From a variety of angles, America is under attack.
Recently, economic freedoms have come under siege as debt levels explode and bailouts practically become rule of law.
Religious freedoms are also under attack, and these attacks not only come from delusional foreign governments like Iran, but from our own government. In fact, the news reports of this Sunday offer evidence.
Certainly, however, foremost in the mind of most Americans would be the attack on 9-11 and the global war on terror. Contrary to the opinion of the Obama administration, this war is far from over.
In fact, America remains under attack from enemies foreign, and domestic.
Regrettably, evidence of these attacks from within have been present during both the Bush and Obama administrations, exploding under Obama, causing grave concerns.
Generally, I supported George W. Bush. There were three main issues I had with his two terms; excessive spending beyond the necessary war expenditures, abandoning the free market system to save the free market system and the lack of adequate attention to our southern border. I never quite got the aggressive assault on Compean and Ramos. It was a tough spot, and easy to armchair quarterback now, but I think Bush gave far to much to American Islamic groups who portrayed themselves a merchants for peace when the seemingly obviously had ulterior objectives.
In doing so, the prosecution of the wars became victim of political correctness, rather than simply kicking their ass and winning.
While the Obama administration deserves kudos for killing Osama Bin Laden and the aggressive use of the drone program, Obama has been horrendous in dealing with the global war on terror, the borders and has welcomed infiltration of militant Islamic groups, inclusive of the Muslim Brotherhood, who are entangled with many of our opponents.
Glenn Beck has put together a documentary chronicling the extreme seriousness of how enemies of our country are being invited to infiltrate our government. Leave your political persuasion at the door, as both parties have extensive issues in this regard.
The video shows how we are in the fight of our lifetimes, and time is of the extreme essence.
For other video documentaires, please visit
Please promptly spread the word to one and all!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
BAHL's Babes: Kristian Alfonso

Alfonso started on Days as a teenager, and has stayed with role for almost 30 years. Early on, Kristian was accomplished figure skater, winning a gold medal at the Junior Olympics, in her early years, but got the acting bug and began her career on Days in 1981. Soap Opera Digest has on three occasions named her one of the most beautiful women on television, and I would concur with that.
I had occasion to meet Kristian, along with her Days co-star Peter Reckell (Bo Brady), at a mall opening in 2002 and she was as friendly and gorgeous as advertised.

Ever since I was a teenager, I have admired the beauty and talent of Kristian Alfonso and the BAHL's Babe list could not be complete without her. Although I don't get a chance to follow DOOL much anymore, I do try to catch her from time to time, which I did recently as she was featured on a float for the 2011 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
She has without question always been my favorite.
BAHL's Babes,
Days of Our Lives,
Kristian Alfonso,
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Good Versus Evil: Occupy Unmasked
Fresh from another Tea Party in lovely downtown Orlando with a couple thousand fellow Patriots, I am reminded of the vast differences between Tea Party Patriots and the Occupy Wall Street crowd.
One group is quite civil, with the aim of reducing debt, promoting limited government, embracing the principles of our Founding Fathers and championing the the best path to prosperity, free market capitalism.
The other, a well financed collection of useful idiots and professional left wing provocateurs, who have associations with global entities who aim for the destruction of the United States of America.
With the mainstream media, and idiotic governmental Representatives blatantly distorting the truths behind these groups, it may not seem clear cut for those hard working Americans, who don't have time to truth check the media, to ascertain where the truth lies. Well, there is the obvious level of decorum of conduct exhibited.
For those that think the Occupy protesters have occupied a job in the rapidly growing economy we have been informed we have, you would be quite mistaken. In fact, look for this group to embark on an increased level of protest and civil disobedience far exceeding the trial run from last year. Efforts by this group to re-create '68, and it is much of the same people orchestrating the events, will disrupt many of lives over the summer.
Therefore, it is important for America to gain an understanding of exactly who these people are, and what their nefarious objectives area. While avenues of the written word exists, most notably a new book by Buck Sexton, Citizens United will premiere a movie event this summer titled Occupy Unmasked. Here is the trailer:
Stephen Bannon and David Bossie do a fine job in assembling the players, and it is quite stunning to learn for those who are on the outside looking in. Knowledge is power, and adequately vetting the players from President Obama down to the camper urinating on the police cruiser, is vital as we engage in battle to reclaim prosperity, rule of law and freedom for the United States of America.
One group is quite civil, with the aim of reducing debt, promoting limited government, embracing the principles of our Founding Fathers and championing the the best path to prosperity, free market capitalism.
The other, a well financed collection of useful idiots and professional left wing provocateurs, who have associations with global entities who aim for the destruction of the United States of America.
For those that think the Occupy protesters have occupied a job in the rapidly growing economy we have been informed we have, you would be quite mistaken. In fact, look for this group to embark on an increased level of protest and civil disobedience far exceeding the trial run from last year. Efforts by this group to re-create '68, and it is much of the same people orchestrating the events, will disrupt many of lives over the summer.
Therefore, it is important for America to gain an understanding of exactly who these people are, and what their nefarious objectives area. While avenues of the written word exists, most notably a new book by Buck Sexton, Citizens United will premiere a movie event this summer titled Occupy Unmasked. Here is the trailer:
Stephen Bannon and David Bossie do a fine job in assembling the players, and it is quite stunning to learn for those who are on the outside looking in. Knowledge is power, and adequately vetting the players from President Obama down to the camper urinating on the police cruiser, is vital as we engage in battle to reclaim prosperity, rule of law and freedom for the United States of America.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Media Bias: Eyes Wide Open
As an avid investor, it is required viewing to catch The Kudlow Report hosted by former Reagan budget official Larry Kudlow. Last evening, Larry had a discussion with former Obama economic council Jared Bernstein, who has zero credibility, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former McCain economic advisor, covering the student vote prospects for President Obama.
President Obama's schedule had him at The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill to discuss student loans, whose interest rate is scheduled, due to a vote passed by the Democratic led Congress mind you, is set to increase this summer. Take listen to the exchange, and keep your eyes peeled on the video:
I remember, while listening to the Glenn Beck program some years back, a caller reported that CNN showed video which included him at a large anti-war protest that took place in downtown Atlanta. The caller was quite offended, not because he was on television, but because he, and the large crowd, were attendees at one of radio talk show host Neal Boortz's anti tax rallies.
So, CNN wanted to make it look like there was a large group protesting the war, while the crowd was essentially a precursor to the Tea Party. Can you say media bias?
Kudlow is a Reagan man and a good conservative, and he does not control background video for CNBC. Perhaps, just rolling file video of Obama during a story is common practice? But, after several seconds of video of a small crowd (it was reported that a crowd of @9000 at Carmicheal Auditorium rather than the 22000 at the Dean Smith Center in 2008) during his visit to UNC, video of graduation from who knows when at Ohio State University, a much larger crowd with ceremonies held at The Horseshoe on the Allegheny, began rolling. Come again?
Was this an effort by those running the show at CNBC, which has been drifting hard left in recent years, to promote a larger crowd to the public for President Obama? What do you think?
What we do know is that the media is completely in tank for Obama, destroying any fiduciary responsibility they have in reporting the news without their hideous bias.
Take note and be advised.
President Obama's schedule had him at The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill to discuss student loans, whose interest rate is scheduled, due to a vote passed by the Democratic led Congress mind you, is set to increase this summer. Take listen to the exchange, and keep your eyes peeled on the video:
I remember, while listening to the Glenn Beck program some years back, a caller reported that CNN showed video which included him at a large anti-war protest that took place in downtown Atlanta. The caller was quite offended, not because he was on television, but because he, and the large crowd, were attendees at one of radio talk show host Neal Boortz's anti tax rallies.
So, CNN wanted to make it look like there was a large group protesting the war, while the crowd was essentially a precursor to the Tea Party. Can you say media bias?
Kudlow is a Reagan man and a good conservative, and he does not control background video for CNBC. Perhaps, just rolling file video of Obama during a story is common practice? But, after several seconds of video of a small crowd (it was reported that a crowd of @9000 at Carmicheal Auditorium rather than the 22000 at the Dean Smith Center in 2008) during his visit to UNC, video of graduation from who knows when at Ohio State University, a much larger crowd with ceremonies held at The Horseshoe on the Allegheny, began rolling. Come again?
Was this an effort by those running the show at CNBC, which has been drifting hard left in recent years, to promote a larger crowd to the public for President Obama? What do you think?
What we do know is that the media is completely in tank for Obama, destroying any fiduciary responsibility they have in reporting the news without their hideous bias.
Take note and be advised.
Barack Obama,
Douglas Holz-Eakin,
Glenn Beck,
Jared Bernstein,
Larry Kudlow,
Media Bias,
Neal Boortz
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tea Party Alive Fighting Tyranny

It was a great afternoon of patriotism and education for one and all, as the time to sit on the sidelines has long past as never in our lifetime have we faced such tyranny. While the media may be dead, the Tea Party is very much alive and kicking.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Tide Rolling Against Obama
Recently, Obama campaign strategist Hilary Rosen attacked Ann Romney for being a stay at home Mom, claiming the mother of 5 "had never worked a day in her life". This idiotic comment was seen as a sharp jab at not only Mrs. Romney, but Mothers from sea to shining sea, perhaps the most false and insulting rhetoric in quite some time.
Sadly, President Obama continues this line of attack against the family of his presumptive GOP challenger, Mitt Romney, saying this week that he and Michelle were not born with silver spoons in their mouth. These comments are also insulting to those families that through hard work and a bit of luck were able to secure financial properity for their family, once thought to be central in the American dream.
Given no accomplishment of prosperity on record, this type of class warfare and the distortion of the truth seems to be the nucleus of the Obama campaign. Contrary to the running at the mouth of the Obama statergerists, this is not going over well with middle America.
Proctor & Gamble, the Cincinnati based consumer cyclical company with products such as Gillette, Crest, Tide and Duracell, has released an advertisement video championing Moms around the world, spotlighting those who help their children reach dreams of being Olympic participants.
Without question, while this ad was likely in concept prior to the comment by Ms. Rosen, the ad is most certainly a knockdown punch to the campaign of President Obama. The ad is masterful, and will bring a tear to your eye no doubt. Go:
In Obama and his supporters, we are dealing with folks who champion socialism, promote fairness for those they prefer, follow Saul Alinsky in demonizing opponents with the ends being justified any means and the wanton distortiin of the truth.
I join Proctor & Gamble in saluting our way of life, our history of working hard to achieve dreams, engaging in competition with dignity and sportsmanship and keeping family faith close to our hearts.
For us, everyday is Mothers Day!
Sadly, President Obama continues this line of attack against the family of his presumptive GOP challenger, Mitt Romney, saying this week that he and Michelle were not born with silver spoons in their mouth. These comments are also insulting to those families that through hard work and a bit of luck were able to secure financial properity for their family, once thought to be central in the American dream.
Given no accomplishment of prosperity on record, this type of class warfare and the distortion of the truth seems to be the nucleus of the Obama campaign. Contrary to the running at the mouth of the Obama statergerists, this is not going over well with middle America.

In Obama and his supporters, we are dealing with folks who champion socialism, promote fairness for those they prefer, follow Saul Alinsky in demonizing opponents with the ends being justified any means and the wanton distortiin of the truth.
I join Proctor & Gamble in saluting our way of life, our history of working hard to achieve dreams, engaging in competition with dignity and sportsmanship and keeping family faith close to our hearts.
For us, everyday is Mothers Day!
Capitalism Unconquered
Out on the road promoting his new book No You Can't, John Stossel dropped by my old stomping grounds over at Florida State University. Stossel got together with Dr. James Gwartney, one of my former professors and director of Economic Education at Florida State University.
In the discussion, Stossel engages FSU Economics Professors Dr. Gwartney and Joe Calhoun who argue government can’t create jobs. Opportunity costs, the broken window fallacy and incentives are among the topics visited during the discussion. Take a listen:
Students from the Economics Department also joined in the discussion, and it is great to know that sound economic theory, centering upon economic freedom, continues to be the centerpiece of the educational environment over at the Bellamy Building.
Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity, at Florida State, throughout the fruited plain and across the globe. If only our government recognized this truth.
In the discussion, Stossel engages FSU Economics Professors Dr. Gwartney and Joe Calhoun who argue government can’t create jobs. Opportunity costs, the broken window fallacy and incentives are among the topics visited during the discussion. Take a listen:
Students from the Economics Department also joined in the discussion, and it is great to know that sound economic theory, centering upon economic freedom, continues to be the centerpiece of the educational environment over at the Bellamy Building.
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Blame Game
I have often said that many of the lessons of life can be learned on the gridiron, or in sports in general. On the defensive side of the ball, there are areas of responsibility which take great discipline so you don't get caught out of position.
If you get caught out of position, there is nowhere to hide when the game film gets reviewed, and to command the respect of the coaches and your teammates, you must take responsibility.
I wish our Commander in Chief, who folks claim is a basketball star who took time off the hardwood to help America out by becoming our President, could have the intestinal fortitude to accept responsibility of his failures without blaming anybody, everybody and everything for his shortcomings.
Sadly, he cannot, and everyone is noticing, including the Republican National Committee. This is stunning, and true. Take a look:
Earlier in the week, former General Electric Chairman Jack Welch, widely considered among the top CEO's of the last quarter century, joined Larry Kudlow on the Kudlow Report to discuss the disappointing lack of discipline and character.
Not surprisingly, Kudlow's interview with Welch raised many an eyebrow, including the nations top editorial page over at Investors Business Daily.
It is the man lacking in character that loses discipline, fails to be accountable for failures, blames others and resorts to divisive rhetoric for personal gain. It takes a man of strong moral character to accept responsibility of their failures and learn from them. In the political world, it is men of strong moral character, who refuse to violate their principles, that potentially emerge as statesmen.
Sadly, we do not have a man of strong moral character as our Commander in Chief at this time. In the sports world, for a supposed leader to consistently dodge accountability, play the blame game and work at dividing his locker room, he would find himself benched if not traded. Leadership of this regard as our President should command the same results as the sports world; a benching with time of the essence.
In America, with the amount of failures mouting heavily, it is obvious new leadership is promptly needed. Come November 2, 2012, so that our team of Patriots can reverse our trend of failure and the integrity of our great nation can be saved, the cancer leading our locker room must be benched, traded, or most notably, fired.
As Gov. Romney said today, start packing Obama!
If you get caught out of position, there is nowhere to hide when the game film gets reviewed, and to command the respect of the coaches and your teammates, you must take responsibility.
I wish our Commander in Chief, who folks claim is a basketball star who took time off the hardwood to help America out by becoming our President, could have the intestinal fortitude to accept responsibility of his failures without blaming anybody, everybody and everything for his shortcomings.
Sadly, he cannot, and everyone is noticing, including the Republican National Committee. This is stunning, and true. Take a look:
Earlier in the week, former General Electric Chairman Jack Welch, widely considered among the top CEO's of the last quarter century, joined Larry Kudlow on the Kudlow Report to discuss the disappointing lack of discipline and character.
Not surprisingly, Kudlow's interview with Welch raised many an eyebrow, including the nations top editorial page over at Investors Business Daily.
It is the man lacking in character that loses discipline, fails to be accountable for failures, blames others and resorts to divisive rhetoric for personal gain. It takes a man of strong moral character to accept responsibility of their failures and learn from them. In the political world, it is men of strong moral character, who refuse to violate their principles, that potentially emerge as statesmen.
Sadly, we do not have a man of strong moral character as our Commander in Chief at this time. In the sports world, for a supposed leader to consistently dodge accountability, play the blame game and work at dividing his locker room, he would find himself benched if not traded. Leadership of this regard as our President should command the same results as the sports world; a benching with time of the essence.
In America, with the amount of failures mouting heavily, it is obvious new leadership is promptly needed. Come November 2, 2012, so that our team of Patriots can reverse our trend of failure and the integrity of our great nation can be saved, the cancer leading our locker room must be benched, traded, or most notably, fired.
As Gov. Romney said today, start packing Obama!
Barack Obama,
General Electric,
Jack Welch,
Mitt Romney
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The Santelli Slam
President Obama, unable to run his campaign on the merits of his first term since it has been nothing short of abysmal, has resorted to tactics unbecoming the Grinch. Obama is attacking anybody and everybody, but perhaps the worst aspect of his antics is his economic commentary surrounding what is known as "The Buffett Rule".
Generally speaking, President Obama indicates that Mr. Buffett pays less taxes than his secretary, which simply is not the case. It has been reported that Mr. Buffett's secretary does not make enough annual salary to reach the 25% bracket; therefore, she pays taxes at the 15% rate. Mr. Buffett, provided he makes a salary over approximately $150,000, pays 25% minimum on his income, which is more than his secretary. It should be noted that Buffett makes the majority of his income on dividends from his investments, including his company Berkshire Hathaway, and dividends are taxed at 15%, equal to his secretary.
President Obama is not being square with the American people when he misrepresents the facts in such a deceitful way. Most Americans are not shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway and do not engage in reviewing the annual report and therefore, fail to recognize the lies being told them. It is noted I am a longtime Berkshire Hathaway shareholder and read the annual reports.
The fine editorial page at Investors Business Daily examines this mess further.
Imagine we did hit the most wealthy with additional taxes in an effort to force them to "pay their fair share". Where would that get us? CNBC's Rick Santelli, father of the TEA Party, gives us an earful from his perch at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
The entire argument Obama is presenting to the American people on this subject is incorrect, and he is well aware of it. This speak volumes about his character, since America is on the precipice of financial disaster. Obama's actions tell us he is much more concerned about being re-elected than solving the critical economic issues of our time.
Hitting the extremely wealthy with a heavier tax burden will not solve problems, instead creating a host of them. If taxed a higher rate, these folks (investors) will not be incentivized to earn more and will invest and spend less; therefore, creating less commerce which in turn results in less tax revenue for Uncle Sam and hurts those Obama claims he is attempting to assist. As Santelli points out, the impact on solving the massive debt issues would hardly be measurable.
This whole level of discussion is nothing more than a campaign gimmick, one that divides our citizens in class warfare over a false premise. With our country in such great economic peril, I find these actions by our President and his surrogates nothing short of disgraceful.
Generally speaking, President Obama indicates that Mr. Buffett pays less taxes than his secretary, which simply is not the case. It has been reported that Mr. Buffett's secretary does not make enough annual salary to reach the 25% bracket; therefore, she pays taxes at the 15% rate. Mr. Buffett, provided he makes a salary over approximately $150,000, pays 25% minimum on his income, which is more than his secretary. It should be noted that Buffett makes the majority of his income on dividends from his investments, including his company Berkshire Hathaway, and dividends are taxed at 15%, equal to his secretary.
President Obama is not being square with the American people when he misrepresents the facts in such a deceitful way. Most Americans are not shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway and do not engage in reviewing the annual report and therefore, fail to recognize the lies being told them. It is noted I am a longtime Berkshire Hathaway shareholder and read the annual reports.
The fine editorial page at Investors Business Daily examines this mess further.
Imagine we did hit the most wealthy with additional taxes in an effort to force them to "pay their fair share". Where would that get us? CNBC's Rick Santelli, father of the TEA Party, gives us an earful from his perch at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
The entire argument Obama is presenting to the American people on this subject is incorrect, and he is well aware of it. This speak volumes about his character, since America is on the precipice of financial disaster. Obama's actions tell us he is much more concerned about being re-elected than solving the critical economic issues of our time.
Hitting the extremely wealthy with a heavier tax burden will not solve problems, instead creating a host of them. If taxed a higher rate, these folks (investors) will not be incentivized to earn more and will invest and spend less; therefore, creating less commerce which in turn results in less tax revenue for Uncle Sam and hurts those Obama claims he is attempting to assist. As Santelli points out, the impact on solving the massive debt issues would hardly be measurable.
This whole level of discussion is nothing more than a campaign gimmick, one that divides our citizens in class warfare over a false premise. With our country in such great economic peril, I find these actions by our President and his surrogates nothing short of disgraceful.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Pursuit of Unhappiness
Those crazy intellectual elites over at the United Nations are engaged in mind exorcises once again. You may have thought involving themselves in the Trayvon Martin case was overreaching enough, but no, as they arrive at a set of conclusions of actions they indicate would make everyone happy. Glenn Beck noted the pure comedy, except unfortunately these idiots are playing for keeps and have allies in high places in Washington DC. Take a listen:
Just what we need; a bunch of technocrats from various countries inferior in, among other things economic standing and human rights, dictating to us how to achieve happiness. Seeking council from hedge fund manager and socialist George Soros, their recommendation centers around implementing the policies found in Europe of economic fairness and social justice, which has worked quite well as 60 Minutes documented on Sunday Night. Take a listen:
Those policies have created a crisis in Europe, as countries have lost their sovereignty and are being rules by technocrats who are unelected and have no accountability to those they yield power over. With that, the individual spirit, ingenuity and personal dignity is crushed and the degree of difficulty in regaining an economic foothold is greatly diminished. In a rather lengthy video, one you should most certainly view, our old friend Nigel Farage explains in answering a series of questions just how evil the whole idea of unaccountable groups like the UN governing your lives and dictating your choices. Engage Nigel now:
Just what we need; a bunch of technocrats from various countries inferior in, among other things economic standing and human rights, dictating to us how to achieve happiness. Seeking council from hedge fund manager and socialist George Soros, their recommendation centers around implementing the policies found in Europe of economic fairness and social justice, which has worked quite well as 60 Minutes documented on Sunday Night. Take a listen:
Those policies have created a crisis in Europe, as countries have lost their sovereignty and are being rules by technocrats who are unelected and have no accountability to those they yield power over. With that, the individual spirit, ingenuity and personal dignity is crushed and the degree of difficulty in regaining an economic foothold is greatly diminished. In a rather lengthy video, one you should most certainly view, our old friend Nigel Farage explains in answering a series of questions just how evil the whole idea of unaccountable groups like the UN governing your lives and dictating your choices. Engage Nigel now:
Under the financial crisis in the Eurozone, governments feel compelled to assume power in efforts to help solve the problem. Under such a crisis, weary and afraid citizens find it easy to turn to government officials for assistance. Rahm Emanuel, President Obama's former Chief of Staff, quipped once to "never let a crisis go to waste", and they do not.
I prefer the words of Ronald Reagan, who said "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.". So true. The reason is because every time the government gets involved in commerce (health care, Global warming) or regulation of action (curfews, taxation, regulation), portions of your freedom are relinquished, and they are usually never given back.
More troubling on the Eurozone is the emergence of non-elected technocrats who implement policies without being held accountable by the governed. Uncle Sam is heading, and being directed, down this road; a road to serfdom.
Reagan can be quoted all day, but he accurately describes the value of freedom in noting "Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit." We must avert any loss of freedom, particularly under the direction of those who indicate they know best and can be of eternal assistance to you if given the chance. Offer them no quarter, because as Reagan pointed out, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Freedom in Europe has been losing ground for decades, and the working class know it. Opportunities for advancement to pursue dreams have been curtailed by those who govern. With unsustainable pensions now being stolen by officials, civil unrest is predictably taking place. The wealth of America is being transferred against our will through quantitative easing, and folks are getting restless, fearful of losing future opportunities at achieving the American dream. America was built on faith and the backs of a moral people who work hard pursuing their dreams. The pursuit of happiness.
Let us move immediately to protect these opportunities for our children and grandchildren, before the intellectual elites gain an unsurmountable position against a sleeping electorate, one who, if not careful, may lose the right to freely elect and fall into darkness.
60 Minutes,
George Soros,
Glenn Beck,
Nigel Farage,
Ronald Reagan,
Social Justice,
Monday, April 9, 2012
Doubting Thomas
America is awaiting word from The Supreme Court regarding the Affordable Care Act, otherwise know as Obamacare. The announcement is scheduled to be forthcoming in June.
Last week, President Obama launched what could not be mistaken as anything other than an attack on The Supreme Court and their validity, sparking outrage across the political spectrum and signaling odds of him being tipped off to the result. Of course, with the overwhelming stench of arrogance surrounding Obama, it is often hard to tell where he is at.
I think Obama was tipped off that the SCOTUS will be overturning the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional, which, to use Obama phraseology, most historical scholars and Constitutional law professors find it to be. If so, Obama, who will have spent most all of his first two years working to get this passed while the economy of the country is in a downward spiral, did all this work on something unconstitutional, something given his background, he might have known.
For sure, Obama knew all about it. Obamacare is not about providing you and your Grandma health care, but rather gaining sizable control over your behavior. Familiar with Cass Sunstein are you? But voters will not appreciate Obama wasting time on this freedom snatching legislation governing against the will of the people, and therefore, ahead of the election Obama feels he must discredit the Supremes to blame them for taking way the "right" of health care from the people.
With the attack on the Supremes by Obama last week, it has begun.
My sources inform that Justice Thomas will write the opinion, and somehow the administration must agree. Seemingly on cue, out of nowhere, comes Obama surrogates to discredit Judge Thomas. Enter Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who emerged over the weekend to hammer his usual targets, Caucasians, Wall Street and America. However, Justice Thomas was included in this tirade, and the reason behind that is that he must singularly, outside of the court itself, be discredited since he will author the ruling.
These are the tactics of a community organizer, lessons learned well as a disciple of Saul Alinsky and his rules for radicals. Ridicule opponents, marginalize them and achieve your desired outcome by any means necessary, with morality a non issue.
You could say that it is sad our President has stooped to these levels, but you have not been paying attention. Obama has operated this way from the beginning, with two examples being uncalled for slap downs Of John McCain and Paul Ryan; behavior not becoming the President.
Attacks on the Supremes, and Judge Clarence Thomas, will continue, so be advised. Don't doubt me, or Judge Thomas, for that matter.
Last week, President Obama launched what could not be mistaken as anything other than an attack on The Supreme Court and their validity, sparking outrage across the political spectrum and signaling odds of him being tipped off to the result. Of course, with the overwhelming stench of arrogance surrounding Obama, it is often hard to tell where he is at.
I think Obama was tipped off that the SCOTUS will be overturning the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional, which, to use Obama phraseology, most historical scholars and Constitutional law professors find it to be. If so, Obama, who will have spent most all of his first two years working to get this passed while the economy of the country is in a downward spiral, did all this work on something unconstitutional, something given his background, he might have known.
For sure, Obama knew all about it. Obamacare is not about providing you and your Grandma health care, but rather gaining sizable control over your behavior. Familiar with Cass Sunstein are you? But voters will not appreciate Obama wasting time on this freedom snatching legislation governing against the will of the people, and therefore, ahead of the election Obama feels he must discredit the Supremes to blame them for taking way the "right" of health care from the people.
With the attack on the Supremes by Obama last week, it has begun.

These are the tactics of a community organizer, lessons learned well as a disciple of Saul Alinsky and his rules for radicals. Ridicule opponents, marginalize them and achieve your desired outcome by any means necessary, with morality a non issue.
You could say that it is sad our President has stooped to these levels, but you have not been paying attention. Obama has operated this way from the beginning, with two examples being uncalled for slap downs Of John McCain and Paul Ryan; behavior not becoming the President.
Attacks on the Supremes, and Judge Clarence Thomas, will continue, so be advised. Don't doubt me, or Judge Thomas, for that matter.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And Forgive us our trespasees, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Constitutional Destruction
A few years back, fearful of what many knew but so few could see, Jon McNaughton began a assemblage of a striking and magnificent painting, which constructs the picture in summation of how this country has gotten to a point where transformation from our founding principles could take place. Please see the following video:
In recent weeks, seemingly in desperation although his arrogance would suggest otherwise, President Obama has attacked anybody and everybody, save the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama attacked the Catholic Church, oil companies and has verbally assaulted many of the precious pillars of our government. With the media complicit in his back pocket, Obama has hammered Congress in slamming Rep. Ryan (R:WI) and his efforts at avoiding a catastrophic debt crisis and the blatant verbal intimidation of the Supreme Court of the United States.
There is complete disregard for the check and balances our system has built in. When the President fails to achieve goals legislatively, his unelected Czars implement policy through organizations like the EPA and HHS, where the actions operate without close scrutiny and proper accountability. Governing against the will of the people, Obama used every trick and bribe imaginable to pass Obamacare, which with the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

President Obama has declared that he finds the Constitution an imperfect document, because it limits what the government can do rather than what the government should and could do. Thank God for that, or else charlatans like Obama could wreck the country.
While hints of an imperial presidency have been swirling for some time, the attack on the SCOTUS has raised many an eyebrow, with with the Investors Business Daily editorial page hammering him and Judge Andrew Napolitano suggesting we are close to totalitarianism in a recent FOX News interview.
Massive government spending is placing smothering debt on this nation which is unsustainable and will lead to a crash of the economic system. Quantitative easing is destroying wealth, and high regulation and taxation and is handicapping growth. Civil unrest is being stoked by the administration along with attempts to discredit each of our pillars of founding governance. Contract law has been broken, most recently during the MF Global default.
Quite frankly, I am astonished more people fail to recognize the overwhelming evidence that our President is not acting under the Constitution he swore to uphold. In fact, he is working to undermine it, and replace it molded to his hearts content. As he has stated, it is an imperfect document in his eyes, and through appointing Supreme Court Judges who share his disdain for it and by circumventing Congress and legislative oversight, we have on our hands a very dangerous and arrogant man who given another term could alter our history forever.
As is stands now, we are one Supreme Court Judges appointment away from being nothing short of Venezuela. By the way, contrary to media reports, they do not hold free elections there, so rather than a representative republic, we would have on our hands a dictatorship. Benjamin Franklin said the founders gave us a republic, if we can keep it. The moment is ciritical, and this is our responsibility; therefore, Obama simply MUST be defeated.
In recent weeks, seemingly in desperation although his arrogance would suggest otherwise, President Obama has attacked anybody and everybody, save the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama attacked the Catholic Church, oil companies and has verbally assaulted many of the precious pillars of our government. With the media complicit in his back pocket, Obama has hammered Congress in slamming Rep. Ryan (R:WI) and his efforts at avoiding a catastrophic debt crisis and the blatant verbal intimidation of the Supreme Court of the United States.
There is complete disregard for the check and balances our system has built in. When the President fails to achieve goals legislatively, his unelected Czars implement policy through organizations like the EPA and HHS, where the actions operate without close scrutiny and proper accountability. Governing against the will of the people, Obama used every trick and bribe imaginable to pass Obamacare, which with the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

President Obama has declared that he finds the Constitution an imperfect document, because it limits what the government can do rather than what the government should and could do. Thank God for that, or else charlatans like Obama could wreck the country.
While hints of an imperial presidency have been swirling for some time, the attack on the SCOTUS has raised many an eyebrow, with with the Investors Business Daily editorial page hammering him and Judge Andrew Napolitano suggesting we are close to totalitarianism in a recent FOX News interview.

Quite frankly, I am astonished more people fail to recognize the overwhelming evidence that our President is not acting under the Constitution he swore to uphold. In fact, he is working to undermine it, and replace it molded to his hearts content. As he has stated, it is an imperfect document in his eyes, and through appointing Supreme Court Judges who share his disdain for it and by circumventing Congress and legislative oversight, we have on our hands a very dangerous and arrogant man who given another term could alter our history forever.
As is stands now, we are one Supreme Court Judges appointment away from being nothing short of Venezuela. By the way, contrary to media reports, they do not hold free elections there, so rather than a representative republic, we would have on our hands a dictatorship. Benjamin Franklin said the founders gave us a republic, if we can keep it. The moment is ciritical, and this is our responsibility; therefore, Obama simply MUST be defeated.
The Royal Treatment
Play ball!
Major League Baseball opens today. The sport is making strong gains in recent years gaining back many of the fans lost after failing to play the World Series in 1994. Even I am paying more attention, which is saying a lot.
Back when I was a big time fan, my team was the Kansas City Royals, led by Hall of Famer third baseman George Brett. Brett had a storied career and remains the only player to win batting titles in three different decades. In his career, Brett played in over a dozen All Star games, but never one in which the city of Kansas City hosted.
This season, Kansas City will honored to host the All Star game. Appropriately, George Brett has been named city ambassador. Brett discussed the honor and the excitement in Kansas City. Take a listen.
Certainly, there can be no better ambassador for the Royals and Kansas City than George Brett. Be sure to give everyone the Royal treatment and you guys have a damn good time!
Major League Baseball opens today. The sport is making strong gains in recent years gaining back many of the fans lost after failing to play the World Series in 1994. Even I am paying more attention, which is saying a lot.
Back when I was a big time fan, my team was the Kansas City Royals, led by Hall of Famer third baseman George Brett. Brett had a storied career and remains the only player to win batting titles in three different decades. In his career, Brett played in over a dozen All Star games, but never one in which the city of Kansas City hosted.
This season, Kansas City will honored to host the All Star game. Appropriately, George Brett has been named city ambassador. Brett discussed the honor and the excitement in Kansas City. Take a listen.
Certainly, there can be no better ambassador for the Royals and Kansas City than George Brett. Be sure to give everyone the Royal treatment and you guys have a damn good time!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Futuristic Football
The Omaha World Herald reports today that during a game next fall, Nebraska will wear a Adidas designed futuristic uniform, including a helmet variation. Traditionalist that I am, I am very much against Nebraska changing their helmet, and it is hard to imagine Dr. Tom Osborne signing off on this.
But, this is all the rage, and over at Lost Letterman, they recently previewed several new helmet designs by a gentleman named Charles Sollars. He is not only working on NCAA helmets, but the NFL as well. BroBible has more.
Some teams have great helmets, and among them are my Florida State Seminoles and Miami Dolphins. But some teams could use a makeover, and some of these designs are very cool.
Whoa Nelly, did I like the designs for Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois and the Tampa bay Buccaneers.

Others I liked were Iowa State, Indiana, LSU and Miami.

A few seasons ago, NIKE changed the Florida State uniforms for a game with Maryland. They uniforms were not bad, but did not come close to our normal uniforms, complete with our award winning helmet, named the best in college football. Pictured below is the helmet used in the aforementioned game, and a Sollars concept. These are not bad, but I say no thanks. Fear the Spear!

Nebraska has uniforms that are conservative and traditional, just the way I like it. Below are two designs of alternate helmets, both of which I am against.

Sollars has many designs available for preview on You Tube, and he offers a full compliment of Nebraska options below. Go there and search for your favorite team after you preview the 'Huskers.
There were several designs I did not care for, and again sticking with tradition, the new designs for the Red River Rivalry I thought were disappointing.

All in all, this is great fun as we finish up spring and get ready for the color and pageantry of fall, which will be here before you know it!
But, this is all the rage, and over at Lost Letterman, they recently previewed several new helmet designs by a gentleman named Charles Sollars. He is not only working on NCAA helmets, but the NFL as well. BroBible has more.
Some teams have great helmets, and among them are my Florida State Seminoles and Miami Dolphins. But some teams could use a makeover, and some of these designs are very cool.
Whoa Nelly, did I like the designs for Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois and the Tampa bay Buccaneers.

Others I liked were Iowa State, Indiana, LSU and Miami.

A few seasons ago, NIKE changed the Florida State uniforms for a game with Maryland. They uniforms were not bad, but did not come close to our normal uniforms, complete with our award winning helmet, named the best in college football. Pictured below is the helmet used in the aforementioned game, and a Sollars concept. These are not bad, but I say no thanks. Fear the Spear!

Nebraska has uniforms that are conservative and traditional, just the way I like it. Below are two designs of alternate helmets, both of which I am against.

Sollars has many designs available for preview on You Tube, and he offers a full compliment of Nebraska options below. Go there and search for your favorite team after you preview the 'Huskers.
There were several designs I did not care for, and again sticking with tradition, the new designs for the Red River Rivalry I thought were disappointing.

All in all, this is great fun as we finish up spring and get ready for the color and pageantry of fall, which will be here before you know it!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Lost in Space
60 Minutes was back in Central Florida for a report on the decimated Space Coast after the demise of the Space Shuttle Program.
Under the Bush administration, the shuttle program was announced to be discontinued, replaced with a new program called Constellation. Although President Obama is spending money like a drunken sailor, gambling on various projects while placing this country at the brink of financial collapse, he and his Congress could not find the money to continue the Constellation.
As a result, our national security is in peril, not to mention the devastating economic conditions, beyond Obama's horrendous economic policies, the Space Coast is dealing with. Take a look:
It is hard to believe this has happened in America, but then again, we are in the midst of the most disastrous presidency in memory. Much of America is in despair, and our place as the leader of the free world is in jeopardy. Certainly, November cannot come fast enough. I cannot imagine what kind of individual could cast a vote for the most destructive Commander in Chief this country has seen.
You would have to be lost in space.
Under the Bush administration, the shuttle program was announced to be discontinued, replaced with a new program called Constellation. Although President Obama is spending money like a drunken sailor, gambling on various projects while placing this country at the brink of financial collapse, he and his Congress could not find the money to continue the Constellation.
As a result, our national security is in peril, not to mention the devastating economic conditions, beyond Obama's horrendous economic policies, the Space Coast is dealing with. Take a look:
It is hard to believe this has happened in America, but then again, we are in the midst of the most disastrous presidency in memory. Much of America is in despair, and our place as the leader of the free world is in jeopardy. Certainly, November cannot come fast enough. I cannot imagine what kind of individual could cast a vote for the most destructive Commander in Chief this country has seen.
You would have to be lost in space.
60 Minutes,
Barack Obama,
CBS News,
George Bush,
Real Estate,
Space Program
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