.
Dr. Laffer has put this conclusion forward for a few months now, and when you couple the Gulf Oil Spill, an economic and environmental of unmeasurable magnitude, you put in some sell stops. You may still have some time for trades, but you have been warned.
George Mason University Professor Daniel Klein and Zogby researcher Zeljka Buturovic surveyed 4,835 American adults on eight questions about basic economics. They also asked each of the respondents about their political leanings, grouping them into six categories: progressive/very liberal; liberal; moderate; conservative; very conservative; and libertarian. They wrote about their findings in The Wall Street Journal.
As Klein asserts, “The left has trouble squaring economic thinking with their political psychology, morals, and aesthetics.”
If you are like me, you run into this thinking everyday. If you take for example our current economic crisis, spearheaded in large measure by decades of socialist programs, most with good intentions, which are geared to assist fellow citizens, you find governmental initiatives that end up being entitlement programs that are drowning our financial system and placing Uncle Sam at the doorstep of bankruptcy. Going green, presented as a worthwhile effort to protect the environment masquerading as a global transfer of wealth, is a prime example of this. Current legislation proposed as the cap and trade bill, if voted into law, will likely be the event that does bankrupt the ole USA.
“We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice"
-F.A. Hayek
We recently had an example of a progressive politician, who really demonstrated what the study identified. Get a load of this recent interview on FOX News Neil Cavuto and Vermont Representative Peter Welch, and must I qualify that he is a Democrat:
That was brutal. Cavuto finally recognized that the progressives are lost in an economic sea. The Congressman simply cannot comprehend what the elimination of the dividends of British Petroleum (BP:NYSE) and other oil related companies would do to the pensions to most Americans.

Dr. Laffer has put this conclusion forward for a few months now, and when you couple the Gulf Oil Spill, an economic and environmental of unmeasurable magnitude, you put in some sell stops. You may still have some time for trades, but you have been warned.
Monday, June 14, 2010
A King In His Own Court
Andrew Cuomo, who is running for Governor of New York, thinks quite highly of himself. Curtis Sliwa goes on the offensive to call Cuomo out at a recent convention of Democratic leaders.
Need a refresher on the origins of the housing crisis?
Andrew Cuomo was Housing and Urban Development Secretary under President Bill Clinton and forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make loans to low income candidates who under normal criteria would fail to get loans. This practice directly led to the collapse of the housing market when values backed up, unemployment rose and those sub prime loan recipients failed to satisfy their obligations.
Cuomo was not done. In the aftermath of the crisis, he implemented the Home Valuation Code of Conduct, which has turned the appraisal market upside down, killing jobs and lowering the quality of appraisals under non regulated appraisal management companies. This law is a direct assault on free market capitalism and allows the government, rather thean the free market, to be the heavy hand in picking winners and losers.
Cuomo represents that government, under elected officials who "are much smarter than you are", implement regulatory action that business owners must adhere to, raising costs to all associated. These regulatory actions serve as a tax, which increases costs, limits choice and hampers economic activity.
Andrew Cuomo is a candidate who has caused excessive damage to our economic system through his efforts in affirmative action and has not been held accountable. I hope the voters in New York will do just that, hold Cuomo accountable and deny his bid to become Governor of New York.
Need a refresher on the origins of the housing crisis?
Andrew Cuomo was Housing and Urban Development Secretary under President Bill Clinton and forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make loans to low income candidates who under normal criteria would fail to get loans. This practice directly led to the collapse of the housing market when values backed up, unemployment rose and those sub prime loan recipients failed to satisfy their obligations.
Cuomo was not done. In the aftermath of the crisis, he implemented the Home Valuation Code of Conduct, which has turned the appraisal market upside down, killing jobs and lowering the quality of appraisals under non regulated appraisal management companies. This law is a direct assault on free market capitalism and allows the government, rather thean the free market, to be the heavy hand in picking winners and losers.
Cuomo represents that government, under elected officials who "are much smarter than you are", implement regulatory action that business owners must adhere to, raising costs to all associated. These regulatory actions serve as a tax, which increases costs, limits choice and hampers economic activity.
Andrew Cuomo is a candidate who has caused excessive damage to our economic system through his efforts in affirmative action and has not been held accountable. I hope the voters in New York will do just that, hold Cuomo accountable and deny his bid to become Governor of New York.
Andrew Cuomo,
Bill Clinton,
Curtis Sliwa,
Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac,
Housing Crisis,
New York City
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Nebraska Secures Stability in Big Ten

Colorado had always been flirting with the PAC 10 conference, so with Missouri obviously seeking greener pastures, the Big XII North Division becomes real shaky. During the Big XII meetings, one item could have given the whole situation some clarity about the league remaining in tact going forward, and that was the television rights. The University of Texas, who thinks they are the big fish in the pond, and they are, was set on doing their own television deal and would not commit to assigning the media rights to the conference for the long term. If you are looking to preserve the Big XII, that was the wrong answer.

I have never been a big fan of Big Ten football and I think teams from this conference are usually overrated. Therefore, from a football standpoint, I am not real happy. But this was about much more than football, and overall this is an outstanding move by the University of Nebraska. Nebraska football will be fine, and while UNL has a good academic reputation (even in the sports teams), the University will benefit in a big way academically. On the gridiron, I think Nebraska will win quite frequently and annually challenge for the conference title.
Unfortunately, as a college football traditionalist who appreciates the color and pageantry of the game and who is not looking for a playoff system, this is bad news for the game. The shifting of teams has only just begun, and the ripple effect of these moves will be titanic. As with anything while we are still a nation of capitalists, there will be winners and losers. Among the teams that may come out short are Kansas and their storied basketball program, Missouri who helped get this started by dreaming ahead of themselves and Iowa State and Baylor, who are sadly looking homeless.
Perhaps the worst of this is what appears to be the death knell of the battle of the Big Reds, Nebraska vs. Oklahoma. The formation of the Big XII made this game a non annual tilt anyhow, but the teams could have always continued the rivalry by meeeting in the Big XII Championship game on off scheduled seasons. Now Nebraska gets another red team to deal with, Wisconsin. I just can't curb my excitement.
At the end of the day, due to the confluence of events, this was a move The University of Nebraska had to make. Look out Man, Woman and Child, here come the 'Huskers. The Big Ten is impressive, but There is no place like Nebraska!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Freedom Speaking Loud in Youth of America
America's Freedom by 11 year old Sarah Warmack at the Second Tea Party Rally Speech in Tallahassee, Florida on July 4th, 2009.
That is quite a piece of work by young Sarah, who with any luck may stay home and be a future Florida State Seminole.
Speaking of the youth of America, they seem thirsty to get information of the founding of our great nation and the values and principles it was built on. Actress Janine Turner has provided an opportunity for youth to become more engaged on her outstanding website Constituting America, which has a special section for youths headed up by her daughter Juliette. The site provides an outstanding environment for learning the history and interacting with others who share the passion.
That is quite a piece of work by young Sarah, who with any luck may stay home and be a future Florida State Seminole.
Speaking of the youth of America, they seem thirsty to get information of the founding of our great nation and the values and principles it was built on. Actress Janine Turner has provided an opportunity for youth to become more engaged on her outstanding website Constituting America, which has a special section for youths headed up by her daughter Juliette. The site provides an outstanding environment for learning the history and interacting with others who share the passion.
Constituting America,
Florida State,
Janine Turner
Dereliction of Duty
As the oil continues to gush from the collapse of the Deep Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama sits down with Matt Lauer of The Today Show to express his anger:
Obama indicates he is not talking to experts in some sort of college seminar, which is a major departure from how he has governed throughout, but looking to identify whose ass to kick. After BP CEO Tony Hayward, perhaps a mirror would be useful. Pamela Gellar of Atlas Shrugs agrees
The continued insistence that the administration has been on top of things is deceitful. Here on the blog I hammered Obama on this and among others, Investors Business Daily has followed up. From The New Zeal comes this video:
Unfortunately, while Obama is looking to kick someones ass, the environmental and economic fallout of this spill are almost immeasurable. What is needed immediately is leadership, as the implications of this going forward appear catastrophic.
A report from Texas A&M outlined by CNN Money tells a dire tale of the economic impact. The four biggest industries in the Gulf of Mexico are oil, tourism, fishing and shipping, and they account for some $234 billion in economic activity each year, according to a 2007 study done by regional scholars and published by Texas A&M University Press. In the Gulf, each of these industries have perhaps been dealt a fatal blow. We all might get hit if the oil travels around Florida and up the eastern seaboard. And what if the inlet to enter The Mighty Mississippi is compromised and shut down shipping?
When you think about it, this is beyond alarming and comes at a horrendous time economically, given this administration has escalated our nations debt to unsustainable levels. This kind of unforeseen disaster presents the kind of problem a prudent government would consider borrowing to assist, not pushing thorough a partisan health care bill 63% of Americans want repealed while tripling debt levels.
The world appears on fire, and the idiotic decisions being made by this administration on just about every front makes the case for a dereliction of duty by our elected leadership and leave this nation in great peril. When a disaster of the the magnitude of the Gulf Oil Spill is added to the mix, perhaps forecasting a double dip recession, this country is left quite vulnerable. Don't think for a moment we are not the only folks who recognize it.
Obama indicates he is not talking to experts in some sort of college seminar, which is a major departure from how he has governed throughout, but looking to identify whose ass to kick. After BP CEO Tony Hayward, perhaps a mirror would be useful. Pamela Gellar of Atlas Shrugs agrees
The continued insistence that the administration has been on top of things is deceitful. Here on the blog I hammered Obama on this and among others, Investors Business Daily has followed up. From The New Zeal comes this video:
Unfortunately, while Obama is looking to kick someones ass, the environmental and economic fallout of this spill are almost immeasurable. What is needed immediately is leadership, as the implications of this going forward appear catastrophic.

When you think about it, this is beyond alarming and comes at a horrendous time economically, given this administration has escalated our nations debt to unsustainable levels. This kind of unforeseen disaster presents the kind of problem a prudent government would consider borrowing to assist, not pushing thorough a partisan health care bill 63% of Americans want repealed while tripling debt levels.
The world appears on fire, and the idiotic decisions being made by this administration on just about every front makes the case for a dereliction of duty by our elected leadership and leave this nation in great peril. When a disaster of the the magnitude of the Gulf Oil Spill is added to the mix, perhaps forecasting a double dip recession, this country is left quite vulnerable. Don't think for a moment we are not the only folks who recognize it.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Get The Lead Out!
I recently attended a continuing education class and had to tackle my wallet as it bolted for the door. In what can only be described as a staggering example of an overreach of governmental regulation, the EPA has implemented new costly regulatory measures to combat potential issues involving lead based paint, which is found in buildings constructed before 1978. An NBC affiliate has more:
The Better Business Bureau offers further explanation.
Like the greater majority of governmental intervention in the marketplace on behalf of the consumer, the new requirements, which are beyond extensive, are going to cause significant strains to an already bludgeoned housing industry and small businesses in supporting industries. Jeremy Drobeck of 1st Class Mortgage Service is not happy. Take a listen:
FOX Business's Dagen McDowell and Brian Sullivan have more:
The Wall Street Journal thinks you are willing to suck down more costs to defend against lead based paint, but FOX Business's Brian Sullivan sums up the unintended consequences. Property owners who own homes built prior to 1978 who are considering repairs face an estimated 25% in additional costs per project as businesses must pass along the extra costs of completing the job. These additional costs serve as a tax raising expenses which could make these renovations cost prohibitive.
As a property owner of these type of properties, I will now refrain from taking on upgrading projects that fall under the new EPA requirements. In my capacity as an investor, I will be much more inclined on purchases for renovation and for long term holding to seek out buildings built after 1978. Since I am no doubt not alone in this mindset, in my capacity as an appraiser perhaps a negative adjustment should be applied to all homes built before 1978 due to the extra costs associated with any repairs that may be required going forward.
Who will enforce these regulations anyhow, since county code enforcement workers are plenty busy already. Could it be the 6000 person civilian army President Obama has recently implemented?
Currently, our government is engaging in the installation of excessive regulations, much in support of global warming from cap and trade, that will severely handicap economic growth and prosperity. These regulations take the form of a tax, and you need not be Milton Friedman to recognize that when you tax something, you get less of it. With the implementation of the looming cap and trade bill, the residential governance on the energy efficiency of improvements and this overreach regarding lead based paint, it appears that property rights are under alarming assault. In addition, property values will face additional negative pricing pressure and any future recovery of the housing market will be handicapped.
Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity!
The Better Business Bureau offers further explanation.
Like the greater majority of governmental intervention in the marketplace on behalf of the consumer, the new requirements, which are beyond extensive, are going to cause significant strains to an already bludgeoned housing industry and small businesses in supporting industries. Jeremy Drobeck of 1st Class Mortgage Service is not happy. Take a listen:
FOX Business's Dagen McDowell and Brian Sullivan have more:
The Wall Street Journal thinks you are willing to suck down more costs to defend against lead based paint, but FOX Business's Brian Sullivan sums up the unintended consequences. Property owners who own homes built prior to 1978 who are considering repairs face an estimated 25% in additional costs per project as businesses must pass along the extra costs of completing the job. These additional costs serve as a tax raising expenses which could make these renovations cost prohibitive.
As a property owner of these type of properties, I will now refrain from taking on upgrading projects that fall under the new EPA requirements. In my capacity as an investor, I will be much more inclined on purchases for renovation and for long term holding to seek out buildings built after 1978. Since I am no doubt not alone in this mindset, in my capacity as an appraiser perhaps a negative adjustment should be applied to all homes built before 1978 due to the extra costs associated with any repairs that may be required going forward.
Who will enforce these regulations anyhow, since county code enforcement workers are plenty busy already. Could it be the 6000 person civilian army President Obama has recently implemented?
Currently, our government is engaging in the installation of excessive regulations, much in support of global warming from cap and trade, that will severely handicap economic growth and prosperity. These regulations take the form of a tax, and you need not be Milton Friedman to recognize that when you tax something, you get less of it. With the implementation of the looming cap and trade bill, the residential governance on the energy efficiency of improvements and this overreach regarding lead based paint, it appears that property rights are under alarming assault. In addition, property values will face additional negative pricing pressure and any future recovery of the housing market will be handicapped.
Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Diary of a Wimpy President
Americans are watching with extreme sadness the effects of the ongoing BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, the Obama administration is treating the spill as a political event and not the economic and environmental catastrophe that it is for America. It is immoral for our government to not treat this spill as an emergency extending every imaginable effort to plug the hole and contain the spill.
There will be time for pointing fingers, but in thinking how our President ran off at the mouth at every opportunity to berate George W. Bush during the response to Hurricane Katrina, his response to this spill as our Commander and Chief is appalling.
Reflect back to Obama running his mouth:
Amongst all the basketball games and concerts, even some of the strongest supporters of the anointed one have called his competence into question, including Peggy Noonan and James Carville.
The areas of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi are already unnecessarily damaged, and Florida is next. What is immediately needed is some leadership, something that is quite obviously lacking with President Obama. Leadership is something America's Mayor knows something about, and he indicates that the response to the spill by Obama has been horrendous. Take a listen:
As the good ole boys often say heading down the backstretch; lead, follow or get out the way! Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal should have sideswiped Obama and gotten busy weeks ago on his strategy, letting the chips fall where they may. Florida Governor Charlie Crist had better urgently get to work as well. Someone needs to display some intelligent leadership immediately. Our President, who is busy engaging in sports, partying, concerts and assisting political partners while the oil just keeps gushing, is seriously lacking in leadership and given his propensity to blame everyone else for the problems, is a wimp.
Entries in many diaries, and/or blogs, will document this disgraceful behavior during a real American crisis. Think folks are pissed now, wait until the economic effect of this , along with all the other moronic economic decisions, becomes apparent in the form a double dip recession.
There will be time for pointing fingers, but in thinking how our President ran off at the mouth at every opportunity to berate George W. Bush during the response to Hurricane Katrina, his response to this spill as our Commander and Chief is appalling.
Reflect back to Obama running his mouth:
Amongst all the basketball games and concerts, even some of the strongest supporters of the anointed one have called his competence into question, including Peggy Noonan and James Carville.
The areas of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi are already unnecessarily damaged, and Florida is next. What is immediately needed is some leadership, something that is quite obviously lacking with President Obama. Leadership is something America's Mayor knows something about, and he indicates that the response to the spill by Obama has been horrendous. Take a listen:
As the good ole boys often say heading down the backstretch; lead, follow or get out the way! Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal should have sideswiped Obama and gotten busy weeks ago on his strategy, letting the chips fall where they may. Florida Governor Charlie Crist had better urgently get to work as well. Someone needs to display some intelligent leadership immediately. Our President, who is busy engaging in sports, partying, concerts and assisting political partners while the oil just keeps gushing, is seriously lacking in leadership and given his propensity to blame everyone else for the problems, is a wimp.
Entries in many diaries, and/or blogs, will document this disgraceful behavior during a real American crisis. Think folks are pissed now, wait until the economic effect of this , along with all the other moronic economic decisions, becomes apparent in the form a double dip recession.
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