Well, No You Can't.
The Congress is passing mammoth legislation that no one has even read. And, you guessed, that includes not only the members of Congress, but the bill sponsors. Get a load of the arrogance of Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
As you appreciate, some real interesting things have turned up in the health care bill, including a stealth tax on Gold, which has been rising in value as a safe haven against the Obama economic policies. CNBC's Larry Kudlow speaks with Steve Moore of The Wall Street Journal about the issue:
Not only am I seriously concerned about what else we may find in the health care bill, I am even more petrified about the secret items tucked away in the financial regulation bill. FINREG, as it is known, was crafted by Senator Chris Dodd (D:CT) and Representative Barney Frank (D:MA), both of whom are central players in the housing crisis. Instead of leading on legislation governing the financial industry, given their unethical behavior and ineptitude in the governance of Freddie and Fannie, they should be expelled from Congress.
Glenn Beck covers FINREG, oh and so much more, extensively for those of you out of the loop:
Meanwhile, as Glenn mentioned, we have radicals surrounding President Obama. Many of those are members of the 1960's group The Weather Underground. Glenn has discovered their manifesto You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows, and it is simply a must read. Once you read it, and you MUST, you will recognize actions currently being taken by our administration and your internal instinct will yearn for your attention.
We learned affirmative action requirements for Wall Street firms existed in FINREG, and today it was discovered that the new financial regulation law exempts the SEC from Freedom of Information Act, thus allowing them to steer clear of having to legally provide documents when questions from the public and the rare instance a news organization formally makes a request, which was FOX Business Network in this case.

You would think the situation is nothing short of out of control, but in fact, is is the plan and has been the plan all along. Obama and his radicals are aiming to destroy capitalism (imperialism in the manifesto) aiming to advance the formation of a Dictator for a new democracy to develop a socialist system. Although America is waking up, many seem to be going right along with it. That is not who we are. We are proud Americans, who value liberty and freedom.
Are we ourselves?
While I will pledge my life, whatever is left of my fortune and my scared honor to fight these tyrants, in asking the question are we ourselves, given what it taking place, it seems crystal clear the answer is an emphatic NO! But if I am asking the question, I may as well hear some good tunes while I am at it, which I plan to do as Cy Cronin and The FIXX hits Hard Rock Orlando Thursday night. As such, Are We Ourselves: