Tuesday, June 30, 2009
HVCC Wreaks Appraisal Havoc
On May 1, 2009, the Home Valuation Code of Conduct became law as a regulatory mechanism on the hiring and management of the appraisal process.
Since many feel, inaccurately, that appraisers are central to the fraud associated with the Housing Crisis, the government, led by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, D-NY, has implemented the HVCC. Although no governmental official is apparently interested in investigating the role of many of their own, inclusive of Chris Dodd, D-CT, with his sweetheart loan from Countrywide's Angelo Mozillo and/or Barney Frank, D-MA, who was the regulator of Fannie and Freddie while accepting campaign contributions from both, in the housing crisis, they did determine that legislation regulating appraisers was in order. Of course, as you may imagine, there already exists regulatory bodies that can examine appraisers conduct and the quality of the work through the Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice. As is the case with Realtors and Brokers, licenses can be suspended or revoked and fines can be imposed.
The HVCC mandates that for an appraisal on a conventional loan, the appraisal must be ordered through a third party, referred to as Appraisal Management Companies, which are unregulated. The companies often receive orders from the lender and then employ an appraiser who has registered with the company to perform the appraisal. The fees are generally split, thus cutting the appraisers fee in half.
Beyond that, previous relationships the appraiser has worked hard to obtain and cultivate are lost. Needless to say, this legislation impacted the revenues of most appraisers as conventional appraisals now make up about 40% of the market. In addition, fees obtained by the appraiser for those orders they are fortunate enough to receive are halved.
Due primarily to having to meet strict time constraints, the quality of work delivered by appraisers under this system is diminished. With appraisers looking to recoup lost revenues, appraisers may be inclined to accept work in areas they are not particularly familiar with and in striving to meet time deadlines, they may not perform as much research as they commonly do.
Miller Samuel CEO Jonathan Miller speaks with Brian Sullivan and Dagan McDowell of the FOX Business Network about the HVCC. Take a listen:
The Orlando Sentinel recently presented an article outlining many of the issue swirling around the HVCC.
When an appraiser signs a report, that appraiser is responsible for its contents and must be able to defend the indicated value of the subject. If challenged by the current appraisal regulatory bodies, penalties, inclusive of loss of license (and ability to work in the business) are possible.
As usual, the government has infiltrated a business environment and caused more problems than they set out to correct. Whose to say the Appraisal Management Companies will not pressure appraisers for a value?
Free Market Capitalism, one where government regulation does not prohibit a business owner from doing business with his clients, is the best path to prosperity. Prosperity seems to be hiding these days, and I know why.
'Huskers Throwback To Celebrate Sellouts

There will be a host of receptions and many commemorations including logos, programs and game tickets designed to reflect and celebrate the beginning of the streak back in 1962.
The family of then Coach Bob Devaney will be honored as well.
The sellout streak is a reminder of the recognition and commitment to Nebraska football by the greatest fans in college football. There is no place like Nebraska! GBR.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Beck Blasts Cap & Trade
First, all the politicians who do not read the bills they sign, particularly as in this instance, if they are set to financially strangle our children, should be immediately replaced.
In the name of global warming, our economy will be on its death bed. You will have plenty of green, just not the green you find in your wallet.
This is a total debacle. Please call your representatives while we still have a country and lambaste this idiocy. And, hold them all acountable. I will. Will you?
Extraordinary Evil

The level of losses for the victims is record setting and mind boggling to be sure. Certainly, there were others involved in this ponzi scheme, including Madoffs wife and two sons. I suspect the FEDs will be knocking on their doors soon.
Here are some thoughts about what investors can take away from this incredible story of fraud leaving scores of victims financially and emotionally brutalized:
If you think this is the last case of fraud you will be reading about in the newspapers you are going to be mistaken. Unfortunately, this type of activity will continue to take place. Educate yourself and take steps to make sure you are not among the next victims.
Potential investors must engage in some due diligence, as in any transaction of commerce, Caveat Emptor reigns supreme. Let the buyer beware! As a regulating body, after being tipped off and doing nothing, the enforcement of the Securities and Exchange Commission was horrendous. Although the agency has much on the plate, that level of incompetence should not be tolerated. Investors should not have placed total confidence in any governmental agency to "handle" their responsibilities in managing their investments. In fact, America seems eager to place the government in charge of just about everything, and actions in this regard will fail miserably and handicap our economy.
Capitalism in itself is a series of checks and balances, and at the end of the day unethical players are removed in some fashion from the marketplace. Little, if any, further regulation in this arena is needed, although we are going to get plenty. This will only raise the cost of investment and reduce rates of return for investors.
In addition, under no circumstances should an investor put "all their eggs in one basket". Suppose some of the victims has placed on 25% of their investments with Madoff and the other 75% spread amongst three other firms or in other areas of investment.
While Madoff will ultimately rot in hell, it will be interesting to see the list of others who will find themselves in federal court. I did notice in a video on CNBC one of Madoffs sons hoping in his car today after seemingly lounging around in shorts and flip flops. One might think if the firm I worked at had no assets and I had no money stashed away I might be out seeking employment. Call me crazy.
Take a listen to CNBC's Rebecca Jarvis, Melissa Francis and Larry Kudlow kick around the case with some selected panel members. Great stuff:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Congressional Idiots Assault Prosperity
Most folks are barely getting by these days as it is, due to the fallout of the housing crisis, caused in large part by you know who. Now, due to this nonsense, prices, particularly for energy, are set to "skyrocket" and slap silly any chance of a powerful economic comeback.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testified that "we can't address the problems with climate change or our dependence on foreign oil without changing the incentive people face for how they use energy". I reject the whole premise since I do not concur there are problems with global warming or climate change. These bozos don't know if it is going to rain 2 hours from now, and while looking out the window, neither do I.
Incentives do work, and given the complete idiocy of our dependence on foreign oil, why are we not drilling off our coasts? What this cap and trade legislation will do is incentivize people and firms to use less energy, and guess what, that means less production and less output, translating to lower profits, fewer jobs, less competition and a contracting economy. Sounds great!
On a side bar, remember those on left pining for the perp walks of those in charge over at Houston based Enron. Have yourself a look at portions of the business model of Enron and the cap and trade legislation. Notice any similarities?
I was going to ask my local representative about it, but historical evidence indicates that might not go well.
I will work as hard as I can to defeat the idiots supporting this bill when the next election comes around, particularly my local representative, Alan Grayson. Not only am I opposed to his line of thinking, I think his conduct is appalling.
King of Pop Gone

I remember well his performances with The Jackson 5 on several variety shows back in the day. While Off the Wall was a great album, Thriller was fantastic, and remains the best selling album of all time.
Jackson seemed very friendly when I had occasion to meet him at Orlando Church Street Station's Rosie O'Grady's Phineas Phoggs one time in 1984, and that year I did catch his Victory Tour at The Gator Bowl in Jacksonville.
It is just sad how his life played out, but his musical talent will never be questioned. The following video of Billie Jean off Thriller leaves no doubt:
It was a tough week, losing three high profile celebs with Johnny Carson sidekick Ed McMahon passing, early in the week and then losing seventies icons Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson on the same day. Can't recall two as widely known as Fawcett and Jackson dying on the same day.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
BAHL's Babes: Farrah Fawcett

Farrah, from Corpus Christi, TX, was also an athlete, often spending time on the tennis courts.

I first became aware of Farrah when she was Farrah Fawcett-Majors, as I was a big fan of Lee Majors in both The Big Valley and The Six Million Dollar Man, where Farrah has a small part in few episodes. Although she had been well known for her work on the commercial side, it was Charlie's Angels that made her a star, and with her head of hair which spawned copy cat styles across America, she will always be one of America's top sex symbols.
During her fight with cancer she displayed courage and strength and with her faith she traveled her final journey with class and dignity. God Bless You Farrah!
"She was an angel on Earth and now an angel forever." - Lee Majors
A Matter of Common Sense
Freshman Congressman Jason Chaffetz, R:UT, has the problem solved and discusses his proposal with Judge Andrew Napolitano on The Glenn Beck Program.
Is anyone in Washington listening?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Morris Details The Obama Catastrophe
Say what you will about Dick Morris, the information he puts forth in this book is a must read for the American citizenry, and I think it is right on target. Please take a few moments to hear the case from Morris in the following two part segment:
From the assault on prosperity, also outlined in the fine book The End of Prosperity by Arthur Laffer and Steve Moore, to the thuggery involved in the takeover of businesses and the breaking of contract law to the naive foreign policy which leaves our country extremely vulnerable; from the power grab by the executive branch to the massive deficits are grandchildren will be saddled with, this is in fact a catastrophe.
Let Freedom Ring

President Obama appears to fail to grasp this, until at least recently. He originally did not want to mettle in Iranian affairs ( he has no problem getting up in the face of others affairs as his recent meeting with Israel come to mind) even though the world can see the regime murdering its citizens. Now, he is appalled by the unjust actions. Finally, a journalist asked him about it, and he did not appreciate it one little bit. Take a listen to Major Garrett of, oh good heavens, FOX News:
Obama is quite testy about the situation as am I. We have invited dignitaries from this evil regime over for hot dogs on July 4, which I find inexplicable. Obama, elected proclaiming he will engage with, and legitimize, evil regimes such as Iran, feels strongly talking with these murderers will convince them to abandon their nuclear ambitions, thinking his soaring rhetoric will win the day. What a complete narcissist. And for any thoughts his recent apology stop in Cairo may have ignited the uprising, I will call it a long time coming and credit a new found freedom in neighboring Iraq and the evolution of technology including the internet and social networking sites which have become a vital element of the day.
Now, it appears Obama may recognize what we already knew. The leaders in Iran are nothing short of evil, and the head of the snake in the middle east. The people of Iran are much like us in that they long for freedom. Our goals in Iran should be to strongly support the people, and to seek the overthrow of the current regime.
Thankfully, behind the efforts of the protesters, the world is watching and even if the protesters are unsuccessful, the regime will be forever wounded by this uprising, which will not be the last. Freedom will rule!
Perhaps Obama could follow the steps of Ronald Reagan, who used rhetoric and policy to assist those seeking freedom around the world. Sean Hannity has a nice piece on this: Check it out.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thuggery From Within
Among the very few items uncovered, one located was a bill sponsored by Claire McCaskill, D:MO, which Obama piggybacked on and co-sponsored. As reported by The Kansas City Star, McCaskill last year sponsored a bill protecting inspectors general from partisan firings. No longer can presidents simply note they have “lost confidence” in a watchdog. The new law requires the chief executive to note the actual reason for a firing and to allow Congress 30 days to investigate the claims.
Fast forward to the past week, where lo and behold, an Inspectors General was fired by Obama without the chief executive noting the actual reason and not allowing 30 days for the Congress to investigate the claims. Byron York of The Washington Examiner and Glenn Beck of FOX News discuss and interview Gerald Walpin, the fired Inspector General. Take a listen:
Oh my! Now that is a fantastic example of upholding the law and what transparency! Kind of like the 5 days Obama promised the citizens of the United States would have to examine bills when the spendulous package was rammed through so fast even the members of Congress had not time to read it. They even dragged some congressman back from his mothers funeral to vote on it only for Obama to sign it at a photo opt 5 days later. Good grief America!
After a few days when a storm cloud seemed to be brewing regarding the firing, the White House played hardball, claiming Walpin "was confused, disoriented, unable to answer questions and exhibited other behavior that led the Board to question his capacity to serve." Glenn Beck is on the case, and he gave Walpin a competency test. In English!
Amazingly, Obama is fooling quite a few folks because he is practicing thuggery from the oval office. Since when do we Americans appreciate our governance being run in this fashion?
Glenn Beck has more on the subject:
No doubt, Michael Barrone was quite correct in a column during the campaign predicting this whole scenario.
If you do not want to run car companies as you state, don't. Ditto banks and insurance companies. And quit strong arming corporate executives, whether personally as with Mr. Walpin or Rick Wagoner of GM or through your surrogates as evidenced by the despicable behavior by ACORN and your media partners during the AIG bonus debacle.
America, please wake up!
Barkleys Best of The West
The top five, as determined by the organization of some "600 writers founded in the 1950s to promote and honor the best literature about the American West" is as follows:
1. Gunsmoke (1955-75)
2. Maverick (1957-62)
3. Rawhide (1959-66)
4. Bonanza (1959-73)
5. Have Gun, Will Travel (1957-63)
Although only two of these ran current within my lifetime, I have watched episodes of four of the five and cannot quarrel with the findings of the group. Certainly, Gunsmoke and Bonanza have to rank high on any ones list.

The Big Valley was a great show and, by far, my favorite western.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Leaders on Left Loathe US Military
Take a listen to the California Senator Barbara Boxer engage with Army Brigadier General Michael Walsh:
Can you imagine the arrogance of this woman? She worked very hard to get to be a Senator! Hard work? She would not know hard work if it rang her telephone. Come to think of it, compared to members of our Armed Services, neither do I. When I go bust my ass doing yard work or some other project I get to go home and take a hot shower and relax in my home before sleeping in my own bed. Not the Marines in Iraq, or the US ARMY in Afghanistan. God Bless Them!
I cannot imagine speaking to a member of the US Military in that disrespectful manner. I was not raised to behave like that, and neither were you. Senator Boxer should be quite ashamed of herself and in my mind, owes the Brigadier an apology.
I got news flash for Ms. Boxer. Most Americans have twenty times more respect for the members of the Untied States Military than we do arrogant, spineless politicians like you and Murtha. In fact, we find you offensive.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Media Malfeasance Jumps Shark
From the seemingly personal love affair with the Commander in Peacock Barack Obama by chief Washington correspondent John Harwood to the sense of royalty conveyed by NBC Nightly News host Brian Williams, the days of stellar journalism by the once proud peacock are dead.
Alarmingly, the brass at the very top seem to be directing this behavior, with parent company General Electric (GE:NYSE) CEO Jeffery Immelt, whose company stands to financially benefit from emerging green technologies Obama is employing. Perhaps that is what led Immelt to be asked to be on Obama's economic leadership panel. Certainly, it could not have been the stock price, which has crashed.

This is beyond disturbing and our founding fathers would be appalled. Without GOP participation, which was denied, certainly the Democratic National Committee will be footing the bill. As a shareholder of The Walt Disney Corporation (DIS:NYSE), owners of The American Broadcasting Company, I will demand it by firing off a condemnation letter tomorrow. Could you imagine they will care?
The senior citizen crowd that grew up with Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley trust these folks still today, citing it as unfathomable they could be such unethical presenters of the world affairs. The younger voting block is right in tune with the rock star, so two thirds of the electorate is scammed by the media, creating a tough situation to overcome. Will the truth eventually win out? Will we still be a capitalistic society when it happens?
Don McLean sung about the day the music died in his wonderful song American Pie. Today, officially, network television objective journalism, previously on life support, died.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama took shots at Fox News and CBS News found it necessary to torpedo former President George W. Bush. Again. Good Grief!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
GM Pontiac G8 GXP Burns Up Road, Government Burns Down Detroit
At least the folks aver at FOX News understand the quality of machines that are going away. On the way to the winners circle, wider will forever be better.
Meanwhile, GM has informed several NASCAR Nationwide Series and Craftsman Truck Series teams they are withdrawing Chevrolet manufacturer support, including teams owned by Rusty Wallace, Kevin Harvick and Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
I am afraid this is the first of series of announcements that will shake NASCAR to the core. Agitating the NASCAR fan base will be like pouring gasoline on an already burning electorate. If I were still an owner of International Speedway Corporation stock, (ISCA:NASDAQ) I would be a seller in the current fascist environment.
The good ole boys are up at Michigan International Speedway this weekend, and I would hope car owners the likes of Roger Penske, who just bought Saturn from GM, Jack Roush and Rick Hendrick would be having a pow wow to formulate some sort of plan to combat the current onslaught, cause they are burning Detroit down!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Regarding Arrogance; Lets Be Frank
That was not pretty.
When you think about it, it is mind boggling that this imbecile wants to regulate pay when the financial position of country is plummeting do in large part to the housing crisis, which as Chairman of the House Banking Committee, he had no idea of.
Frank apparently has no clue on a myriad of things. This arrogant representative was unaware his gay lover was using his home, his own home mind you, for prostitution and now he should be regulating our pay? You have got to be joking! He should not be in charge of anything, particularly in dealing with the peoples money.
Frank should resign, for among other things, his role in the complete lack of governance over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who donated heavily to Frank in the form of campaign donations. The shenanigans of Representative Frank are numerous, and he should be held accountable. Since the voters of Massachusetts won't toss him out, at least he could answer our questions.
Palin Throws Punches
I attended a taping of the Letterman show in 2003 and he seemed pretty cool, but obviously over the last few years his hate for conservatives has eaten the man up.
We should not be surprised to find that few in the national spotlight are supporting Palin as she appropriately called out Letterman for his disgusting comments. Washington Post syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker commented that Palin "invited the sexual punchline" by sexualizing her candidacy for Vice President. The attacks on Palin continue, and this includes those over at Commander in Peacock's network NBC, where Chris Matthews has a tingle in his leg.
Palin was interviewed by NBC News Matt Lauer on The Today Show this morning, and Lauer seemed poised to strike in defense of Letterman at any moment. Take a listen:
The mainstream media continues to ask who the GOP leader is these days (so they can make every effort to destroy whoever that is), but they need not look too far.
She sits right in front of you, and is gaining strength by the day. The only question is will common sense rule the day?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The New Heartbeat of America?
I just cannot see Dale Earnhardt, Jr rolling up in the banking three wide in this Yugo style golf cart. Is this going to be Tommorow's Chevrolet?

This is incredibly sad and I am quite angry about it! Thankfully, we got our memories!

Have I driven a Ford lately? No, not yet!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Bunch of Thugs
This is no doubt voter intimidation and a clear violation of the law (Voting Rights Act) and this cannot happen in America, so when the Obama administration reviewed the case of these Black Panthers, surely they acted accordingly to punish and prohibit this unlawful activity?
Not so fast my friend! The Justice Department dropped the charges, but warned the men not to bring any weapons next time. Are you kidding? Why would these thugs not be punished? Well, apparently, thuggery is welcomed in Obama's world.
Unfortunately, this should not come as a surprise to anyone. We all knew of the long standing associating Obama had with the organization ACORN, who loudly boasts of using terrorist tactics, oh sorry, civil disobedience, to intimidate our citizenry. I have called attention to the orchestrated intimidation of the American International Group executives and the layers of fraudulent activity associated with the housing crisis.
And perhaps the most dangerous example is the abysmal strong arm tactics used in the governmental takeover of General Motors and Chrysler. While contract law, and our Constitution, continues to be trampled under foot by this administration, there is no better example of the antics used to trash small business and threaten free market capitalism to the core. I urge you to take time out to engage the following interview Glenn Beck had with Gretchen Carlson, co-host of FOX News FOX & Friends and a former Miss America, whose family has owned a GM dealership outside Minneapolis, Minnesota for 90 years and will lose it at the end of the week. Judge Andrew Napolitano and Charles Payne of FOX Business Network sit in on the conversation. Please, listen to this:
Although the car companies had many issues which inhibited the profit margin, government was the main culprit and has now destroyed the industry. The actions of our government in the demise of these companies, including the ignoring of shareholder rights, is sickening.
Incredibly, examples of thuggery are commonplace in our government these days, and our founding fathers would be appalled at this behavior. If you examine your inner thoughts and beliefs, you recognize this is not right also.
I am sure you don't own a car company, but remember those who turned away when they came for the Jews since they were not Jews. They appear to coming for you, particularly if are a small business owner. Will anyone be left to stand up in your defense?
Voight Drops Car Bomb
Voight is right on target and if America ever wakes up to the policies this administration is forcing down our throat, the Obama experiment will be a painful memory.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Palin Obviously Petrifies The Left
Palin was scheduled to be a part of an Autism event in upstate New York over the weekend and was to attend a GOP dinner in Washington on Monday evening. While an estimated 20K were in attendance in upstate NY, an indication her popularity, she did not speak at the GOP dinner, where Newt Gingrich headlined.
During this period, Palin was cleared of the ethics complaints that bombarded her during the campaign, and the mainstream media (MSN) failed to bring that story to you. Also, America Online, who funds a political blog called Politics Daily, published an article covering the allegation as fact by a Huffington Post writer that Sarah Palin plagiarized Gingrich in a recent speech honoring Michael Reagan. Here are a few examples as published in the article:
Palin: We have to remember that Ronald Reagan never won any arguments in Washington. He won the arguments by resonating with the American people.
Gingrich/Shirley: Reagan never won an argument in Washington. Reagan won his arguments in the country with the American people.
This was Palin's backbone on the campaign trail. She, like Reagan, was a Washington outsider who has little regard for big government and the argument by Reagan resonated with the American people.
Palin: Remember this? His vision for the Cold War? We win, they lose.
Gingrich/Shirley: On the inevitability of the Soviet Union, Reagan responded with a then shocking vision for the Cold War -- "we win, they lose."
Reagan did launch this classic and it is thankfully often quoted. Even Bobby Bowden fired out a version of it when he said "if they don't score, we win". So simple a caveman can do it! (Rut row, better credit GEICO and disclose I am a shareholder of GEICO's parent company Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B:NYSE)
Palin: First, I think what we're going to learn tonight via Michael [Reagan] is that Ronald Reagan's ideas were the right ideas and all we have to do is look back at his record, his economic record and his national security record to know that his ideas were right.
Gingrich/Shirley: What should Americans learn from this remarkable man and his remarkable Presidency?... The "right" ideas really matter (the left was wrong and Reagan was right about virtually every major public policy issue and the historic record is clear for those willing to look at it).
Since the Obama administration is following the policies of the Carter administration catastrophe, it is prudent to review Reagan's historic record for what does work in times of crisis. I have written about it on the blog, HERE, HERE & HERE.
Certainly, the writers of these articles are free to hold whatever opinion they like, but I think in reviewing the allegations, it is quite a stretch to raise up the prospect of plagiarism. And, given the timeliness of the article, political motives were obviously a factor as the left appears to be quite fearful of Palin since they feel compelled to launch an attack on her whenever she steps out on the national scene .
In fact, in another Huffington Post piece, writer Shannyn Moore penned the following:
(M. Reagan) He thinks Sarah Palin is the future of his father's party.
I can only hope. I may be the only person who watched Sarah Palin give a speech tonight in Anchorage, and President Obama deliver his live to the world from Cairo.
Palin's message; "We Win! You Lose! "
Obama's message; "The people of the world can live together in peace. We know that is God's vision. Now, that must be our work here on Earth. Thank you. And may God's peace be upon you."
I have political whiplash.
Oh my, the lack of depth in International Relations in that assessment is staggering. I found Obama's speech in Cairo on his apology tour a disgrace. It's tough to live in peace with people who want entire countries exterminated. Appeasement has never worked, and Obama is naive to think it will now. Our enemies sense weakness, and unless something changes, the geopolitical climate will continue to worsen.
Anyhow, here is Sean Hannity interviewing Palin yesterday on FOX:
She told you so!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Nights On Broadway

Oh, but then comes reality knocking at the door. Isn't President Obama the same guy running around asking everyone from the Israelis to the Klingons to sacrifice. He asked Americans to turn up the A/C (on snow here at BAHL's pad), to stop driving cars people don't want (got the Chevy SUV and the 400HP V8 Pontiac in the garage) and proclaimed we just cannot live life like we used to.
Does this not apply to him? Do as I say but not as I do! This is the same guy who went on yet another apology tour (for the love of God put a sock in it) this week and toured the Pyramids. Nice carbon footprint on you!
Well, even if he has not, I have done some sacrificing. Once Obama was elected I knew the economic problems we were in the midst of (due to the housing crisis caused by you know who) were sure to lengthen. And, being employed in the Real Estate business, cash flow has been compromised. Therefore, a ten year string of annual runs to Manhattan ended, as did taking in a Broadway show.
While over the years there were a couple of shows I was happy they served beer at, some were nothing short of outstanding. But, all in all, our experiences were grand!

So, glad to know my tax dollars allowed someone to catch a play on Broadway. As you may suspect, the show Obama saw, August Wilson's "Joe Turner's Come and Gone," tells the tale of a black man searching for identity after slavery. I agree with Rush Limbaugh that the Obama's do appear as if they carry some anger around with them and perhaps this is a subject they cannot put in the past. Obviously from his continuous apologies, he thinks America has a lot to apologize for. I do not.
Anyhow, I sure did miss New York this year. No worries missing August Wilson's play. Now, if only Obama would quit recklessly spending our money so the economy has a fighting chance we might make it back sometime.
Disney World vs. Disneyland

With Disney World in Orlando and Disneyland out in Hollywood, this is an advertising bonanza for the company.
As a shareholder, I hope the coverage will promote the parks with video whenever possible. No matter, the Magic reaching this point is a good thing for Orlando and I will be pulling for them. Go Magic!
The Mac is Back
Christine McVie is not along for the tour, and that is a significant loss, but Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks are and with the collective talent in this mega-band the show will continue strong. Fleetwood Mac remains a solid #3 for me, behind The Beatles and Led Zeppelin.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Arrogance On The Loose
This would be the howl of a lifetime if were not true. But beyond the stupidity of leaving this massive and vitally important undertaking to a neophyte with little to zero experience participating in the private sector or formal training in economics, it demonstrates contempt for our capitalistic system and the lack of understanding for the love affair Americans have had with the automobile.
Glenn Beck summarizes in his brilliant fashion the idiocy of it all:
Finally, although this kid would not know a Catalina from a Bonneville, the culprit for closing Pontiac has been identified!
In an interview on FOX Business with Neil Cavuto discussing the upcoming trip to the middle east by President Obama, former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger , who once referred to Obama as a charlatan, called Obama's foreign policy amateur hour at the White House.
Eagleburger should not have limited his remarks to foreign policy. The arrogance and naivete of this administration is inflicting damage that will take years to overcome if that will be possible by the time this group is through.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Gators Escaping Media Scrutiny
While over time Miami has a well deserved reputation as a team some real unsavory characters, it is Florida that is the states problem child these days. And, you would never know it. "Florida players have punched women, stolen property and been involved with guns and drugs. Yet nobody on ESPN is so much as reporting this. Nobody at Sports Illustrated is saying the Florida team picture should be taken from the front and the side" opined Hyde.
Since Randy Shannon became coach, the 'Canes have had only one arrest. Just prior to that, a player was murdered and there was that hideous brawl with FIU on the field. Miami will have to really work to overcome their reputation.
Sadly, Florida State has had several recent issues, with most members of the receiving corps having been arrested. Preston Parker, perhaps the Seminoles best player as 2008 approached, was booted from the team after a second arrest. But, Florida State does have a Rhodes Scholar defensive back in Myron Rolle and graduates more football players than any other BCS state school.
While Florida has a great story Heisman winner Tim Tebow, Florida does lead the state in arrests over the last couple years and added to the list last night as cornerback Janoris Jenkins was tasered and arrested. It will be on page 5 above the classified ads in Tuesdays Orlando Sentinel. Hyde issued a warning to Urban Meyer and Florida: "You're one ugly story or video moment from turning those 23 arrests under Meyer into national fodder. He better get a handle on this."

Seminoles Blast A Towering Shot

Although the Orlando Sentinel felt compelled to place the Gators baseball victory on the front page today, it was Florida State that assaulted the record books in destroying Ohio State by four touchdowns and a field goal, 37-6, after calling the dogs off in the fifth inning.
Among the 12 records set were NCAA tourney records for hits, runs and total bases and an NCAA record for doubles in a game with 15. The record for individual hits in a postseason game with seven was recorded by shortstop Stephen Cardullo.
I Believe In Magic

With a new arena on the way, it is great for the community for the Magic to be challenging for a championship. Although they are hurting for sure in providing adequate HD television coverage, the Wingshack Conway was slammed for the game Saturday night, as likely were several sports bars across town. This is fantastic news and a huge assist to the bottom line for these small businesses during these economically contracting times, which as a former owner of a small Orlando sports bar, I am quite familiar with.
I'll be cheering the Magic on during the finals, and I think they have a great chance to win the title. Go Magic!